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in Portuguese I mean
taking out the trash
@orlp odd... I didn't see her take Python out...
@Mego .NET strings are inherently UTF-16 ... that's probably part of the issue
in Estouro de Pilha, 6 mins ago, by Peter Parker
"peter parker"
oh, I saw that flag too
It's not even an offensive/slang term. It's just literally the word "clown"
@Mego Weird.
@Upgoat Could you come to the zyabinVI beta room?
@Mego maybe it is slang in Portuguese and you just don't know :P
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 busy on cheddar >_> (almost done with v0.3 which is very big release tho)
I chose "not sure" on the flag because I don't know enough Portuguese to understand the context, but I'm fairly certain it wasn't a valid flag
@Maltysen It isn't
@Upgoat Why busy on cheddar?
At least I don't think
@Maltysen I know it's not slang in Portuguese. I know enough of the language to be sure of that.
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 gotta to testing because no one else is ;_;
@TimmyD ffs microsoft
@Mego Looks like the guy was asking for help
The other guy said something and then he said "clown"
I guess it was kinda offensive? Dunno
spare wheel
@orlp wat
@quartata In English, the equivalent exchange would be:
Apparently it can also be used as an insult close to "buffoon"
A: Can I get some help?
B: I don't know, can you?
A: You troll.
That wouldn't be offensive
yeah that's what it looks like
But again, I don't know enough Portuguese to fully grasp the context, so I'll let a fluent speaker decide :P
Dec 10 '15 at 16:09, by TimmyD
> The most cutting thing you can say to someone is "Who's this clown?" because it implies a) they're a clown, and b) not even one of the better-known clowns.
@TimmyD ;_; y u hate clowns?
how to roll asphalt: i.imgur.com/YZGMh0s.gif
@Upgoat Oh. Oh. Jeez. Imagine how much I'd hate a goat-clown. :p
@Upgoat I thought the point was to be scared of them
@TimmyD Q_Q
@Maltysen oh god that scared me when I tabbed back to chat
Challenge idea: cat count. Given an image, count how many cats are in the image. Battery challenge, with official counts for each image in the test cases.
@Maltysen O_O
@Mego sounds fun
Maybe throw in some Minecraft screenshots to mess with the inevitable Mathematica builtin solution
does mc have cats?
It has ocelots
Lots of ocelots
this is brilliant answer you should all go upvote it
@Upgoat I don't Super User.
upgoatapp.com best app 10/10
But when I get a computer-related question, I might. :)
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 What questions?
@Rainbolt I need casting cost, card types, rules and flavour text for each of Martin Büttner, Dennis, Doorknob and Alex A.
I made rare cards for them. :)
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 I can provide suitable casting costs, card types, and fix your rules text to fit the standard format. I'll leave the creative parts to you.
Then I'm in trouble.
So, Alex A. is a magpie.
Magpies are creature type Creature - Bird (source)
halp how open safari without restoring tabs >_>
^ that happened
doesn't work for me
@Upgoat the answer is to not use safari :]
Doorknob is a doorknob.
I can't provide a suitable creature type for that. :/
Doors are typically artifacts source1 source2
So I imagine a doorknob is as well
@Rainbolt 10/10 very reliabe source will use on my next research paper
@Upgoat the one you're writing on goat clowns?
I think this is the first time I've had to iterate through the same array 3 times
I'm guessing there's a better way but I'm too lazy
Oh I'm dumb, I don't need the third one. Oops.
@Rainbolt wow doors are really good... too bad there aren't enough to make a door deck
Martin Büttner and Dennis should be human.
Aaaaand... there is a creature type for that. It is called as you would expect: Human.
@DanTheMan i see.
ignoring that definition was added in 2007 and only has 6 votes, i regret nothing
It was the first Google result. Don't blame me.
Okay @Rainbolt, I'll send you the Magic Set Editor file and let you know what happens.
@DanTheMan #dogs #uncles
Count the Cats has been litterboxed sandboxed
@Maltysen how do you know this. stalker
@Mego how about changing your scoring to RMS? its isomorphic to the current setup and will let one better see "how wrong on average" he was
@Upgoat no reason >_>
@Rainbolt here's the base64'd MSE file: bpaste.net/raw/c3f1f403ab31
Make sure you downloaded the program from magicseteditor.sourceforge.net
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 Thanks...
@muddyfish I asked Rainbolt >_>
I wanted to lookanyway
Then convert the file from base64 into file CodeGolf-StackExchange.mse-set.
Then look in this file using Magic Set Editor.
@Maltysen Because there's no real advantage, and sum-of-squared-differences always results in an integer.
md5sum 6859b65d8caab125ba1b2ef5297fabd5?
The point of SSD is, the more wrong you are, the drastically worse your score is
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

MegoCount the Cats code-challenge image-processing test-battery This is a cat: Specifically, that is my cat. She is my only cat. And, in that image, there is only one cat: her. These are also cats (image credit): In that picture, there are two cats. It is relatively easy to count them, thanks...

