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@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ @Sp3000 @quartata @Adnan What qualifies as a good "inputless" challenge?
Are you asking us to think of challenges for you? Or just what?
@LeakyNun Do you necessarily mean constant-output or could be something like "do xyz with the current date and time"
Just trying to figure out what you mean :P
Okay, to be specific, constant-output
If it's constant output, you need to be really specific about the specs.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ >_> I am stuck in MMD.
I mean, how do we judge whether a constant-output challenge is duplicate?
I have to name a magenta potion, but can't access the message history.
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 omw
I got it!
@LeakyNun I just entered this chat and have no idea what the current chat context is, but based on that sole ping message alone I'm going to assu... oh constant-output? Nevermind. How to judge if dupe? Look for structure in the input. (You're updating the question spec as I type so I'm adjusting my answer as I type without backspacing)
@LeakyNun Oh, like the minecraft mirrored vs open/close book.
that kind of dupe
not that kind of challengge
I mean look for structure in the output
If none, probably close
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ That still takes input. How do we judge challenges without input at all?
@Sp3000 So the output should have some areas able to be compressed?
I mean that kind. Without the padding they were the same.
@LeakyNun Compression methods I think
@LeakyNun TL;DR: Leave the challenges to Helka.
There's no objective criteria but since a lot of the straight-up "output this block of text" challenges can be solved with the same techniques fairly easily I do consider them to be bad/dupes
Yes, and also hopefully not compressed as in base96 encode or similar either
as a side question: should the tag be a thing?
e.g. if the output was a paragraph from a Wikipedia article, there's likely not going to be much structure to that
@LeakyNun no
No, because exists
@Sp3000 those often take input
@LeakyNun They probably shouldn't have that tag then. It depends though
No, because they don't have to.
I just think there's no need to differentiate the ones that don't take input from the ones that do
So challenges like this are allowed?
I wouldn't post that
Unless there's a structure to those blocks themselves, no since it'll just be compressing to a smaller base
@Sp3000 They have a structure
So, a balance between the two extremes?
Then I'd downvote on the account that the main challenge is either 1) reverse engineering the structure or 2) learning how to read Pyth
There must be a structure
but must be not too hard to generate
@Sp3000 Okay, those are the first 64 primes, cube rooted, floored, left-shifted by 32, and then converted to hexadecimal
Then the downvote would be for "contrived challenge" instead
well, I would tell you how to generate those
on second thought this instead.
(Those 64 numbers are used in SHA-256)
first 64 primes, cube rooted, decimal part, multiply 2^32, floor, hexadecimal
my main point is, so I should have a structure like this?
Or, let me rephrase: the criterion for dupe is the structure (of compression)
or simply, the kolmogorov complexity
So now that you say the numbers are used in SHA-256, there's an actual reason for the challenge
I'd probably side vote there then
But there's already a sandbox with SHA-256, so maybe I'll choose a different set of numbers
I'd better get out playing NetHack via IRC instead ;_;
@Sp3000 Well, for one thing, there are languages which can only constant output.
yeah, but only the most obscure esolangs
and WIP ones
They are still languages
Apart from the awfully contrived *Gum series, the rest wouldn't count as programming langs here though
And tbh I'm not a great fan of the Gums, but shrugs
@Sp3000 What is the Gums series?
Only regexes and string compression.
Oh wait, there's this meta post isn't there...
Cinnamon is actually at a huge disadvantage in constant output challenges since it takes an extra byte to just output the decompressed string (unlike Bubblegum)
It's more for the "constant output with some sort of input" like Minecraft Mirrored
Does historical lock remove something from the search results?
@quartata Thanks.
@quartata Wait, no it doesn't!
It only removes it from front-page and tag lists!
@quartata What about "first 64 primes"?
Chat mini-challenge: output the first 64 primes.
like Prime@Range@64?
@MartinEnder Yes, but that would be no fun if you use those
@LeakyNun 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 51, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 91 -
@wizzwizz4 -10/10 there's not even twenty
@LeakyNun I mean, it's really just a subset of "first n primes"
or CJam: 312,{mp},p
@quartata But you can do it in Python as [x for x in range(2,312)if 383**~-x%x==1]
You can't do that for first n primes
Wait, we're meant to write code to do this?
@MartinEnder one more submission with prime built-in before I ban the letter p in the source code entirely
sure, give me a minute
Jelly: 312ÆR
@MartinEnder Some people just want to...
You're missing the point
@quartata alright, I'll stick to the 64 numbers then
The point is that almost all of the solutions are going to be adapted versions of "first n primes" with input() replaced with 64
@quartata I get it
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Leaky NunAin't there nothing up my sleeves code-golf kolmogorov-complexity Note: reference to Nothing up my sleeve number. Your task is to take no input and generate this exact output: d76aa478 e8c7b756 242070db c1bdceee f57c0faf 4787c62a a8304613 fd469501 698098d8 8b44f7af ffff5bb1 895cd7be 6b90112...

what would you call the decomposition of an integer into a squarefree and a square part?
(challenge impending)
@flawr A duplicate challenge.
Q: Simplifying Radicals

Jake1130Given integers a and b in the format a√b (a on the square root of b), make a program that will reduce b and increase a until the radical statement is fully simplified. Example input a = 1 b = 16 output 4 root 1 In this instance, 1√16 = 4√1 Bonus - 25 chars for the ability to simplify radi...

Q: Convert radicals to mixed & entire radicals and to real numbers

ub3rst4rChallenge The goal of this challenge is to take a radical and convert it to a reduced and entire radical, and a real number. You do not have to convert it to all 3, however, you will get bonus points for converting it to 2 or 3 of them. You will also get bonus points if your code works not just ...

