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@Doorknob do you want to play NetHack together?
er, how exactly would that work?
You give me commands, I input them into the game (manually), and return feedback from the game.
If you really want to drag the fun out, you could get a large group of people together and get them to manually process the steps of the program so you can give them input and they give you the game's output on paper.
@trichoplax Heh.
@Doorknob so you do want to play NetHack together?
@zyabin101 oh, sure, when I have a spare year or so :P
Think I am no more in this chat.
No one else who likes NetHack is here.
Aw man, my second monitor started glitching. I hope this isn't permanent... :/
@El'endiaStarman OTOH, I only have one monitor, and if it's glitching, it's permanent.
It has feedback to feelings, and now it's glitching because ...you know what... .
@zyabin101 the thing is that plan would take forever. Why not just gather a group of people to play on MMD?
Answer the why, don't just say you don't want to.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I won't.
We all know I now hate NetHack. ;_;
did you read my second message
@El'endiaStarman Of course it's broken. It's code review.
@El'endiaStarman Try slapping it until it stops, my TV used to glitch and slapping it tended to fix it
@BaldBantha Q_Q
wai so much CR hate
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ it is just banter
It is obviously way easier to program an interactive fiction story that works like NetHack, in Inform 7, and play it in the Inform 7 room.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I obviously didn't, because I hate NetHack.
@Upgoat idc
@zyabin101 ...
hey, so distributed gcj is over, but results are yet to come..
you think you did well?
@Upgoat wai u no fix chaddar wubsite
hopefully, yes
I might still get a t-shirt ^_^
if my larges are correct
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ giv me DNS info first
\o/ \o/ I got 24 views on by blog yesterday and no crash!
tshirts are important for mere humans
@aditsu :D :D :D nice!
goats and cats don't need shirts
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ uh.. actually....
@Upgoat hawaiian shirts are decoration though
A: Choose your own swag - the craziest contest idea ever! What were we thinking?

DowngoatA Tale of Swag and a Goat1 1. I'm not actually a Goat, I'm a regular programmer. I just pretend to be a goat for fun, it's an inside joke, that I don't know where it started. It was been my dream, to win some SE swag, since I first started participating on SE. Once upon a time, there was a you...

you don't need to were them
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ oh ok, yeah
@Upgoat swag doesn't count. You don't need it.
but neither do cars
cars....don't wear t-shirts.
@aditsu is car?
Oh btw I have good news. I was set to take an AP Intro to CS course next year as a prereq for AP CS. However, my friend who basically teaches the class (He's the teachers aid) told the teacher that I knew all the stuff that would be taught in AP Intro to CS so now I can take both AP CS and AP intro to CS simultaneously
@Upgoat no
adsitu is dude
:| oh......
it looks like a car when it's small
I never thought he was a car but didn' know what he was until I zoomed in.
@BaldBantha good for yuo
next time: skip intro to CS fully
@Upgoat can i go himarm again
i dont want to spel righ
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ oka?
Contest finished. Results without Larges: Winners are aditsu and .
 Place  Rank                 Name  Points  Penalty
   1st   411               aditsu      66  2:58:58
   2nd   595               Jakube      38  2:26:14
   3rd   899         TheNumberOne       2  2:56:08
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

FatalizePredict the outcome of Euro 2016 The 2016 european football (soccer in some countries) championship will begin in just a few days! Your task is to write a program which guesses randomly the outcome of all games, and ultimately the winner of the championship. Note: there are a lot of simplifica...