@muddyfish 8dfcd4d767d4f806c0b555d441942a35
@TimmyD Interesting. Notepad++ defaults to UTF-8 no BOM for me.
Vice versa for me.
UTF-8 with BOM
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 I have to download a program to help you? :(
I probably (digitally) beat up Notepad++ in the past so that it wouldn't include the BOM and now don't remember it
@Rainbolt I made the set in Magic Set Editor, so yes, you have to.
Oh, ffs, Microsoft -.-
Wait ... what exactly does that mean? "This parameter is not supported by any providers that are installed with Windows PowerShell."
@Maltysen ¬_¬
Since the -Delimiter parameter has the same wording, but I know I've used that.
I dunno
Microsoft is weird bro
@Quill stuff is borked ;-;: Error: Cannot find module 'chai'
The best part about making this cats challenge is, the large number of pictures I've taken of my cat is now justified
CMC: Write a hello world program. md5-hash the code of your program. The program with the lowest md5 hash wins
@Mego can penguins own cats? Won't the cat get cold in the igloo?
PS C:\Tools\Scripts\golfing> Get-Content y.txt

PS C:\Tools\Scripts\golfing> (get-content -Delimiter ',' .\y.txt)[2]
@Upgoat Not all penguins are polar
I thought penguins were arctic?
@Mego And there are are polar cats.
@flawr Actually: H (md5 is c1d9f50f86825a1a2302ec2449c17196, or 257672702025194730606776594885502923158 in decimal)
@flawr that looks like cat faces photoshopped onto polar bears :P
@Upgoat Many penguins are antarctic. Not all of them.
oh wait they are ._.
@Mego oh ok, i dont know how to penguin
The Galápagos penguin lives near the equator
Argh ... the -Encoding parameter works. stackoverflow.com/questions/22789415/…
@flawr ;_;
@Mego What a pussy. Can't bear the cold?
"hello world"D5KKKK - 09beff048db9d94316687a67230a2c25
Smaller penguins tend to live in warmer regions
TIL -- Don't use PowerShell for UTF-8.
TIL -- Don't use PowerShell
@Upgoat truth
@Upgoat Boo.
Not being able to do Unicode properly is a dealbreaker
It's 20-freaking-16, get with the times
PowerShell works fine. Just apparently don't ever leave Microsoft's happy little Win32 bubble.
@Mego cough python2 cough
@Upgoat Python 2 does Unicode. It does it poorly, but at least it works.
:/ okay fair enough
is xor that important in a language?
Besides, Python 3 is 7.5 years old at this point. It's very much the modern Python language.
@Upgoat It either is or it isn't
but it still isn't the default when I type python in my terminal
That's your problem
'python' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
alias python='python3'
Also, Python 2.0 was released nearly 16 years ago. It had Unicode support. The latest PowerShell release was last year.
fixed it
@Mego It "has" Unicode support ...
The fact that you used quotes means that you know how false that really is :P
> From a certain point of view. -Obi-wan Kenobi
From my point of view, it is PowerShell that is incompetent!
solution: throw windows computer in trash can (i.e. put it in powershell) and install ubuntu
PowerShell devs: "We hate Unicode. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere."
PowerShell devs: "Screw rest of world, english lang is best lang"
:D I made cheddar gource
991930;"hello world - 0000017a2012714a231366da2c965263
@muddyfish What happens to the 991930?
It gets removed from the stack
; - remove all items from the stack
Oh right ... stack based ... not command delimiter.
min((md5sum(str(i)+';"hello world'),i)for i in xrange(100000000))
Ain't no force like brute force.
It's still running...
You could do the same thing with Actually with min(every_string_that_does_not_include_period(), key=lambda s:md5sum(s+b'éH'))
Basically iterate over every string that does not include any of .zü■, and append éH
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Captain ManThis is a work in progress, I've never posted a challenge here and barely made any answers. I saw this as a problem over on CodeReview, here is the original question. I thought it would be fun to golf. John has discovered various rocks. Each rock is composed of various elements, and each e...

