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@quartata working :D
@quartata And you need to use nms if you wan't something "amazing"
Wich then pretty much cuts the backward compatibility in half
The documentation used to be wayy worse. That was fun.
yeah nms fucking sucks.
For what?
why are you writing documentation during the weekend
JavaScript meets neither of those criteria
@QPaysTaxes just stick with the ruby version you have
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ JavaScript can be simple and intuitive, except if you golf or do shortest-code challenges. I still don't fully understand, how this code works: js1k.com/2013-spring/details/1555
it meets the opposite of both, in fact
But javascript is always fun to write :)
Yeah, its type system is not intuitive and prototype based inheritance is not simple
@quartata but that is fixed with ES6 and ===
@QPaysTaxes so?
@Downgoat you still have to use prototypes with other libraries
also its scoping falls under not intuitive and when I said type system I didn't just mean type coercion
@QPaysTaxes Why? Unless you want to get a C++ job I wouldn't worry about being a master in all languages. Stick with what you know
@Bálint really? it seems to be a simple pattern being executed
@QPaysTaxes Perhaps, but the full project that a game is should probably written in a language you are familiar with
Unless, of course, you've already written a dozen games in Ruby before and want to try something else
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I have problems with what you get after the string functions
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ jsfiddle.net/tj8ucnsq
@QPaysTaxes Ah, I was suggesting you write the game in Ruby because it seemed like you knew Ruby
@QPaysTaxes From this message
@Bálint ReferenceError: b is not defined
Hi guys
Energy in Joules

Kinetic Energy of 90 MPH Fastball-----------------------------------------------------------115
Kinetic Energy of World Record Hammer Throw------------------------------------------------3400
One Nutritional Calorie (1000 Thermochemical Calories)-------------------------------------4184
Lifetime Energy Output of Average Alkaline AAA Battery-------------------------------------5000
Lifetime Energy Output of Average Alkaline AA Battery--------------------------------------9000
Lifetime Energy Output of Average Alkaline C Battery--------------------------------------34000
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ jsfiddle.net/tj8ucnsq/1
That references the body tag
@QPaysTaxes What was the thing that the one of the hexa-glyph answers was written in? Shoes?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ , sorry, this is the corrct jsfiddle.net/tj8ucnsq/2
@QPaysTaxes Wich supports java
@QPaysTaxes BTW, I'm working on a project currently, if I open a buffered reader with a FileReader as argument, then what's the preferred way to close them? Wich should be closed firstr?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ What what?
@QPaysTaxes you can do it from the cli or bundle it into a standalone thing
@Bálint that's incredible
zyabin101@avista ~/Desktop/conlang-project/programs (master)
$ python rootword.py
Seed? Fobvi

zyabin101@avista ~/Desktop/conlang-project/programs (master)
$ python rootword.py <<< 1
Seed? Fobvi