@Upgoat okay
@zyabin101 where do you get this from?
did you just make it up?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ github.com/somebody1234/GCJ and code.google.com/codejam/contest/11264486/scoreboard, with the Friends view.
The results of the script may differ depending on the contest results and on the contents of the Friends view.
@Upgoat haha :) that's ok
@aditsu what is your avatar from?
hint: fatality!
kinda looks like a dude from star wars who's name i forgot
Kids these days >_>
@zyabin101 thanks :)
@aditsu Raiden.
yep, it's not star wars, it's lord of the trek :p
O_o centos doesn't come with gcc... @centos ಠ_ಠ
centos pretty much says up front how much it's worth
it's only actually worth a half cent
it's probably counted in Zimbabwe dollars :)
Try mentos instead.
@Upgoat is this an alex downgoat puppet or did you God forbid change your name
@Geobits wait is mentOS a legit OS?
It's the freshmaker.
@aditsu ಠ_ಠ centos 7 is great
@BaldBantha no
mint is though
BRB makes mentOS
not sure if it's actually called mintOS though
crap upgoat is legit now V
@Upgoat if you can't change your name back just yet, at least make your avatar a +1 goat.
aha! @Phrancis can't hide in the background.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I know, i just did
I see your avatar.
@Upgoat o_O not updating
@mod profiel refresh pls
@El'endiaStarman update @Upgoat's profile pls
@Doorknob ^
@Upgoat So you're really becoming Upgoat... :-/
@Someone >_>
2 days ago, by Downgoat
downgoat is finally rotating \o/
@Upgoat I.. don't know how to feel.
End of an era.
it's updated!!
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ cheddar dns info pls
i no juic dns
wat ._.
onyl juic avocad burrito or pancake
den juic dns
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ u no juic chedr?
wicked small serial adder (Quest for Tetris): goo.gl/cDAORc
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ idk giv dns
becuase y juic chedr when you grate chedr
@PhiNotPi oooh nice
I failed D-large, but still top 500 \:D/
@PhiNotPi I left the quest, so it doesn't matter. :D
also, that's kinda rude.
t-shirt ftw!
@aditsu there's a ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) in there somewhere
@Upgoat ಠ_ಠ
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ giv tiem fer dns to propagraet, den websiet wil werk
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ The latr cant b juicd
only avocad
@Mod @Mod @Mod This is going to be a problem very soon.
also I forgot to hide @East's posts.
@aditsu Congrats
@zyabin101 if u beleev hard enuf, aneeting can b juicd
For some reason my B-large failed.
@Upgoat aneeting?
Use Shift while pressing
and then it will work.
@zyabin101 anything
Welcome back @ev3commander! We missed you \o/
@Mod Somebody stop @Upgoat before he juices us all.
@wizzwizz4 brb geting juicr fer no relivnt resin
That's f*cking awesome: webm.land/media/lbmW.webm
@wizzwizz4 I know. Just testing if my puzzling rep counts towards.my total rep noe that I hav >200 rep
265 rep
Ohhh, I'm so stupid.
@zyabin101 ALL CAN BE JUIC
2 mins ago, by Upgoat
@zyabin101 if u beleev hard enuf, aneeting can b juicd
@Jakube are you quartata? He always says that, but it never actually stupid.
!juice Upgoat
@mınxomaτ I'm not quite sure how, but I had the hunch that it was a rendering a few seconds in. Still very impressive, though.
Probably has something to do with my experience in seeing superb 3D modeling renders.
^^ is the cutest thing not counting roujo's cat
@Jakube thanks :)
!juice ppcgers.data.sockpuppets.username.Upgoat
@Mod help help juice Upgoat
@Upgoat Your juicer is the juicer that will squeeze the heavens!
@aditsu In my B-large I still had the line: "for (long long i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
if (i % nodes == my_id) {"
Such a stupid mistake. for (long long i = my_id; i < N; i += nodes) and I would have gotten the T-Shirt
Dont do any of this: juice, juuc, juic, juce, jiuce, jiuse, juse, zhuse, zhuce, jüïçë, etc. Or star
I sharded by ranges
I failed D large though, runtime error
Yeah, ranges are also possible.
user image
^ cheddar juic
Brb downboating
D: wat they do to teh chedr
RONG order
teh modz weil probably nuke this conversation
I said no jûîçïñg.
i no jûîç
i juic
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ stop teh coversashin so den de mods wont nuke owr coversashin
i hate how starboard does not star in order. brb making [+feature-request]. NVM... should I? probs not
One can only hope.
but but bttu AVOCAD
@BaldBantha I starred to help you
@Upgoat y would the mods nuke the avocad
I'd just like to take a moment to point out that one of the mods is responsible for starting all this fruit-based nonsense.
whatever happened to avocad.tk
@BaldBantha They never last more than a day
@BaldBantha It is dead.
@MarsUltor can u finsh juicng avocados
@trichoplax pls no elvin tis

