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Oh that's a good one. Any more you can think of off the top of your head?
Not really, but I'm hardly the big regexer around here.
I'd probably check regexp classes for different languages to get an idea.
@Mego I should get my bot to do all of those
@GamrCorps str.exec() (iterator)
@GamrCorps str.match in python pretty much adds a ^ to the start
@Geobits That's Marky doing an Adele cover.
@MarsUltor thanks that's a good one!
I must not listen to enough Adele, because that one went right by me.
Well, almost.
in The Block, 8 mins ago, by Marky Markov
@Geobits what about the other side?
Oh. When I hear "other side" I think RHCP or Rebelution, not Adele :P
GitHub should have a "Nuke Repo" button
@ZachGates Why nuke?
@ZachGates It has, and it is called Delete Repo.
I meant as in $(myrepo).empty()
@ZachGates Delete all, commit
Ok, so the takeaway from the latest Marky brain is that if you pump his head full of movie quotes, he likes to passive aggressively threaten to kill people.
@MarsUltor Then you can't push even forcefully, because it's an empty repository.
@zyabin101theHated Well, except for the README and LICENSE
@MarsUltor Even better, create automatic README, LICENSE, and gitignore. But that becomes less automated by now.
As you have to choose a LICENSE and select the main language for the project to create a gitignore.

Marky is a serial killer O_O

3 mins ago, 52 seconds total – 11 messages, 2 users, 2 stars

Bookmarked 1 min ago by Vihan

Marky is not making good life decisions...
That depends on your viewpoint. If you like eating goat, he's doing okay.
@Geobits s/goat/chihuahua/
Oh... I meant goat of the down variety >_>
what is this s/?/? thing
what does it mean
@Geobits ಠ_ಠ
@ZachGates Regex replacement.
sed replacement
sed (stream editor) is a Unix utility that parses and transforms text, using a simple, compact programming language. sed was developed from 1973 to 1974 by Lee E. McMahon of Bell Labs, and is available today for most operating systems. sed was based on the scripting features of the interactive editor ed ("editor", 1971) and the earlier qed ("quick editor", 1965–66). sed was one of the earliest tools to support regular expressions, and remains in use for text processing, most notably with the substitution command. Other options for doing "stream editing" include AWK and Perl. == History of sed... ==
@Vihan so basically "by goat you mean chihuahua"
@ZachGates yes
ok cool
Marky shot Chathuahua
he shot Chatgoat before...
And I was trying to goad him into shooting you, but he got cold feet at the last second.
It was his idea...
He just couldn't work up the courage.
Anyway, goodnight. I won't be able to stop him if he changes his mind, so watch your back :P
@Geobits night! but pls make sure Marky doesn't kill anymore chatanimals
@Geobits RCHP Otherside >>>>>>>>> Adele Hello
I should probably get in on the chatbot fun with a markov chains bot too
But he's gonna get a classical literature dump from Project Gutenberg so he'll be classy
Huh, that's odd...
My main rep and meta rep don't match up
it'll sync sometime
@AlexA. WOOT
@Optimizer Blame cosmic rays?
which part r u refering to?
Q: Chat relative times are being displayed erroneously

mınxomaτWhat happened: Chatting in chat on 2015-12-31 afternoon. Close laptop (standby). Resume from standby at 2016-01-01 afternoon. Encounter the following behavior: Not every single time interval should be displayed here. (Why are there even words/templates for shorter time periods than an hour?...

@MarsUltor huh, I didn't even know it ever said "No"
@Vihan It doesn't, it serves a static page.
"Yes" for me, even after clearing cache
@MarsUltor oh, so you just changed it through the debugger?
@Vihan Yeah
> Why is that in a blockquote?
> Stop it please
Also, I came here to ask what the [something for (variable of stuff) something] type generator is called in EcmaScript <something>.
> Sure
Anyone know?
@Pietu1998 array comprehensions
> Thanks
> ಠ_ಠ
> ಠ_ಠ
> ಠ___ಠ
> ^
Woohoo, a map!
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

MegoCapture the Flag Do you ever wonder why we're here? Objective Capture the enemy team's flag and return it to your base. The first team to 3 captures wins the round. The player with the most wins across all (number TBD) rounds wins the game. Teams There will be two teams each round. Teams wil...

