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@AquaTart But otherwise right now what Brachylog needs the most is a load of built-ins that I'm too lazy/don't know which to implement
And those have to be implemented in Prolog
@Fatalize Heh
Is there a list of current built-ins?
#import Mathematica.h
#import? rofl Objective-C
Hey look a language we can all agree to hate on
I actually like Objective-C
get out
I don't know Objective C, so I can't hate it.
Any language which can only be run on specific overpriced hardware is worthy of hate imo
Objective-C is cross platform.
Since when?
Since forever.
GCC can compile it.
And GNUStep and ObjFW are both drop-in cross-platform replacements for Foundation (the standard library)
Objective-C is to programming as Java is to golfing. Just don't use it.
I thought that gcc's objective c support was like it's java support
No, it's actually good.
There in name only
Huh, TIL
Ok, I hate objective c a little less now
Bah, I don't need a reason to hate an Apple product. Count me in.
@Mego It's actually a rather nice language until you learned how it's implemented
Classes are just syntax sugar for structs basically
They work
But they probably shouldn't
Somebody forgot to get around to step 2 of the software development process
Objective-C basically is a very thin wrapper over regular C; that's why GCC supports it very well
1. Make it work
2. Make it right
3. Make it good
@AquaTart There's nothing wrong, just structs are immutable IIRC, which is a problem with larger classes.
@MarsUltor The class implementation has a trick for that that I can't remember
Am I right in this?
You shouldn't simultaneously use code-golf and code-challenge. The first is specifically for challenges where the score is code size. The second is a catch-all for challenges with scoring methods that don't fit into the other tags (including combination scoring methods that may include one or more of the scoring methods from other tags). — Mego 18 mins ago
That's the way I understand it.
I think we should have a new tag for that, actually.
It's an interesting scoring though it might get old quickly :/
How does one invite a user into a chatroom if you don't see them in any chatrooms currently?
@Mego tbh, I thought the tag wiki still said "A competition which scores on a mixture of source length and some other criterion should be tagged [code-challenge] instead." It used to be more explicit.
I'd rather not have a tag for them, because I don't think they're a good idea and creating a dedicated tag for them suggests the opposite. — Martin Büttner ♦ 2 hours ago
I presumed he was referring to the "language year/name" tag in general not this scoring
but ok
@Geobits I don't see that at all in the edit history.
Q: Calculate the Riemann Zeta Function of a Complex Number

Jens RendersIntroduction I found this question that was closed because it was unclear, yet it was a nice idea. I'll do my best to make this into a clear challenge. The Riemann Zeta function is a special function that is defined as the analytical continuation of to the complex plane. There are many equiv...

