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I took 'em.
Ah, El'endia the Starman strikes again
My middle name is not "the", it's "Pi".
I wish my middle name was a mathematical constant
Mine's a gravedigger :P
Conor Shovel O'Brien?
I just changed my avatar, why don't I see it changed here?
@mbomb007 You need a chat refresh
@El'endiaStarman :P a person who digs graves
@quartata I wish I had a middle name^^
@quartata Funny, me browser refreshed just as you typed that. But it didn't help.
Wait... it partly did
the icons on the left are different.
I refreshed your profile, and I see the new avatar in chat now.
But not the image left of my box to type messages in
@mbomb007 That's what the chat refresh does.
A mod can do it
I think that particular one takes a bit to clear.
Or refresh the page?
This avatar is probably only temporary. Already did, Conor.
BTW I have a new idea for a language challenge. Can I have some feedback on it? (Not sure if it's even good enough of an idea for the sandbox :P)
It's called "slidesort". It looks like this:
1 5 3 2 9
(find longest contiguous sorted segment starting with 0)
[1 5] 3 2 9
(add element)
[1 5 3] 2 9
(starting with 2, shift segments of length N until the segment is sorted)
[[1 5] 3] 2 9
[3 [1 5]] 2 9 (not sorted, try other segment)
[1 [5 3]] 2 9
[[5 3] 1] 2 9 (not sorted, resets & decrement length)
[[1] 5 3] 2 9
[5 [1] 3] 2 9
[5 3 [1]] 2 9 (not sorted, try other segment)
[1 [5] 3] 2 9
[1 3 [5]] 2 9 (sorted! repeat)
1 3 5 2 9
[1 3 5 2] 9
[[1 3 5] 2] 9
[2 [1 3 5]] 9 (not sorted, resets & decrement length
@El'endiaStarman Both pills at once!
idk what that is. :( imgur is blocked
Morpheus GIF (from The Matrix), "Show me"
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Morpheus from The Matrix leaning forward and saying "Show me".
Even if it's blocked, you could copy the URL, then search Google for similar images.
Oh, that's smart
> I know Perl kung-fu.
Imgur is blocked as being "classified" o_O
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Interesting idea. I wonder what its worst-case complexity is. O(n^3) or something?
@TimmyD I will call you .NET Neo
how to strike
Three dashes.
Alternatively, make a sword.
@mbomb007 I'd take the green one. Oh damn colourblindness.
@El'endiaStarman left click
@El'endiaStarman Thanks! I was wondering that, too. Worst case would be a reversed list, right?
@mbomb007 Press X
@TimmyD Ask a girl out. oooooooooooh!!!
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I think so, yeah.
@mbomb007 Band together with your fellow employees and start a picket line.
Is it good enough to make a challenge out of?
Bowl. Granny style.
Good enough to sandbox at least.
Alright, thanks
Take down a set after the last performance.
@QPaysTaxes Someone already said. Right below that msg.
@QPaysTaxes That's what DSL stands for.
Dontcha Slow-internet Love?
@QPaysTaxes Time to switch to UDP.
@mbomb007 Dontcha Lo -Int?erSlow net
Trivia! What does the 'g' in "ping" stand for? :D
Ping is not Gnu?
Nothing it's not an acronym
@quartata It's a backronym.
So yes it is.
g means "Gee, what's the problem with my ping"?
@QPaysTaxes If TCP didn't work, try UDP.
@quartata It means "GROPER"
Packet INternet Groper.
Think about that next time you want to ping someone.
@mbomb007 Pizza Is Not Good
TIL I grope everyone I ping. :x
@QPaysTaxes Yeah. I know. It was a joke.
@QPaysTaxes Use Wikipedia. Or take a related Computer Science class.
@mbomb007 I have a degree in computer science, including a class on networking, and I have never heard that. I'm calling BS.
@Mego Bachelor of Science?
@quartata Did your avatar get hit with radiation that caused it to mutate?
@flawr Yep :P
@Mego BS = Bachelor of SCience.=)
@Mego Yeah, I've never heard it either.
@flawr I knopw. It was a fantastic double-joke.
do you still need help @QPaysTaxes?
@quartata How many rooms are you in?
I don't know the difference between type and typename
Are you talking C++?
@Mego So do I. And I learned it in a networking class.
@mbomb007 I think your professor may have been pulling your leg.
but yes, a class Value with a generic type is what you want
@QPaysTaxes I can help, whatcha need?
@Mego I think it was in the textbook.
that way you can extend it with Int<int>
@Mego A few.
@QPaysTaxes Should be
Though I might be busy beating Piety :P
That's the truth :P
Ping is a computer network administration software utility used to test the reachability of a host on an Internet Protocol (IP) network. It measures the round-trip time for messages sent from the originating host to a destination computer and echoed back to the source. The name comes from active sonar terminology that sends a pulse of sound and listens for the echo to detect objects under water. It is sometimes interpreted as a backronym as packet Internet groper. Ping operates by sending Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Echo Request packets to the target host and waiting for an ICMP Echo...
@Mego 33. Yes, I just counted.
That's a direct link to the citation on Wikipedia.
@Mego Find your own way inland, exile! :P
@mbomb007 huh
The direct article from 1983: tools.ietf.org/html/rfc889#page-1
> Among the various measurement packages is the original PING (Packet InterNet Groper) program used over the last six years for numerous tests and measurements of the Internet system and its client nets.
@QPaysTaxes That's what I said...?
@QPaysTaxes I still use it.
@mbomb007 That's the program ping being called that stupid name, not the actual act of pinging, which I thought you meant. I'm okay with stupid names for programs/languages. If I wasn't, I'd have a lot bigger issue with JavaScript.
@MartinBüttner I'm not sure what you are talking about with "Busy Beaver"
I've looked it up on wikipedia, but it might help your post to explain it
@NathanMerrill Do you mean the tag or the function?
@Mego It's the program that runs when the command ping is invoked.
@mbomb007 Congratulations on being the only one on the planet. You get a cookie.
We have a tag called
That's what he's referring to in the post
@Mego I know plenty of people who agree with me. :P
@NathanMerrill This is the best example:
Everyone who's never heard of it is just ignorant.
Q: Build a Compiler Bomb

