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Q: Chain words crossword-style

DenkerAffeThe challenge Given a list of words ["Programming", "Puzzles", "Code", "Golf"] output the words crossword-style: P r o g r a m m i n g u z z G l C o d e l s f The Algorithm You have to process the list in the given order. The words are printed in alternati...

You should be able to see the output if you click my name on the sidebar and look at my currently open window.
Probably annoying the cloud9 people. >.>
Oh well.
@VoteToClose Also, you should re-compile the jars.
I would, but I'm unsure as to the parameters you used.
@LegionMammal978 Probably a good plan. :P
It's the standard Eclipse jar export.
Also, are you running OSX?
The ._MACOSX thing?
I noticed that the jars are full of .DS-stores
I'm not sure how to get rid of that, or the .DS_STORE
Yeah. :P
Deleting 550,000 tweets. That's a first. Let's see how long this will take...
Those are annoying, and seemingly impossible to remove.
@VoteToClose This looks like part of an emoticon... ._.
It's .DS_Store
._. disappoint
@LegionMammal978 I was close?
@mınxomaτ ...why?
Me too :p
@El'endiaStarman I'm roomba-ing my twitter bot. You can see the tweet count slowly decreasing.
Very slowly.
@mınxomaτ I knew it was your twitter bot. My question is why you've decided to delete its tweets. Planning on retiring it, or making a blank slate to start over?
@El'endiaStarman Haven't decided yet. The services that push the tweets are not on my actual server, so it'll be extremely hard to stop them (they're posting 350+ tweet/day).
Now twitter banned the roomba. It stopped deleting -.- ...
So....Twitter banned the deleter, not the poster? o.O
Hm. Now twitter tells me that I have no tweets, but my tweet counter still says 540,000
Looks like the counter doesn't reset :D
I broke something.
Congratulations, you broke twitter.
Does anyone know a good, monospaced, square font?
What do you mean "square"?
As in, characters measure the same height and width.
Bitmap or O/TTF?
@LegionMammal978 Seems that I need to change some things about your pull request; setind needs to be changed to match the new index.
Any math people here?
Math is okay.
I'm like Conor in this case. :P
My username notwithstanding.
Well I have a question: I am looking for a (simple) example of a non noetherian ring.
But I do not want to google it, as I try to discover it my self.
Then again I have no idea where to start.
I don't know much topology yet
It is rather a part of algebra, but still the properties "noetherian" and "compactness" have some similarities if you squint your eyes.
So if anyone could give me a slight hint on where to start searching I would be grateful=)
What is noetherian?
Do you know what a Ring is?
An Ideal?
Well an Ideal is a additive subgroup of a Ring, with some kind of "absorbing" property.
That is if you take any element of the ring and any element of the ideal, the product of the two is again in the ideal.
And noetherian means that increasing chain of ideals (increasing as in one is a subset of the next) becomes stationary.
That is that after some point the rest of the chain all MUST be the same ideal
So you're looking for one with an infinite chain?
...wow, not only did Abel get the honor of a lowercased adjective, so did Noether. Cool.
Euler did get a lower case constant=)
* at least one.
What do I have to do to get an adjective?
lots of it
and good maths too
Would 2Z, 4Z, 8Z, ... on the integers work?
That's going in the wrong direction.
Nope, the Integers are noetherian.
As the chain would be 8Z < 4Z < 2Z
(the elements of 4Z are contained in 2Z but not vice versa)
8Z <= 4Z <= 2Z <= Z <= Z ...
<= 0
But then it is getting difficult=)
Well, depending if you require an 1 in the definition of rings=)
Well, a non-Noetherian ring has to have a countably-infinite number of elements in it, right?
Sure, non-noetherian rings are quite big.
Finite and finitely generated rings are all noetherian.
How about element-wise addition and multiplication on infinite sequences of integers
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DJ McGoathemWhat is the "Ant-Difficulty" of this string? A code-golf challenge. I think about if I was turned into an ant, I'd want my loved ones to know, so I thought of a plan- I'd gather twigs and leaves and write my name on the ground, Then I'd wait for my family and friends to crowd round B...

