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"habbits" - are those like hobbits?
@KennyLau I'm surprisingly okay with that. I laugh at our questions sometimes too ;)
@aditsu No.
Habit rabbits.
What to flag for needs serious editing and formatting fixes?
Things that need serious editing and formatting fixes.
The lazy way to do this would just to be use OperServ and issue the svsnick like that
I heard that some people use "urban" as a code word for "black"
what flag reason though, should I just put that under moderator intervention?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Don't flag, edit it
Yea, only flag if you don't have the time, inclination, or ability to edit yourself, but it's better to just take care of it if possible.
@zyabin101 google image search for habit rabbit has some… interesting results :/
@aditsu Show. Show!
Not in here please
@zyabin101 You do NOT want to see
@aditsu ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@aditsu oh dear
if you do want to see, you know what to do
My initial expectation was matched by google's results.
> Note: This item can not be returned to Amazon.com. If it needs to be serviced or replaced, we recommend that you contact the manufacturer.
Some sort of rabbit is my guess.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ the habit rabbit...
I guess they don't want it back. :P
@aditsu a smaller version of this
@Maltysen well, just be gentle and try not to break it :)
@Fatalize oh, is that what your avatar is from?
@aditsu s/:)/( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)/
@Fatalize with the Λ super-imposed on the y, I see
y is made to look like a ∨
or ∨ is made to look like a y
∨ is logical or.... :P
well yeah that's the point :p
I should really get around to learning prolog.
because it sounds cool
it's generally not a useful language to be an expert at, but it's good to know how it works
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ then maybe you should learn cool
mind reading alert
so anyway, these days I've written over 50 classes for data structures and algorithms
mostly graph stuff
code jam is at 6 in the morning for me :/
Somebody said code jam! @_@
5 pm here, but 6 am would be ok too ^_^
I just planned a leaderboard for that time.
you can do it later
@aditsu You can't.
It's 2 hours and a half.
you can do the leaderboard later :p
We haven't had any new challenges for a long time... could anyone here post one?
What if he wakes up at 9 in the morning?
@KennyLau ???
we have?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ No, we don't.
you mean chat mini-challenges?
well I'm also fine with those
Q: Find a maximal rectangle of 1s

ZgarbBackground I want to buy an plot of land and build my house on it. My house should be rectangular, and as large as possible; however, the available plots have lots of rocky areas that I cannot build on, and I'm having trouble fitting a potential house on the plots. I want you to write a program ...

Q: Jordan Decomposition

Megoimportant note: Because this challenge only applies to square matrices, any time I use the term "matrix", it is assumed that I am referring to a square matrix. I am leaving off the "square" description for brevity's sake. Background Many matrix-related operations, such as computing the determin...

I have code for that :) ^^
you see, the last challenge that is interesting is already yesterday
Q: Double run-length encoding

ericw31415Everyone knows what run-length encoding is. It has been the subject of many code-golf challenges already. We'll be looking at a certain variation. Example Normal: 11222222222222222222233333111111111112333322 Run-length: 112(19)3(5)1(11)2333322 The number in parentheses specifies the number of...

