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That's why the mapping is important. If I have C/F# on the same key and they play back-to-back a lot, it could get awkward.
Why specifically 6 keys?
Cuz phones suck at having 12 hittable keys, mainly.
Mine has 0 :/
No touchscreen?
Oh I thought you meant physical keys
@El'endiaStarman Just realized that this is the Addam's Family theme, which I only know because of the "Atom Family" parody.
I meant putting 12 keys on a screen, but making it so that you don't miss them when aiming.
Nah, the kolmogorov complexity of 12doc is dead
Are you doing 6 keys and a holdable toggle?
Nah, just six keys and knowledge of the song via crude FFT.
Choosing the dim7 is good for that, since it's not much of a harmonic.
With a holdable toggle elsewhere on the screen, you could get all 12 unambiguously, but only 6 would be available at once
Which might not be better
Yea, the problem is I want to split them up (3 left, 3 right) and make it thumbs only. So no way to get another "hold" key.
A tap-toggle could work, but I'm not sure how well it would play.
This sounds like a job for UI/UX
True. Stupid UX.
I'm sure they'll be glad for a visitor, it's probably been a week since the last :P
Why can't users just be happy with what we give them?
The Atoms Family voices and lyrics. I learned it in 5th grade science.
Something like this (either top or bottom, not sure of the order yet):
I never learned any cheesy method to memorize the periodic table because, by some miracle, all of my science teachers realized the futility of making students memorize something that is always readily available in the real world
^ Imagine that
Surely it helps if you need to recreate it from scratch if you're stranded on a desert island and need it because reasons.
@Geobits Doing it chromatically will only lead to heartache and thumbache
Go with the circle of fifths, going LTR, then TTB
C    G
E    C#
G#   F
And for the full thing:
C/D      G/A
E/F#     C#/B
G#/A#    F/D#
@Mego Hmm... that's an interesting idea. It makes for interesting chord movements if nothing else. I was worried that anything more complex would lose the "the sound is going up, so I should hit higher up" vibe that most non-musicians would expect.
I know I said before to go with dim5, but I think ^ would be a much more natural layout
For better speed and less cramping, you'd want mostly alternating sides
Tell me what that means
P4/P5 are the most common movements, so going by circle of fifths will help alternate
"confusing at best and unreadable at worst." Imo, unreadable and confused should be swapped — Downgoat 4 mins ago
That gives an AAB pattern for most major chords I immediately see.
Why is it that you guys always pick at my grammar and not the review ;p
I'd really prefer something that would give ABA for (at least most) majors and minors, but I'm not sure how likely that is.
@Geobits Yep, the fact that the third is either below the key or on the opposite side makes playing chords easier
Ok, thanks for the help. It should be easy to swap a prototype between layouts to test it out :D
Welcome :)
Now I need to translate a bunch of Android 2.2 code to something modern. shudder
For modern music, you're going to have mostly power chords, which means moving the thumbs in unison on the opposite sides, which is super-intuitive
@Geobits Xamarin it
Oh yea, I can definitely see power chords being nice.
@Mego Oh no... I have no problem with native Android. It's just that a lot of the code needs to change to use the modern APIs. I had to quite a bit third-party because there wasn't anything builtin before.
Like simple MP3->PCM decoding wasn't available at that point, much less on-the-fly decoding speed.
Sounds like fun ;)
It was last time. This time I'm not so sure. Maybe I'll just end up golfing all the code to keep it interesting.
@Quill If you want a rhythm game that works on (some) modern hardware and has not aged well, check out this monstrosity: play.google.com/store/apps/…
I'd love to, but I'm on iPhone
Warning: it was never very good, but it can be fun to waste some time with.
The screenshots look good though
Oh, a CRer and an iPhoner? Jeez... :P
Write in Unity, then you can use all the systems :)
But then you have to write in Unity :/
I'm not sure they have the MP3 library I'd want to use, but I'll check it out. I really like Android's new streaming decompression stuff.
The original would have to analyze each song once, before you could play it the first time. It took about 20-30 seconds on the hardware of the time, so it was a giant pain.
I have an iPhone because when I first got a smartphone, on my plan, getting an iPhone was cheaper than an Android, especially considering the Android options were very lacking
And now it's cheaper to upgrade phones than get an entirely new phone
@Mego That's sensible I guess. I got my first when I moved to Japan. Figured I had to buy a new phone, why not, right? So, I headed to Docomo and found out that only Softbank (who I'd heard nothing good about) carried iPhones. Got an Android.
Glad I did, though. I'd hate to have been sucked into the Apple system :P
You live in Japan?
No, I did from '09-12.
Going from a Tokyo suburb to Florida was a bit of a culture shock, needless to say. I want to go back :(
The only apple product I own is my phone
I'm not in the "apple system" by any means
I just have an affordable phone that does what I want
Yea, now it doesn't seem so big a deal. Not like it was at first, as far as the whole "walled garden" thing goes. It felt (to me at least) that the early iPhones just didn't have the customization I wanted. Whether that's truth or an additional 7 years of maturity speaking, I'll never know.
An original question is not a duplicate of a newer question
It can be, according to site policy.
If the newer one is just plain better. It doesn't happen often, but sometimes. Let me find it...
Q: Closing old question as duplicate of a new one

