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@TimmyD @AlexA. Thank you both
Anytime :)
any time?
Any. Time.
Like you're-having-to-pee-during-your-final-exam-time?
Meat Yin.
Yam Nite.
You forgot the second dot.
Could a mod unfreeze this room?
np bb
Could a mod freeze this room?
@flawr Yes, they could
@AlexA. "no programming but batch" ... Wow, harsh rule.
> '._.' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
set ._.=ಠ_ಠ
Thems be a lot of bytes.
I'm pretty sure that wiki page takes up more bytes than the sum of all Vitsy programs ever written.
It takes up more bytes than the compiled jar for Vitsy.
And now, the difference is even greater.
Slightly. :P
Although the next Vitsy update should fix that.
(turning it into more methodized Java code so I can make an IDE)
@AquaTart @AlexA. @flawr
dang, image too big
Cat + lizard
Should strings be immutable by default and mutable by choice, or mutable by default and immutable by choice?
@EasterlyIrk whut?
@El'endiaStarman Mutable by default and immutable by choice
@EasterlyIrk 2/10, no dogs.
Cat in my pic and her friend, rest his soul.
@flawr Alligator lizard counts.
@EasterlyIrk that lizard is gonna rekt that poor feline
He did actually.
How do I remove wiki pages from GitHub Wiki?
He bit her hard.
And then me a couple days later.
I can't find the delete button. :I
Lizard died, couldn't swim in pool but tried too.
@EasterlyIrk That's strange; most lizards can swim
He couldn't.
@CoolestVeto Figured it out. :D
I think he was used to our pool cover there, and didn't realize it wasn't there anymore.
@EasterlyIrk I'm sure he did.
Then he committed seppuku.
Just got a call from home depot.
@EasterlyIrk I have a hard time picturing this.
They thought I had ordered a marble statue. WTF?
Q: How to delete a GitHub wiki page?

waldyriousI created a wiki page in my project's GitHub repository, for storing some loose notes and links, and GitHub automatically created a wiki page called "Home", containing the text "Welcome to the [repository] wiki!" There are two problems with that. First, the new "Home" page is completely useless ...

Wrong number.
@CoolestVeto ಠ_ಠ
@EasterlyIrk hahaha
@flawr That doesn't apply anymore. They changed the GitHub layout, you have to hide it with the admin page now.
@CoolestVeto Why don't you write a new answer to that question?
@flawr Because it's answered on Stack Overflow. :P
Q: Delete GitHub repo's Wiki

John DoeI'm new to GitHub. When I clicked a Wiki link a new Wiki was created for my repo. But I don't really need it. If I try to delete its only page, GitHub asks: "Are you sure you want to delete this page?". And I confirm that. And nothing happens, the page is still there. I can't say it's too annoyin...

link to the wiki?
> Vitsy is also occasionally used throughout VTCAKAVSMoACE's school by Computer Science teachers for quick calculations due to it's stack-based nature and simple-to-use polish notation.
Is that really true??? o_O
I taught my Java teacher basic Vitsy syntax and he uses it more than Java for repeated calculations. :P
Pfft, like CS teachers would ever use anything other than Java and/or Python. :P
Steal his soul!
> java
really? Q_Q
Except for the crazy Haskell ones
It's only recently that Python has been displacing Java as the beginner programming language.
My favorite CS teacher quote, from a 200-level class I was in ...
@AquaTart aaand lisp.
> How can access be denied? I'm god!
@TimmyD roflmao
SIPS throws access denied stuff for root on Mac OS X now. >.>
@CoolestVeto Turn it off, I did.
@El'endiaStarman My local community college used to use C++, at least when I was there and had a friend studying CS. They still do their data structures class in C++.
Same. Doesn't mean it's not stupid.
I is crying too much, make it stahp
@CoolestVeto Well-meaning, awful for programmers.
But it works for normal people.
Couldn't even install DF with SIP on.
My intro class was in MIPS for one semester, then we went to Java for essentially the rest of the four year program.
Not kidding. The guy who drew it went to the same school and has specifically confirmed that the teacher in that comic IS that particular teacher.
googles MIPS
@El'endiaStarman oh god
Calling all regexers: What is a regex that matches every space that is not between double quotes? Example: "12 \"test string\" 34".split(regex) -> ["12", "\"test string\"", "34"]
@EasterlyIrk Yup. He was a mushroom. I mean, fun guy.
@TimmyD Million Instructions Per Second?
@El'endiaStarman Jeez, I thought my CS professors were crazy
@EasterlyIrk MIPS assembly is awesome
It's the only flavor of assembly I can tolerate
MIPS (originally an acronym for Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages) is a reduced instruction set computer (RISC) instruction set architecture (ISA) developed by MIPS Technologies (formerly MIPS Computer Systems, Inc.). The early MIPS architectures were 32-bit, with 64-bit versions added later. Multiple revisions of the MIPS instruction set exist, including MIPS I, MIPS II, MIPS III, MIPS IV, MIPS V, MIPS32, and MIPS64. The current revisions are MIPS32 (for 32-bit implementations) and MIPS64 (for 64-bit implementations). MIPS32 and MIPS64 define a control register set as well as...
@GamrCorps Can the double quotes be assumed to match?
> Not to be confused with Millions of instructions per second.
@AlexA. Yes
I did have a class in college where I learned some of MIPS Assembly.
MIPS: Man, I'm Probably Stupid
Q: Hexagon-In or Hexagon-Out?