Code jam starts at midday here.
Let's share where code jam starts where you live.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ you can stop posting them. I know they exist. But you see, they are not interesting.
I'll start. 12:00 PM here.
there's no such thing as 12 pm
Uh..... yes there is?
12:00 here.
you meant 12 am?
12:00 PM here.
nope, pm means after 12 noon; 12 is neither after nor before
@aditsu 12 pm is before 1 am, right?
That always hurts my head
Noon here.
Why are we using 12 hour clocks???
oh, that's 12 pm, I thought midnight
No, 12 AM is midnight.
12 PM is noon 12 AM is midnight
see? that's EXACTLY why there's no such thing as 12 pm (nor 12 am)
@quartata Definitive guide.
@trichoplax While I'm usually in agreement with that, It's hard to agree with "it doesn't exist" :P
they are devoid of meaning
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Do you have mini-challenges?
@KennyLau they are actually kinda cool
@KennyLau Chill, we don't need to have a challenge on the site every day :P
@KennyLau brb finding my folder of them
They won't take away our graduation or anything
Well... they might ;)
At least postpone it until November or so.
@Geobits Oh I agree - it just seems like arguing over middle english spelling or the correct way to load a printing press...
24h clock > 12h clock
@trichoplax Yea, but even with 24 hour clocks, people still argue about 2400 vs 0000 in my experience :/
no one ever says 24 hour something
@Fatalize 0000 > 12:00 AM
@Fatalize 24 hour time.
@Geobits those are both unambiguous though
it's definitely 0000
24-hour time is golfed
I've never heard someone use 24h... instead of 00h...
@aditsu So is 12 PM >_>
Who here wants to play Oregon Trail? :3
@Fatalize I have. Especially say, on listing business hours. It may say something like 0900-2400.
Why don't we just encode the time in 2 characters of base 64...
When you scroll through the question list and mis-read trits as tits. >_>
Stop replying with message one boxes from 15 secs ago >_>
@Geobits Never seen that. Then again in France we close shops at 5pm
@Fatalize It was pretty common in Japan at least. Also on military bases. Maybe it isn't so much in Europe in general.
@zyabin101 You mean Organ Trail, right?
@quartata No, I mean Oregon Trail.
Organ Trail is very spooky.
The way it was explained to me was that if they were stressing they were doing something late they'd use 2400. It would depend on the time span, too. You wouldn't really see 2400-0600 for example. I think they just liked to not "wrap" the time if possible.
I've even seen 2600 for 2AM on one occasion. It was weird.
24 as limit is acceptable I guess
but 24:01 is not
3 mins ago, by zyabin101
Stop replying with message one boxes from 15 secs ago >_>
IMO it is if you're expressing a time frame and don't want to list both dates. It's easier to say "Friday, 2000-2430".
@trichoplax because distinguishing 24 hours a day is harder than when it is divided by 2 for a normal human brain ?
Stop replying with message one boxes from 3 mins ago >_>
4 minutes. Whatever. :P
@Agawa001 Assigning the same number to two unrelated times of day seems more challenging to me...
Stop replying with message one boxes from 4 mins ago >_>
@Agawa001 only because you're used to it, I don't have to think to know what 19:00 is
@trichoplax dont think so, since there is a suffix to define pm or am
Half the clocks in my house are on 12, half on 24. Gotta keep the kid on his toes.
@Fatalize Im not used to it
i must always subtract 12 to know
I have my alarm clock still set to standard time
well yeah
When I look at my clock and see it's 1:00, I think, "Wow, it's quite a bright night!"
cause you're used to the am/pm things
not 12 , but 2 .
I don't subtract anything when I read 19:00, I know what hour it is
@quartata UTC?
3 mins ago, by zyabin101
Stop replying with message one boxes from 3 mins ago >_>
@trichoplax No, like I didn't advance it for daylight savings
ostensibly it's to be rebellious but really I'm just lazy
Lazy rebellion is the best rebellion.
@aditsu See ^^^^
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Have you found it yet?
@quartata I'd be rebellious about it too, if I was less lazy...
Who here wants to play Oregon Trail? :3
It would take me more effort to set my clocks to not automatically update
@KennyLau no was too busy de-spamming qpixel
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Did you delete my posts
My rep went down
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ How?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ How'd you get 1000 rep to do that?
He's a mod, he doesn't need it.
@quartata probably
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ that really rustles my jimmies
You deleted the one post on the entire site that wasn't spam
Which was the Markdown support feature request
@trichoplax thing i m more annoyed to , are these wall clocks not enumerated from 1 to 12
No, it wasn't.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ ಠ_ಠ
You try to clean up QPixel.
wait where?
I mean who gives a shit anyways
You do the opposite.
I didn't delete yours, only adnans.
@quartata iirc yours still exists
But it was the question...
Adnan was the person who asked the question
You downvoted posts which are not spam.
I lost a lot of rep by that.
I actually haven't downvoted anything, except the anti-small caps answer.
Oh, I did!
It was probably Downgoat. Because goats press anything that points down.
@quartata @zyabin101 ^^^
@wizzwizz4 TIL
@Geobits you ll share the blame of all dvters until you change this avatar
By that, and also by the reason that you have gone above and beyond laws of mathematics, I have to become ignorant of you.
Don't ping me again.
I don't understand anything of that conversation
Nor do I.
@Agawa001 You're not telling me anything I don't know. It's there for a reason.
Chat Mini-Challenge: Convert from degrees to degrees, minutes, and seconds, or vice versa.
or ?
If the input has a decimal point/is float, output the degrees, minutes, and seconds (rounded to the nearest second).
Oh, I thought you just meant pick one or the other :P
Ok, I've set up a chat bot. Ping me with /mini1 *input*
@trichoplax i mean who is the genius who can tell the hour few seconds from taking a first glance at this
If the input is in x°y'z", output degrees to the highest precision your language can handle.
That's a pretty terrible clock.
@wizzwizz4 In here or in the bot testing room?
(hint: shouldn't be in here...)
yes, i used to stand arround 30 seconds next to it to calculate the actual hour.
@trichoplax Aww, I had my flags all ready and everything :(
@Geobits don't abandon hope yet - I only hinted...
True. I'll keep them on standby for now.
@wizzwizz4 /ಠ_ಠ
luckily, the linked wall clock isnt divided by 24, luckily
@wizzwizz4 /mini1
That's pretty much the one advantage 12 hour clocks have. It's much easier for analog at a glance.
but if it is, children may grow smarter
I don't actually know how to use the chat API yet, so I'm copying and pasting stuff into it...
@wizzwizz4 /mini1 input
If you have a 24 hour analogue clock then you can paint images of the time of day around it...
Eeeehhhh... that would be highly season/location dependent I think.
@zyabin101 Pending...
Is 7 sunrise, or is it 5?
@Geobits I think that's an excellent argument for 4 or 6 or 8 hour analogue clocks
@wizzwizz4 /stop
...did you lot seriously have an argument about posts and rep on QPixel where they matter even less than they do on SE?
@trichoplax Probably, but I think thirty degree segments are a nice compromise.
@Geobits Good point. Maybe a 365*24 hour clock then...
I think chatbots in the Nineteenth Byte aren't welcome here.
@zyabin101 No need. It crashed when I put that into it.
What is QPixel I don't understaaaaand
@ArtOfCode Exactly - they aren't even real fake internet points!
real fake ?
(Except ElectionBot during elections.)
@zyabin @wizz I wasn't joking about the flag thing.
I don't actually know how to use the chat API yet, so I'm copying and pasting stuff to and from it.
There is no chat API.
"Hot Questions

