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@MartinBüttner I'm no mathematician, but it feels like an optimization problem
I think an appropriate English idiom would be "seeing them get their comeuppance".
Or "They got what they deserved."
@El'endiaStarman That's not really accurate. Shadenfreude doesn't have to be from deserved humiliation/pain
@AlexA. Other imported words include Gesundheit, Gestalt, Kindergarten etc.
"Taking pleasure in other people's misery" is the best way I can describe it
Yeah, that's more accurate.
@mınxomaτ Oh, I only knew that Gestalt was a word in the contex of psychology.
> Pleasure derived by someone from another person’s misfortune.
America's Funniest Home Videos is an excellent example
@mınxomaτ Basically the same :P
@Mego Hmm. AFV doesn't really fit "schadenfreude" for me.
@El'endiaStarman You don't remember the wildly-popular game Tom Bergeron would play with members of the audience, "Head, Gut, or Groin?"
Oh, I remember that.
AFV is 90% people getting hurt/humiliated while doing stupid stuff and 10% cats
But I think of "schadenfreude" as being more..."dark" in nature.
The following outline is presented as an overview of and topical guide to German expressions in English: A German expression in English is a German loanword, term, phrase, or quotation incorporated into the English language. A loanword is a word borrowed from a donor language and incorporated into a recipient language without translation. It is distinguished from a calque, or loan translation, where a meaning or idiom from another language is translated into existing words or roots of the host language. Some of the expressions are relatively common (e.g. hamburger), but most are comparatively rare...
@flawr ninja'd
rofl the downvote on the graduation notice
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ sumo'd
1 hour ago, by Alex A.
hahahahaha the "you're graduating" post got a downvote
still an opinion that can be said multiple times
1 hour ago, by Alex A.
Code Review moderator shows up, downvote on the post. SUSPICION ENSUES
Wait, hamburger is a German loanword?!?
"hahahahaha" > "rofl"
@El'endiaStarman Hamburg -> Hamburger?
@El'endiaStarman Yep, it was invented in the town of Hamburg, by das Burgermeister /s
Barring "hi," in what natural language is saying hello the golfiest?
I feel lucky to be one of today's 10,000.
@Mego ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)
@El'endiaStarman What kind of obscure reference is this?
Sounds like xkcd?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ XKCD
:27783454 :P
No one saw anything.
But it should be 10'000.
@mınxomaτ ninja'd.
Sure thing
@El'endiaStarman I saw everything.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Not really, I was replying to your caps-lock version.
@mınxomaτ which caps-lock version? >_>
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ this one
The version now buried in the sands of time
@Mego what's that? mod abuse? >_>
Hello what did I miss
Woah, rucksack is from German too.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ You should probably get some sleep. You're delirious. The mods are never abusive.
@AquaTart Graduation.
@Mego but you're a mod
@AquaTart Politics and German.
and I'm a mod
and flawr's a mod
we're all mods
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Sure thing buddy. Go sleep now, and use your mod powers when you wake up.
@El'endiaStarman How would that ever be an english word. "sack" is german for "bag".
@mınxomaτ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@Mego i have a flag and i will wave it
@El'endiaStarman That is hillarious=)
@mınxomaτ Uh... sack is very much an English word now (if it hadn't been for a long time). I never would've guessed it came from German.
@AlexA. ರ◡ರ
@Quill 'ello chap
@Mego @school atm
No more Beta tag!
@AlexA. Hej, Swedish ... or Hei, Norwegian
@Quill What happened to your hair?
@flawr No I mean I know we graduated
Your lucious locks?
@AlexA. Snippy snip snip
@AlexA. "Ho", old English/American
@Mego I have that on VHS lol
Whoops no, it's a dvd.
Digital VHS Disk
@Mego </3
Eddie Izzard is pretty funny, which is strange because he's British
@Rainbolt I always confuse the two. Like Elcaset and laserdisk.
@Mego rekt
@Quill Looks nice :)
Thanks :)
@Quill </\/\3
So, probably 40, of the top users in your /users/ page will be getting ppcg themed swag eventually
that's exciting!
@Rainbolt From the opposite side of the pond: youtube.com/watch?v=JZTqV5hcctA
@Quill Isn't it usually the first 2 pages of all-time?
@Mego yeah, but that's generally 40 users
I heard they were going to swag the top 40 and then also randomly award swag to someone ranked in between 168 and 168
It's usually first 2 pages, yeah
@Quill 72
> Normal light interacts with the atmosphere through Rayleigh scattering. You may have heard of Rayleigh scattering as the answer to "why is the sky blue." This is sort of true, but honestly, a better answer to this question might be "because air is blue." Sure, it appears blue for a bunch of physics reasons, but everything appears the color it is for a bunch of physics reasons.