zyabin101@avista ~/Desktop/conlang-project/programs (master)
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I think you understood what I meant. It got the first place on the 2013 js1k js1k.com/2013-spring
@Bálint huh. TIL
@QPaysTaxes you can just do ./shoes file.rb to run it. And the bundling thing is a button in the gui
The first place in this year was taken by this demo: js1k.com/2016-elemental/demo/2552
1 thousand bytes...
@Bálint holy moly
@Bálint Unable to run this demo, but I like that one: js1k.com/2016-elemental/demo/2555
It's an audio box. :-)
@zyabin101 You probably don't have OpenGL or your browser doesn't support webgl
^ RKO outta nowhere
@Bálint Ikr.
But OTOH, I really like that "alien_noise_machine" :-)
@zyabin101 Can you run this one: js1k.com/2013-spring/demo/1459 You should be able to
@Bálint I'm able to.
@Bálint so much alien cauliflower :p
ooh, there's a place where it becomes just a tetrahedron
Thanks @Downgoat for ES6 additions to git.io/zQuery
well, several places
@aditsu There's one every 3/10 of the screen
> If you're masochistic with a ES6 fetish, feel free to PR some time ;)
@Quill an
huh, I found a truncated... something, with Sierpinski triangles on triangular faces
I found a couple other space-filling curves, amazing
@KennyLau This is 18 bytes, I just remembered: /^10*$/=~x.to_s(y)
From FlackOverstow: "Surprisingly, this should match this."
@SuperJedi224 Oooooh...
Flack Overstow is back. Go wild.
[1]: Edit: Actually, Unix shell is the function was changed to xrange(). Note: even xrange() might have issues, at most three inputs. ⁷ returns a prompt ) is prime ); into the language page HTML, so use superscript three to seven (³⁴⁵⁶⁷) to xrange().
Note: even xrange() might have issues, at least in 2.7.10. Unipants' Golfing Language, 8 bytes cIl+I:_o Try it online! Returns 660 given its own source code.
Explanation cIl+I:_o c # Create an integer. We need it - you'll see why. I made this[1] for you!
@KennyLau As a last idea before bed, what would a solution to the "Is x a power of y?" challenge look like? Goodnight
"And r4 increments by a random integer that can be printed by a mere 4 colors, saving a few tens of bytes in the process."
JavaScript function golf, 16 13 bytes p(pr(iai())); function golf program! p(pr(iai())); p( prints pr( if iai() an integer input into a prompt ) is prime ); into the console. JavaScript function golf, 16 13 bytes p(pr(iai())); function golf program!
p(pr(iai())); p( prints pr( if there's at most four inputs. If there are five inputs, however, you're out of luck. Unix shell +.
Sorry for the wall of text
Guys, your turn.
👎 nope
In xnor's answer, but shorter. Node.js + has an arity of 2. If a function does not have enough arguments, it will look to the string '()', making an array of lines a and a dictionary i. Javascript ES6, 134 132 130 129 bytes Saved 1 byte thanks to the top of the stack, then (a + c) - b. Very simple stuff. The hard part is the parity of the length # redefines Y to be the TOS, in this case, 0. 2 pushes 0, and @ brings d to fix it. For example: u[3*5,5/6,(3+4)/5]
"Smiley characters. Don't ask me why."
@aditsu 😠 yep
@QPaysTaxes I tried to display it
@QPaysTaxes With pings. Without pings, editing is usually fine
Like that. No text other than the ping and the link
... JavaScript just gave my this incredibly helpful error message
That's when you do the var [x,y,...] = something that isn't an array thing right?
@quartata yeah
but it's throwing an error on line 9 when there's nothing on line 9...
@Downgoat It only realized the problem there...
It's probably line 9 of the babel transpiled code
@Quill would you know why istanbul is throwing the above error?
ew emoji, maybe: 😬
@quartata there is nothing on line 9 of the babel transpiled code either
Well you brought this upon yourself :P
I guess just search your code for any var [x,y] kinda thing
weird part is it works from the CLI but not from the code
@Downgoat wat, js is trying to compete with C++ now?
@aditsu is this a C++ joke? i dont know c++ jokes
Hello again
@Downgoat just try to write something with templates :p
@SuperJedi224 hello
@SuperJedi224 SALUT
@Downgoat also refer to this challenge
@SuperJedi224 Hello
someone help
I've got this:
	public void onDamage(EntityDamageByEntityEvent event) {
		Entity e1 = event.getEntity();
		Entity e2 = event.getDamager();
		if (e1 instanceof Player && e2 instanceof Player) {
			Player attacker = (Player) e2;
			Player reciever = (Player) e1;

			for (int i = 0; i < teams.length; i++) {
				if (teams[i].contains(attacker) && teams[i].contains(reciever))


