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@NathanMerrill I approve of big Oh :)
talking of which .. is there an O(n log n) time sorting challenge?
The question asks for an O(n) algorithm. That's rather unrelated to run time...
@Dennis right
@Dennis well it's related :)
it tells you how the running time scales with input size
O(n) algorithms can have O(n^2) implementations.
@Dennis that doesn't quite make sense to me
but can I check.. has anyone actually set a code-golf challenge where the restriction is it must run in O(nlogn) time?
seems surprising if not :)
deadlocks are so fun \o/
hmm.. downvote already :(
wow, downvoted?!
Q: A classic sorting code-golf question

LembikThis is a code-golf question. Input A space separated list of positive integers Output The same list in sorted order space separated. Restriction Your code must run in O(n log n) time in the worst case. This means that randomized quicksort is out for example. However there are many many ...

is there an obvious reason why?
Q: A classic sorting code-golf question

LembikThis is a code-golf question. Input A space separated list of positive integers Output The same list in sorted order space separated. Restriction Your code must run in O(n log n) time in the worst case. This means that randomized quicksort is out for example. However there are many many ...

Might be the space-separated thing, people don't really like restrictive I/O
> O(n log n)
What is n?
the size of the list.
He knows, he's just pointing out that it isn't specified.
it is now :)
Plus, you need test cases.
@El'endiaStarman for sorting?!
surely everyone knows what sorting means
You don't write good specs by making assumptions.
@Dennis could be the O(n log n ) part... I was hoping that as sorting is so classic there are so many algorithms people wouldn't find it too restrictive
@El'endiaStarman fair enough
If it wasn't for the input format, I'd have an O(n) brainfuck sort handy.
do we really not have a standard sorting question?
We have ones for specific algorithms.
Alex was going to write one, but met heavy opposition in the sandbox.
I never understood why.
I guess it's because sorting is a common problem with a lot of major common solutions.
I'm not smart enough to figure out how the secretary problem works just by looking at the desc, it seems T_t.
I feel kinda weird for copying an answer verbatim from another challenge...
have you read the steps @ven ? I tried to make it clear, but I'm not very good at speaking clearly
@Dennis If you want to be a moderator on PPCG, you have to make the judgment call as to if that's allowed or not :P
I'm much better at speaking dense and tersly
@NathanMerrill I was pretty amazed too!
? at what?
@Dennis O(n) is O(n log n) :)
@NathanMerrill yeah, it only makes me more confused...
@Dennis I think there's a meta post about that somewhere...
you basically need to split your array into 2 parts
@El'endiaStarman I think having options is what makes a code-golf question interesting
@NathanMerrill it's not very clear when "applicant" means "in this 'concurrent' process pool" or in general...
the first slice is the first floor(N/e) ellements
@FryAmTheEggman Well, it usually indicates a problem with the question. I just happened to post an O(n) solution to another challenge.
the second slice is the remaining elements
find the maximum of the first slice
@HelkaHomba yes :(
@Dennis ooo, -1 point for mod nom
maybe having no government for years was actually a bad thing
then find the first element in the second slice that is larger than the maximum of the first slice
it's been minutes and still no answer :)
@NathanMerrill what's N?
the number of elements in the array
this applies then: (:P)
12 mins ago, by quartata
He knows, he's just pointing out that it isn't specified.
"Your code must run in O(n log n) time in the worst case where nis the number of integers in the input. "
(although I did not know)
hi @Dennis
sorry to criticize your answer which is very nice
I think it's kind of funny that I'm still in the mindset of "I should apply to be a moderator because it could help the PPCG community but also be something to talk about on college apps" even though 1) I'm a really bad person to ask to be a moderator because I'm so new and don't review a lot and 2) college apps ended months ago
what are college apps?
College applications.
@Lembik Applications to get into college
oh I see!
would they really care?
@Lembik It certainly wouldn't hurt.
In the U.S. every scrap of extra activity things you can put on your application helps
ok..sounds bonkers :)
It's pretty competitive, yeah.
but everyone has to go somewhere
so this is just to rank people so you go somewhere worse?
@Lembik I applied to some of the top schools in the US (Harvard, Yale, Stanford, etc.) and these places have acceptance rates around 5%. So everything helps.
ok..I am just surprised. I could imagine they might think "I don't like this application because they regard trivial things as important"
or at least I might think that if I were judging :)
and good luck!
@Lembik This is why I dislike challenges with complexity restrictions. Your post doesn't mention that the involved integers can be arbitrarily high (and, in fact, my answer doesn't support values above 255). Why does that matter for counting sort but not for comparison sorts? You can't compare two bytes and two 8 million bit integers in the same time as well.
@Lembik It's absolutely the opposite. I applied based on my interest in biology and chemistry with math and programming as other interests to show that I'm multi-faceted.
@Lembik Thanks, decisions come out within the next 10 days.
@ANerd-I I actually toured Harvard and MIT in spring break of my junior year, but didn't apply to either. I heard MIT has a fairly cutthroat culture and for Harvard...I felt like if I applied there, it would only be because it was a prestigious school, not because I would actually like to go there.
@Dennis counting sort relies crucially on the size of the range of values in the input where comparison sorts don't
But they still rely on it. Where's the line?
@Dennis so in radix sort you actually split up the 8 million bit integers explicitly as part of the algorithm
@Dennis for comparison sorts you are right that if we want to be formal we need to state what sized values we can compare in constant time
but no one would say that looping from 1 to 2^64 takes the same time as comparing if 2^53 is bigger than 2^47 (both stored in one word each)
@Lembik But once you do that, counting sort becomes O(n).
@El'endiaStarman I didn't go for MIT, but I liked Harvard a lot because of its class system; the opportunities I would have for internships, research, etc.; and the housing system. I also LOVE Boston
@Dennis once you do what, sorry?
counting sort is only O(n) time if you say you can loop from 1..2^64 in constant time basically
which is just silly :)
But still true.
Looping from 1 to any constant is a constant-time operation.
@Dennis not really. As I say, radix sort deals with this explicitly, A comparison sort would strictly speaking also have to split up large numbers
but I am happy not to make people do that
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