The first ideal is 2Z X 2Z X 2Z ...., the second Z X 2Z X 2Z ..., etc.
That could work
Thinking of it, that is just a ring with a infinite series of variables adjoined.
Why not just the real numbers, then?
@PhiNotPi The real numbers are not only a ring, but also a field.
And fields do only have two ideals: 0 and the field itself.
@feersum I think it might be difficult to classify all ideals on that ring.
Are there any other than aZ X bZ X cZ X dZ ... ?
I don't know, that is why I'm not sure=)
Well nZ is the only one on integers right? So I'd think each element has to be one of those
In math, as soon as something becomes infinite, trouble arises.
@feersum This does not quite work, but it can be saved!!!
I hereby decree that sequences with an infinite number of elements that are not equal to 2 are not allowed in my ring.
Oops, I just banned 0.
Consider the chain of ideals [2Z,2Z,2Z,...], [Z,2Z,2Z,2Z,...], [Z,Z,2Z,...] , ....
It is infinite, without becoming stationary.
That's what I said, right?
Oh, I did not understand it then=)
In that case: Thank you=)
@feersum The feersumian rings.
Let's write a wikipedia article to make it official.
This is really odd.
Java is not being consistent with outputs.
ಠ_ಠ @RikerGoat This name is unacceptable.
It is java though. Never trust it.
@VoteToClose ಠ_ಠ
I like my name.
It seems to be exiting before getting somewhere, but I have no idea why, but when I debug it, it's fine.
What is wrong with my name?
It's goaty.
There are so many goats. D:
(also, facetiousness. :P)
@VoteToClose congratulations. you've got a Heisenbug.
I might swap back and forth.
Oh, I'm an idiot. xD
"$" is a special character and I didn't escape it.
/me facepalms.
It's working now. :D
I am only Riker goat here, not on my main account.
Better @VoteToClose?
I honestly don't have anything against the name. xD
I was joking.
I don't have anything against "goaty" names
Just a lot of goats... Downgoat, Upgoat, DJMcGoathem, RikerGoat...
Maybe I should be GoatToClose?
GoatTooClose. O.O
I vote yes.
That one's so good that I might have to use it. D: So much for CoolestVeto
Ooh, that's another good one.
I can't think of any good anagrams for my name.
Maybe, My Ham DJ?
Lol yes
Brb goatifying
My Ham DJ. xD
That's not a proper anagram, though, because it doesn't use all the characters.
Pls halp i tri eat can and be goat for thirtee minut but much tongue hurt
Oh, dang it you're right.
Oh, yay, there's a new wonderful way to StackOverflow in my language. \o/
What language?
vitsy --code "aa^%lN"
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StackOverflowError
	at com.VTC.vitsy.Vitsy.setind(Vitsy.java:936)
	at com.VTC.vitsy.Vitsy.setind(Vitsy.java:938)
	at com.VTC.vitsy.Vitsy.setind(Vitsy.java:938)
	at com.VTC.vitsy.Vitsy.setind(Vitsy.java:938)
	at com.VTC.vitsy.Vitsy.setind(Vitsy.java:938)
	at com.VTC.vitsy.Vitsy.setind(Vitsy.java:938)
	at com.VTC.vitsy.Vitsy.setind(Vitsy.java:938)
	at com.VTC.vitsy.Vitsy.setind(Vitsy.java:938)
	at com.VTC.vitsy.Vitsy.setind(Vitsy.java:938)
Your language purse dog vitsy?
@DJMcGoathem Vitsy.
@RikerGoat ihaichualiddlbit
Man, I need to learn a golfing language.
Vitsy is sorta a golfing language.
It's moving both towards and away from that right now.
@DJMcGoathem yay for CJam
I want to make a vim-based golf-language, but I don't know how to.
@DJMcGoathem Yay for Vitsy, because my child needs more supporters!
I should make StackOverflowExceptions a builtin. o-o
Really? I think it sounds awesome. Vim's already decent at golfing if it's a string-manipulation challenge. It just needs better support for conditionals, loops, user input, etc.
Oh, wait, it kinda is...
@DJMcGoathem :D Join the "I made a programming language!" club! :D
:D :D :D
Haha, I keep trying but I don't know where to start.
Right now i'm looking at github.com/neovim/python-client
... I didn't know that this was a thing.
catch (Throwable e)
^ That shows up in Vitsy now.
It's now catching errors like a champ. \o/
@DJMcGoathem My suggestion: build from absolute scratch. You can have inspiration, sure, but don't build off other stuff.
@VoteToCloseYeah, I might end up doing that. It's a terrifying idea though, considering vim is 500,000 LOC.
You should probably just make it a vim plugin that adds the commands
^ That makes it a golfing library, not a language.
@VoteToClose beats the shit out of rewriting vim or trying to make a weird transpiler though
Sure, but I wouldn't say it's a programming language.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

J AtkinTranspose a paragraph code-golf For some odd reason I want to transpose paragraphs, (they look funny ;). The basic idea is that this: a b c d Is changed to: a c b d [more on transpose here] Examples Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer suscipit, arcu ut fac...

