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@El'endiaStarman So... how do I obtain the partitioning from the encoding? I've been staring at that thing for a while and have no thoughts
Trivia: The program >:U in Pyth takes a line of input and prints [] if it's an integer, False if it's the empty list, and errors otherwise (AFAICT).
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Pick a partition, and write it out in some way like this:
1 3
Then label each number in the first line with 1, each in the second line with 2, and so on.
This is the partition -> encoding direction.
To get the reverse, do these steps in reverse order. :P
> Installation is the reverse of removal.
My mind hates me atm :P
@Doorknob It results in an error in Julia, but not what I'd expect: ERROR: UndefVarError: >: not defined
realizes that I've been working on something for 2+ hours that's really not what I need
in pyth, o.O outputs a list of all the integers from zero to its input
or outputs its input if input is a list
 J says:

>: U
Infinite loop in Minkolang. :P
Wait, actually, no, it should error.
Yup, division by zero error.
In Pyth, >_> inputs a number and outputs True if it's negative, False otherwise (supports floating point too).
With no input, <3 returns false in Jolf
definitely not hardcoded
<_< does the opposite
including 0 as false
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ in J?
@MarsUltor Please don't make weird title formatting edits. I assume Maltysen considered alternatives before settling on <s></s>, otherwise I suggest mentioning your suggestions in chat or in a comment.
@Doorknob Now that one is an infinite loop in Minkolang. :P Two redirections to the right and a horizontal mirror that's a no-op here.
<3 outputs whether the number is greater than 3 in Pyth
(expands to <3Q)
(same in jolf :P)
(same in TeaScript)
(infinite loop in Minkolang)
In J, <3 creates a box around 3.
-_- inputs a number n and outputs -n
With an endless stack of 3s at the end.
@Doorknob what is the code that does that?
@Doorknob Same in jolf.
My gosh, why the heck are you posting all these infinitely-looping pieces of code?! :P
</3 in pyth is true for inputs greater than 1.5 and false otherwise
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ jolf == pyth but better because JavaScript?
(I know they're all ASCII faces and/or emoticons.)
@Downgoat jolf approx. pyth
@Downgoat yes
@Doorknob It expands to (-(Q-Q) - Q) = (0 - Q) = -Q
@QPaysTaxes That's a regression symbol.
the code "pyth" run in pyth doubles its input if its a number
and returns 0 for a list
-_- => sub(neg(sub(x, x)), x);
what is better syntax for accessing an array? foo[0] or foo.0 or foo.get(0) or something else?
@poi830 Oh neat, th (tail-head) is a no-op, y doubles numbers, and p prints
@Downgoat 0[foo]
running the code "jolf" in pyth outputs all non-negative integers below floor(x)
@Sp3000 wat
and for a list prints each member of the list on a separate line
@QPaysTaxes what is this?
the program "meme" in pyth outputs a list of floor(input) copies of the input for a number
and changes all members of a list to the last one for list input
@QPaysTaxes that doesn't look like very nice syntax
@Downgoat ArrayAccessorFactoryBuilder.new().setLocale("en-US").setAccessBehavior(ArrayAcc‌​essorFactoryBuilder::ACCESS_BEHAVIOR_DEFAULT).finalize().makeArrayAccessor(ArrayA‌​ccessorFactory::ZERO_BASED_INDEXING & ArrayAccessorFactory::ALLOW_ACCESS).enable(true).access(foo, 0)
I'm probably just going to have it like C but you can also pass a range, e.g. foo[0..4]
@Doorknob wat.
man in Jolf outputs 0
@Doorknob Perfect
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ man in Bash outputs What manual page do you want?
You need an IntegerFactory though for the last part
It'll throw a type error if you pass the raw 0 like that
@Doorknob judging by the bad syntax I'm guessing this is Python.
@Downgoat No it's making fun of Java factories
@Downgoat ... what?
not one word of that message makes sense
@quartata that was a joke, making fun of Python
It was a pretty poor joke
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Of course you did.