Delete user quartata"
Does it count as "running a bot" if the only things it can say are being reviewed by a human before posting?
gonna go with yes
@trichoplax Gonna go with "no", because the human is responsible for not putting in spam.
So now I see QPixel, but what really is it?
I'm not running a Turing test here. If it looks and acts like a bot, it doesn't belong in here.
@Fatalize A SE clone.
but it is still a bot... toss-up
@Fatalize It's an SE clone I'm working on with ArtOfCode
Does it count as a bot if it's only 2934 bytes long?
some apparent-humans in here are bots anyway
^ that
@wizzwizz4 Depends on whether the reason for flagging is "that's not under human control" or "that's getting really annoying"
By the way @ArtOfCode any name preferences for the IRC service? :P
@quartata Not to be rude but... what's the point?
@quartata nada
fun project or real thing?
@Fatalize I don't know myself :P
just something fun
unless it needs me to set up a subdomain in which case at least SFW
@quartata Which service?
Aug 24 '15 at 18:56, by Geobits
I'm half-convinced aditsu has a bot running that posts obliquely related youtube videos at random intervals. The NLP aspect is impressive from what I've seen so far.
@aditsu I was young and foolish once :P
@Fatalize just because I could, mainly
But only half-convinced anyway.
@zyabin101 the nick serv
@quartata Nickserv.
but it's also chanserv etc
I'd call it services myself, but I'm unimaginative and boring
@ArtOfCode Then uniserv.
(unified nameserv)
Q: How to solve this algorithmic math olympiad problem?

DeltaWebSo, today we had a local contest in my state to find eligible people for the international math olympiad "IMO" ... I was stuck with this very interesting algorithmic problem : Let $n$ be a natural number >= 2, we take the biggest divisor of $n$ but it must be different from $n$ itself, substr...

Could we use this sequence as a challenge?
Pyth is 17 bytes: L?tb+1y-b*F+1tPb0
seems rather interesting
@wizzwizz4 yeah, people have pulled that one on me before... moderators are trolls.
BREAKING NEWS: Actually Rickrolls!

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