Now if only I could finish the controller...
@Mego Help with parseRound(state, answers) function?
user image
how are they so synchronized
I had an idea for a programming language on a 3-dimensional cube
@mınxomaτ This is amazing
@El'endiaStarman Photoshop
Maybe also multiple recordings.
They're all the same cat, doing the same animation
Pretty impressive, nonetheless.
The 3rd-from-right is the real one; the rest are the shopped copies
@ZachGates We already have Minkolang, which is pseudo 3D. It has space (2D) and time (1D), so three dimensions. But not three dimensions of space.
@zyabin101theHated I think he has a different idea, and I'm intrigued.
Can I get another "save my answer from purgatory" for the "Making a coin fair" challenge? codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/75177/47581
@Sherlock9 Looks good
@Sherlock9 Why do you need to save your answer from purgatory?
:D javascript:(function z(c,d,a){a=a||document.body;for(var e=a.childNodes,b=0;a=e[b];)3==a.nodeType?a.textContent?a.textContent=a.textConte‌​nt.replace("Yes","No").replace("yes","no"):a.nodeValue=a.nodeValue.replace("Yes",‌​"No").replace("yes","no"):z(c,d,a),b++})(); <- no-ify bookmarklet
@zyabin101theHated The trouble is that text files (in which you are probably saving your code) are 2D and you'd need slices (planes) to get to 3D. So multiple text files
Or since RGB is cube, use that
@Sherlock9 Or they can be seperated by double newlines
@zyabin101theHated It was on the second page of the challenge. I don't go to the second page very often, do you?
aligned using the locations of the things the move stuff up/down
That is also a good system
@Sherlock9 It was the top answer for me. I also sort by active.
@Mego Ah, I sort by votes. Should probably not do that then
Yeah sorting by votes is terrible
How do you get 2 rep exactly?
Approved edit
an approved edit
Fixed no-ify
Also by accepting an answer
I'm at 2196 rep and I want to get 2218 (looks like 221B)
...that's not a 2 rep difference
That's a 22-rep difference, which is close enough
That's 22 rep
Just do the 2 reps 11 times
Or two upvotes and accepting an answer
No, get 20 rep, then2 rep
2 answer upvotes (or 4 question upvotes, or 1 answer and 2 question upvotes), and an accepted answer
@Justin He's trying to gain mass not get lean
@ZachGates There is the verbal weapon of ninjas, the word ninja'd. Say it when you say the same as someone else if that "someone else" is later than you.
i know what ninja'd means :P
@ZachGates Oh, really? XD (yes, I actually meant that pun...)
great minds and all :)
Now that I think about it, this actually an acceptable challenge. Input (current rep, rep goal) and knowing what activities give (or take) how much rep, output one or more paths to the goal rep
Are you going to include downvotes?
downvotes on your own posts or on other's answers
@Justin Probably. The easiest path to 96 from 88 is and upvote on one of your answers and a downvote on another of your answers
easiest by what standard
At least it's not "output all paths"
@ZachGates Two moves
shortest path*
Shortest path: SE employee manually changes rep
Alternatively: Serial upvoting reversed
(not sure if that would be possible to do that, though)
If you got 192 rep one day and the extra 8 were serial, then you placed a 200 rep bounty to reduce your rep down to 96, then the serial upvotes were removed, perhaps that could happen
Hey, we're looking for the shortest path, right? ;-)
so 96 + 192 + 8 - 200 - 8?
Yes, except for the purposes of the discussion, you started at 96 rep (on the way down after - 200) and then lost 8.
I think it would be possible