Martin BüttnerWhat is our policy regarding closing an old challenge as a duplicate of a new one? I know this happens on other sites (at least SO), if the newer question is generally better or usually if it gathers better answers (such that the old one acts as a "redirect" to the canonical answer). Now this do...

Even so, that doesn't make logical sense
They do that on SO as well
There's this Meta post too:
Close old questions as dupes of newer questions if there's a better answer
A: Should "Code the Huffman!" remain closed as a duplicate of a very old question?

Martin BüttnerTL;DR: They are duplicates. Close the old one. First, I'd like to clarify that I do think the questions are duplicates. I agree with Peter that a difference in the output format counts as a "minor modification" to existing answers, unless the output formatting is the core of the challenge (which...

@ZachGates It's poor wording in the case of closing the older one, but the meaning is still clear: "look at this question instead"
@ZachGates It does imo if you agree to the following statements: 1) The goal is to make the site better 2) We don't need duplicates 3) The newer one is better.
{1: true, 2: true, 3: false}
It shouldn't matter if it's "better"
Right. That's the most opinion-based one ;)
The original isn't a dupe because it's the original
One thing to keep in mind is that closure isn't a slap on the wrist.
If only one question is to remain open, it should be the better one, not the first one.
I think it fits the purpose, even if the wording is poor. I don't think we need a new close reason for this rare case, at any rate.
I can agree to that. "Duplicate" doesn't cover it for me
Duplicate has more than one meaning. If you interpret it as copy, no, it doesn't make sense. But if you interpret it as one of two identical things, both challenges are duplicates, and one of them is closed.
When deciding which of multiple questions about the same topic to close, the order in which they were posted is irrelevant
Consider the following: 3 challenges about the same subject are posted at exactly the same time. Clearly having all 3 open is unacceptable; there can only be one. Which 2 do you close?
All three :P
Downvote 'em too.
How do you modify the size of a png?
@Geobits I said close, not downvote damnit ninja'd
@Mego That's a completely different situation
@Eridan Very carefully
@Eridan Like compress or scale?
@Quill are you there?
Yo dawg, I heard you like SELECTs
@Eridan Convert to BMP. That'll modify it big time.
in your review you said I shoudn't use so many selects
but how else would I add the values?
@Eridan Yes? Which one? Both?
@Geobits Where'd you select that from
I have it as 720x540, I need it as 300x250
@Downgoat You just use three layers of selects, is all
@Eridan Site ad?
@Quill FROM Posts
You don't need three layers of selects
@ZachGates Yes
@Geobits :)
@ZachGates No it's not. SE cares little for "tradition" arguments. If something should be closed, it doesn't matter how old it is. Keeping something around because it had always been around is not an acceptable reasoning.
@Quill but...
@Eridan I generally open it in an editor (I prefer GIMP) and use the scale tool.
@Eridan Lancsoz downscaling
hanging out in ppcg like
user image
3DS, nice
A: Is it a lipogram?

