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I still dislike the upboat/downboat icons. I think a ++ and -- would fit with the theme better. But, I'm not an artist (that's why I'm an IT engineer).
@TimmyD how about dictionary compression
My favorite part of the current userscript design is probably the all of the code in the background of the header.
@PhiNotPi I do like that part. I'm not so sure about the green, but the code is nice.
The grey meta background is definitely on-point.
@Geobits I really like the wreath. Somehow the logo needs to suggest victory+coding. A trophy with brackets could work I suppose, or a crown made of slashes or something
@Adnan I keep forgetting that's a thing. Nice.
i like the green. it's unusual
@TimmyD Just knowing what you don't like should be enough - as long as you indicate that then the professional designers can make something new rather than using what's on meta...
@Adnan what algorithm are you using?
@trichoplax Well, sure, but meaning that I can envision something in my head, but it's difficult to express that out onto paper, so to speak.
How would people feel about green text on a black background like old monochrome monitors?
Since that's what my CMD and PowerShell windows are, +1
that sounds hard to look at
@trichoplax Maybe toned down some. Green on black isn't the friendliest on the eyes if it's true to the old CRTs.
@trichoplax only if every single bit of text and every single background everywhere matched it. (medium to light grey on black would be even better)
@TimmyD I was talking more about downvoting/commenting on meta suggestions that you don't like, but if you have an idea of your own you can always just post it in words - the designers can turn it into imagery
@TimmyD I like the ++/-- idea, but some form of arrow needs to be in there somewhere. Also the arrows are almost always mirror images - jsfiddle.net/CalvinsHobbies/Lg7gs88q/embedded/result
@Geobits I guess tolerability beats nostalgia...
Sorry trichoplax, the wheel of blame has spoken.
@RikerW wtf
So all you have to do to avoid blame is log out of chat? Eh, nvm, not worth it. Go ahead and blame me.
@quintopia ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@Geobits You downvote too much to be blamed... Wait, that doesn't make sense. :P
@RikerW You obviously haven't seen the old Wheel of Blame >_>
Nope. :P
@HelkaHomba Does that load up the sprite sheet for every SE site?? My poor laptop :(
Yes, sorry :P
@RikerW I have no idea whatsoever what is happening here... :)
@HelkaHomba It'll live :)
Chrome is flipping out right now. Had to switch to mobile to say "thanks, Helka".
oh god ctulul
Seriously though, that's a nice resource.
@HelkaHomba It's actually pretty interesting - I'll just have to come back to it later.
Hey, it warns you:
> May load slowly and make browser unresponsive!
It doesn't warn you before it starts, though :P
I think upvote should be a "+" inside an up triangle, and downvote should be a "-" inside a down triangle
@HelkaHomba That kind of warning goes well with a button to initiate... ;)
help my screen is full of regex html parsers and zalgo
save me
Oh cool it's done loading now.
@RikerW close the tab. that answer is still the same as it ever was.
still thinking of a logo..
@aditsu But do any sites have up/downvotes that are not exact mirror images? idk if they'd ever really do that
I don't know, and I don't think it should matter
I think Chemistry and Computer Science had the same designer
CompSci are not exact mirror images. The shape is mirrored, but coloring isn't.
I like Money's - that's clever.
I don't think symmetry is important here - I don't see downvoting as the opposite of upvoting.
@Geobits You sure? Coloring for votes is always different
Well, both have bright on top, dark below. So the upvote has one bright, two dark, while the down has two bright, one dark.
can somebody draw arm-wrestling curly brackets? :p
@quintopia Dictionary compression
What represents our site besides sports references and brackets?
Hopefully something.
@DonMuesli -1 for challenge not containing MariaTidalTug
Seeing the lengths to which people will go to remove the necessity of brackets from languages, I think it's amusing that our proposed logo has brackets.
@Sp3000 Oooh that's a good one
That's not a "good one", it's the one that was actually used :P
@trichoplax Winning challenges is a big part (and that's not strictly a sports reference, it's just that sports have winners too)
Yes making it clear there's competition sounds good. I'm not completely against a cup or a wreath I'd just prefer anything else
@Geobits Right you are, though that's fairly subtle
another logo idea: a few characters being crushed in a vise
Maybe a vise (picture a C)
Get outta my head
I don't mind the competition angle, I just don't like wreaths. Like I said, they remind me of government seals.
yeah I'm a ninja :p
@Sp3000 Nah. Then it's not funny :-P
Jan 4 at 1:28, by Calvin's Hobbies
How about our icon is the xkcd stick guy trying to cram text characters into an overflowing duffel bag or something?
It shows "Calvin" :o
> Make your code slightly less long
> Then do it again
My PowerPoint graphic design skill is, as the youth of today say, "on point" :P
yesterday, by Helka Homba
@Geobits Nah, I don't like overwriting history
@HelkaHomba Who's Calvin? Is he a well known user here or something?
@Eridan that's a long way to describe making something short
@Eridan Looks strange with the & there (see ux.stackexchange.com/a/35725/51544) Admittedly, our name is not well suited for this
@aditsu Decrease the length parameter of your functions and programs.
@Eridan nah, they say "on fleek"
@aditsu Most of them stopped using it the first time someone over 30 did ;)
You know, ELU's logo is a single character (&).
@aditsu It's a pun on CR's motto of "Making code slightly less wrong"
We should outgolf them by making our logo the empty string.
@feersum Yeah, I've not really understood why & applies to them
@feersum This. A single character, if it's the right one, would be very nice and clean.
@Geobits hmm
> Short code/Fast code/Competing bot code - what's your poison?
And no, caret is not the right one :P
@Geobits ~
"Programming Puzzles & Code Golf -- #! without the #"
@Adnan just replacing each word with its index?
@aditsu Reminds me of home :)
% fits 3 shapes into one character
How about epsilon. It commonly denotes something very small or the empty string.
We could use the bell character as our logo.
Pretty please? ^
@TimmyD "Programming Puzzles & Code Golf -- Want a caret?"
Q: Manage Trash So