Alternatively, you could just get 192 normally and then post a 200 rep bounty. I'm not sure how to quickly get 192 rep, but it's possible
@Sherlock9 But how would that take you from 96 to 88 rep in one step?
@Justin I'm not sure how you could get 8 rep that would be taken away through serial voting removal. AFAIK, the only kind of serial activity the system looks for that would also affect another user's rep is voting on questions and answers, which is +/- 5 or 10, respectively.
@Sherlock9 19 answer upvotes & an edit (or 38 question upvotes)
Isn't the threshold for bypassing the edit queue 2k?
@Mego Rep limit of 200 though.
Don't edits count towards that?
Oh wait it's 4k
javascript:y=function(s){return s.replace("Yes","No").replace("YES","NO").replace(/yes/i,"no")};(function z(c,d,a){a=a||document.body;for(var e=a.childNodes,b=0;a=e[b];)3==a.nodeType?a.textContent?a.textContent=y(a.textCon‌​tent):a.nodeValue=y(a.nodeValue):z(c,d,a),b++})();document.title=y(document.title‌​);Array.prototype.slice.call(document.getElementsByTagName('input')).forEach(func‌​tion(e){e.value=y(e.value)});
I thought suggested edits wouldn't work because he was over the threshold, but I misremembered the number
Finally :D
20 answer upvotes, 4 downvotes; that should be 192 rep. Then 1 answer upvote brings you up to 200 rep, so the serial reversal on that upvotes (also on a bunch that were not counted due to rep limit) should be -8 rep, right?
If a user has > 4k rep, they can't use suggested edits for 2 rep intervals, and thus would have to get the +2 from accepting an answer
@Mego Alternatively +10 -2 -2 -2 -2
@Justin Ah, good point. I didn't think about serial voting removing rep interacting with the cap.
Man it's storming bad... I hope we don't lose power
Theorem: The answer could always be 1 operation, which operation is serial voting reversal.
That would be tragic while I'm working on my CTF KotH controller
@Mego Save save save
@Justin I'm mashing ctrl-s every line
Only every line? I tend to ctrl-s every word.....
What's the PPCG SOP for accepting a answer? I assume I'm supposed to pick the winner, but after how long? And if someone beats it later, do I switch the checkmark?
I switch the checkmark
@msh210 You don't have to accept an answer.
I usually wait until the activity dies down before accepting
I have a Ctrl-S tic at this point. And a somewhat convoluted version control system because when I delete versions, I generally want them to stay deleted (stares daggers at Git)
@mınxomaτ I didn't mean "what must I do", merely "what's the standard".
@msh210 The standard is not to accept one (when standard means what everyone does).
@Justin @mınxomaτ thanks FYI
.... I just found out that my Electrical Engineering professor posted this under Content > Course Materials: youtube.com/watch?v=6mUFXFe765I
@Justin /me was expecting to be rickrolled.
,'          `.
|             \
|              \
\           _  \
,\  _    ,'-,/-)\
( * \ \,' ,' ,'-)
 `._,)     -',-')
   \/         ''/
    )        / /
   /       ,'-'
> Hypothetically there are female engineers. But hypothetically there's Big Foot, too.
@msh210 My usual procedure is to accept an answer after a week has passed and there are more than 5 answers. If a new winner is posted, it's encouraged to switch the checkmark (I do), but it's not required. And, as minxomat pointed out, it's not required to accept an answer at all.
@Mego Thanks FYI, too.
> In most cases, going to a movie can kill the conversation for upwards of 2 hours. In your case, that's a good thing
@msh210 You're welcome :)
Wait what?
Howdy golfers!
Man this code feels so dirty
This cannot be the correct way to do this
@Mego ?
#!/usr/bin/env python3