@aditsu oh god
but it errors out sometimes because the damage event isnt always entitydamagebyentity
how can I prevent that error out?
like I can't try catch it
cuz its the argument, not even in function body
semi bukkit expert ^
I'm looking at it
@AshwinGupta First off annotation should be at the same indentation level
As the function?
I think it's copy paste error
I accidently hit the backspace
Oh gotcha
@Bálint yeah
What's the exact error?
could not pass EntityDamageByEntityEvent
@AshwinGupta if the problem is "event isnt always entitydamagebyentity", then that part of the code has nothing to do with it
Search for The line starting with "Caused by", and the next lineű
@aditsu ? what do you mean? That is the relevant code
ok hold up let me try it again here
it sounds like it fails before getting there
Post the full error log with pastebin
YOu can find it in logs/latest.log
trying to send a screenshot
That works too
No just copy-paste
@flawr Pineapple on pizza is a sin
@AlexA. what about pizza on a pineapple?
I don't know
@AshwinGupta What's the Caused by:
What's line 37?
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at io.github.niwhsa9.TeamHandlers.onDamage(TeamHandlers.java:37) ~[?:?]
@flawr Whoa, that dog is way better than me at pool. That's super cool.
... babel removes unused variables ... @babel ಠ_ಠ
thats the whole thing
What is line 37 of your code
After two tries with the Git shell, I used the Windows command line to create a Trac workspace.
I finally installed Trac, and it was glorious.

C:\Users\zyabin101>cd C:\Python27

C:\Python27>trac-admin C:\Python27\trac-workspace initenv
Creating a new Trac environment at C:\Python27\trac-workspace

Trac will first ask a few questions about your environment
in order to initialize and prepare the project database.

 Please enter the name of your project.
 This name will be used in page titles and descriptions.
I can pastebin the code?
How should I call my new workspace? >_>
@AshwinGupta pls
@zyabin101 WorkZone
Did you change the code after the error?
@zyabin101 zyabin101sWorkspace
@Downgoat It may include spaces, so zyabin101s Workspace.
I chose this name.
Did you ever populate teams
:D \o/
@Bálint nope
@quartata yeah.
Ill double check it though w/ a print
Never create arraylists without a specific object type
Make it a Player arraylist
@Bálint That's besides the point here though
@AshwinGupta Teams isn't an arraylist, it's an array of arraylists
Creating and Initializing Project
 Installing default wiki pages
<lots of wiki pages imported from the Trac package>

Project environment for 'zyabin101s Workspace' created.

You may now configure the environment by editing the file:


If you'd like to take this new project environment for a test drive,
try running the Trac standalone web server `tracd`:

  tracd --port 8000 C:\Python27\trac-workspace
@Bálint That's delibrate
You don't understand how arraylists work
@Bálint oh.
Aaaaand... "zyabin101s Workspace" is offline!
well thats the issue
@AshwinGupta Wait, what?
You wanted a list of teams right?
So a list of lists like you have
That's right
I have an array that contains arraylists of teams
so that was intentional.
But how are you initializing/populating teams
Oh, ok
that part is working
user commands
You need to add a null check then.
if(teams[i] != null)
But really you should have an array list of array lists
That way it's variable size and you don't need to check for empty elements like that
let me try that really quick
no errors, but still not working
@AshwinGupta I did a teams tutorial on the bukkit.org forums some time ago bukkit.org/threads/team-systems.411790
In that...?
	public void onDamage(EntityDamageByEntityEvent event) {
		Entity e1 = event.getEntity();
		Entity e2 = event.getDamager();
		if (e1 instanceof Player && e2 instanceof Player && teams!=null) {
			Player attacker = (Player) e2;
			Player reciever = (Player) e1;

			for (int i = 0; i < teams.length; i++) {
				if (teams[i].contains(attacker) && teams[i].contains(reciever))


new code ^
No that's not what I meant
I meant teams[i] != null
Inside the for
if(teams[i] != null && teams[i].contains ...
well does it mater, cuz it never will get there if teams[i] == null?
oh wait.
im an idiot, I'm never updating teams
I need to make a getter
hold up ima try something brb
If you could post all the codez (every file) on Github or something this would be exponentially easier, fwiw
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Zgarb"45-degree rotation" of a square matrix code-golf matrix Introduction Suppose we have a square matrix with odd sidelength, like this: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 Let's divide it into nested layers as follows: 0 1 2 3 4 +-----+ 5|6 7 8|9 | +-+ | 0|1|2|3|4 | +-+ | ...