agtoeverThere is a great story to tell about the hexagon shape of the honeycomb. But this busy bee needs your help in telling him which point is inside or outside his honeypot. So, given a hexagon as pictured below, centered at the origin and with edge size l, determine if a set of coordinates (x,y) are ...

@AlexA. s/probably/perfectly/
@EasterlyIrk far too many to count
Then hit 0 for IntOverflow.
Or start counting.
I just picked 20 because it's probably about right
I has 8.
@AquaTart Like what?
Do languages built into the OS count?
I mean, I installed the OS, so ...
@EasterlyIrk At least 4-5 different JDKs, about 6 different versions of Python, 3 different versions of Ruby, two Haskell compilers, two D compilers, Prolog, Julia, Perl 6, ....
Closed as unclear what you're asking.
I could go on for days.
If you like Ruby, gem install pry. Also get the Crystal language. JIT compiled Ruby.
Base install of modern Windows (i.e., 10) at minimum gets you BATCH File (CMD and BAT variations), PowerShell v2-v5, VBScript ...
It's the sign of a good golfing lang.
Python 3, Ruby, whatever VS counts as though I haven't really used it, and I can't remember the esolangs at this point
translate: vitsy
(from English) vitsy
Bing ain't got time for your shit, purse dog.
@AlexA. How on earth do you get rubygems to work?
@AlexA. Yeah, but everyone hates Bing, so...
@Sherlock9 Uhhhhh I... don't know.
I can't remember the problem I had with it, but wouldn't work with my version of Windows or something and I haven't tried it since
On my Mac gems just seem to... work.
@TimmyD This looks fake.
100% legit
O.o It is.
Pretty simple to verify I'd think.
That is weird, man.
@AlexA. Fair enough. Maybe I should try it on linux
@CoolestVeto I like Bing. They pay me to search.
@Sherlock9 Yeah, I don't really know anything about using Ruby on Windows. :/
@CoolestVeto don't watch.
(Or on Linux, for that matter)
@NewMainPosts Could we close this as a dupe of this?
@EasterlyIrk ihaichu
The former is 2^n, the latter is 2^(n-2)
@EasterlyIrk Whoops I put in 3 and I just realized I have more than 3
@Sherlock9 It's okay.
How many?
Tell you what, I'll count them tomorrow afternoon. It's nearly 5 am and I have to get to campus at a reasonable hour tomorrow
Oops, this challenge is 2^n - 1. Didn't realize.
Too late to edit
If there's two things I know about Sherlock, it's that he loves browser tabs and has a bizarre sleep schedule. :P
@El'endiaStarman ಠ_ಠ
That strawpoll.me/7047034 poll is really hard to answer.
@AlexA. When you're right, you're right :)
Tonight I was watching 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown episodes on Youtube and forgot the time
I bet I can count 20
@El'endiaStarman Q_Q and ಠ_ಠ
@Lynn I has 8, so?
oh crap 10. oh well
Does having a browser count as installing a JavaScript interpreter?
@Lynn I have no clue... I've run several KotH and code-challenges though, so I'm guessing it's a lot.
But node does.
Q: ASCII-mation Clock

0zerocool0This code-golf challenge is to capture the time and create an ASCII Clock Example of clock at 12:15: ___________ / | \ | | | | (|)___ | | | \___________/ EST: 12:15 Have input (variable in) accepted (so add code to request input) for the time zone. C...