from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import signal

class TimeoutError(Exception):

def interrupt(signum, frame):
    raise TimeoutError

signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, interrupt)

class Player():
    def __init__(self, *cmd):
        self.cmd = cmd
        self.proc = Popen(*cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
    def send(self, val):
    def recv(self, num_bytes, timeout=None):
        if timeout:
@Mego What's wrong?
The goal: open a process, and be able to pipe input to it and pipe output from it, while the process is still running (if that wasn't a requirement, subprocess.Popen.communicate would work nicely)
@Mego So a REPL?
Everybody likes dirty.
Not quite
How is it different?
Every most body likes some dirty almost
I need to do IPC in Python 3, essentially
perhaps everybody not likes dirty some
I'm dumb; there's a library for that
I love dirty codes, they are funny to produce... Much less funny to debug 3 months later...
I just did a whole table-generator for a list of 1 thing.
Wait no this IPC stuff wants to use sockets; I want to use STDIN and STDOUT
Though I guess those aren't exactly the best choices
I use really bad code conventions. Gonna be impossible to debug in a week or so.
@Mego So what are you trying to do?
`$ cat xverb.c
/* Xverbs are an abstraction to handle the '/'
* which can be a verb or an adverb.

#define XVERBTAB(_) \
/*name verb adverb*/\
_('/', 0x1f, '/') \

#include "verbs.h"
#include "symtab.h"

typedef struct xverb {
int base;
verb verb;
verb adverb;
} *xverb;

#define XVERBTAB_DEF(id, verb, adverb) \
p=&(int[]){verb}; \
n=1; \
t=findsym(st, &p, &n, 0); \
v=t->val; \
p=&(int[]){adverb}; \
n=1; \
t=findsym(st, &p, &n, 0); \
a=t->val; \
x=malloc(sizeof*x); \
*x=(struct xverb){newdata(PCHAR, id), v, a}; \
@Mego What will happen on input?
@MarsUltor ಠ_ಠ All-caps names are supposed to be constants
@Mego They are, pretty much
But maybe someday it'll be 2 things
@Mego ^^^^
@MarsUltor I'm making this for a King of the Hill challenge. I need to be able to run various other programs in subprocesses and be able to interact with them over stdin and stdout, reading from stdout 2 bytes at a time, without having to wait for the subprocess to terminate (because the subprocess should run continually)
@MarsUltor def LIST_LAMBDA(lam, var):
That's not a constant
@MarsUltor I love how you write a line chaining lots of operations/call, and return to line for the last instruction on it x)
@Katenkyo Where?
@Mego Oh, whoops
@Mego Why not relaunch the process each time with command-line argument?
@Mego Why use STDIN/STDOUT though?
@MarsUltor hummingbird.py, line 98-100
@Katenkyo Because it would be neater for the sake of the challenge to keep the same process open
@MarsUltor To be able to communicate with answers in a lot of languages
@Mego I'll trust you on this ^^
@Mego Will each bot have its own STDIN/STDOUT?
@MarsUltor Yes
I could tighten the restrictions a bit and require sockets for IPC
@Mego don't, sockets can be horrible to use in some languages...
But the possibility of a Brainfuck answer in a KotH is too good to pass up
@Katenkyo Keep in mind that the de facto standard for KotHs is to require the bots to be written in Java
I would love seeing a ><> answer one day!
@Mego maybe subprocess them?
@Mego only because it is a widely used ^^
Then have an array of STDIN/STDOUT
@MarsUltor have some lags?
@MarsUltor A matrix in this case
@Katenkyo Accidentally cleared input bar
@Katenkyo Why a matrix?
Multidimensional array != matrix
I count all 2D array as matrix, as long each inner array have the same length
@MarsUltor The usual method there is to use subprocess.check_output or subprocess.Popen.communicate, both of which send the given input as the entirety of the subprocess's stdin stream and wait for the subprocess to terminate before returning.
Wait a second
I think I know how to do this: memory-mapped files
But you have full control of their STDIN/STDOUT
@MarsUltor But I can only send and receive the entire text at once. I need to be able to send a few bytes, do other stuff, receive a few bytes, do other stuff, repeat
You can't do STDIN[1].write('foo') and STDOUT[1].readline()[:-1]?
The issue with that is, I need timeouts on the reads
@Mego ?
As in, if I don't get the specified number of bytes in X seconds, don't keep waiting
Q: Timeout function if it takes too long to finish

ChristofferI have a shell script that loops through a text file containing URL:s that I want to visit and take screenshots of. All this is done and simple. The script initializes a class that when run creates a screenshot of each site in the list. Some sites take a very, very long time to load, and some mi...

^- Like this?
@MarsUltor That's the exact solution I'm using that feels too hacky
@Mego How?
Also the potential for deadlocks when reading/writing to the raw file streams of a subprocess.Popen object is not good
@Mego What other way could there be?
@MarsUltor That's what I'm trying to work out
@Mego Why not use os.spawn instead of popen?
@MarsUltor I don't need the lower-level API
I decided to just make the processes be started at the beginning of each turn and terminate each turn
no bot memory then, and the bot has to rescan the map every time?
@MarsUltor This one is a dupe. The accepted answer from the original is this:
A: Timeout on a Python function call

piroYou may use the signal package if you are running on UNIX: In [1]: import signal # Register an handler for the timeout In [2]: def handler(signum, frame): ...: print "Forever is over!" ...: raise Exception("end of time") ...: # This function *may* run for an indetermined time...

