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Q: Base converting with strings in bases 1 to 36 to bases 1 to 36

VoteToCloseI'm writing a fastest-code challenge over at PPCG relating to base conversion of bases 1 to 36, and as a part of the process for writing the competition, I decided to write my own program for it. This is the code I wish to be reviewed: public class BaseConv { // Disallow instantiation p...

@VoteToClose good enough
Also: what's the name of "||"?
Logical OR.
That's "|", not "||".
No, | is bitwise OR.
Thanks. :D
I read somewhere that the single bar is faster for shorter lists.
In the case of Java | actually does logical OR on booleans so there's no difference
The only difference is that || short-circuits and | doesn't
Ummm... really?
If they're integers it does bitwise.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ can you see my fork and patch for oration? I added a couple useful things.
Huh. That's kinda stupid for optimization. :P
Sorry to offend lovers of ungolfy languages.
@VoteToClose Why?
You obviously want to optimize golfiness and speed, and they make the longer one faster? How dumb is that? :p
@VoteToClose "Bases specified must be less than 36 and greater than 2." ... less than 37 and greater than 1
The speed difference is negligible in most cases.
@AquaTart Because logical ORs make branch instructions, which can be more computationally complex, and bitwise ORs do not, they simply calculate. So, for instructions where you're less certain to jump/certain of conditionals, you want to use |, not || because it's faster. :P
It's more of a matter of if you want it to short-circuit or not
@MartinBüttner Oh, crap, you're right. D:
@VoteToClose Logical OR doesn't branch, the if does.
At least I don't think a logical OR would need to branch. I suppose it depends on your flavor of assembly.
Hold on, I'm checking. :P
Scroll down a bit on this page; if it works the same way in Java, then it branches.
Oh, you mean because of the short-circuiting.
OK, fair enough.
The performance loss is tiny.
But it matters to OCD people like me.
It wouldn't make a whole lot of sense to have | be bitwise with booleans in Java anyways since booleans aren't technically considered numbers
TIL: Don't run Ʀ in jolf.
Not fun.
Read that line of code.
Don't click that link.
Which is the link that you are probably thinking it is.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ ಠ_ಠ
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ ಠ_ಠ
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ ಠ_ಠ
@AandN did you actually run it? lol
@VoteToClose i don't care how wow it is.
@AandN sorry
@EasterlyIrk I'll take a look right now
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I added you as a collab on Vitsy, btw.
Yeah, 'oh'.
@VoteToClose \o/
@EasterlyIrk :3 Want to see some Jolf code?
@VoteToClose ಠ_ಠ
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ maybe
does it have "\u01a6" in it?
Will you press run unconditionally?
@EasterlyIrk He was interested in making a JS version of VitsySafe. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Unless the button breaks.
@VoteToClose It doesn't have that command, right? Or any equivilent?
@VoteToClose Yup! I've got a general idea in my head as how to do it, but no actual code has been done.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ fine whatever
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ :D
@EasterlyIrk No. And it never will.
is it that rickroll code again?
Does anyone know a good JS collab site?
Or I will call it purse dog.
@Maltysen yes
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ coderpad?
For short bits only though I think,
That is even better, thanks @Maltysen.
Does either have real-time editing?
Go here:
try it, does it work?
It seems to be working.
Can more than one person work on it at once?
Do you see me editing though?
I don't think so?
So not real time.
codeshare is though
but not html+css+js
Okay, try here:coderpad.io/9EHCJWH9
Try now.
Okay, cool.
You can't evaluate JS code in codeshare
NOW CODE WITH US on the coderpad one
@VoteToClose join us in the coderapd
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ so what are we doing
Nothing, but supposedly vitsy
I'm teaching VTC JS and writing a JS vitsy interpreter
VTC doesn't know JS? o_O?
user image
SO in a nutshell.
jQuery is missing
Yes absolutely
Also functional programming
Isn't LINQ functional programming?
Disappointing. It's got ToInfinity, but not ToInfinityAndBeyond.
What is LINQ anyway?
Language Integrated Query (LINQ, pronounced "link") is a Microsoft .NET Framework component that adds native data querying capabilities to .NET languages, although ports exist for Java, PHP, JavaScript and ActionScript. LINQ extends the language by the addition of query expressions, which are akin to SQL statements, and can be used to conveniently extract and process data from arrays, enumerable classes, XML documents, relational databases, and third-party data sources. Other uses, which utilize query expressions as a general framework for readably composing arbitrary computations, include the...
It's really weird at first, because it kinda breaks the language paradigm, but once you know what you're doing you wish everything had LINQ ;)
Can confirm, LINQ is really nice.
linqjs is probably not that popular because JS programmers are the exact opposite of C# programmers.
Because C# programmers put time and effort into their code to make it good and JS programmers just throw crap at the wall and see what sticks? :P
crap and jQuery
Just finished setting up legionmammal978.github.io/post
Uses no jQuery
Or anything serverside
Pure JavaScript+HTML5
> github.io
> nothing serverside
no shit :D
No code serverside, that is
@AlexA. Good analogy.
:D Thank you
@LegionMammal978 So, what is the use case here?
A: Craft the longest Scrabble sentence