ñô jǔǐçïñg, pært øñé

18 mins ago, 16 minutes total – 86 messages, 12 users, 14 stars

Bookmarked 53 secs ago by ev3commander

lol more stars than users
It's kinda sad that the conversation is more understandable when the people in here are drinking.
how 2 bookmark? Do I have to have mor rep?
@Geobits yeah
@BaldBantha no but moar juic
@BaldBantha clik room ▼ den bukmerk
@Geobits how can you tell when people are drinking? Easterly, Me, and doorknob can't drink (spirits) btw.
Has anyone considered writing a userscript that corrects spelling in chat?
@BaldBantha >_> we aren't allowed to
@trichoplax yes
@Geobits but we are drinking avocado juic
@BaldBantha I usually assume they are when they say they are.
but it would be too hard and would probably break with all the mispsleligns
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ trudat
@ev3commander First, you have to juic.
Okay, let's get better at spelling.
pls star this message - 6m ago by Upgoat ♦
Second, this site is why we're for!
The only words that are allowed to be mispeled are "spelled", "mispelled", "juice", and "avocado" to "speled", "mispeled", "juic", and "avocad".
I did. Remember this: !juice ppcgers. data.sockpuppets.username.Upgoat
@Upgoat ftfy V
> pls star this message - 6m ago by Upgoat ♦
better formatting
use the >
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ i cun spel how i want
Third, how much CJams do you win without juicing avocad?
Fourth, man i'm baked.
Starrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs. Not the celestial object but the thing over there =>>>>>>>
@Upgoat no you can't.
wai nut
You need to not spele that badly or the mods will nuke us all.
oh ok
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Definitely considering that.
@El'endiaStarman ;_; y u do dis
@Geobits can you be a mod and get drunk and eleven all the other mods?
This was totally typed on a numpad
@Upgoat :D you fixed it
Using altcode
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ fixed what?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ No I can't. You have to run in the election to be a mod.
@Geobits Ugh, indeed.

pĺèéź jǔǐç, pært øñé

5 mins ago, 2 minutes total – 13 messages, 4 users, 3 stars

Bookmarked 9 secs ago by zyabin101


dõñt mìßpēll åñythǐñg, pãrt œñè

49 mins ago, 46 minutes total – 199 messages, 14 users, 22 stars

Bookmarked 22 secs ago by ev3commander

now I know what kind of messages get moved to trash
>>> from grab import Grab
>>> g = Grab()
>>> g.go("http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/")
<grab.document.Document object at 0x02621D78>
Grab finally works!
I can capture anything!
@Upgoat cheddar.vihan.org
@zyabin101 capture the moment!
@zyabin101 curl rekts you bad
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ oh, DNS hasn't propogated for me yet
Rikers-MacBook-Pro:~ rikerw$ curl codegolf.stackexchange.com
<!DOCTYPE html>