Don MuesliIt's become somewhat of a tradition in PPCG that some users temporarily change their names by an anagram (a new name formed by reordering the letters of the old). Sometimes it gets difficult to find out who is who. I could use a program or function to tell if two phrases are anagrams of each oth...

@quintopia Yes, basically
We could use repetitions of the string "The logo goes hereeeee" as our logo, as I've discussed above
But you have different kinds of strings for that, e.g. uppercase, title case
I'd also like to see an ad without a green background.
@Geobits The problem is & is about the only normal character that specifically stands for a whole English word. Any character could stand for a programming command.
The most recent one above is a really ugly combination.
@HelkaHomba Yea, I'm pondering it. I can't think of a single one that really captures it. I do think that the cleaner/simpler it is the more I'll like it, though. The wreath/brackets combo is a bit busy imo.
bah, just use a carrot as the logo
@Geobits ⌨
Interesting. Theoretical Computer Science has a different shape icon for different sizes
@Lynn Had the same byte count, but in function form. You could probably [2::5] it though
@trichoplax Same with bycicles kinda
Is that like Bicycles?
Oh yeah - I like it
Or I guess I'm looking at the favicon which is different
Yes it has different detail in the larger version - it's nice to know we don't need something that works on every scale
@trichoplax I don't understand that logo
It's a badge-thing‌​, like on the front bar of a bike.
@aditsu Me neither actually
@aditsu Nor me. Until Geobits explained just now...
what do people think about using <> instead of {}?
that might diffrentiate it from CR a bit
Say, how many SE sites were conceived, betad, and graduated from the time PPCG started beta to when our graduation was announced?
@NewMainPosts damn I missed an easy challenge to practice my FGITW skills with :/
@Maltysen that suggests tags, like html/xml
@HelkaHomba A lot.
@HelkaHomba I don't think XKCD would like that.
They might
TeX uses brackets, too, so another point against that. Their entire favicon is just brackets.
@9cHeruinr96a If Randall Munroe is a PPCG user, let him speak up now or forever hold his peace.
More like "let him hold his peace now, until he consults his lawyers" :D
Do we need the icon to say "short code, and sometimes fast code, puzzles and KotHs", or can it just be something that distinguishes us?
How about a number?
I was thinking a golfier number - I wouldn't want 2 digits unless it was 19
How about we just make the logo match the downvote icon? That sends a message in the same way as "take it somewhere else".
?: conveys coding, maybe?
@Lynn cool idea :) (and i don't know the internal workings of python sets)
@Geobits hahahaha
I like the idea of an ad that is at least somewhat welcoming...
So many 2 stars.
@trichoplax /joke
Perhaps some piet code
That's not a terrible idea
it would probably be pretty unrecognizable though
@Geobits It was more aimed at the earlier ad that you reminded me of, which I'm hoping was also a joke...
i have created a new programming language: codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/64198/99-bottles-of-beer/…
Or I am creating *
I'm conflicted reading this:
> It aims to make Javascript shorter to write, while still being "Javascript". I'm pretty mad that I didn't beat any of the Javascript answers...
how about +[.] golfy, and runs forever
@Geobits Conflicted how? That's hilarious :)
@aditsu I'm on school network; imgur is blocked
@aditsu Pretty, but meaningless to anyone who doesn't know Piet.
@9cHeruinr96a it's a piet hello world, square shape, with a "+"-looking thing in the middle
@Geobits Someone unstar or star this!
I tried!
Q: Using the “liar paradox” in programming

Hari PrasadIs there any way i can use the liar paradox in programming? Its something like this : The following statement is true. The preceding statement is false. Can anyone give a sample code in c++ or python? or how to use it in Boolean? PS: I have a doubt. Will this create a loop or a crash...

