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Oh hey @Geobits is here and I don't see any conspicuous dead bodies.
You're not looking hard enough.
I'm choosing not to look too hard, just in case.
Good thinking :P
@AlexA. chown to who?
who is chown?
@Phrancis He is a guy who likes to chow ns, poor n.
chown $(whoami) /path/to/whatever
oh ,yeah
@AlexA. Care? Sure. Think it will revolutionize entertainment? No. Why? People like to be lazy
@AlexA. -1 not enough jquery
I think it failed ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@Geobits Btw are you quitting cold turkey or do you have patches or gum or whatever?
@Phrancis orly?
@Downgoat 😢😣 (testing mobile crying faces)
@AlexA. Cold turkey is the best turkey.
Is there a chat/FF extension/plugin/thing to store frequently used strings?
@Phrancis are you on mac?
No Windows ATM
then, none that I know of
I have a Mac but don't use it much anymore since it's old
Old Mac is better than no Mac
I mean like 2009 old
Just vookmark a google doc
$ chmod +x ./dist/bin/cpm
$ chown $(whoami) ./dist/bin/cpm
$ npm test
> sudo ./dist/bin/cpm install math
./dist/bin/cpm: 7: ./dist/bin/cpm: : Permission denied
FU— ;________;
But yeah, <3 Macs but they are expensive and I didn't care for the current offerings so I bought an MSI instead, recently
@Phrancis 2009 isn't that old
@Phrancis That's not bad. My girlfriend still has her 2009 MacBook Pro and it's a little sluggish but still runs fine.
My Mac Mini I use to host my stuff is 2009
I guess Macs age well, mine is still working fine, just a little slow with newer software versions
uses a laptop with a Celeron
Any Macbook > a laptop with a Celeron
brb ignoring @MarsUltor because he mentioned Celerons
@MarsUltor I just got me a sweet new RISC chip :P
did anyone own a computer before their parents did?
My dad was fairly early adopter (of consumer computers) so not me
Still have nightmares about that Tandy
Yea, both my parents worked on tech stuff, so not me either.
My mom did programming at university, so not me
@Phrancis oh, I had a Tandy 1000. You?
Similar boat here
@Geobits Oh gods, ... that's the one I think
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

JoshKChallenge Create a factorial tree from a number. A factorial tree will take a number > 1, n, and find 2 numbers that multiply together to equal n that are greater than 1. Then, it will repeat for the factorials until every section reaches a number that does. Then it will output the last numbers....

It was a beast, no doubt.
When will I learn not to click sandbox links on mobile? It never ends well.
Very similar to that, though the "box" was significantly bigger
@Phrancis hey, my grandad still has that in his garage!
idk if it still works though
and he has an apple 2e also.
@Phrancis yea, mine was bigger than that too.
That OS sucked balls
Did anyone own a computer before one of their grandparents did? (No here)
My grandparents never owned a computer
I didn't live in the same continent as my grandparents, so not sure.
Not sure my remaining one even owns a cell phone, she has a land line
Though the land line phone is digital, so I guess that counts as a computer?
(it also has reallllly big buttons)
How old is the car? It's probably more computerized :)
Ah the memories of the old, sluggish Tandy, oh and also the printer, you know with the strips with holes in them on the sides of the paper (can't think of the name)... man those were loud, and slow
Blergh, the IRC server protocol is kinda weird
@Phrancis Yea, but you could make the little spring things with the holey edges. Totally worth it.
@Geobits Oh yeah those were fun
@Geobits why not?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Lived in Germany for seven of my first ten years.
That's what I thought too ;)
Did your parents work there?
Yea, military.
or did you accidentally mail yourself there and had to work your way back?
oh, okay.
@Geobits are you planning to put @Minibits in the military?
$ sudo $(which chmod) 777 ./dist/bin/cpm
$ sudo $(which chown) $(whoami) ./dist/bin/cpm
$ sudo $(which npm) test
> sudo ./dist/bin/cpm install math
./dist/bin/cpm: 7: ./dist/bin/cpm: : Permission denied
>:( wtf travis
@Downgoat you should totally drop that and try jQuery
"Put" him in? No, he can make his own decisions at that point. I'll give him some pros and cons if he asks.
@quartata do you play brogue?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ i tri bu permission denied eror
@Geobits okay. You said you went into the military, right?
Yea, for ten years.
@Downgoat oh, you no put enough avocad in. put more and tri again
@Geobits okay. Did you like it?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ i put too much avocad an travis eror
@Phrancis ... you don't?
@Downgoat no use travis use jQuery
i alread tri
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ For the most part, yes. There are some shitty aspects, but on the whole it was a net positive.
@Downgoat tri for thirtee minut?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ yea
i tri fo nintee
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ no but I've heard of it
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Maybe I'll need to try one of you all's sorcery languages some day
@quartata hm
I have a question on gaming se about it.
@Phrancis it's a trap
just wondering if you need moar arqade rep
@Phrancis you should try teascript its great and does all things
its also very easy to use
@Downgoat tri thirtee hundwed
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ oka thx fo halp
@Downgoat "golfing languages" and "easy to use" don't come to mind in the same thought very often
jolf has higher learning curve than teascisrpt
yeah but iz better
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ agrees.
I thought Clojure was cool, though it's not golfing (and also has lots of Lisp parentheses) but that's about as weird of a language I've tried
I take that back, I've played around with ChucK too
Q: Musical Fizzbuzz

