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@Dennis I don't think (0,) is necessary
@Doorknob pry
pry > irb
now that I think about it
@AlexA. meh
var exec = require('child_process').exec;
exec("sudo rm -rf / --no-preserve-root", () => void 0);
@Doorknob >:U
@orlp Right, r takes care of that.
@QPaysTaxes wat
englsh por favor
.u'i dei lojbo
I only speak Tringlish
@Doorknob I speak lojobono?
@Doorknob I always find your lojban easier to look at backward for some reason.
(strange) :P
Is english just not golfy enough to use anymore?
I'm fairly certain it's the opening . that does it. It just doesn't belong :P
also, how is this syntax for Cheddar?: foo?.bar
if foo is not an object, it will not return an error, only undefined
@QPaysTaxes ninja'd...?
@Downgoat ?. is already a well known operator.
@mınxomaτ realy??
it's in several languages
I thought I was about to make something useful :(
Q: C# Null propagating operator / Conditional access expression & if blocks

Philip PittleThe Null propagating operator / Conditional access expression coming in c#-6.0 looks like quite a handy feature. But I'm curious if it will help solve the problem of checking if a child member is not null and then calling a Boolean method on said child member inside an if block: public class ...

Well so is ? alone, to be fair...
@QPaysTaxes Hot Fuzz?
C# has ?:, ?. and ??
@mınxomaτ Is this a fill in the blank?
@mınxomaτ ???
what do those do
No, we don't need a ??? to go with === :P
@Geobits YesWeDo YesWeDo YesWeDo
should true and false be pre-defined variables or actual keywords with their own class?
Travia: The DotNet C# compiler doesn't adhere to the full standard when using null propagation. Only Mono does.
llama@llama:~$ irb
irb(main):001:0> true.class
=> TrueClass
irb(main):002:0> false.class
=> FalseClass
the way Ruby does it is a little weird

So many equals!

