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We should keep, like, a record book
I wonder if there's an easy way to figure out if that's actually the record.
It sounds quite promising.
I don't think it's a record.
It's usually quiet right after midnight, but not so quiet that people can't feasibly mortarboard earlier.
@Dennis Can you help me with something?
I'm working on the pangram challenge
lowercase-alphabet uppercase-alphabet join sub extract-array
Why doesn't this work in gs2?
It outputs 10 everytime.
And I have no idea why...
So I ran just lowercase-alphabet uppercase-alphabet join extract-array
And it outputted in char codes.
Or at least it appeared to
@El'endiaStarman this was surprisingly comprehensive for an executive summary. subscribed
Also, I think it's absolutely brilliant that these guys used a voltage limit as an escapement.
Oh, I'm stupid.
join isn't what I want.
+ is.
Should still work, no?
Except that didn't work either.
Strange stuff happening here
Why would it output 10?
Oh, the plot thickens.
Using echo -n causes it to output nothing.
So it's the newline.
Don't you have to check if the input contains all letters?
Oh, I think I see a problem here.
How would subtracting the alphabet accomplish that?
So I technically got it working by swapping the elements before set difference
But since it is uppercase and lowercase it doesn't work.
@Dennis It'll output an array for falsey and an empty string for truthy, ideally
And there's no way to lowercase a string in gs2
So that's great
Sure there is. XOR everything with 32.
Right but that'll be too many bytes
Can't compete with Pyth...
How do you do logical NOT in GS2?
@Dennis not I believe
not is the mnemonic
Ah, ".
Only works with ints. >.<
Do you not use gs2c?
@Dennis yeah :/
What's that?
gs2c is a "compiler" that comes with gs2
It converts easy-to-understand mnemonics into the standard byte code
Whoa, how did ya get that working
OR everything with 32, subtract form lowercase alphabet, length, NOT.
The map feels overly complicated.
Yeah :/
Wait a second
What does OR do with lists
return a + set_diff(b, a)
Set union.
Slightly misleading initially :P
I can't think of anything shorter.
Time to try another language I guess
Do you want to post the GS2 answer?
No go ahead
Stuck doesn't have lowercase either so that's basically a death sentence right there
I need to find a language that has a built-in for that, basically.
A: Is it a pangram?

DennisGS2, 11 bytes ◘☺ 6○4àB1." The source code uses the CP437 encoding. Try it online!

