Well, find the circumference of any circle. You'll be using the formula 2*pi*radius or pi*diameter. For any violation of the rules below, you get +Infinity% penalty, except when otherwise noted.
You will take an input, r or d, as command line argument or stdin. Your program mus...
How can I count the number of times a particular string occurs in another string. For example, this is what I am trying to do in Javascript:
var temp = "This is a string.";
alert(temp.count("is")); //should output '2'
any flavor of regex and any programming language is allowed, as far as test go, you will try to match only all element symbols,and this challange
some tips would be to try to do an general optimization of the brute force to reduce the keyspace
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ @Zgarb This works: 2 3 4(>.@%~>:) 123, but when I try to multiply each result with the one on the left (61 42 31 -> 61*2 42*3 31*4), I try 2 3 4([*>.@%~>:) 123 and many other combinations, and they all fail
(It would probably be a good idea to get some people to write some testing bots before you launch it, these kinds of games often have weird meta games)
Yeah, I feel like the bidding stuff kind of just amplifies the problem. The people who know these games and are better at breaking them will basically be participating in a separate challenge, where winning the bid war is the majority of the work
Battle of the Fellowships
king-of-the-hill epic
In this challenge, you are going to create a Fellowship with the goal of defeating all other fellowships in battle.
Your group will consist of 4 characters. Character details:
Available attributes are: Strength, Agility, and Intellig...
@FryAmTheEggman Yeah, so do I. I'd definitely allow multiple submissions, and maybe have some sort of algorithm that pairs players that do well together
@NathanMerrill I don't think the bidding idea's that good - it will be hard to find out what sort of bid would be good without playing the game and if you get bad stats, your basically out
@NathanMerrill I do really games like that, I'd be willing to test out some stuff once you have the controller set up. If other people want to as well we might be able to set up enough preliminary testing that if someone breaks the game it would probably at least be interesting :P
Yeah it's probably ok, but it is probably worth a slight hit to diversity to be able to use spells more than once. Also risks breaking the game with clone, etc. vs slower opponents if you can run away well enough
I was unsure if this was just not having had enough time or whatever, but some abilities don't have CDs/costs which would be pretty strong in some cases (the original reason I thought Ferocious would be so good is that you could permanently slow all 3 opponents if you had no CD/Cost...)
Battle of the Fellowships
king-of-the-hill epic
In this challenge, you are going to create a Fellowship with the goal of defeating all other fellowships in battle.
Your group will consist of 4 characters. Character details:
Available attributes are: Strength, Agility, and Intellig...
That mitigates the problem, but the thing is all of your allies benefit from the slow, so even if you run out of mana you can basically make your other allies take 50% more turns than your opponents if you stick together
@NathanMerrill I have no idea, it's one of those things that requires a bit of a feel of the game. Like if damage is not tuned very well a team of 3 tanks could probably beat you just by standing around and spamming defensive abilities until you run out of mana
The trouble is, I was writing it in Python with subprocess and I'm confused how to have a bot talk to two things at once. Input from the game on what the current situation is (how every other bot played), show that to the player, input from the player, output to the game.
But since the game took the bot's input and output to send and receive, the bot couldn't receive from the player. I got confused and put it down for a few months
Apart from the scripts own console (which does nothing) I want to open two consoles and print the variables con1 and con2 in different consoles, How can I achieve this.
con1 = 'This is Console1'
con2 = 'This is Console2'
I've no idea how to achieve this and spent several hours trying to do so ...