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So 1000 generations takes ~1 min (for virtually instant return). How many generations would be best?
Thats quite a few
Q: It's Life, Jim, but not as we know it

muddyfishYou probably know Conway's Game of Life, the famous cellular automaton invented by mathematician John Conway. Life is a set of rules that, together, allow you to simulate a two-dimensional board of cells. The rules decide which cells on the board live and which ones die. With some imagination, y...

mod abuse 11 please
oh wow, it's finally happening
@muddyfish congrats on making that challenge reality :)
We did it!
martin strikes from shadows
@HelkaHomba are you planning to defeat (Martin) Ender sometime soon?
Leaving chat now, (probably) won't respond to pings until tommorrow
@HelkaHomba @Quill i figured out why istanbul isn't working
that's a bad joke
really bad joke
@Quill sorry if that joke was insensitive >_>
@optimizer did you really just
I guess.
istanbul, the code coverage tool, is borked on C9 because the source mappings tell it to look three folders up
created a moving chicken that is client controlled and syncs between clients, but its laggy..... trying to learn NODE.JS isn't as fun as i'd thought..... doesn't work very well
which is out of the Cheddar folder
@BaldBantha are you using WebSockets?
no socket.io
@BaldBantha that's websockets internally (well, and long-polling fallback)
yeah. but websockets is.... really, really, really stripped down IMO
I was more talking about the concept of web sockets, than the specific node ws implementation
trina fix the lag
my code is proboobobly ( i can never spell that) awful
you wanna try and estimate position based on the lag
or maybe just your computer is slow?
spline interpolation and whatnot
There's a good paper on it, by one of the architects of Source
@Quill I don't think that's the case, It's with the code or the wifi I think
@Quill so it's a prolbem with the source maps?
@muddyfish wow. I never thought I'd see this day come. Truly, this is a Momentus occasion.
kinda sorta. I don't really know how to fix it and the case is pretty implementation specific so I don't know how good help on SO would be at it
if you compiled the JS in the same folder and cleaned it, the paths would be the same and the sourcemaps would come out fine
it's just those HTML reports that break, which you don't even need for codecov and coveralls (just the JSON)
okay, I think I can write a custom build for tests maybe.
though the HTML reports are useful so I know what to increase coverage on before pushing >_>
What's the best way to do a challenge with calculating floating point numbers? How much precision should I require?
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan as much as your language's default floating point type supports. Maybe specify it should "theoretically" work perfectly
That seems like a bad idea.
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan the latter or the former? Idk, maybe make a meta post if one doesn't exists yet about it
Last time I did that, this happened:
A: Print the N-bonacci sequence

immibisBoolfuck, 6 bytes ,,[;+] You can safely assume no N-Bonacci numbers will exceed the default number type in your language. The default number type in Boolfuck is a bit. Assuming this also extends to the input numbers N and X, and given that N>0, there are only two possible inputs - 10 (whi...

there's standard loophole against that tho now
Meh. Still seems prone to abuse.
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan +100 for being DJ McGoathem 10/10 great username
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan maybe just add "at lesat two decimal places of prescision", along with the above.
though abuse is kinda what this site is about
Wouldn't significant digits be a better measure?
@Downgoat just do the JS cleaning like I said it should be fine
ok, so, build JS in src/, run tests, then clean those JS files?
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ I know there is a lambda parser for Cheddar but do you know if we made a function parser?
question: what should be the syntax for constructing a class? new foo() seems too C#ish
:D typeof and return are the same length
I'm not against new foo()
just something different
<bar>() ?
@NewMainPosts Silly NMP, simple jobs are for kids
@Downgoat <foo>(a, b)
wait seriously
idk. <foo> could be syntax for the foo constructor
@Optimizer what if you have 3 parameters
  ' '
what if you have 4
  . .
  ' '
what if you have 5
language limitation'
not more than 4
IMO use <type> for generics and new Type(..params) for type construction
@Optimizer why not use .'s for both top and bottom?
@Maltysen should be close to foo
@Downgoat bundle into a list
@Maltysen gravity compresses the ' into a .
honestly speaking
what about named parameters?
i was considering foo:(a,b,c) but that just looks weird
its JS for god's sake
foo:a:b:c looks awesome
not realy
Left side of road drivers: do you use your left foot to work the pedals?
And are drive throughs easier since you can use your dominant right arm?
I sit on it first and which ever pedal is up, use that side
isn't (TOKEN.Reference === null || !TOKEN.Reference) equivalent to ( !TOKEN.Reference)?
null is falsey
for some reason it isn't
everything borks when ic hange it ._.
then don't change it
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

xnorList knight moves in algebraic notation code-golf Given an initial location of a knight on a chess board, list all squares it could move to. Use algebraic notation coordinate for squares: 'D3' -> ['B2', 'B4', 'C1', 'C5', 'E1', 'E5', 'F2', 'F4'] The squares can be listed in any order, but each...

@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ nvm it was a bug all along >_>
@Downgoat how can I make an object callable as a function?
functions are objects
so just make a function
it's a class
I want to have, say, let a = new V(); a(3);
an ES6 class? then you can't, there is proposed syntax though
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ oh um
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ you can't >_>
there's no symbol for calling? weird
though you can do :
function V() {
    var func = < your fucntion >;
    func.__proto__ = this.__proto__;
    return func
that's interesting
;_; ono circular dependency error
You really, really should make your own require_once
C/C++ question: What does #define F(X) F_ ## X ## _ do?
node require is require_once
@Downgoat Doesn't sound like it
@AlexA. ## concatenates two tokens
So F(fooey) is replaced with fooey_X_ I believe
Oh okay, that's kind of what I thought would happen. Thanks!
Jun 18 at 0:51, by Upgoat
halp, how fix circular dependency ;-; shit i think its impossible to fix this one
:P i fixed that one in two days
though two days is pretty long for a bug fix

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