@Geobits I was looking specifically at codegolf.stackexchange.com/posts/1339/revisions
+1 :-D
11 mins ago, by Dennis
Bah, I don't need a reason to hate an Apple product. Count me in.
Would be why I couldn't find it :P
I figured that ;)
It would've been pretty easy to spot on the right page.
So what should be done in this case, when the OP is insistent on having an incorrect tag?
Flag a mod or ask opinions in here I guess?
I did #2 :P
Oh did you? I hadn't noticed :P
Oh god he added logic too
Having booleans in your output is not sufficient reason to use the logic tag
He added [restricted-source] too o_O
> added restricted-source because each answer restricts itself by choice of version
Yeah 3/4 of the tags are incorrect
Is there a closed form for the operation on numbers (starting at 0) 1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3, 4, -4,...?
I went ahead and made another edit to remove those 3, leaving a nice, long edit message this time
@Mego It looks like you have to use XHR to invite
If he adds them back, I'll flag a mod
    "success":function(e){n && n(e)},
        n && n("error"==t?409==e.status?e.responseText:"An error occurred performing this action":t)
@MarsUltor Now I have 2 problems
@Mego ?
1. I need to invite a user to a room.
2. I apparently have to use JS to do it instead of there being a convenient button somewhere.
@Mego Yea. I'd say to just flag if it gets rolled back and let a mod worry about it at that point.
That's my plan
@Mego I can add it to SOX, or make it a standalone userscipt if you want.
@MarsUltor That's not the point. There should be a way to do it without an external script.
PowerShelllllllllllllll! ლ(ಠ . ಠლ)
Also the main issue here is that I don't know the user's chat id, which your script doesn't solve
@Mego Well, I know, but maybe they don't know a good way to do that
If I did, I could just load up the chat profile and click the button there
@Mego What do you know?
'z'-clt'Z'      # True
'zz'-clt'Zz'    # True
'za'-clt'Za'    # True
'ze'-clt'Ze'    # True
'zze'-clt'zZa'  # False
Question: I just got a comment on my answer from a person apologizing for accidentally implementing my algorithm for the challenge in the same language. They did better. I figure I should either change my own answer or leave it alone, because I don't think I should do anything with their answer
@MarsUltor I can see their profile on PPCG, and thus all the other SE sites. Just not chat.
@Mego They're not in the userlist?
@MarsUltor They have Unicode characters in their name, which breaks the search box. I have no desire to look through 4k pages of users.
@Mego 1) Who? 2) How does the unicode break the search box?
I wonder if just typing @Nᴮᶻ works
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ (n/2+1)*((-n%2)+((n+1)%2)) ugly as hell, but assuming your language does negative modulus it should work.
@MarsUltor I just posted the bug on MSE: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/276747/…
Ok so how do I handle someone else posting an answer in the same language as me, using my algorithm by accident and doing it better.
@Mego Not necessarily. Stuff like umlauted letters are converted to ASCII equivalents (and vice versa for results), but they aren't highlighted.
I would like to edit my answer into another language perhaps, but I don't know what the protocol is. Take their answer and have them delete it? Edit mine as I've said? Leave it alone?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Alternatively, use the simpler (n/2+1)*(n%2<1?1:-1) if a ternary is okay.
@Sherlock9 Leave it alone
Call it out if you think it was blatant stealing
But you had better be sure before you call it out
No, no
I think it was an honest mistake
And I do like their answer
barely... it's 11:59 here.
@Sherlock9 Then upvote them because they obviously had the same idea as you but did it better.
close enough
Alright. And I'll see about changing my idea to Python or JS. Could work.
Don't worry about changing your answer
Just let it be
@Geobits well then I'm glad I didn't wait another minute ;)
@Geobits Oh, d'oh, thanks! :D
Don't let anybody dull your sparkle because they're way better at golfing than you'll ever be they posted a shorter answer in the same language you did.
I get kind of sad watching the prices of all of the parts I used to build my friend's computer fall so rapidly. The graphics card has dropped $30. The motherboard was $10 cheaper on Newegg the entire time and I just failed to be a good shopper. The RAM is on sale on Newegg for $5 per stick.
Or just better at Ruby :D
We bought Windows 10 at BestBuy when we could have bought it online for $10 less
So many wasted $$$
Sorry... that was $5 less per stick. Not $5
I was about to go stockpile RAM :P
For $5 you could almost have your entire system running on RAM.
Boot times would be incredibly slow
@Rainbolt Said every person who ever built a computer :P
Prices fluctuate fast :/
But after you booted your whole hard drive would just be RAM
You could use a small booster drive to load everything initially.
@Geobits booster drive = usb drive?
Why downvote this? I think I am missing something.
I don't know what Mathcad is, but I'd think that a casual viewer thought it to be a troll.
@Rainbolt Uh, any kind of drive really. Just keep it as "turned off" storage. Read it to RAM on startup, write at shutdown. (not a very serious idea)
Ah okay
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Literally CAD with Math.
Computer aided design.
I think it just wasn't creative.
@Dennis ಠ_ಠ
Q: How should my challenge be tagged?

NᴮᶻHow should I tag Good Old Suffix Vector? I initially tagged it code-golf because it requires code that is as short and possible, and logic because it involves constructing boolean values, and there is no boolean. FryAmTheEggman commented: I believe alternate scoring methods should always be tag...

Q: How to date languages

NᴮᶻSome challenges refer to the year a language was released. If a release is dated on 31 December or 1 January, it may depend on locale. Should Github date be used as the official date (whatever locale the Github server is using)? And if Github was not used to release the language, should it be t...