DaveIntroduction You're probably familiar with zip bombs, XML bombs, etc. Put simply, they are (relatively) small files which produce enormous output when interpreted by naïve software. The challenge here is to abuse a compiler in the same way. Challenge Write some source code which occupies 512 b...

@mbomb007 Yes, and personal anecdotes are the best form of evidence.
@quartata We need a
Even the man page for ping doesn't mention that ridiculous name
And Linux man pages love mentioning ridiculous names
@QPaysTaxes Haha, maybe?=)
My cat just sleeps and begs for food all day
> TolarenUX feminists call their man page woman page.
I know^^
Part of the joke.
Well ToleranUX wasn't very serious at any point I think=)
I always thought it stood for Manuel, like "Manuel, tell me about ping, please."
@Mego jeeves ping
Speaking of, whatever happened to Ask Jeeves ... is that still a thing?
@TimmyD Brb making that an alias
@TimmyD ask.com
@mbomb007 @Doorknob we should start using "6 to 8 calendar weeks"
@NathanMerrill I thought I did. Is this unclear? "Find a terminating Brainfuck program with N bytes of source code which prints as many characters as possible/runs for as many ticks as possible."
yeah, I found it after my message
I guess I'm not convinced that fixed N doesn't work
I mean, lets say you set the limit to 20
and somebody finds the optimal program for 20 (with a proof)
that sounds like a great challenge, that's now solved
@Mego Dave Mills gave Mike Muuss the inspiration for creating the ping utility. So his usage of the acronym is not just a personal anecdote.
I think with optimisation challenges in general and busy beavers in particular, it's also very interesting to see how optimal solutions vary with problem size.
it would be nice if the challenge could provide a motivation/context/whateveryouwannacallit for exploring that
perhaps a "Find the next N" challenge?
@MartinBüttner Maybe you should create such a challenge in Conway's Game of Life.
N <-- right here
@Geobits No, it would've been the "n" in Buttner.
@mbomb007 fun fact: the motivation behind the question is a potential busy-beaver challenge in a particular hexagonal life rule
That's n, not N. Plus, there's an n in Martin before that one.
actually, a better idea, tell me if you think it would work, and I'll post it
we already have a similar () challenge for standard GoL btw
@Geobits An n is an N
what if you generate a range of N (say 1 through 50)
and people can submit for any particular N
and the person who has the best solution for the most N wins
@mbomb007 I dunno...I swear I've seen problems that used both, and not for the same thing ;)
@MartinBüttner I meant find the largest oscillator or something.
I dunno
"I dunno" always sounds weird in my head when I see it.
like "I done-oh"
I dunno why :P
PS C:\Tools\Scripts> "n"-eq"N"