> When you ask, "Why is the statue of liberty green?" the answer is something like, "The outside of the statue is copper, so it used to be copper-colored. Over time, a layer of copper carbonate formed (through oxidation), and copper carbonate is green." You don't say "The statue is green because of frequency-specific absorption and scattering by surface molecules."
I have more than twice as much reputation on Board and Card Games, but I talk about this site ten times more in real life. Makes me sad.
@Rainbolt I honestly never realized that you had only 3k rep here
@mınxomaτ I know I've read this before. IrregularWebcomic!?
I thought you had 15 or 20k
@El'endiaStarman what if, I think
@AquaTart I'm in here all the time, but I really don't post many challenges
By the way, guys, there's a new What-If.
@El'endiaStarman That's last week's
yeah, that one's old
@Mego Doesn't matter, I saw it for the first time today.
Remember how Randall stopped posting What-Ifs for a few months?
@El'endiaStarman Yes, it was tragic
Yeah. So, I got into the habit of checking once in a while.
And "new X" typically means "this X did not exist shortly before I said this"
@El'endiaStarman You're learning German, right? You can start with my translations :D
@mınxomaτ Cool!
@Mego Yeah, but shortly is very subjective.
@El'endiaStarman This was partly because of shit questions and the ongoing Thing-Explainer book tour.
@Mego Reality is based on my perception, therefore it did not exist before I saw it. QED.
@mınxomaτ Ahhh, that's why. Okay.
Oh hey, community ads. those are cool
@TimmyD Perhaps it didn't even exist at th emoment you saw it.
@Quill We'll get even more "how to do this" posts, but at least we can redirect them directly to SO
We can migrate things now
@flawr Mods could already migrate questions to SO.
Oh, right.
Really we should be redirecting them to CR
We couldn't get things migrated to US.
Woot, now random people on SO will be using us as their toilet bowl! \o/
@AquaTart except by a mod
> implying that wasn't already the case
18 mins ago, by mınxomaτ
@Mego ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)
@Quill hello i have a question how do you golf an avocad I tri for thirtee minut but no bytes
> migrated from codegolf.stackexchange.com
> This came from SO's toilet bowl.
@AquaTart it requires a whole lot of goat milk and some dried tomatoes
Two of my coworkers are in a corner of the Pit discussing the four stages of their algorithm, and I'm sitting here just hoping that we don't end up with stored procedures called "FooStage1", "FooStage2", etc.
> the Pit
@Quill k
@Rainbolt Sounds like maybe you shouldn't let them out of the Pit
"go to the Pit and think about what you've done!"
@Quill The Pit is for developers. The Lab is for testers. The front office is for... the front office.
And the support area doesn't really have a name
> Mego
@Rainbolt nice. you should feel privileged to work in the Pit
I thought it was based on rep at the time we got our design not graduation
Nope, graduation
@AlexA. regarding h1 not being big enough, is latex still on on meta?
I slid onto page 2 just last night
@Quill Seriously?
Well shit
@Quill for what reason and by whom?
sorry dude
@Optimizer Nope
@Mego hate you
He could always just post a big image
@Doorknob can always request swag for an avocado themed event
@AquaTart ಠ ∩ ಠ
@AquaTart <3 you too, I'll make sure to ping you with pictures of my swag
@Optimizer Graduation, SE
@Quill ಠ_ಠ
@Mego i was going to edit that in...
@Quill trolling?
Half of these people aren't even active on PPCG
Well most of my motivation to get 10k is gone now
The World Avocado Congress (WAC) is a quadrennial meeting of avocado producers, researchers, marketers and other interested parties from several countries, for the purpose of information sharing and networking. == History == The event was founded by Jan Toerien. The first WAC was held in Johannesburg, South Africa in 1987. During the planning session for the second WAC in 1999 Dr. Mary-Lu Arpaia, a researcher from the University of California Riverside, proposed that an International Avocado Society (IAS) be formed and charged with the responsibility of organizing the WAC every four years. It was...
@Quill i meant about the swag part... -_-
@Doorknob your domain name has expired
i know we are graduating
@Optimizer that comes with the design
@Hipe99 I know
they're both guaranteed things, now that the graduation is official @Optimizer
@Quill Whoa, where did you get that list?
and/or scraping users page
Oh wait we're graduating?