ӍѲꝆΛҐӍΛПҒЦꝆDUP, 33 bytes [`32~&a:0[\1-$;$][32~&a;=@|]#%%~] Try it here. Anonymous lambda that takes input from both argument and STDIN and leaves result on stack. Usage: 0"asdf"[`32~&a:0[\1-$;$][32~&a;=@|]#%%~]! Explanation [ ] {lambda} ` ...

Is that for Mario Golf?
Any good, or should I save my money?
Q: What is a historical lock, and what is it used for?

Robert HarveyHistorical locks are sometimes applied to questions. What is a historical lock? What is the purpose of a historical lock? How are questions affected by historical locking? When is it appropriate to lock a question for historical reasons? When is it not appropriate? How do I request a historica...

I like it but I haven't played it in a long time
@Geobits Spend it on amiibos :)
Can I just post my submission for the ad here and someone resize and post it? This is too complicated for me to figure out right now.
import sys
from PIL import Image
img = Image.open(sys.argv[1])
Image.resize((300,250), Image.LANCSOZ).save(sys.argv[2])
There, have a Python script that will do it for you
@ZachGates The problem with a lock (and one reason the dupe close is better imo) is that it the dupe one has a link builtin that points to the other challenge.
@ZachGates Sure, that's appropriate for non-dupes that are good, but no longer on topic. If it's crap or a dupe, close it.
@Mego If it's still open, it wasn't crap at one point
Note that it's possible to both dupe-close and historical lock
@ZachGates Many questions like that get closed also. Only the big ones typically get locked.
@ZachGates Sure. But our definition of "crap" changes over time. All those gazillions of challenges are crap. So, they got closed. The first one got a historical lock because it has historical significance (for ushering in the dark ages a new tag).
Like when code-trolling went away. Maybe four got locked, the others were all obliterated, even though they were on-topic at the time.
@Quill how would I remove the selects?
-- Thanks to the code reviewers for making this code not suck so much
-- codereview.stackexchange.com/q/121148/74474

DECLARE @UID int = ##UserId##

DECLARE @UpVotesWeight     int = 1
DECLARE @DownVotesWeight   int = 2
DECLARE @QuestionsWeight   int = 10
DECLARE @AnswersWeight     int = 5
DECLARE @CommentsWeight    int = 1

SELECT Score = Upvotes   * @UpVotesWeight +
               Downvotes * @DownVotesWeight +
               Questions * @QuestionsWeight +
               Answers   * @AnswersWeight +
that doesn't work :(
@Mego I don't have a thing to run Python in
As a site refines and narrows its scope, old questions may not be on topic anymore. That's fine.
@Eridan If you upload the image, I'll run it for you
I'm going to see if I can do it in Java
Are you running a freshly formatted computer? I don't know many people here that could say they don't have python or an image editor installed.
I forgot what my streetpass message was haha
@Geobits Might be mobile
True, true
@Eridan One word different to CR's shirt catchline
@Quill That's the idea
Wow I messed up that code royally
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
from PIL import Image
img = Image.open(sys.argv[1])
img.resize((300,250), Image.LANCZOS).save(sys.argv[2])
I like it, although the colors could really be improved.
@Geobits I have no idea how to edit images and I don't have Python
Future tip: If you plan on scaling down, start with a canvas that's a multiple in dimensions of the target.
@El'endiaStarman The colors are the defaults in Eclipse
Perhaps I will visit Graphic Design SE and modify my attempt
You can even rescale images in MS Paint, though its scaling method is really naive/bad
I don't have Paint
I'm now almost convinced you drew this on a brick and took a picture.
That was more of a general message rather than a suggestion for you :P
In all seriousness, what did you use to make it?
PowerPoint on a Mac. That's pretty damn near a brick.

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