LegionMammal978n = 34 Extemporizing demythologizers demythologized overhomogenized, jackhammering azidothymidines; puzzlingly schizophrenic jazzmen diphthongizing hyperexcitement drizzlingly overemphasized jabberwocky jazziness, hypothesizing philosophizing jazzbos; quizzer psychochemicals hyperpolarized, c...

No good way to put a POST request in a link
And I couldn't bother setting up 34 JSFiddles
@AlexA. But what if it's a C# programmer writing JS?
They temporarily transform into a JS programmer.
@LegionMammal978 The original parsing (just using "split") is not very robust though. Here's an example that catches most edge cases.
@AlexA. Now that I think about it, I did act like a JS programmer while I was writing that...
Several forced pushes for testing
The figlet is unreadable
Are there supposed to be links?
@AlexA. yeah
@LegionMammal978 yes
What is HHGTTG
I don't see any
@AlexA. the best book you'll ever read
Is it Nethack the novel?
I recognized it immediately
@AlexA. hahaha
@LegionMammal978 The three things at the top are links, and there are two in the third paragraph. You don't see them? -_-
@AlexA. :( Maybe I'll use a different font
@Doorknob You play the viola?
"Click the links right under my logo to find more stuff."
@flawr yeah
@LegionMammal978 the "Portfolio • Blog • Contact" are links
@mınxomaτ Then their fault for clicking the link :p
Oh I thought it was talking about the figlet
For i3bang, if you're proud that airblader thought it was cool, you should link to who airblader is.
@LegionMammal978 the "Portfolio • Blog • Contact" under the logo are links
I know, but I thought the figlet was the logo
It was unclear
@LegionMammal978 No it wasnt
@AlexA. airblader is a prominent member of the i3 community. Anyone who's done anything at all with i3 would recognize his name :P I guess I could link to the message though
> I also moderate Stack Exchange
@Doorknob Cool! I always liked violists over violinists, they are usually less pretentious.
*two Stack Exchange sites
-1 not as golfy :P
@Doorknob I would. If an employer or someone is reading that, that comment would mean very little to them without being able to find out who airblader is.
@Doorknob +1 for HHGTTG
But look at the source for my tool
Is it not golfy enough?
@Doorknob 3/10 not enough Ostrich
@Doorknob Then your site would be HiIamDoorknobAKAKeyboardFireAndAProgrammerAndASEModKThxBye!
@AquaTart If you like it too then it must be about Nethack
@LegionMammal978 651 bytes, nice :P
6/10 insufficiently phallic
@MartinBüttner hey... that's Alex's job :P
Do you actually not know what it is or are you just joking?
@Doorknob I'd remove the newline, but POSIX, so yeah
5 mins ago, by Alex A.
What is HHGTTG
hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (sometimes referred to as HG2G, HHGTTG or H2G2) is a comedy science fiction series created by Douglas Adams. Originally a radio comedy broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1978, it was later adapted to other formats, including stage shows, novels, comic book adaptations, a 1981 TV series, a 1984 computer game, and 2005 feature film. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy has become an international multi-media phenomenon. The novels are the most widely distributed, having been translated into more than 30 languages by 2005. The broad narrative follows the misadventures...
Also @Doorknob I would specify what SE sites you are mod on
@AquaTart I'm trying to keep the text on the homepage as short as possible. It has a link to my accounts list anyway
Of course I know that book
I never finished reading it though :I
Am I the only one here who habitually adds needed {{cn}}s to Wikipedia pages as I read them?
@AlexA. how much of it have you read?
@LegionMammal978 Unfortunately there is no such thing in the german wikipedia.
@LegionMammal978 yes [citation-needed]
@Doorknob Your website is really cool. I think it showcases your accomplishments and skills well. It flows nicely, it's easy to access whatever information one might want. Very nice work.
@Doorknob First couple chapters. My girlfriend got it for me for my 18th birthday. So it's been a long time.
@AlexA. thanks :)
Now we know that Alex is 18 + a long time years old.
I though he was 6? o_O?
Can a long time be negative???
@AlexA. How is it even possible to only read "a few chapters" of it
@MartinBüttner Depending on your perspective, I suppose 7 years is a long time.
@AquaTart I'm really bad at finishing books.
@AlexA. is 25??? o_O? I actually though you were liek 40.
@EasterlyIrk why would you think that
(no offence xD)
Uh no... I've said my age multiple times in here, and it's on my SE network profile. :P
I mean, he has said multiple times he's working on a master's
Bc I don't look at profiles.
Sorry @AlexA..
@MartinBüttner I can't believe you wouldn't think I'm 40. Wow, such offense. Very taken.
@AlexA. *much taken
@EasterlyIrk Why are you sorry?
@AquaTart amaze
The idea behind doge grammar is that the modifiers can't modify the words
BC I am confused about everything including why I can type with a mouse.
Very could modify taken ("He was very taken with...")
> The idea behind doge grammar
how take screenshot with mouse???
Just educating you
ooh brb
My keyboard is not working approiately.
It keeps thinking that the command key is stuck down, so I can't type C or A with it.
But clearly you can type p and r, so you have no excuse for misspelling "appropriately."
Well, I cn type like this?
// slurp the entire template file into memory
// yum
@Doorknob ಠ_ಠ
oops, wrong account.
@AlexA. what? comments are good, right? :P
@Doorknob best comments na 2015
Does this look ready to post?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DowngoatHelp Jason Format his JSON code-golf Jason has a big JSON but it's unreadable, so he needs to prettify it. Your code will need to be short because unformatted JSON is short. Examples [1,2,3] [1, 2, 3] {"a":1,"b":4} { "a": 1, "b": 4 } "foo" "foo" 56 56 {"a":[{"b":1,"c":"foo"},{"d":[2,3...