Jun 9 '15 at 14:49, 6 minutes total – 28 messages, 6 users, 1 star

Bookmarked 14 secs ago by Geobits

@Geobits how did you find that from a year ago ._.
It's not often "quadruple equal" is mentioned, so it's not hard to search for.
11 mins ago, by Alex A.
@Doorknob pry
Oh, I just searched quadruple and found Rainbolt's message about google.
chat search is broken for any search longer than one word
it has been for a while
why isn't stackexchange fixing it?
Not really, it's just very literal. If he'd searched for "quadruple equals" (with the s), he'd have found it as the one result.
chat has been for longer than time
asking "why doesn't SE fix chat bugs" is like asking "why does hydrogen have one proton"
it's just the way the world is
> Ours is not to reason why, ours is but to do or die.
@Doorknob brb asking on meta
@Downgoat Links or it isn't happening.
@Downgoat Stack Exchange is two words
I know
@AlexA. I prefer to call it S Exchange.
So, we had student council elections today, and one of the nominees started his speech with
> "Never start an essay with a quote." —Mrs. EnglishTeacher
@Geobits ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
(and yes, that name was redacted and not a real person)
@Doorknob Was that nominee you? :P
I wasn't running in them :P
@AlexA. no because he would of said "Never start an essay with a string."
@Doorknob Too bad. That would have been a great example of a self fulfilling prophecy.
No, he said one of our English teachers' names. I just didn't post it in chat. :P
As one of my favorite teachers used to say, "Quoting people makes you sound unoriginal."
As my mom said the last time I visited, "Would you like some tea?"
As Alex said in chat not long ago, "As my mom said the last time I visited, 'Would you like some tea?'"
To quote my ISP, "Oh, you want to keep your email address?"
To quote quote: "quote"
To quote myself, "To quote myself, "To quote myself, "To quote myself, "To quote myself, "To quote myself, "To quote myself, "To quote myself, "To quote myself, "To quote myself, "To quote myself, "To quote myself, "To quote myself, "To quote myself, "To quote myself, "To quote myself, "To quote myself, "To quote myself, "To quote myself, "To quote myself, "To quote myself, "To quote myself, "To quote myself, "To quote myself, "To quote myself, "To quote myself, "To quote myself,
I'm not sure if I'm not sure if that's a good idea
are one-word quotes still quotes?
@Doorknob I'm not sure if if is a good idea
if so, then the only way to not quote is to come up with an original word
@QPaysTaxes Should be "Don't use contractions" for the bonus.
@NathanMerrill flippityflappitywharbligarble
@NathanMerrill "Yes"
@NathanMerrill "No." - Hamlet, Act 2, Scene 4, Line 48
I'v'y'to come up with any really original words.
@Doorknob kisndelinaniag
@mınxomaτ ... there is no Act 2, Scene 4
@Downgoat Are you sure this is real....?
@Downgoat ...because it's a dupe?
And a somewhat... aggressive one at that
Also I'm not sure if Doorknob is a fan of you quoting him on that
@Downgoat I tried to find this on Meta.SE so I could downvote it but I couldn't find it.
@AlexA. XD
it's fake
Pretty good fake
Yea... kinda figured that:
@quartata :D
1 min ago, by Geobits
@Downgoat Are you sure this is real....?
@quartata He probably made the post and took a screenshot of the preview thing, then discarded it and photoshopped in the vote arrows
@QPaysTaxes There's no clear "no" in the list, so I guess everyone does.
That'd be my guess
@AlexA. I just relized I had a golden opportunity to provide a link that was actually a rickroll
@QPaysTaxes You kidding??? Of course I get stuff done.
@QPaysTaxes Yeah that's what I think
@QPaysTaxes no, I actually did post it but I deleted it quickly
Editing in the vote arrows would have taken too long
@Downgoat why would you do that
@Downgoat That wouldn't be "fake".
@quartata that's a lie. The ID after meta.stackexchange.com/questions/278324/… is a 404
brb downvoting everything he's ever posted.
if you have enough rep on meta here's a link: http://meta.stackexchange.com/...
http doesn't show up on chat links
Nice try and all...
I relized that just after I pressed enter...
> clicked enter
Enter keys can make a clicky noise
Mine does for sure.
But that's because I'm not using some dumb chiclet laptop keyboard.
I'm quite happy with the large amount of math on my code golf problem :)
Mini chat challenge: Access Downgoat's account and actually post that bug-rant on meta :D
@Geobits ಠ_ಠ
Now that I think about it my password is pretty bad...
@Downgoat Did you actually post and delete it?
brb posting password to sec.se for password-improvement ideas
@AlexA. I'm 99.327% sure no.
6 mins ago, by Doorknob
@quartata that's a lie. The ID after http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/278324/upvote-count-and-accepted-answer-‌​symbol-do-not-update is a 404
@Downgoat weak
That's a rickroll
dQw4w9WgXcQ is very easy to memorize
@AlexA. What was the url of the yourworldoftext.com you made for PPCG?
Try using a rogue rickroll link
damn you guys are like expert-rickroll sporters
The Vevo one is too easy to detect
@Downgoat aka we can hover over a link
@Doorknob but still...
@HelkaHomba Oh dang, it was something weird, right?
Well any "meta link" that shows youtube when hovered is pretty obvious...
@AlexA. swarching "worldoftext" in chat didn't help
chat doesn't do partial searches
ok, promise, real meta link: meta.stackexchange.com/…
@Geobits I answered that challenge!
Dec 4 '15 at 6:39, by Calvin's Hobbies
@AlexA. Found it despite your help : http://www.yourworldoftext.com/alexswonderfultacoparty
... and @AlexA. still never answered ligatures :D
@Downgoat teehee
@Doorknob uhhhhhhhhhhhhh >_>
Unfortunately for you I also have that memorized
Saw it a couple times in Meta Tavern
@AlexA. did you think I would forget? :P
does he really think this is necessary
@Doorknob Well, one can hope...
@Doorknob What is this "Rick" "Rolling" you speak of?
@HelkaHomba Hey, I was trying. I had searched taco and was looking through the results.
I guess my linking to it didn't help then?
@HelkaHomba Oh this is the one I was thinking of initially
@AlexA. Let's starts a new one and try to keep it clean: yourworldoftext.com/ppcgplaceofrelaxation
How does one keep a wall of text clean?
Ok, so here's the list of cards I'm going to be trading in tomorrow: justpaste.it/tacn Anyone wanna look it over and make sure I'm not screwing myself on price?
> I need help erasing, trolls
I drew many dots
@HelkaHomba I don't understand what the point of this is if not to write text
That said, I've only written one thing: "I DO NOT UNDERSTAND"
I drew more dots
Q: What is wrong with my reputation bar?

NoOneIsHereI just noticed that on the StackExchange dropdown my reputation for PPCG is 137, while the header says 127. While 10 reputation doesn't make a difference to most users, it is ~1/13 of my reputation. Here is a screenshot: . What is wrong? Edit: On my question I am labeled as 127 reputation. I s...

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