@quartata CJam?
@Dennis vs Pyth?
CJam doesn't have a variable for the lowercase alphabet, so you won't win, no.
What's wrong with posting an answer that doesn't win though? :P
I meant more for lowercasing a string
ORing with 32 should give incorrect results.
There can be non-alphabetic characters.
@Dennis Nothing, but I felt like seeing if I could beat Pyth
I wonder if GolfScript has something
@feersum Of course, but this challenge is only interested in letters. It doesn't matter what happens to the rest of them.
I didn't think Pyth would be shortest when I wrote it; it was just the first language I thought of.
@ThomasKwa rly
Oh, my bad.
@quartata It doesn't.
@Dennis some of them can turn into letters
Well, I knew about r...0 and G
So if it was abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy *SOME CHAR THAT TURNS INTO z when OR'd by 32*
Then it would give bad output
What a freak case
That would only be Z so it's fine.
but I thought there would be a language that also had it but does lowercase in 1 byte
@Dennis :/
@feersum Oh yeah, you're right.
@feersum No then it would be the complete alphabet
So it wold output true instead of false
This is sad.
I can't find any language that does this.
Holy shit
FlogScript does
It doesn't have a built-in for the alphabet though.
I really should add string operators to Jelly.
@Dennis Yeah.
FlogScript actually has a surprising amount of built-ins
But not stupid alphabet
Why can't I just combine GS2 and Flogscript
I mean you'd think since it has string lowercase it would have alphabet stuff
All right, next language on the list
And we're moving right on
@Mego Seriously doesn't have alphabets? Seriously?
lZ$O. <- alphabet in uppercase and lowercase. :D
Welp, gg.
TeaScript doesn't have it.
It does have lowercase string though
@El'endiaStarman Does Minkolang have string to lowercase?
@quartata What's your list?
Yes, lemme find it.
@ThomasKwa Golfing language category on Esolangs
Since I've exhausted my folder
@El'endiaStarman REALLY
I don't think so.
@ThomasKwa shush
Remember you also need asymmetric set diff.
lZ7Z$O. outputs the lowercase alphabet twice.
@ThomasKwa I'm sure it has that.
I mean, even GolfScript has that
in one byte
I have S for set, but set diff? Hmm.
Minkolang has all those two-byte functions.
:/ "even GolfScript has that" is a pretty terrible metric
@Sp3000 I'm desperate OK I'm willing to try any language
I also have s for sort, and I have 0Z for count.
GolfScript does have a shockingly small set of built-ins for a golfing language.
@Dennis It was pre-PPCG
OK, maybe Vitsy won't disappoint me.
I do like that Minkolang has those trig builtins though +1
I'm just saying the "even GolfScript has that" metric might not be that bad after all.
I really need to update the docs...
I'll do that tonight then.
I really need to write the docs.
Nope, Vitsy has failed me
Hahaha. Though, to be fair, your language is far newer than mine.
Well I mean different languages work in different ways, so it's not necessary for one language to have methods to do things in the same way as another
Isn't the solution basically just to see if the whole alphabet appears in the string?
Simplex has alphabet but not string lowercase
@El'endiaStarman Yes.
Oh, I forgot to try MicroScript II
Quick, name a golfing language.
I'll take any at this point.
Off the top of my head, there's none that'll match your criteria. I went around the new ones just the other day.
Alphabet, string lowercase, set difference
I love how many languages satisfy two out of three of them too
Very disappointing
Oh hey, I didn't try O
O has alphabet and a one byte string difference
Oh wait I was wrong.
It has lowercase.
Full Minkolang solution:
A: Is it a pangram?

El'endia StarmanMinkolang 0.14, 18 bytes $o7$ZsrlZ'26'$ZN. Try it here. Explanation $o Read in whole input as characters 7$Z Uppercase every letter s Sort r Reverse lZ Alphabet - uppercase and lowercase ...

Guess I was wrong then, nvm. Thought O had a lot less builtins than that...
Yes, 18 bytes. Three times as long as Pyth.
Hmm, I don't think quite does what I want
But I'll figure it out.
It definitely has the tools
Right now it outputs an empty string if it is exactly the alphabet and an array otherwise
Oh wait, I think I got it.
No, nevermind
Well, I think I'll try to wrestle with this tomorrow
I'm starting to get delirious from frustration
For anyone who wants to confuse the crap out of golfers: use these characters in your golfing language.
My GS2 online interpreter actually supports ␀ as a substitute for NUL.
I really wish the users who post Mathematica code would actually explain what it does.
cough alephalpha cough LegionMammal cough
I really wish users who post Julia code would actually explain what it does
cough AlexA. cough ಠ_ಠ cough
@Optimizer I always try to post an explanation. If you see something that isn't clear, please let me know and I'll add some.
your sarcasm detector is also weak, just like your hearing and sight? :P
...yes u_u
I really wish users who post Minkolang code would actually explain what it does.
cough nobody cough
After taking the advice of the kind folks in here who voted in my browser opinion poll, I tried Chrome. It's pretty decent and certainly faster than Safari. However, Stack Snippets no longer work. ಠ_ಠ
For example, Conor's snippet here works in Safari but not in Chrome.
Stack Snippets work for me...
Why wouldn't they work for me? :(
...that particular one doesn't for me.
Hmm. I think Chrome updated recently. Lemme find another Stack Snippet.
@AlexA. try loading the page without https
@es1024 Huh, that works.
This one is also borked.
I know that one has worked for me in the past.
the issue is that the snippets are loading data without https, and you're accessing pccg with https
But why would that matter in Chrome but not in Safari?
Yep, switching to http worked for me too.
@AlexA. not sure, but maybe you were using the http version on Safari, or Safari doesn't care about https pages accessing http resources
@es1024 It'd have to be the latter.
A browser complain about HTTP pages accessing HTTPS resources?
Q: Convert strange character in barcode read

JeremyCXI am working on a barcode reader software using visual basic 6. The barcode reader is connected in RS232 to USB of PC. I got some strange character when trying to read the barcode. How can I convert "05副30睜7??56穽" to "0581301#7L510567" ? Can someone help me out please?