@Dennis Pull Vitsy?
@VoteToClose is that like the old "pull the finger" prank?
@VoteToClose Pulled.
@VoteToClose Sorry, I couldn't resist.
@DJMcGoathem vim? The thing doorknob uses that doesn't have a builtin :avocad command?
I got my Pi Zero \o/ \o/ \o/
@VTC do you have one?
I have a B2. :) Zeroes weren't available anywhere in England.
> England
Straight up nowhere had them in stock.
Move here, we have Trump!
don't come don't share our suffering nobody deserves that stay away
I've got a Pi but no clue what to do with it :/
SSH into @VTC's and see his message.
@MartinBüttner ^
I hate networking stuff.
I hate stuff.
@RikerGoat I'm never giving any of you my IP. >.>
Be aware, you are attempting to access
                   _____  ___   ___ _____
           /\   /\/__   \/ __\ / _ \\_   \
           \ \ / /  / /\/ /   / /_)/ / /\/
            \ V /  / / / /___/ ___/\/ /_
             \_/   \/  \____/\/   \____/

This server is restricted. Any attempts to access without
administrator permission are logged and may be investigated.

Disconnect immediately if you do not have permission.
i promise i got no clue how to hack you pls tell me now
> (see full text) click nothing happens
Still getting DDoS from Israel and we can't access our servers from any of our locations. Meanwhile the attackers are clogging up 5 250Mbps pipes...
pls tell me you ip
o-o Nupe.
@mınxomaτ Ew. o-o
I wonder how donald trump would react to being hacked.
Sorry to the SE mascot:
why does that even exist.
because unicorns
The reviews are comedic gold.
> I bought How to Avoid Huge Ships as a companion to Captain Trimmer's other excellent titles: How to Avoid a Train, and How to Avoid the Empire State Building.
Note: The empire state building doesn't even move. It is pretty easy to avoid.
> Breathtaking!
yah, you suffocate
takes your breath away and replaces it.
@AlexA. You don't like zen/farting/both?
I can't imagine that.
You can't imagine me not enjoying the act of farting or being around people who are farting?
@RikerGoat At least it isn't called "How to avoid the twin towers". ;)
Oh jeez
@Doorknob Nice! Any idea what you're going to do with it? You know, Dyalog APL is free for Raspberry Pi. (Also for students)
@mınxomaτ lol
@mınxomaτ really.
@AlexA. I'm planning to make it into a closet-server type thing
@Doorknob Sounds pretty nifty. You can get a couple more and make a supercomputer.
What's the difference between a Pi Zero and a Raspberry Pi?
pi*zero - raspberry*pi = -raspberry*pi
@AlexA. If you can't tell a raspberry and a zero apart, I'm not sure how we can help here.
@IGoBest get you math right the first time. :P
On mobile, thumbs stupid.
e^i*pi + 1 = That stuff up there?
@IGoBest thumbs are certainly stupid
Cut yours off, it worked for me.
Tried once, brain stopped me.
root@llama:/home/llama/downloads# dd if=2016-02-09-raspbian-jessie-lite.img of=/dev/sdb bs=4M
dd: failed to open '/dev/sdb': No medium found
why? -_-
also cutting off your second thumb requires considerable skill or forethought.
@Doorknob Who is Jessie
Jessie must be a medium. Your llama can't find someone to talk to the spirit realm.
@MartinBüttner Get somebody else to do it.
that's... not the problem
... it's sdb, I checked already
(removed for stupidity)
I don't play "drive roulette"
50% chance of overwriting your entire hard drive!
Can you mount /dev/sdb?
Every single command that I do with it says no medium found on /dev/sdb
"Have you tried unplugging it and plugging it back in again?"
Does it work on other devices?
I don't know, haven't tried (it's a completely new SD card)
If you have an Android, test it with that. It'll do formatting and stuff if it can.
I do, but that's a lot of effort :P
Effort is the worst.
I'm trying to find the exact point where my Vitsy trick overflows.
It's constantly changing. >.>
Found it.
11380 is where multistack fails.
ಠ_ಠ Or not.
UNKNOWN:Desktop addisonc17$ vitsy --code "2d^2b^+2a^+26^+25^+24^+5+%lNaO"
java.lang.StackOverflowError thrown in [command line] at command #0,25: %
UNKNOWN:Desktop addisonc17$ vitsy --code "2d^2b^+2a^+26^+25^+24^+5+%lNaO"
I'm a freaking idiot
the microSD card wasn't in all the way
13 mins ago, by VoteToClose
"Have you tried unplugging it and plugging it back in again?"
Also, the thing that was giving me troubles is posted:
A: Tips for Golfing in Vitsy

VoteToCloseFilling Zeroes on an Empty Stack Normally, to fill up the stack with a number, you would do something like this: a\a This fills up the stack with 10 10s, by pushing 10 10 times. However, if you wanted to push 10 0s, you'd do this: a\0 After a recent update, however, the stack will attempt ...

Anyone here experienced unresponsive SSH sessions? I leave the shell open for a few minutes and PuTTY doesn't accept any command and just hangs. X2Go works fine..
Using Windows?
Well, it happens in linux, too. But only at the SSH shell.
Hmm. Did you already check the sshd logs?
Nothing unusual.
The connection's fine?
According to the server yes, but PuTTY is just derping.

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