Captain Man lol
53681801;"hello world - 0000003496c75b26c3bf17778b3be7c6
One does not simply enter Arstotzka a few hours early. — JonathanReez 8 hours ago
24046227K"hello world - 00000018e278ae208d821e17c8006916
PSA: For next time you get into a heated debate with someone who has strong opinions on where braces should be placed in C-family languages, I have come up with this new convention which is guaranteed to end the discussion immediately:
for (i = 0; i < max; ++i)
    for (j = 0; j < max; ++j)
        for (k = 0; k < max; ++k)
}   }   }
^ no... just no
Ugh my eyes
isn't it beautiful?
Brb making proposal to Geneva Convention to outlaw that
I knew you'd like it
Besides, why are you using braces at all
You could easily golf those out and combine it into a sick one-liner
depending on what ... is...
I personally go with the on-the-same-line camp, since the PowerShell ISE collapses it nicely that way.
@muddyfish I assumed we would be using the standard PPCG spelling of HW (Hello, World!)
@TimmyD I used to be strongly in favour of that as well, but opening brace on the next line has the advantage that you can just comment out the actual control statement to run the code unconditionally if you want to test something
{// isn't that hard to type
but annoying and ugly
If you're writing in a C-based lang, it's already ugly :P
How I do braces in C-based langs:
what camp are you in? significant indentation? D:
Yeah, except that {...} in PowerShell by itself is a separate code block and has special rules
for(int i = 0; i < 42; i++) {
  // stuff
wow, look at all that whitespace
@Mego That's how I do it too.
Why is [(i in sub) for sub in seq] a SyntaxError in python?
For golfing, for(int i=42;i;i--)
that clearly needs to be --i
We've got a fencepost over here.
@muddyfish It's not for me. (Python 3.)
It clearly makes no difference unless you really need 2 more free bytes of RAM
Or 1 or 4, depending on how big your ints are
@El'endiaStarman I forgot the brackets around the print statement ;)
but there is no reason ever to favour i++ over ++i but with custom types it might be better to use ++i instead of i++ so clearly, pre-increment is the only reasonable habit
    print [(i in sub) for sub in seq]
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
@muddyfish Oh, haha. :)
but the ^ was under the for so i was confused
@MartinEnder Unless I specifically need one of them, I just go for whichever I type first.
Chat mega-challenge: find the string whose md5sum is 0
good luck
pre- vs post-incrementing in PowerShell can be funky because of the pipelining
Chat mega-er challenge: prove (or disprove, though that may be impossible) that md5 is surjective
@Upgoat check package.json, then delete the node modules and reinstall
@TimmyD oh, while we're talking about powershell... is there any simple way to prevent PowerShell from doing encoding shenanigans when redirecting STDOUT of a program to a file? it always writes UTF-16 files when I try that -_-
@Quill ik did that and worked
still need to test v0.3 though before release >_>
@Mego Chat mega-est challenge: make sure the proof is constructive.
@MartinEnder ahahahaha
You haven't been reading chat
But serious, you should be able to Out-File -Encoding <blah>
In theory
@Mego The record so far appears to be 14 leading 0s - crysys.hu/hashgame/allrecord.php
@Upgoat fare thee well, Cheddar!
I didn't really do anything, so I can't complain.
This one has a few other records too: 0xf.kr/md5
Apparently my md5sum is 15th place
@TimmyD ?
@TimmyD this seems inconvenient
@MartinEnder It started based on this challenge. Mego Elendia & I have been going back and forth several times today (i.e., the past 8 hours or so) in chat discovering all the ins and outs of UTF-8 encoding in .NET (and by extension, PowerShell).
>_> What happens when you git a video
@MartinEnder It's because apparently .NET (and, by extension, PowerShell) uses UTF-16 internally for everything.
@Upgoat answer: it gets rejceted by github for being 1GB
@TimmyD yes it does
which is kinda horrible
Yes. I think I ran into a corner case due to PowerShell's very loose typecasting.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ come help support Madness over Talking heads
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ >_> sorry, but you weren't really doing much besides getting annoyed at all the pings <_<
on one hand I like PowerShell for how powerful it actually is, especially with all of .NET at your disposal... but then the simplest things I want from a shell are such a massive pain that I wish I was using Linux...
@Upgoat yeah, i was dead weight
it's fine
@MartinEnder This is true.
@Upgoat no hard feelings, but good luck!
But like I've said before, for managing Exchange there's nothing else I'd rather use.
or SharePoint
or ...
I can imagine. but my number one use case for a shell is providing programs with exact byte streams or exchanging exact byte streams between programs. and there are several ways in which PowerShell seriously gets in the way with that.
Ohhhhh yeah
Now, on the flip side, if you're passing literal byte streams, then pass literal byte streams, since passing objects is kinda the bread and butter of PowerShell.
@TimmyD hahahahaha
Oh man that entire question is gold
'While the Finnish conductors and even the passport/toll people often seem rather nice (and I have heard one joke around with the passengers)' - Huh? Finnish? Nice? I once tried to be polite to one and greeted him with a 'Hyvää huomenta' - he interrogated me as to whether I'd learnt Finnish in order to illegally stay in Finland. — Andrey Chernyakhovskiy 15 hours ago
Otherwise, in Russia, country enter you! — Aron 15 hours ago
A: Simple cat program

Dr Green Eggs and Iron ManV, 0 bytes   V's idea of "memory" is just a gigantic 2D array of characters. Before any program is ran, all input it loaded into this array (known as "The Buffer"). Then, at the end of any program, all text in the buffer is printed. In other words, the empty program is a cat program.

What are these weird emojis I keep seeing on Github commit messages
Maybe it's a .NET encoding issue
@MartinEnder If you're feeling more ambitious, you could use a FileStream and write the raw bytes -- msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/…
I propose a new style for nested C-style For loops:
        for (i = 0; i < max; ++i)
    for (j = 0; j < max; ++j)
for (k = 0; k < max; ++k)
@DanTheMan reverse indentation. already done
as ppcg challenge
@TimmyD sure but I don't want to start coding every time I need to pipe a few bytes into a program
@DanTheMan not nearly as misleading as my proposal above :P
at least the braces on the same indentation level still belong together
@Upgoat there's like 7 on github

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