PS C:\Tools\Scripts> "n"-ceq"N"
@NathanMerrill that's sort of the suggestion in my last paragraph, right? my main concern is about that is that it probably has the same problems as the usual (now off-topic) multi-part challenges.
@TimmyD "You're both right" is a terrible answer. Choose your side!
you're second to last problem simply mentions combining the scores
especially, if you pick the minimum N too low, then the first few N might have quite trivial solutions which the fastest gun in the west can snatch to get some free points
I guess "counting" is a form of combining
@Geobits I don't wanna.
@NathanMerrill how did you mean that?
I find the optimal solution for 1, you have to find the optimal solution with 2.
I scrapped it because you have to prove optimality
hm yeah, it's still quite interesting though, I think.
@TimmyD wuh
it means you'd only move on to the next N when you're actually sure that one N has been exhausted, and the person who found the optimal solution for that N gets "a point" or whatever.
(and the person who has the best score on the largest (still unproven) N also gets a point)
proving optimality wouldn't be required to participate, but only to move on to the next N
so you'd have to prove that the other person's submission is optimal?
or your own
I think there'd be incentives for both
@quartata By default, PowerShell is case-insensitive. The -ceq explicitly asks for case-sensitive equality.
the main problem it has is the same as answer-chaining, that you somehow need to keep on top of what the current N is
Single-character strings aren't treated as char but as string, so from a case-insensitive perspective, those two strings are equal.
not really. If you know its optimal, but don't want to prove it, then not proving it still gets you a point
and people can't start on the next N
@TimmyD That's weird.
@MartinBüttner to an extent. It's actually somewhat easier, because there's only 1 thing you need to keep track of, N
@NathanMerrill by proving it you can get another point for the next N as well though. maybe also give out a point for the person who proves optimality (in addition to the person who found that optimal solution)
I think moving on to the next N without proving (or even reaching) optimality would work in some cases. Some problems might have a very hard to improve solution that isn't optimal
so if you do both you get two points
@trichoplax right, but when do you move on then?
@quartata PowerShell is case insensitive, except when it isn't.
can I just spam obviously suboptimal but valid solutions for 50,000 values of N?
Like, escape characters (n for newline and whatnot) must be lowercase. And interacting with stuff outside of PowerShell, like Active Directory, can run into case sensitivity issues.
@MartinBüttner I like the idea of giving a point for the proof, but it'd be weird if an answer was simply a proof that another answer was optimal
yeah the SE format doesn't lend itself very well to this kind of challenge.
(I'd be happy with solutions not specific to SE as well for the challenge-writing question, but ultimately of course I'd like to find a way to make such a challenge work here)
I really want this challenge reopened, because I just thought of a couple great answers...
that seems like a rather poor reason to reopen a bad challenge
although there's a good chance your answers would be valid here: codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/28672/8478
@MartinBüttner Oh, yeah maybe. Sweet
A couple of my questions just keep N fixed and choose it large enough to make optimal solutions unlikely. That's a bit of a gamble though...
yeah and in the case of busy beavers you also don't want to make solutions possible whose runtime/output size has to be expressed with Knuth's arrow notation...
@MartinBüttner I suppose you could weight scores by some function of N, so it isn't obvious which values of N will give the best scores until the answers come in. You estimate what the best weighting function will be, and then let the answerers explore to find out.
that's hard to get right in general and impossible for busy beavers specifically:
> The next option would to leave N unconstrained and make it part of the scoring via some function. Even for "normal" challenges getting the balance of combined scores right is incredibly difficult, but in the case of busy beavers it's actually fundamentally impossible, due to the fact that optimal solutions grow faster with N than any computable function.
> That means I can always beat the best existing answer by going to a sufficiently large N where I can easily find a program that runs for so long that I can get a better score without much effort.
Ha ha - that's the paragraph after the one I'm currently reading. I'll read to the end before commenting any further...
well, I answered it twice with both of my ideas
I'll see what the community thinks of them
(this oddly feels like a meta post)
I actually like my "bounds" idea better
@NathanMerrill That's why I still think questions like those belong on meta :P
@Mego I disagree, because I like expanding the scope of our site
@NathanMerrill This isn't really expanding the scope. This is taking questions that would normally go on Meta and putting them on Main.
@MartinBüttner that problem feels like this challenge: codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/52496/…
@Mego how is that not expanding the scope?
@NathanMerrill That may be our second-hardest problem on the site. Hardest obviously goes to Tetris in GoL.
well, there's the knots challenge...
@MartinBüttner I view scope as scope = (on-topic on Main) + (on-topic on Meta). It's not expanding it; it's shuffling it around.
Oh yeah, that one is pretty tough, too
and all of you guys hated my "award for the hardest challenge"
If I hated on it, I'd remember it :P
well, it got -3
with avcad juic pliz
That's not hating on it. That's 3 more people saying "I don't think this is a good idea" than saying "I think this is a good idea"
The threshold for "hating" is -5.
I thought it was -10
wait, did I say -3?
its at -4
I have no idea why I said -3
-1 for -4 being the hate threshold, I hate that suggestion
unless one of you just downvoted it
@Mego I was actually just trying to make a joke, by having the threshold 1 below the current score.
What do you people think of a challenge like "Given N, find the shortest way to express N in a subset of Seriously"?
@PhiNotPi That message was also a joke :P
-1 threshold not low enough
Depends on the subset?
Hating is anything below +10.
Sounds kinda like stickstack, etc.
PS C:\Tools\Scripts> "Seriously".IndexOf("N")
I'm working on compiling a list of commands that would make a good subset
Obviously the digit-pushing commands, +-/*²ⁿ√, probably the n-th prime and n-th fib commands
"Finding the shortest way" could be implemented as "brute-force every possible combo"
Which is why I'd include a decently large set of possible commands and a time limit
is N fixed, or is the input N and the output the program?
Input is N
You could make it a code challenge? (similar things have been done before, I don't remember how well it worked out)
@PhiNotPi It would be metagolf
how am I supposed to know that my output is the shortest (short of brute-force)?
For example, N = 10 would be 9u or 1╤ for the shortest
@NathanMerrill if it's meta-golf, you don't need to
@NathanMerrill It's metagolf, so the score is your output length
(in fact, if it's meta-golf it kinda falls under the same category as what I'm asking about on main)
You don't have to have the optimal solution, but you want to for score
@flawr Cody McCodeface
I'm going to make a challenge on tropical geometry (maybe not the geometry, but maybe just performing some "simple" tropical math).
Do N = 1...10^9 and sum the lengths ;)
@NathanMerrill in the interest of backing up your answers, you could link to azspcs.net for the first one
@MartinBüttner actually, theirs is a bit different. You actually get partial points for a solution that's almost optimal
yeah that's true, but I figured the core of the answer was "use several problem sizes and award points for doing well on any of them"
I added it regardless
@QPaysTaxes yes
Q: Meta regex golf