@TogaDown as Peter suggested the other day, I think your challenges would generally be improved by putting the spec before the examples
@Doorknob mini or slant
         __ __           __                         _________
        / //_/__  __  __/ /_  ____  ____ __________/ / ____(_)_______
 ______/ ,< / _ \/ / / / __ \/ __ \/ __ `/ ___/ __  / /_  / / ___/ _ \
/_____/ /| /  __/ /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / /  / /_/ / __/ / / /  /  __/
     /_/ |_\___/\__, /_.___/\____/\__,_/_/   \__,_/_/   /_/_/   \___/
@TogaDown if \" escapes need to be supported, please cover them in the test cases
also, do we need to support {} and []? if so, test case please :)
also, please remove "Your code will need to be short because unformatted JSON is short."
would also be good to have a test case with an array that contains only strings
also an array that contains both integers and strings but nothing else
to answer your actual question, "no but it's getting there". ;)
@TogaDown are spaces allowed after commas if the array is broken over multiple lines?
Oh hey, it's @edc65! Long time no see. :)
Hey @edc65
People always say you should parse HTML with regex. But has anyone tried parsing regex with HTML?
@edc65 sorry that was just a comment on why I miscalculated the byte saving on my suggestion
@AlexA. Yes actually.
I parsed regex with html with a js regex.
JavaScript != HTML
@MartinBüttner I'm here
what kind of changes?
big changes :P
let me push them, then I'll explain
"you should parse HTML with regex" - Alex A.
@AlexA. It was impolemented with a <script> tag and a webpage.
@randomra okay, the master branch has the changes now
let's discuss this in the esolangs room
> You should eat bananas with a fork. — trichoplax, 1 hour ago
@trichoplax I've done this before and have even asked a Stack Overflow question about it. >_>
@LegionMammal978 Oh, damn, can I help you on VitsyJS?
You've done a lot. :O
@AlexA. not actually a real comment
@AquaTart Yes it is
Last I checked hitting the "1 hour ago" button doesn't take me to timeanddate.com/worldclock/uk/cardiff
It takes me to the comment.
But then again I'm just a glider what do I know
It's a real comment in the sense that it is a comment that has been made.
I only saw him. xD Sorry.
@AlexA. That seems to imply that comments that have not been made are unreal?
@flawr Comments are actually small beings that live on the surface of the moon.
@AlexA. TIL
@Vote where should the JS code go in the repo?
Hold on, I'll set it up for ya. :D
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It's where JavaScript code belongs
Oh well, I guess you'll be right at home there.
dayum son
This is officially a holy war between javascript programmers/users and javscript haters/blasphemers; the weapon at use is stars.
It just wouldn't be The Nineteenth Byte without flawr posting plane crash videos.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Don't forget about the Java devs who are wholly unopinionated about the whole thing!
@VoteToClose >_> riiiight like you aren't starring anything <_<
I'm starring everything.

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