Okay both are closed, but...
An @EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ passed by.
@Zizouz212 YOU'RE BACK! :D
@LeakyNun Doing the same over another ring would probably not count as a dupe, does it?
Why hello there friend! You can type help for more information.
@Zizouz212 are you a bot?
Hi there! I'm Zizouz212. I currently do nothing.
Hi there! I'm Zizouz212. I currently do nothing.
@flawr What do you mean?
Ooo, so you're still the good old rainbow Wobbuffet we all love with all our hearts.
@LeakyNun Replacing the integers with another factorial ring unique factorization domain (that should be the right term in english)
@flawr I'm not familiar with the term "ring"
For example?
@LeakyNun Oh, a ring as an algebraic structure.
@LeakyNun Look at the numbers {...,-4,-2,0,2,4,8,...}
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BálintOrder a painting pixel by pixel Have you ever felt, while looking at a picture, that it is a but too random? There are different colors everywhere, and rhey aren't orsered correctly. Your task is to solve this. Input The input is an image, you can take it in anyway you want, like requiring a p...

@Lynn How would I run your Haskell code? I tried pasting it into GHCi, but it shows a parse error on the second line.
As with the integers, you can still add and substract, and still multiply within this set.
Ahh, you need let if you want them in GHCi. (GHCi is weird.)
To define f x = x*x in GHCi, you actually type let f x = x * x.
@flawr I mean, what would an example number decompose into?
You could also just concatenate all of my code into one file, and add: main = print $ lArg ! rArg
And then runghc test.hs.
That sounds easier. let just gave a different error.
@LeakyNun Again a squarefree part and a square.
@flawr An example please?
@Bálint Nice challenge
@LeakyNun 500 = 5 * 100
@flawr How is it different from the previous one?
@LeakyNun From which one?
@flawr From this
Q: Simplifying Radicals

Jake1130Given integers a and b in the format a√b (a on the square root of b), make a program that will reduce b and increase a until the radical statement is fully simplified. Example input a = 1 b = 16 output 4 root 1 In this instance, 1√16 = 4√1 Bonus - 25 chars for the ability to simplify radi...

Which ring did you have in mind, @flawr?
@Lynn That gave the same error. test.hs:2:19: Not in scope: <$>'`
@LeakyNun Well my idea was using another ring.
@Dennis: ah, you have an old version of GHC
@Lynn For I while now I was looking for a challenge involving the Eisenstein-Integers.
@Dennis What’s your ghc --version? You need at least 7.10
(The integer ring of Q( e^{2pi*i/3})
You can simulate the existence of <$> in Prelude by adding:
(<$>) = fmap
anywhere in the source file.
I don’t think I used any other 7.10 features. ^^;
    Couldn't match expected type `f0 L' with actual type `L'
    In the return type of a call of `S'
    In the second argument of `(<$>)', namely `S 0'
    In the first argument of `(:)', namely `d <$> S 0'

    Couldn't match type `L' with `f0 b0'
    Expected type: [f0 b0]
      Actual type: [L]
    In the second argument of `(:)', namely `z'
    In the first argument of `maximum', namely `(d <$> S 0 : z)'
    In the second argument of `(+)', namely `maximum (d <$> S 0 : z)'
@LeakyNun One example of “another ring” is working with square-free and square polynomials instead of numbers.
@Lynn I see, thanks
Oh come on, someone voted up the CW SHA-256 answer a minute after I posted it but not the challenge
@Mego Oops, sorry it was me
@Dennis Actually, replace the (<$>) = fmap line with an import Control.Applicative at the top of the file
I may not get rep from the CW answer, but I get rep from the challenge :P
(That’s a precedence error. The real <$> has lower precedence than :, which my answer relies on; but user-defined operators have very high precedence by default)
@Lynn \o/
(You could have also added infixl 4 <$> or something! Haskell operators are strange and mysterious.)
Hm... will have to add SHA256 to my list of "things to do later but I don't have time right now", because 641 looks a bit long
The 641 was the result of 3 people mashing their heads together to golf the reference implementation :P
I'm sure there is still lots of room for improvement - a sign of a good challenge :P
@Sp3000 It is several bytes long.
@Mego For example:
ba-dum tsh
for j in n(16):w+=[t(`c[j*32:][:32]`[1::3],2)]
@Lynn I'm getting a different result for the penultimate test case. Is V [S 1, S 2, S 3, V []] correct for the left argument?
Ooh yeah good point
There's a lot of parts that stick out to me, but without actually testing I'm not sure the changes I have in mind would actually work, so I'll hold off (should be doing an assignment right now)
That looks right!
Q: Implement SHA-256

MegoGiven a sequence of bytes, output the SHA-256 hash value of the sequence. The SHA-256 Algorithm The following pseudocode is taken from the Wikipedia page for SHA-2. Note 1: All variables are 32 bit unsigned integers and addition is calculated modulo 232 Note 2: For each round, there is one rou...

Ohh. Right. Haskell-y zip doesn’t do what I want.
I’ll fix that
Really important talk about the DMCA legal implications of IoT gadgets:
A @wizzwizz4 passed by.
Lemme try this feature :P
How does one re-join a SE chat room?
By rejoining an SE chat room.
Thank you. I'm glad I could help.
A @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ passed by.
how long have you been at this? o_O
A @zʏᴀʙiɴ101 passed by.
Well, darn
@Zizouz212 Hello!
Hi there! I'm Zizouz212. I currently do, well... next to nothing.

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