@NewMetaPosts The title of this makes me imagine someone going on a date with an esolang
Tries to avoid mentioning Brainfuck in this context
@KevinW. Esolang? What's wrong with grabbing some Java for a first date?
Because you'll end up unhappy
bai gotta go
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Lack of caffeine makes me unhappy :P
@Geobits because the amount of dates you would need before you get to anything of substance is just way too much
I guess that depends on your definition of substance ;)
whats harder c++ or c#?
@Sam C++
@sam c++
but shorter in code golf
b/c in c# you have to do all the
`Class main{ public static void main(string args[]){console.writeLine("Hello World");}}
agg i can't press enter
what is the best programming language or/and library for making 3D games?
@Sam Unity/Unreal :P
@sam depends... big AAA games usually use c++, but unity w/ c# or javascript for scripting can be pretty good.
But it depends on your platform
Also, ^
Game development focuses on engines, not the underlying language. You should take a look at Unity.
Or Unreal for (only for) more realistic rendering - use Unity for everything else.
I have seen unity many times but honestly I don't like it I would prefer to make my own engine
@mınxomaτ I disagree. Java (for example) is usually much slower than other languages, so...
So why ask.
@Sam That's not going to be easy, Unity has a huge codebase.
at the moment I have been using jogl for trying to make a game engine
i just wonder what is better
I am absolutely loving this profile picture‌​. I keep pulling it up because it makes me happy. Is that weird/stalkerish?
@epicTCK That's not true at all.
It may or may not be true at all
Java is a really good cross-platform language if you want GC and a focus on OOP.
@mınxomaτ not true about java?
I personally like java, but the common java example (minecraft) is much slower on my crappy pc than the c++ version of minecraft (minecraft windows 10 edition)
That means it's slower at one thing vs one language then.
yeah, java really sucks in terms of graphics.
Like that is anywhere near a fair or objective comparison of speed.
i can barely get minecraft to run on my gaming laptop without issues
Q: Is Java really slow?

Stefano BoriniJava has some degree of reputation for being slow. Is Java really slow? If yes, why? Where is (or was) the bottleneck? Is it because of inefficient JVMs? Garbage collection? Pure bytecode libraries instead of JNI-wrapped C code? Many other languages have these features, but they don't have thi...

@crayzeedude that's why i use OpenGl library
Q: Why do people still say Java is slow?

TheLQFor a long time in SO and in other places Java has the reputation of being slow. From jokes to many comments in questions and answers, people still believe Java is slow based solely on experience with it in the 90s. This is my issue: we have disproved (most) of the reasons that people believe Ja...

wonders how Terraria for Windows (.NET) compares to Terraria for Mac/Linux (IDK, C++? Mono?)
I've got the Steam linux Terraria, and it runs nice and smooth on my laptop.
Mono (especially on OS X for some reason) is really fast. Sometimes even beats .NET (4.6.1) on equivalent machines.
My guess is that if Terraria uses .NET on Windows, it's written using the Unity engine, which will use Mono on applicable systems.
Source: My girlfriend has used Unity on a Mac
Cool image, might take a bit to load.
Question in regards to this comment: codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/74997/… I have yet another truthy/falsey question. If I say 1 is truthy and 0 is falsey in my function and Ruby says otherwise, can I, for the purposes of my answer, use my truthy/falsey, or should I just use p which is a falsey in Ruby?
IDK, but I think you can choose yourself.
But mods and more experienced users might think otherwise.
@EasterlyIrk it's a progress bar gif
Totally not.
@Sherlock9 As far as I know, truthy and falsey are defined per language, not per submission. Since 0 is truthy in Ruby, I think you'd have to return something else from your function for it to qualify.
@zyabin101theHated Shhhh :D
^^ I always have to add bytes for this in Java to make a boolean function :/
@Sherlock9 what about an empty string?
Fair enough and already done
@Pietu1998 Thank you for living up to your profile pic.
@EasterlyIrk p is a one-byte falsey in Ruby so I've used it
A: Interpretation of Truthy/Falsey

Peter TaylorConsider the following pseudocode: if (x) { print "x is truthy"; } else { print "x is falsy"; } If it results in a runtime or a compile-time error then x is neither truthy nor falsy.

@Sherlock9 Okay, you may use 0 for truthy.
@Geobits Haskell is the same way: only True and False have a truth value.
But 1 is better defined as truthy.
@zyabin101theHated Well I just used p and 1 to avoid confusion and Ruby will return it as nil or 1
It's much better in every respect except golfing.
I wouldn't say it's not better at golfing :P
Martin here! Hide! jumps in barrel
Lisp is way too confusing.
@zyabin101theHated sets barrel on fire
@EasterlyIrk it's not very effective
@Geobits I mean special Booleans, not Haskell.
Oh, right. I agree it's good for clarity.
@zyabin101theHated rikerw uses *chuck barrel in river*! It's very effective! zyabin drowns!
rikerw evolves into supergolfer

SolverThere is sequence that goes like : abacabadabacaba etc. The simplest way to explain how the sequence works is this: Start with a. Place the next letter in the alphabet in front of the current sequence, then copy everything before. (I am open to improvements to this explanation!) So Iter...

@EasterlyIrk failed! incorrect biome

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