Oh right, I could..
Not a big fan of Piet as an idea - 1) because it's not used that often, and 2) when it is it's the epitome of "most popular language = auto-upvotes" :P
[on hold]
^ logo
Oh snap
@HelkaHomba thine wish is my command
Or something
We need to knock off that last 3. And that one.
@Maltysen How about β
@9cHeruinr96a hold on, is your name Hurricane996 or 9cHeruinr96a?
@TimmyD hahaha
Hurricanes jumble stuff up sometimes.
@aditsu Anagrams are trendy right now
I'm just confused about how I can see both at the same time
Star discipline in here is terrible right now. How hard can it be to fill it with 2s?
it's twostars all the way down
"Are you ready to ascend? Programming Puzzles & Code Golf"
darn, it was for a sec
@PhiNotPi "If you get 7k rep in the next 6-8 weeks, you can still get swag - Programming Puzzles & Code Golf"
user image
^^ for posterity
@Maltysen Are you sure they don't just count strictly beta time?
Swag is those on the first 2 pages of all-time users either at graduation or design, right?
@HelkaHomba i'm not sure. I think I heard somewhere that they check at design time, but i'm probably wrong
They probably have both lists and decide based on what users they like more that have jumped into or out of the first two pages.
@Geobits its cheating if you star them yourself :P
Nah, it's only cheating if you get cau... crap.
random tangent^
QWERTY, like any sane person.
@PhiNotPi idk, but if design lag takes like a year it could be quite unfair to the true people who helped in the beta
I'm used to QWERT(Z/Y)
I've never seen DVORAK in person.
@9cHeruinr96a "<>PYF
(maybe a year is crazy but I heard some site had to wait that long)
1 year isn't crazy
They had a crazy backlog last year especially IIRC. I don't think CR's took that long, so maybe it's cleared up some.
@HelkaHomba Did I star/unstar enough times?
I wish Dvorak statistics included all of the people who tried Dvorak and quit
I use Dvorak.
@Sp3000 Yes. The starboard has been wriggling like a caterpillar
The main benefit is it confuses other people when they try to use my computer.
@HelkaHomba Thanks. Wanted to know whether updates happened instantly :P
Hey! I just got an email promising to "maximize my ROI". I should totally follow up on that, right?
@HelkaHomba I'm on a chromebook cuz school, and I can only see half the starboard D:
@feersum Well, everything's better than AZERTY.
@Maltysen GET BACK TO WORK! —someone else also at school
@Geobits You can't get better than maximized!
You can get full screened.. better than maxamizing
@Doorknob I did already five minutes of work out a 55 minute period - good enough
@epicTCK lol - "full screen your ROI!!"
I would have definitely replied if it said that.
@feersum Bonus points if you're one of those people who type in DVORAK but the keyboard labels are QWERTY
@Sp3000 Of course, what else would you do?
@Sp3000 oooh challenge idea, map qwerty to dvorak
@Maltysen Please no. D:
get a string input and output as if typed thinking it was qwerty on a keyboard that was actually dvorak
@Doorknob yes?
Don't we already have a simple sub-cipher?
(mainly because the byte count is mostly just the QWERTY/DVORAK translation string)
@trichoplax silly turtle, pings only work with 3+ letters :P
how about no regex
Surely we have some sub-cipher challenge, will go check
@epicTCK tr isn't regex
I'm currently living at a university. Some choose to look at it as "never leaving school." I look at it as "never going to school."
Regex doesn't change anything :/
at least in perl
llama@llama:~$ tr '?*$^' 'abcd'
I'm still amused at the llama@llama
why are you using optimizer's computer?
> why are you using optimizer 's computer
Does anyone else also remove the user label from the prompt, or is it just me?
too much effort
@Doorknob refrence to google.com/… ?
I thought they had camels also
> No silly Esolangs that are theoretical or just say something like "This program will take QWERTY input and recode it in DVORAK. This is the program." or crap like that... Take this challenge seriously... So Brainfuck coders, I welcome you.
@Geobits wat?
@Doorknob It's a single line in your bash config >_>
@Geobits Oh, I thought you meant like when copy/pasting things into places
I like PS1="\n\[\e[32m\]\w\n\[\e[0m\]> " for cleanliness.
ah, that
ummm... apparently mine is
PS1="%K{blue}%F{white}%n@%m%f%k:%B%F{cyan}%(4~|...|)%3~%F{white}%(!.#.$) %b%f%k"
I have PS1="%B%F{green}%n@%m%k %B%F{blue}%~ %# %b%f%k"
@Doorknob I think that's close to the default zsh prompt though
usermod --login llama root && hostname llama
mine is pretty close, yeah
Oww, that dark green on dark magenta
No, it's black(ish), just half-transparent.
where do I get a chatbot?
You can make one or take one.
but you will eventually break one
Just don't forsake one.
and of course, don't hate one
t!=k, so mistake? One.
Just because it's assonance doesn't mean you need to berate one
what happened to the automagic scoreboard for code golf? i don't have it disabled :(
@Lynn here's an alternate 161
def a(v,o,c=0,A=0,d='.',O={0}):
 while'.'==d:w=v.find('\n');c+=[1,~w,-1,w+1][A%4];d=v[c];o>d=='.'<a(v+' '*w,o[1:],c,ord(o[0])-~A);d>v>o<O.add(d)
@Sp3000 It seems I tested the limits and fate won :(
Maybe we should drop this charade and get some cake, one?
One does not just append one to every sentence one ???
Do you have one laying around? If not I'll bake one.
(I give up)
Unary, 12 bytes, 111111111111
@TimmyD That.... looks like a fake one >_>
The only challenge in which that'd be a valid code-golf answer would be "Print a char, any char"
2-1/2 minutes to close. Peeps are slacking. ;-)
> Fill out our 11-minute survey to give us your feedback.
Oddly specific number of minutes.
Q: Output an English sonnet