Python will always be a bad language in my eyes for it's semantic whitespace.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ :D
@El'endiaStarman I literally laugh at almost every joke in this room tho
I just realized that was very stupid
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I bet this pun goat you cracking up....
ba dum tiss
@Downgoat like literally it did :D
@Downgoat anyways judging by the poor jokes I'm guessing this is JS
@quartata ಠ_ಠ
@quartata ಠ_ಠ
@quartata you accidentally typed JS instead of Python :/
See, when it's Python you think it's funny but if it's JS suddenly it's not. What a double standard
(the two JS diehards in the room respond to the call to defend, armed with faces of disapproval)
@QPaysTaxes ಠ‿ಠ
@quartata Amen!
@QPaysTaxes ಠ╰╯ಠ
Just think we could have had Scheme instead of JS
But then someone in upper management said it had to look like Java
And so this thing was born
@QPaysTaxes \\\\٩(๑`^´๑)۶////
What a sad tale truly
oh no, please tell me there's not a JS v Everything going down again...
@Downgoat Your puns can't be bleaten.
@HelkaHomba ba dum tish
@Downgoat If it is, you're doing it alone. I g2g soon >_>
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ is that yours or can I keep it?
@Downgoat Arm yourself, we're at war.
I have my pistol: /̵͇̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿
Let's have a real talk here
Why do people dislike PHP
Bad factorial function
@quartata that doesn't even need to be asked
Weird, inconsistent syntax
Any language in which true ? true : false returns false doesn't even need to be discussed to be classified as shit
dollar variable
@Downgoat Whoa, for real?
Chat mini-challenge: forever output this:
Chat mini-challenge: Given a non-negative integer n, turn off all trailing 1 bits, e.g. 55 (or 0b110111) -> 48 (or 0b110000) and 48 -> 48
@Downgoat So much for Python
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ you should make that into an actual golf challenge
llama@llama:~$ php
<?php echo(true ? true : false);
@Downgoat Really?
I've read that PHP was originally designed to just be a templating language, but too many powerful features were added...
@Sp3000 I prefer this mini-challenge to the one preceding it
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ yeah
@AlexA. me too
@AlexA. ಠ_ಠ
10 secs ago, by Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'Bʀɪᴇɴ
@AlexA. ಠ_ಠ
@AlexA. It's not for the reason you think
Which is why Django has a pretty restricted set of capabilities for its templating language.
@Doorknob -1 for not golfing that
and wat.
@quartata I literally cannot think of a reason
nevermind PHP isn't as shitty as I thought it was
@AlexA. see there's this thing on the internet called trolls
once upon a time there was a goat-troll
People online have strong opinions
@quartata ಠ............ಠ
@Downgoat Do you want me to finish the story?
ok I won't
Anyways suffice to say
It doesn't actually do that
@AlexA. OK that's just because you don't like Perl
okay, here's another examples:
 $foo = 1; echo (foo == 1) ? "uno" : (foo == 2) ? "dos" : "tres"
that does not output uno
@Downgoat I'm not going to trust any site that makes me feel epileptic
@Sp3000 JavaScript ES6, 72 bytes, n=>eval("0b"+n.toString(2).replace(/(1+)$/,(_,t)=>"0".repeat(t.length)))
wait no
@Downgoat uh because you need the dollar sign
wait, one sec
    $foo = 1;
    print( ($foo === 1) ? "uno" : ($foo === 2) ? "dos" : "tres" );
guess what that outputs
I don't know if you're correct I just know that if you said uno you're wrong
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Er... does 0b need to be "0b"?
@Downgoat at this point, the fact that it's taken you over three tries to try to prove that PHP sucks means that isn't exactly very solid proof
@Sp3000 Yes, stupid markdown
All you have to do is wrap parens around the else clause
@Doorknob are you saying PHP isn't shit?
$ php
$foo = 1;
echo(($foo == 1) ? "uno" : (($foo == 2) ? "dos" : "tres"));
jeez people
why is everyone supporting php...
@Doorknob to be fair, it was because he was bad, not because the language was good
^ wait ಠ______________ಠ
@Downgoat Why is everyone supporting JS?
