> Iin probalibity thoery, one sasy taht en evennt hapens allmost surelly (somtimes abbrieviated as a.s.) if it hapens wiht probalibity one. Teh consept is analagous to teh consept of "allmost everiwhere" iin measuer thoery.
Well, John Bytheway (a preacher, apparently) was tired of jokes about his name, but he did have a favorite. A woman who met him in an airport asked if he was going to name his son Owen.
For the ones who don't know, a palindrome is when a string is equal to the string backwards (with exception to interpunction, spaces, etc.). An example of a palindrome is:
If you reverse this, you will end up with:
Which is the same. Therefore, we call this a p...
There is definitely a tool for doing that to faces, and if you don't care about vertices being split, that's what happens. If you do, that's the same thing as normal scaling.
@Stefnotch Not sure what you mean. (In any case, you can extrude individual faces by going to edit mode, changing selection mode to faces, and clicking "Extrude Individual" in the Mesh Tools sidebar.)
@El'endiaStarman Well, I am trying to recreate it in JS. So, I got a model with a bunch of vertices and face normals. If I move the vertices along the face normals, they get split. How do I prevent that? (Is that clearer? )
You are a victim of branch prediction fail.
What is Branch Prediction?
Consider a railroad junction:
Image by Mecanismo, via Wikimedia Commons. Used under the CC-By-SA 3.0 license.
Now for the sake of argument, suppose this is back in the 1800s - before long distance or radio communication...
A nearly massless cat is dropped in space at the point (x, y, z) with velocity (vx, vy, vz). There is an infinitely dense planet (with volume of 0) at the point (0, 0, 0) and it attracts objects at distance r with acceleration 1/r^2. According to Newtonian gravity, where does the object go after ...
I've got a SQL Server table with about 50,000 rows in it. I want to select about 5,000 of those rows at random. I've thought of a complicated way, creating a temp table with a "random number" column, copying my table into that, looping through the temp table and updating each row with RAND(), and...
Weird. Deleting items from my garden also removes them from other tabs and windows showing the same address. So the content isn't encoded in the address...
@Downgoat match a character then "reverse sort by" the substitution (which is empty, so all characters are identical, and the sorting itself becomes a no-op, but the reversing reverses all the characters))
Pyth, 11 bytes
Test suite
This code exploits a bug in the current version of Pyth, commit b93a874. The bug is that _IJ+zb is parsed as if it was q_J+zbJ+zb, which is equivalent to _I+zb+zb, when it should (by the design intention of Pyth) be parsed as q_J+zbJ, which is equivalent ...
@Geobits I disagree. interpreters have bugs, and is actually the definition of the language. Similar to how a class is the implementation of a interface
Okay, yes, I'm terrible at this (never used SQL before and I'm stumbling through it, I'm sorry). How would I sum up the up votes and down votes given a list of questions?
@NathanMerrill Well, we allow paid-only langauges, and we allow languages that only work on very specific machines, so one that only works on your machine would probably be technically legal, but very unpopular/standard loophole
I'm not a fan of that, tbh. You run into the same problem as some of our TI-BASIC answers used to have; they don't work at all, but keep getting voted up because nobody says otherwise.
I think either freely available or owned by a reasonable number of other people is reasonable. That being said I'd rather not make a rule until it comes up.