Clojure, Lisp, Node, Python 2/3, R, Julia, Elixir, Oration, Vimscript, and one more I forgot.
Cygwin came with a bunch of interpreters too, that I guess counts as me installing them?
(And compilers)
@EasterlyIrk You had to install Vimscript?
@El'endiaStarman I can't stop reading these comics
Thank you for showing me this
At the very least I have c/c++, c#(mono), python(2/3), java (6/7/8), perl, ruby, love2d, lua, js, php, qbasic, and scratch. That's just off the top of my head, though, and I'm sure I'm missing some. (also depends on what exactly counts as a language... I'm not even counting esolangs I've tried out)
I get 20 no matter how you bend the rules. ._.
@AquaTart :D
There's no 20+ answer :/
Not counting esolangs is a bit harder!
Isn’t love2d/LÖVE just Lua?
@EasterlyIrk Also, does "did you install" mean, any language you have ever installed on my (any) computer (that brings me over 20) or do I have currently installed?
@Lynn I wasn't sure whether to separate that one or not, tbh.
It's much fun to play with, though :)
@AlexA. I installed vim.
@Sherlock9 I mean't currently.
@EasterlyIrk It should already have been installed on your Mac.
What's what $EDITOR defaults to on Mac.
@EasterlyIrk That series was............"interesting".
I thought this was interesting: What Languages Fix. Basically, what do languages try to fix about other languages?
Backwards Turkish.
@El'endiaStarman Hmmmmmmmm
Interesting indeed
As it turns out, Julia fixes everything about C++, Python, Perl, and Ruby.
gets you a throat lozenge
Oh, now seems like a good time to re-ask that question I had earlier.
55 mins ago, by El'endia Starman
Should strings be immutable by default and mutable by choice, or mutable by default and immutable by choice?
f("\/") doesn't work properly for the following Python code for the broken, chunky and smooth squiggles challenge
def f(s):
 for i in range(3):s=s.replace("\_/"[i],str(i))
 a=len(s);t="".join("bscbssbbc"[int(s[i],3)]for i in range(a))
 for i in range(3):print(t.count("scb"[i])/a)
Aug 27 '15 at 18:46, by Alex A.
Would you rather change gender every time you sneeze or not be able to tell the difference between babies and muffins?
@AlexA. That's a question you had.
@El'endiaStarman >_>
And how/why the heck did you single out that one?
@El'endiaStarman I think he's still trying to decide.
@Sherlock9 Smooth peanut butter is the best. </irrelevant>
@El'endiaStarman I don't think The Nineteenth Byte supports irrelevant closing tags.
Doesn't it add them automatically?
It adds the opening tag but adding a closing tag is an error
Never mind. Got it
The irrelevant tag is right after the doctype declaration
@Geobits ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nothing to see here...
Awh man I missed something
@AlexA. Nope, emacs
@El'endiaStarman yeah, sorta...
Sup @Quill
Someone should write an 1984 style novel about what would happen if this room had an enforced topic
This room shall be free from on-topic chatter! Begone, talk of code golf! (except hating on java)
@Quill Everybody died. The end.
Chihuahua or Muffin?
I want to pet all the chihuahuas and eat all the muffins
Assuming I can correctly identify them
Just make sure you don't mistake one for the other.
abandon all topic, ye who enter here
Well, one kind of bad choice wouldn't be so bad. The other one though...
Yeah, petting muffins by accident sucks.
Hmm better sandbox a "chihuahua or muffin" test battery challenge
im here
what the hell did i walk in on
@AquaTart I'll bet Mathematica couldn't solve the problem with built-ins!
@AquaTart Better than eating a chihuahua
Not true.
The only thing bad about eating Chihuahuas is the portion sizes.
I think that chihuahua is bigger than any avg. hot dog out there
@Zgarb Congrats on 10k!
@AandN This one is surprisingly difficult
@DigitalTrauma Thanks!
what even is going on
@Zgarb Thanks for accepting my answer. But Dennis' Jelly answer has the same byte count and is earlier. Oh, and congrats on 10k!
@DonMuesli Oh, was it? I must have read the edit dates wrong.
@Optimizer Sure, but not much meat on the things. I don't eat bones and guts.
@Zgarb I haven't seen the edits. I mean the original answers. What counts for that: original or edit?
I'm counting the first edit that had the winning byte count.
Q: Flag question comments for deletion when suggestion is implemented?

Digital TraumaRelated to Flag comments for deletion when suggestion is implemented?. The above question specifically addresses obsolescence flagging and deletion of comments to answers. What about the same question, but directed at challenge questions instead of challenge answers? Specifically if a comment ...

@Zgarb I see. Then my edit is earlier, yes. Actually, looking at edit date makes more sense than just the original answer. Is there consensus on Meta regarding this?
holy crap ruby is so cool
Q: Should there be defaults for tiebreakers in tag wikis?

user34736In the code-golf tag wiki, there are defaults for scoring if not specified (in bytes). Recently I have seen some questions what to do in case of a tie. My proposal is to make this a default in the tag wiki. The two things I have really seen specified as tie breakers in challenges are: Earlier p...

@LegionMammal978 another user with your style of profile pic...
@Cyoce [citation-needed]
@Cyoce @Doorknob
@Cyoce the only good thing about ruby is the spaceship.
Even I'll admit some aspects of Ruby are really cool
But I don't like it overall, sorry @Doorknob.
@AlexA. You really like Half-Life right

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