@quartata Two people atm
@Downgoat the slow realization
@quartata everyone isn't except me and Cᴏɴᴏʀ
@Sp3000 lambda n:-~n-(~n&-~n)
@Sp3000 This would make a pretty good main challenge tbh
there is only one programming language: Jelly. JELLY CONQUERS ALL BOW DOWN BEFORE LORD PEANUTBUTTER
@Dennis I'm stealing that now.
crossed out ^ is triangle ;_;
@Downgoat And I'm the only person actually supporting PHP
@Downgoat wait really? That's funny
@Dennis Oof, getting closer :)
Wow, funny.
I'm not supporting PHP, JS, or Python. Screw it, all languages suck.
@Sp3000 n=>-~n-(~n&-~n)
@Geobits Especially english
@Geobits Except for Brainfuck
@Geobits except uhhh
The reason why the first one outputs dos is because "uno" is truthy
Well they do. If there was one that truly didn't, everyone would use it.
@Geobits significan't amounts of people uses english
What it parses to is this ternary(ternary($foo == 1, "uno", $foo == 2), "dos", "tres")
@Geobits The only people who don't use Julia are those who've never heard of it.
alex is wrong
I've heard of Julia and don't use it >:D
@AlexA. I hvae hard of julia and I don't use it
@AlexA. Countexample: most of the room.
Just because a language doesn't support highly obfuscated and strange nested ternary usage in the way you'd expect doesn't mean it's bad
11 secs ago, by Alex A.
@Doorknob what's next? The red ball is red? :P
@AlexA. I use Julia sometimes
@Downgoat the down goat goes bleat
@Sp3000 lambda n:-~n^~n&-~n
@Dennis What's this?
@Doorknob That's the inverse, not the contrapositive
Mini challenge.
follow the reply chain
@quartata it's actually ʇɐǝlq
Oh, right.
@ANerd-I it's a counterexample
@Doorknob But it isn't logically sound
@ANerd-I yes it is
@Doorknob You took my statement and turned its knob counterclockwise. :(
@AlexA. Maybe, but it's a bit too simple and most submissions would just be ports of the same thing
+1 to the 0.2% crazy enough to use JavaScript
@AlexA. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@HelkaHomba Popular doesn't always mean good. It can also mean simple, good enough, or builtin, among other things.
@Sp3000 Hm, yeah. True. I thought it was pretty neat (and still do) but then Dennis had to go and ruin it by immediately converging on the optimal solution. :P
crossed out lenny is still lenny :(
@Downgoat cfractal-server was written in bash :D
@AlexA. It's not optimal (yet) :)
@Doorknob ok, I'll star it
Port to Jelly: ‘&~’^
@Sp3000 :O
@Dennis great, now there's bits of my brain all over the floor
oh jeez
Someone should get you to a hospital
like asap
nah I'm fine
@Doorknob You should pick those up. I imagine doorknob bits are sharp on the foot.
are they hospitals for doorknobs?
Machine shop?
doorknobs aren't really machines though
I know a few people who are experts in knob repair.
I think you just buy a new one
I actually saw a brain surgery today for an internship. There was an unsurprisingly low number of doorknobs in the room (1)
@Geobits doorknobs dont have feet to step on things with
@poi830 I meant as a courtesy to whoever may be coming in the door.
@ANerd-I what was the doorkob:door ratio?
@Geobits ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@Downgoat A machine shop is where they'd machine (verb) the metal to make the doorknob. Not just a place where they make machines (noun).
@Geobits oh ok
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ By the way: array_reduce(range(1, $n), function($accum, $arg) { return ($accum *= $arg); }, 1)
@Downgoat It was 1:1.
yeah I'll contend it's not the prettiest thing in the world...
@quartata is that PHP? aaahhhhh, my eyes...
Derogatory names for me notwithstanding that is
@quartata -1 "arg" is not a descriptive variable name
lambda n:n&n+1
that actually doesn't look too bad though
@Doorknob Actually it's very descriptive
@Doorknob are you a code reviewer now??? D: D: D:
@Dennis :D
@Doorknob See?
PHP is ok
And /facepalm. So much back and forth for that...
@Dennis Does Jelly have bitwise and?
&‘ in Jelly.
It would be like two bytes in it with that
@Doorknob It is if it represents an argument :P
Oh, ninja'd.
@quartata ...