PhrancisI wrote some code using ChucK : Strongly-timed, Concurrent, and On-the-fly Music Programming Language and would like a review. I broke down the logic into a number of classes, all of which are shown below. This is pretty new to me, and I would appreciate any and all constructive criticism. Wha...

I even recorded a video for it
Racket > Clojure
But Lisps are so beautiful
Racket is a lisp
Clojure barely deserves the lisp name
So very insensitive to speech impediments in here...
But... Clojure is JAVA though:(
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ are you saying teascript is bad ;_;
A street urchin sprung from the unholy love of a declarative and an imperative language
it should be burnt at the stake
@Downgoat isn't teascript just weak JavaScript? (honest question)
@Geobits what
@Geobits TeaScript : JavaScript :: Pyth : Python
So you're saying I'm right? ;)
@Geobits ...
No Jolf : JavaScript :: Pyth : Python
I honestly thought teascript was simple replacement-golfing.
Teascript is very different
Does Teascript contain more magic per byte of code?
@quartata eh, my point was that TeaScript does compile to JS but syntax is completely changed.
@Phrancis depends. a 2 in teascript == a 2 in JS
But does it ==== ?
but Pyth syntax is Python syntax just without parenthesis or commas
2 =============== 2
Soon we'll need plugins to keep track of how many equal signs to use with JS
@quartata Not really, Pyth is prefix, python is infix
@Downgoat lol
@Phrancis eval("2"+$.IS_IT_REALLY_EQUAL_DONT_LIE_TO_ME_JS+"2")
reversed(map(lambda x: x * 2, input()))
oh yes clearly tacit infix
@quartata I can't tell if sarcasm
@quartata you should try it, almost as good as nethack.
Yes that is sarcasm
I have no idea if you're being sarcastic about that being sarcasm :|
Does anyone here have experience with Travis-CI?
Other than you? idts
You know that infix means something liike this right? (input map (x lambda x *2)) reversed
@Downgoat Yes
@AlexA. :D can you see if you have any idea why this is borked:
19 mins ago, by Downgoat
$ sudo $(which chmod) 777 ./dist/bin/cpm
$ sudo $(which chown) $(whoami) ./dist/bin/cpm
$ sudo $(which npm) test
> sudo ./dist/bin/cpm install math
./dist/bin/cpm: 7: ./dist/bin/cpm: : Permission denied
Uh, why are you doing $(which chmod) to get chmod?
@AlexA. because travis is stupid and will say "chmod: Command not found"
If chmod doesn't work, which chmod shouldn't either
But.... which only shows things in your path...
^ Exactly.
also what is on line 7
which searches your path
A travis member said to do that
and it actually fixes it
at least the command not found error
That's really bizarre
I have no idea why. Travis is confusing as f*ck
If you were talking to a Travis member about it, why don't you ask them about the permission error?
I was reading an existing thread
what is on line 7 of cpm
lemme paste cpm:

base=`dirname "$0"`
NODE_EXE=`which node`

check the permissions on cpm cli js
ok, lemme see if chmod 777ing that works
just do ls -l
Try chmod 888 instead ;)
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Ask Travis support
That's what they're there for
where? how?
Click Help on their site?
How were you talking to one of them before?
do ls -l pls
@quartata did I do something stupid?
I meant for you to show me the output of ls -l
yeah, I did?
$ ls -l ./dist/bin
total 8
-rwxrwxrwx 1 travis travis  117 May  7 03:54 cpm
-rwxrwxrwx 1 travis travis 1463 May  7 03:55 cpm-cli.js
Oh. I thought you were just showing me that the build failed
uh maybe ls -l $(which node)
Q: Jordan Decomposition