lirtosiastGolf Practice: TI-BASIC code-golf blah blah history of TI-BASIC. In this question, you'll be using the dialect of TI-BASIC for the TI-84+ series calculators. Either version 2.55MP (the monochrome 84 version) or 5.1 (the latest color version) are admissible. A list of one-byte tokens is here; al...

@Dennis although it might make a nice new sorting challenge!
answered in 1 minute 5 seconds after challenge posted \o/
Re: silly assumptions in complexity
Q: Check if there is an isomorph substring

LembikThis question is an extension of Check if words are isomorphs and copies the first part of it to give the definition of an isomorph. Two words are isomorphs if they have the same pattern of letter repetitions. For example, both ESTATE and DUELED have pattern abcdca ESTATE DUELED abcdca beca...

Q: Full Width Text

Jess SmithFull width text is text that has a space after every character, including the last one. For instance, the first sentence of this question becomes: F u l l w i d t h t e x t i s t e x t t h a t h a s a s p a c e a f t e r e v e r y c h a r a c t e r , i n c l u d i n g t...

@Dennis to be fair.. your criticism with respect to counting sort and comparison sorts is not unreasonable :)
if I were being very strict I would require the comparison sorts to be able to cope with arbitrarily large numbers too.. but then it becomes string sorting
@NewMainPosts I'd assume it's code golf based on the tag, but the absence of the winning criteria explanation in the text makes me want to do this.
I'm doubted.
That 3-byte Jelly solution hurts.
@El'endiaStarman Which one?
@AandN How come Iðýð doesn't work?
@zyabin101 On the question you're talking about.
C-- (pronounced "see minus minus") is a C-like programming language. Its creators, functional programming researchers Simon Peyton Jones and Norman Ramsey, designed it to be generated mainly by compilers for very high-level languages rather than written by human programmers. Unlike many other intermediate languages, its representation is plain ASCII text, not bytecode or another binary format. == DesignEdit == C-- is a "portable assembly language", designed to ease the task of implementing a compiler which produces high quality machine code. This is done by having the compiler generate C-- code...
@quartata You're doing a join operator on a string, so that doesn't work. You need to split it before you do the joining.
Sðýð« works though
50 minutes and only one sorting algorithm implemented ! :)
I figured that it would work because strings can be treated as arrays.
@quartata So far, only Jelly does that :p
Going to implement that now in osabie
hey, newer meta posts override older meta posts, right?
@NathanMerrill Usually
@AandN so does pyth
What's the specific one you have in mind?
we have two meta posts which basically ask the same thing, but in different ways
Q: Golf Practice questions

xnorThis is to discuss Golf Practice: Python and the Golf Practice question type it suggests. Some questions that came up: Is this type of question on-topic for PPCG? Is it OK that many of the individual answers turn out the same? Should/can we trust users to come up with their own answers without ...