@El'endiaStarman I made an edit to my snippet here. Would you mind telling me if it works for you?
It works for me in Chrome.
Works in Safari too.
Yep, it works.
I just changed the snippet to connect to the API using HTTPS.
I guessed as much.
Should we recommend people do that from now on?
All that really needs to be done is to edit every snippet to use https.
People copy-paste snippets.
> edit every snippet
Easier said than done, I think. :P
I wonder whether people copy from other challenges or from Martin's original template...
Though, seriously, you're probably right on that. However, we can and should target the ones most likely to be copy-pasted, like the one on Meta.
On it.
On a different note, matrix division (A/B) can be considered as multiplying one matrix by the inverse of the other. But...left multiply or right multiply? Which one would make more/most sense?
I'm thinking right multiply, like A * inv(B).
Yeah same
Btw, Meta snippet updated.
@El'endiaStarman right multiply makes more sense to me
Right multiply: 3, Left: 0.
I shall do that in Minkolang then.
Incidentally, I realized yesterday that you're actually posting Jelly's first answer. :P
Haha yes, it's become the Jelly emoticon.
Waving man holding a cinnamon roll.
A huge cinnamon roll.
It's bigger than his head!
He's probably using his other hand to wave for help carrying it
it's not a cinnamon roll
it's a Jelly donut
mind blown
Q: Spell out a number challenge

BlueBerry - Vignesh4303Spell out a number. For example 99 --> ninety nine 300 --> three hundred 310 --> three hundred and ten 1501 --> one thousand, five hundred and one 12609 --> twelve thousand, six hundred and nine 512607 --> five hundred and twelve thousand, six hundred and seve...

@NewMainPosts That's a dupe, right?
Yes it is, just have to find it
@El'endiaStarman there's a code-golf question
Q: Cardinal Numbers in Standard American English

Fixed PointLet n be any integer between 1 and 999,999 inclusive. Your challenge is to write a complete program which using stdin or command-line arguments takes in n and outputs the number of times the letter "o" is needed to write all cardinal numbers in standard American English between 1 and n. You can a...

Q: Converting integers to English words

ProgramFOXThe goal of this code golf is to convert integers to English words. The program prompts for input. If this input isn't an integer, print NaN. If it is an integer, convert it to English words and print these words. Minimum input: 0 (zero). Maximum input: 9000 (nine thousand). So, 5 returns five...

This as well
@quintopia See above
Plus this. :P
Q: Spell out numbers in French

NinjaBearMonkeyThere was a challenge to convert a number to its numeral in English, but that was too straightforward. Given a number 0–100, your task is to output the corresponding numeral in French. The French numeral system has a more complex logic behind it compared to the English one: Number Numeral ----...

What is the best way to combine a whole bunch of strings in Pyth
twh if i had any
hi all
I am a little mystified by the answer voting at codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/65876/…
the leading answer doesn't seem to get the most votes
where an answer with no explanation that doesn't do very well gets just as many
I have a KoTH idea that I won't have time to implement .. maybe someone else would be interested?
it's quite fun :)
Sandbox it?
@El'endiaStarman I was hoping to chat about it here first :) Much more fun than getting two comments saying it has some technical flaw
And now, it's time for me to head to bed. Nearly 5 AM, but on the big plus side, the docs are now totally complete in that every current command is documented! :D
good night
hi @AlexA.
4 hours later…
Hello ...