ArandurVery simple challenge. Write a function or a program which, given no input, will print the text of a sonnet written in the English language, which is famous enough to be referenced by a Wikipedia page (as of the time of posting this question). Punctuation and capitalization are not considered; ...

I just noticed I actually have 416/400 score for code golf silver.
I just need 11 answers.
That's not acceptable. You'll have to give 16 back.
I have 1293 / 1000 in string, but I need 35 more answers. >.<
I'm at 492/400, 68/80 for code-golf :(
I have enough score but not enough answers for... 11 badges!?
brb applying to 35 questions
410/1000, 109/200 for gold
I have the opposite problem for kolmogorov-complexity. 22 out of 20 answers, 27/100 score :/
@Sp3000 Same, but 4 badges
Wait, tags take formatting?
Popcon bronze is great: 441/100 score, 15/20 answers
Oooh I just need four popcon answers for bronze >_>
I'd have KotH if the badge existed.
KOTH doesn't have enough challenges for a tag badge?
That seems wrong.
It needs 100 IIRC.
Challenge idea that I'm floating past chat before writing up and posting to the sandbox -- graphically represent the Euclidean algorithm for greatest common divisor. Basically a non-animated version of this --
@aditsu ???
@Lynn 158 :)
def a(v,o,c=0,A=0,d='.',O={0}):
 while'.'==d:w=v.find('\n');c+=[1,~w,-1,w+1][A%4];d=v[c];o>v<a(v+' '*w,o[1:],c,ord(o[0])-~A,d);d>v>o<O.add(d)
@9cHeruinr96a I answered what I use, using what I don't use
Logo idea (remember, I'm not an artist) ... three boxes arranged horizontally, with arrows between going left to right. [STDIN] -> [ε] -> [STDOUT] or similar.
@9cHeruinr96a "<>PYF are the keys on a DVORAK keyboard that are in the same position as the QWERTY keys on a QWERTY keyboard
The Dvorak Simplified Keyboard (/dᵊˈvɔːræk/ d-VOR-ak) is a keyboard layout patented in 1936 by Dr. August Dvorak and his brother-in-law, Dr. William Dealey. Over the years several slight variations were designed by the team led by Dvorak or by ANSI. These variations have been collectively or individually also called the Simplified Keyboard or American Simplified Keyboard but they all have come to be commonly known as the Dvorak keyboard or Dvorak layout. Dvorak proponents claim the Dvorak layout uses less finger motion and reduces errors compared to the standard QWERTY keyboard. This reduction...
A slightly esoteric reply
Q: Visualize the greatest common divisor

ZgarbBackground The greatest common divisor (gcd for short) is a convenient mathematical function, since it has many useful properties. One of them is Bézout's identity: if d = gcd(a, b), then there exist integers x and y such that d = x*a + y*b. In this challenge, your task is to visualize this prop...

huh, a different visualization
Huh. So we went from all 2s to so-close-to-all 3s.
in case someone decides to ruin it :P
there's a 46 :p
It's only 46 because Doorknob cheated.
I wasn't the one who pinned that >.>
Definitely cheating
Denial is the first sign of a problem.
> My friend filled in that test, not me. I wasn't cheating.

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