@Downgoat OK, show me the equivalent in non-ES6 JS
I am starting to think quartata has bad taste in languages
we'll see who's the winner
@quartata if you're coding in non-ES6 JS you might as well not code at all
by popularity corntest

i feel like doorknob wouldnt want people coming in the door ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@Downgoat .
@poi830 Who am I to judge if he does?
They should probably not though, since he's quite a bit underage :P
Array.prototype.slice.call(Array(n)).map(function(item) { return item + 1 }).reduce(function(accum, arg) { return accum * arg });
@Geobits not underage in some countries
@Downgoat the PHP is much easier to understand at a glace
what in the world is "prototype" doing in there
@Doorknob It is a JS hack to generate a range
assuming this is code golf
mm, seems like everything in JS is a hack...
for (var i = 1, a = 1; i < n; i++)
  a *= i;
@Doorknob ^
@Downgoat that's how you generate a range? OK think we can all agree that PHP is the winner here
@quartata I promise it's better with ES6
that's... very unintuitive
though when you're coding you can just do:
[for (i of Array(n)) /* do something with i */]
for (i of Array(n)) {
  // do something with i
that's also not at all natural
@Doorknob how so?
it's a lot easier to tell that range(0,n) makes a range than it is... that
range = Array;
for (i of range(5)) {
  /* do something with i */
@Doorknob is the above better?
you can't be serious
why not?
What about a range between two numbers?
(anyway, now give me the range [0, 10, 20, ..., 100])
if you need a range function. you should probably be using a more memory-efficient for loop...
Clearly for(int i=0;i<5;i++){} is superior ;)
@Doorknob [for(i of Array(10)) i * 10]
@Downgoat where's the 100? how do I know where that ends, other than having to do math in my head?
what if I want a range from 0 to n in steps of 10?
@Doorknob If I need a range of a million digits. A range would take up like a megabyte of memory
@Downgoat yes, a million digits, that's exactly what I said...
Clearly everyone loves range(0, 100+1, 10) here
@Doorknob fine, here: range = (start, end = start * 2, step = 1) => [for(i of Array(end - start)) i * step]
FOR I = 0 TO 100 STEP 10
@Geobits objectively the best
@Geobits what language is that?
BASIC: It's what you're supposed to cut your teeth on.
@Downgoat 1. I have no worldly idea what in the name of the Great Prophet Zarquon is going on here
2. apparently you had to try 4 times to get a simple range function right
3. it's not a builtin, and I, for one, don't want that at the top of my code
sorry @Geobits I sandwiched you :P
@Doorknob Must resist Lenny...
@Geobits Doesn't help that I misread that as "moist resist lenny"
how do you what
Doorknob has recieved far too many lenny faces today lmao
That's what we keep trying to tell you :P
Perl was first released in 1987 :)
same year as Nethack, incidentally
@Doorknob I'm talking about BASIC
I'm not
@Doorknob :( perl coincides with such a sad day :P
@Doorknob couldn't have figured that out from the word "Perl"
@Downgoat the bombing of perl harbor?
@poi830 no the release of nethack
DO I = 1, 100, 10;
    PRINT(*,*) I;
@poi830 that happened in 1941...
@Geobits beat by 10+ years ^^
It was 46 years and 11 days later
@AlexA. Yea, but you have to know what each of those three (1, 100, 10) are. BASIC is clear in its intent ;)
Also, that PRINT is dumb :P
@Geobits Objectively yes it is
llama@llama:~$ snowman -i
Snowman REPL, v1.0.2
>> (10vn20
{* 10 } {  } {  } {  } {  } {* 20 } {  } {  }
>> nR
{* [10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19] } {  } {  } {  } {  } {*  } {  } {  }
even snowman has a range operator
@Geobits Granted, if you're using Fortran, especially a version so old that you call it FORTRAN, you have bigger problems than remembering which number is which in a do loop.
@Doorknob you should probably remove it for being too useful
@Doorknob still, I have never felt I've ever needed a range function when using JavaScript. Even when I use Python I've never used range because a range function is useless except for code-golf
It super isn't useless
uh yeah
why would you need a range function?
It's one of the very few things I do like about python.
... to make a range?
@Doorknob but why would you need a range
because I need a list going from one number to another

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