But this works only on UNIX.
@Mego ahah, as I said! :p
The bot will have memory; I'm providing a file for each bot
@Katenkyo Yeah I caved and went with the simplest solution :P
@Mego But brainfuck can't do IO
You need a persistent-memory brainfuck interpreter
@MarsUltor Looks like brainfuck doesn't get to have memory across turns, then :P
People can always use one of the brainfuck derivatives that can do file I/O
TIL Ctrl + F and '\s' are useful to find non-empty whitespace lines
@MarsUltor vim, it is?
@Mego Use this and modify the python file afterwards so it reads buffer from/stores buffer to a file
@zyabin101theHated Gedit
@MarsUltor Pretty much all text editor with a GUI actually ^^
@Katenkyo Yeah (assuming it also has a highlight all feature)
Wait, use the brainfuck compiler to transpile it to C, then modify and compile that
@Quill Evening
@MarsUltor If you want to highlight them, you could also use a simple regex :)
'Morning Quill
@Katenkyo That is a regex
@MarsUltor That's not my problem to solve :)
@MarsUltor I mean, by using the shell with something like cat -n file.lua|grep "^[\s]+$"
(it is actually false because of the -n, but you get the point)
@Quill Good morning, Quill. It is 11:55 MSK now.
@Katenkyo It doesn't highlight spaces though
TIL what MSK is
That means, GMT+3.
@Quill ^
@MarsUltor No, but gives you the non-empty lines that only contains spaces ^^
@MarsUltor that's why i use cat -n...
@zyabin101theHated Ahah, thanks for the announce :D
I've started a lua solution to motivate some people beating it, but it really isn't that easy with this "build everything from scratch" language to find out the shorter way ^^
@zyabin101theHated Only contains tonumber() which convert from base 2-36 to base 10 ^^'
(for instance)
so there isn't realy lot of useful things :p
@MarsUltor Do you think Nayuki allows modifying it?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Thank you!! :-)
@zyabin101theHated But we're not modifying it
The aim is to use it to transpile, then modify the transpiled file and compile.
2 hours later…
Help? My mute LED doesn't work in Ubuntu for some reason.
Q: Lenovo Mute LED Button Not Working

cbennettThe LED light that turns on when I press the mute button on or off, respectively, does not turn on in Ubuntu, yet turns on in Xubuntu. If anyone has any knowledge or help please lemme know! Btw, this is a Lenovo w520 laptop! EDIT: The light doesn't turn on, it's strictly a cosmetic effect, but...

Well, assuming your box isn't Lenovo, askubuntu.com/search?q=mute+LED+-[lenovo] will remove unwanted results.
Q: Encoding decoding code challenge

gingrrrImagine an array of numbers 0 - 99 eg var arrayOfNumbers = [ 0, 1, 2, 3..... ,98, 99 ]; Loop through every (x)th number and remove ( splice ) it from the original array and push it into a second array. When the end of the original array is reached we loop to the beginning until the array or...

@NewMainPosts one more who asks for homework...
@Katenkyo That's why I said . puts head inside flag history page
@zyabin101theHated I don't see the link between a CV and some piece of homework...
@Katenkyo expands to close vote, please. It's a common shortening in close/reopen teams.
@zyabin101theHated would be better for this site so :)
I also achieved:
 - My fifth off-topic flag. :)
 - My fifth close flag. :D
 - My fifth helpful flag overall. XD
I must have used 3 flag maximum since I'm here
Posts are usually already closed when I see them
(And I achieved writing two sentences with the same char count :D)
@Katenkyo ((Let's hear it! Let's hear it!))
@Katenkyo Yes, the account shows 3 helpful flags.
@zyabin101theHated (((you've read them)))
@zyabin101theHated I have a counter in my head :D
Hello @anOKsquirrel!
Anyone use chars that can't be input using Compose Key?
@MarsUltor Erm... nope. No one. No.
like ù?
No, that's Compose + u + `
like ☺? (No, wait, that's ∞ + : + ) :P)
∞ is a symbol for Compose, I propose. (rhyme :P)
Dare to challenge in custom Tetris? I've started a channel.
Select settings "attacker network, defender human" to play the game or "attacker network, defender network" to view the game.
Enter in the fields next to the Connect button ondras and eixc and you're good to go! Press "Play"!
Ping me when you've connected.
Q: 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + ... = -1/2

Mr PublicBackground This series, diverges to positive infinity. The Riemann-Zeta function, when evaluated at ζ(0), also simplifies to the sum of an infinite number of 1's (Note). However, instead of evaluating to positive infinity, we use Analytic Continuation to evaluate this function to -1/2. ...

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