@AandN And Seriously
Q: Should multi-part challenges be allowed?

Martin BüttnerWe occasionally have challenges which consist of multiple separate subchallenges, whose individual scores are simply combined at the end. These are often known as "golf courses". While these are often quite popular they do have some problems. Mainly it's not clear how we should deal with people c...

but with different resolutions
maybe we close the earlier as a duplicate of the newer?
@NathanMerrill That's what I'm thinking
@quartata well, they can't both apply
The first is very specific while the second is general, and the newer policy overrides the older one
Generally newer meta posts override older posts.
unless there's a difference between golf practice and multi-part challenges I'm missing
I think the golf practice one is more specific than the general one, the point of golf practice is that they won't work as full challenges on their own (and hence won't be dupes of real ones)
as far as I know, we don't have any minimum challenge size
I VTC'd the meta post and the golf practice challenge
It should probably be historically locked.
@quartata 4 bytes: Sð«J.
oops accidentally retracted vote :/ stupid internet
@AandN ohh that's evil
@quartata I dunno about that. Given that it's the only challenge of that type on the site (unless I'm missing others), I wouldn't consider it to be significant enough to be worthy of a lock.
@Mego There are several like this.
In that case, I could agree with a lock
If they don't already recognize it when it's that bad, it's likely I already hate them >_>
Just try the link.
I did
I also got 100/100 on holly. :D
And the next one.
@El'endiaStarman Cool kids club:
Yea, the next one was easy. Got 100 on a few others, including quijote. Got bored after that.
I was rather far off on quijote. That's where I stopped.
I got 100 on Yvess
@Mego I has no screenshot, but I got it also.
I have started a trend.
And Roissy :)
@CoolestVeto try it.
Be part of the hive mind.
Weird stuff is happening.
like what?
It's probably inappropriate for public chat.
Just weird or bad too?
Bad. Much bad. I'ma go harp on one of my rl friends about it.
ok, so its official.
Not really surprising to me. Web is the future, and JavaScript is the only really useful language for web apps.
but not just web.
back-end as well
@El'endiaStarman I for one welcome our new Brython overlords
@Optimizer You didn't post a picture of the back-end tab. Just link to it.
@El'endiaStarman its only you
all of'em're images
@Optimizer He means "You didn't post a picture of the back-end tab. Rather than posting another image, could you just link to it?"
windows 10 is really high despite the age!
Eyyyy Python is most-used for Math and Data! :D
8.4% of people use Windows 8
Those poor souls
They have no souls.
I use 10 and Linux :P
why is there no 8.1 ?
@El'endiaStarman R and julia should be used for data and math.
Oooh, it's also pretty high up among languages used by students. Nearly tied with C++ and JavaScript, with Java in first place there.
and 8.1 is so much better than 7. i feel bad for people with 7 and below
@Optimizer Probably because 8 is assumed to mean 8.1
The UI/UX in 8/8.1 is sooo bad for desktops
still better than 7
i use 50-50 both and 8.1 is better as per me.
only a couple of apps holding me back to upgrade home one to 10
Internally, at Microsoft: "Ok, we're developing Windows 8. The UI/UX from 7 is solid, and people are used to it, because it's been incremental improvements since 98. Now that we've gotten it good, let's throw it out the window and do something completely different. Users will LOVE that."
Not running @Opt?
am i even active enough?
(dont give cjy example now)
@Mego that feels more like Apple :P
@Optimizer More so than some nominees probably
@Optimizer Doing anything more like Apple is a fatal mistake
OS X is closer to 7/10 than 8, though
marketing like apple is a must though, windows phone declines coz of that
Windows phone has no market share because it was very late to the game
it could still have gained a lot if ms put some effort.
made partnerships
with software companies.
By the time they had a decent device, Apple and Samsung were on their 3rd iteration
I am very impressed by the golfing of haskell
oh, I am not even counting pre windows 7.5
they could have reached 10% market share if they did things like apple after they launched 7.5
But 10% market share is still not enough to make it worth it
the ui was refreshing and it was starting to work out
When you're late to the tech game, you can't win
@Mego it is to garner more developers spending time for windows apps

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