Q: Quat. Quine + Cat

BasA Quat is a combination of a quine and the popular Unix command cat. Challenge The challenge is to write a standard cat program. Whatever the user inputs, the program will echo the input to stdout. However, when the length of the input is a multiple of 4 the program should output it's own sourc...

What word am I looking for here? "That you were able to accomplish this is a _____ to your ability."
@undergroundmonorail Yes, thank you!
Q: Remove more than n consecutive vowels from input string

Joseph WeissmanI don't like strings with more than three vowels in a row. Can you write a program that removes all the vowels I don't want from words? Aeiou should become Aei, and screeeen should become screeen.

Q: Product over exclusive and inclusive ranges

Dane AndersenInspired by this question by @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ. Taken from the question: Your task is simple: given two integers a and b, output ∏[a,b]; that is, the product of the range between a and b. You may take a and b in any reasonable format, whether that be arguments to a function, a list input,...

Q: new badge: good timing

EumelI would like to suggest a new badge. In one of the golfs Morgan Thrapp and i posted an answer the exact same second. He said that should be a badge and i think hes right. The rules for the badge should be to post an answer with someone within a certain timeframe, i would say 3 seconds. What do...

@MartinBüttner is it even possible for us to create badges?
@NathanMerrill No, but if there was support for the badge, it could be escalated to mother meta.
Just when I was about to figure out the 5-byte O pangram
wow, remix right in youtube video
increase speed 1.25 :D
and it becomes the exact tempo i heard this song in animes got talent
this song sounds like it was meant to be played at 1.25x
who is this guy?
His name's Optimizer, and he's a llama
song from evian baby ads
@Rainbolt yes Mr. Obvious Rainbolt
Bruno Mars contributed to OEIS before he started singing???
> The most cutting thing you can say to someone is "Who's this clown?" because it implies a) they're a clown, and b) not even one of the better-known clowns.
@TimmyD clowns can be better known?
@Optimizer Say, how are you going to collect all the hats this year if you're not participating on main any more?
when does it start?
@Optimizer Red Skelton, Bozo, Captain Kangaroo, Homie, Krusty
@TimmyD Buggy? That's the only clown I know of
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

FatalizeCofactor Matrices The cofactor matrix is the transpose of the Adjugate Matrix. The elements of this matrix are the cofactors of the original matrix. Challenge Your goal is to output the cofactor matrix of an input matrix. Input The matrix may be inputed as a command line argument, as a funct...

I've been listening to a guy from the Howard Stern show interview people at a clown convention, and I have to say that they are a far sadder breed of human than the folks at the Gigalo conventions, Star Wars conventions, Anime conventions, or any other convention Howard Stern has had interviewed.
@Optimizer in 4 days
lets see
I am too busy in my work too, so that time is lost
@Optimizer I wouldn't say that a One Piece character is "better-known," but sure.
plus office kept separate foosball and tt table for us now :P
So, as far as I can see, string subtraction in O is like this
a b - is If a=b, pop them both. Otherwise, pop b and keep a.
??? ok
no, ?? ok
And apparently refreshing the page made it do something completely different
But not for long because refreshing it again broke it
I'm so confused
21 hours ago, by Dennis
@AlexA. Looks good. Upgrade your browser.
I think Alex runs Safari on Windows, which is limited to only version 5.1
whoa Google is telepathic
I wanted to search for the 'getline' function in c++ and typed readline instead
and it searched for getline!
How to use NCR ATM https://t.co/DDUms26H4u
Q: Priming a Pristine World

ETHproductionsHeavily inspired by Programming a Pristine World. Also closely related to this challenge. Let's define a pristine prime as a number which is itself prime, but will no longer be prime if you remove any contiguous substring of N base 10 digits, where 0 < N < digits in number. For example, 409 i...

noo now it's failing me
you're supposed to know that iosbasefalirue means ios_base::failure !
A: Why does Stack Overflow allow sexist/entomonist ads?

juanformosoI'm ok with murder and sexism, but archery is crossing the line.


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