<title>Programming Puzzles &amp; Code Golf Stack Exchange</title>
    <!-- SNIP -->
</html>Rikers-MacBook-Pro:~ rikerw$
@Upgoat oh
works for me
This time around, I deleted the g, and the resulting grab.document.Document object is located in memory. Wasted memory. facepalm
Let's try again:
>>> g = Grab()
>>> d = g.go("http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/")
Obtaining the response body is enduring, and my computer can't take it. facepalm
Hey guys, do you think a "forwhile" loop would be useful? As in, you loop through a range/list/iterator/etc. while a condition is true.
@El'endiaStarman what's the difference between that and a for loop?
@Upgoat Automatically breaks when the condition is false.
so what's wrong with:
You'd have to put an if statement with a break in the loop body otherwise.
for (a in b) if (c) break; else {
    // code
The response body is 75370 chars long.
@Upgoat Nothing. What's wrong with using assembly or C code?
@flawr Loading wheels are still wheeling.
@Upgoat I just forgot! Could you please come to the zyabinVI beta room?
@flawr That one finally loaded in chat for me.
@wizzwizz4 That's the joke :P
This is a literal loading wheel, a private chat asset :P
@zyabin101 Facepalm. I noticed that the other one wasn't, but I didn't check this one.
@Upgoat Could you come to the room? >_>
@zyabin101 yeah, once I finish cheddar
@Upgoat Why is Cheddar more important for you? ;_;
i like my cheese
So you will never visit zyabinVI again?
D: you don't like cheddar?? D: D:
@zyabin101 i will once i finish cheddar
I do, but I also work for zyabinVI.
I have to collect members of the org every day.
Maybe it would be best if you just log off for an hour and enjoy the outside >.>
@zyabin101 What's zyabinVI?
@Upgoat When do you finish Cheddar? NEVER? D:
@zyabin101 no, im almost finished
My own experimenting organization.
@Upgoat How complete will you rate Cheddar on a percent scale?
@zyabin101 What does "experimenting organization mean?"
@zyabin101 90%
@Sp3000 why didn't you participate? already happy with the t-shirt you won? :p
@Bálint We, @zyabin101 and @Upgoat, experiment there.
There are vacant jobs in zyabinVI. Get privileges for contributing, I say.
@zyabin101 That's....nice....I guess
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Did you post the entire internet into a chat comment?? I can't work out why it pinged me either. Do you need a response on anything?
@Upgoat :D
How complete it was a week ago?
but I have come upon a bug which is nearly impossible to debug
fucking circular dependency errors ;_;
@zyabin101 eh, 75%ish
I should expect you in the room five days from now.
@Upgoat It's easier if you start small, and work up.
If you won't comply, I'll remove you from the room myself.
@Upgoat Then I give you a sixth day. I have to expect you in the room six days from now.
@wizzwizz4 no because I have like 100 files each with ~10 dependencies. 100*10 == 1000, find the permutations of that from 1-1000, and it's an impossible task
I once (read: more than once) had to debug somebody else's code. That was already compiled. With no debugging information. And no disassembler, or even hex program. Only 7-zip!
@wizzwizz4 if you're a determined debugger, can you help me debug cheddar's dependency error :3
if you want to make sure nobody will help you, provide a link that requires logging in :p
@trichoplax He basically posted the whole HTML of PPCG's front page.
So I snipped most of it.
@flawr Yeaaaaahhhhhh NOPE!
@Upgoat Great. Another CAPTCHA. Give me five minutes...
There's something that looks like it might be a river, or it's a picture of the coast from a boat. But because I can't see the near coast, I don't know if it's a boat.
My computer decided to stop working :(
so, @wizzwizz4 is now revealed to be a bot
@El'endiaStarman Thank you. Still not sure why it pinged me. Do I feature in the html? Did it ping everyone?
@trichoplax just look at the comment's history and search for your name
This is how I usually imagine @AlexA.
user image
@trichoplax When you mouse-over question titles on the front page, they have a snippet of the first couple hundred characters of the post. This one thanks you as "@trichoplax" in the first sentence.
@Bálint stalker, how do you have pictures of alex :P
@Bálint That url is really weird.
@El'endiaStarman Ah - makes sense now. I hadn't seen that one yet
> Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash".
@mınxomaτ What's strang about it?
wait till you get to point 8 ^_^
> BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War
> 1.3163704.1437588837!
> fileImage/httpImage/image.JPG_gen
> derivatives/original_220/magpie-computer.JPG
@Bálint I do not want to meet the dev who thought this structure was a good idea.
most of the links are way too old though
@mınxomaτ /1.3163704.1437588837!/fileImage/httpImage/image.JPG_gen/derivatives/original_22‌​0/ this ?
? I just posted this
@mınxomaτ Sorry, didn't see
is that served by a Rube Goldberg machine or something?
Actually that URL reminds me of

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