Megoimportant note: Because this challenge only applies to square matrices, any time I use the term "matrix", it is assumed that I am referring to a square matrix. I am leaving off the "square" description for brevity's sake. Background Many matrix-related operations, such as computing the determin...

oh wait a second, I know the problem I think
Wait, nevermind.
@NewMainPosts complicated maths to me
@Phrancis It's actually quite simple
Subtract λ from each diagonal element of A, compute determinant, set equal to 0, solve for λ. Boom, eigenvalues.
ugh greek letters
Who is λ?
Some variable that means "eigenvalue" in the context of matrixes
lambda is often used as a symbol for eigenvalue
Disclaimer: I don't understand matrix math, or much math, for that matter
@Mego are we allowed to use determinant builtins
(not asking for a lesson either atm, already had one today:)
So for A = [[2,3],[5,1]], you'd get (A-λI) = [[2-λ,3],[5,1-λ]]. Determinant is (2-λ)(1-λ)-15. Set equal to 0, solve for λ.
@quartata Yes
I don't consider determinant builtins to trivialize the challenge, since computing the eigenvalues is only part of it
might do a matlab solution later. too busy trying to figure out how to get this stupid irc thing working
Goal for myself: get the inquisitive badge by posting a challenge every day for the next 7 days
Q: Build a Factor Tree

JoshKChallenge Create a factor tree from a number. A factor tree will take a number > 1, n, and find 2 numbers > 1 that multiply together to equal n. Then, it will repeat for the factors until every section reaches a number that does not have any factors. The program should output the most optimal ...

@Quill how can I do something like this in grunt: grunt.registerTask('install', ['task1', 'task2']); but when grunt install is called. I want to check if some variable is true and if it is run another task. Can I do that?
@Mego I have a Mathematica solution that's almost there, I just need to figure out how to get those damn ones for the multiplicities. >:/
You could just add a task alongside task 1 and 2 that can call another task
@AlexA. Does Mathematica have builtins for Jordan blocks and block-diagonal matrices?
Almost surely
@Quill yeah, just figured that ou
But I'm not using them
Aren't they banned?
Only Jordan decomposition is banned
Using a builtin that constructs a Jordan block from an eigenvalue and its algebraic multiplicity, or one that outputs a block-diagonal matrix from a list of blocks, is not banned
$ sudo cpm juic avocad
Attempting to install avocad...
Attempting to install from github.com/cheddar-lang/cheddar-libs/trunk/avocad/config.ini...

Successfully located package:
avocad, A avocado juicing library for Cheddar.
My Sage solution for this one (which I'm not posting for a while) is really short because Sage has those builtins :)
i can juic avocad wit cpm!
But eigenvalue built-ins are banned though
> A avocado
An avocado, you mean?
@AlexA. no, I meant "a avocad"
brb fixing
-1 incorrect package description
@AlexA. Yes, but computing the eigenvalues and their multiplicities is as easy as finding the roots of the characteristic polynomial
@Quill what version of OS X are you using?
@Mego Which is nontrivial for languages without symbolic algebra
@AlexA. Sucks to suck :P
That's just to get the main diagonal with eigenvalues
I haven't even gotten multiplicities yet because using Mathematica is like slamming your face into a fence repeatedly.
I've got 79 bytes in Sage
The main reason why it's so short in Sage is 1) polynomial.roots() is a thing, and 2) polynomial.roots() returns a list of (root,multiplicity) tuples
Sage is great and does all things
Sage is okay. I mean, it can only be so good being based on Python. ;P
What you meant to say is, "It must be so great because it is based on Python"
That is not what I meant to say
The temptation to make a golfier version of Sage is strong... There's so many long function names
Seriously v3
I've been toying with the idea of making a math-based fork of Seriously (like M is a math-based fork of Jelly)
And building it on Sage
@Downgoat el captain
@Quill oh D:
But a math-based fork of Seriously would just be Seriously (minus a few string functions)
@Quill system integrity protection
Anyhoo, back to Path of Exile 2-week league
I hope to see oodles of rep when I come back
I only have poodles
and noodles
Does anyone have any idea on how to golf this:
if [ ! -f a ]; then
    echo "foo" >> b
    echo "foo" >> a
how ternary bash this isn't google :|
@Quill can I do echo "foo" >> (a || b)?
This has a good explanation
@AlexA. i know. I googled it
my goodness that's large
@AlexA. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
> can I do echo "foo" >> (a || b)
no one? :(
Try it in your terminal and see if it works
I haven't done bash in a long time ;-;
anyone know why this doesn't seem to work?: echo [ -f foo ]

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