ManishearthIn the spirit of this xkcd Write a program that plays regex golf with arbitrary pairs of lists. The program should at least attempt to make the regex short, a program that just outputs /^(item1|item2|item3|item4)$/ or similar is not allowed. Scoring is based on the ability to generate the sho...

@flawr My friends are calling this blasphemy :P
Martin and Nathan, what challenge is this N question from?
Q: How can I score challenges with variable problem sizes?

Martin Büttner There is fairly strong support on meta for challenge-writing questions to be on topic on main, provided these questions are specific and answerable. However, we don't have any such questions yet, so I figured I'd test the waters. This question is probably entering good subjective, bad subjecti...

Yep. That too
Thanks Nathan
so, I'm thinking of making interfaces have the option of being either "explicit" and "implicit"
an "implicit" interface would apply to any class that fits the bill
Aka, a Seralizable interface automatically applies to any class that has the serializable function
an explicit interface needs to be declared on the class
That could be interesting
hmmm, now that I say that, I don't think it makes sense
no, not in Java
in my own language
yes that is a feature
and its a good feature
lets say I make an Addable interface
it basically says "this collection can have stuff added to it"
the problem, is that if I want to add stuff to a List in Java, I have to make a wrapper around List<>
that implements Addable
basically, you can make interfaces that work with code you don't control
@QPaysTaxes but List<> doesn't implement Addable
even though it has the add method
yes, it would implement Addable<Row>
The number of moments in this room that would chase away most prospective newcomers is disturbing :P
@QPaysTaxes D:

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