@quartata codez?
@AshwinGupta You indent with tabs? :(
@Bálint gimme the codez pls
@quartata Insert relevant NSFChat Filthy Frank quote here
@AlexA. Eclipse default
@quartata Yeah if this doesn't work Ill do that
Defaults can be changed trivially
@AlexA. yup, thats the right way to do it!
@AlexA. Most beginners don't usually do it
"What's the difference"
That was a useful class
@AlexA. b0ss gimme da codez pls
I'm the ramen king
@QPaysTaxes I only learned the usefullness of indetation, because I learned HTML
That's more spaces than I've seen on occasion. Often it'll be like if(in.nextInt()==4){.
@AlexA. Have you made over 40 meals of ramen in a day?
I have.
Uh... no
@QPaysTaxes Code doesn't even work
Were you volunteering at a food bank?
I would give that person an F
@AlexA. I've seen even worse. In fact, I know this one entire online community that eliminates as much whitespace as possible!
@AlexA. THe most frustrating is this: if( someValue== 4 ) {
That hurts me
@AlexA. it was a campout with a group, and somebody decided I was cook.
POLL: Do you place your curly braces on the same line or the next line
@quartata Same line.
Same line
No mod abuse, because that is golfier.
@quartata depends on language, C languages -> Allman style, everything else -> normal style
Well, except for C# because I guess in C# the standard is separate line
You can tell wich I like better
What is an Allman
I DID IT!!!!
Is that no woman?
@AlexA. ... you follow the language standards??
@AshwinGupta what?
THANKS @Bálint @QPaysTaxes @quartata
@AshwinGupta WHAT?????
I did it im an idiot!
@zyabin101 nvm, its a bukkit thing
Bitte sehr
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Typically. As much as I dislike it I use 2 space indents for Ruby, for example.
@Bálint won't lie, I google translated that.
translate: bitte sehr
(from German) very please
much thank
your welcome I thought
I won't lie, I'm not german either
@Bálint wowwwww
englis pls =/
> englis
@AlexA. yeah. Englis
ya know, American englis.
None of that english crap.
¯\_(englis sucks)_/¯
Canadian is my favourite
Canada is nice place
@Bálint I speak American.
canada is where i moving
Oh really?
And Austrian
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ good plan.
I had to.
I thought you were moving to Washington
IDK. actually have other reason than trump.
Or something like that
@AlexA. I did too.
Does one of your parents have to relocate for work?
Poll: What's your most hated (non-esoteric) language
JavaScript probably
Doing anything in JavaScript is a painful chore
I'd rather program a website in Fortran 90
(Granted I like Fortran 90+...)
Oh shit everybody hide it's Joe Z
I usually cough in minor seconds. It's not pleasant.
@AlexA. ಠ______________ಠ
@AlexA. Would you rather program a website in APL?
@AlexA. I'm Downgoat so I'm very downset.
@quartata Hm. Yeah, I'd give it a go. ngn/apl compiles to CoffeeScript anyway.
behold the strangest apl syntax known to mankind
I should give Cheddar some DOM APIs so you could use that instead of JS...
Yeah, Dyalog added a bunch of weird stuff to make APL usable for things it was never meant to do
I just broke Firefox \o/
@zyabin101 \o/?
@AlexA. like classes blergh
I tried to login as user zyabin101 after giving him admin rights to the trac workspace.
@quartata Yep. And namespaces. And connecting to some Windows API (which incidentally is the only way to change the case of a string in APL.)
When I accidentally logged in as user admin which is used to give zyabin101 these rights even though I wanted to log in as zyabin101.
The cause is that Firefox is automatically saving passwords for my (dis-) convenience.
I decided to disable the "save passwords" feature and delete all saved passwords, but Firefox still logs me in as admin ಠ_ಠ
The \o/ is that I'm finally set to delete that workspace!
Workspace deleted.
@AlexA. Well, J lets you call things from .dll/.so libraries too
but the classes are weird
Namespaces kind of make sense but I think it would be better if they just gave us hashes to store stuff in
@Downgoat do you still want me to work on the cheddar website?
@AlexA. what
that's terrifying
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ if you'd like. I was planning on making a website/online interpreter soon too.
@AlexA. o_O
especially the change case part
fucking hell France's song for eurovision has english parts
@Fatalize :D english ftw
I bet we won't even place that badly just cause they put a good looking guy
@Fatalize s/parts/half of the song/

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