@AquaTart If you run in the election, you should also get swag
so front page users do actually get swag? what is that swag?
Was this early april fools?
Q: How will graduation/election swag work with the changes to the "graduation" process?

CatijaHooray, Design-Independent Graduation is happening! Sites that have been deserving of graduation all over SE are getting their elections and (hopefully eventually) getting the "Beta" label removed from their site name. Part of the graduation and election process is the Swag sent to users who are...

here and this
$('.user-details a').each(function(_, item){
@Optimizer Yes, and SE will decide for you. it's generally always Stickers and Shirts. but sometimes there's another item
hmm cool
Like Travel.SE got towels, CR got a Rubberduck
I'm hoping for golf balls
It'll probably be golf balls
Well, s/hoping for/expecting
> sent to users who are top users on the site and who run in the election.
@ETHproductions no
Does that mean those who run but who aren't in the top users?
That's for post-graduation elections
not your first one
The graduation swag is top users
Awesome :)
And they'll send @Alex a physical puzzle just for his efforts in removing the former half of the name
Based on M&TV's swag post, it's front 2 pages when the swag is designed OR when the site graduated
A: Movies&TV — Top User Swag!

RichardAs keen as I am to get graduation swag (Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!), shouldn't those that were in the top 2 pages when the site actually graduated also get some swag? I'm certain that in the months since the promise of swag was first made, there will be those that contributed to the success of the sit...

@Quill lel
I'm tempted to ping the CMs and say
@ThomasKwa...err, I mean @lirtosiast, is this valid?
"Hey, while we're doing site progress stuff... can we retire Lifehacks?"
It's at 1.5 questions a day
How many is CB at? :P
The lowest
... 0.2
30 visits a day
What is CB?
What's CB?
previously Moderators.SE
renamed to Community Building
@Mego I thought it was winning in the election
@AquaTart Mods get different swag
By my calculations, we'll be at 110 questions per day by the end of the year.
@Mego Wait you can get swag just by running
Mod swag != pleb swag
@El'endiaStarman Welp, 99 out of 100 times I have a question related to moderation, I wouldn't really want to ask it in public.
Retro Computing just moved to the commitment phase.
@AquaTart According to that post, yeah
I run every day, so I get swag?
@El'endiaStarman Oh, I thought it was a mod-only site
Too bad I won't have enough rep to look cool enough to get any votes
@AquaTart You're my #5 choice for modship <3
@ETHproductions Nope, we have the [REDACTED] for [REDACTED].
@Mego I'm #4, right? ;)
@Mego Marky Markov is No. 1 choice, right?
> Nope, we have the super-cool mod-only Teachers' Lounge for making fun of non-blue losers and planning our takeover of Stack Exchange
The existence of that room is not really much of a secret :P
in The 2nd Monitor, 2 hours ago, by Jamal
(Bad) design idea: have a picture of Tiger Woods and a computer.
Talking about a takeover, in the TL of all places... That's like planning a crime in the police station.
@El'endiaStarman :P
@Quill ಠ_ಠ
@Dennis Well it's the cops planning the crime so :P
@Dennis hahaha
@Dennis I was actually thinking that planning a takeover is pointless because we already control the network...
@Mego Except that the CMs also have access to the TL
...maybe I shouldn't have said that.
So it's more like the cops planning a crime in front of the President
It's like Shades of Blue, but with graduations and swag.
@Aqua Every time I glance at your small avatar, I think it's Alex's
@ETHproductions Well I mean technically we both are black and white flying things
@AquaTart They're in on it
^^ pretty awesome
@Mego Hmm
But they already control the network
Wow... the top CB user is only at 6k
@Mego perfect
I am MS paint pro
now just put golf clubs everywhere and we've got our design
Just put your upvotes in the box to the left
I bet this chatroom is the one with the most messages per second.
@AquaTart No, quartart! We don't use anything related to golf.
@Hosch250 No that's the Bridge
@Mego Other funny British people include Stephen Fry, Hugh Laurie, Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw, Gavin Free, Milton Jones, Russell Howard and the entire cast of Monty Python
You already filled 7 slots.
> joke
The Bridge is easily the highest message per second room
@Sherlock9 Don't forget the cast of Top Gear
Nope, they only have 4 slots today.
@Sherlock9 You wouldn't believe my shock after watching every single episode of House and then discovering two years later that Hugh Laurie is British.
@Sherlock9 Don't forget Richard Ayaode
Okay, that one gets my star. :P
Is the point that Dennis cheated on his wife?
It's so perfect wipes tear
I'm will continue to forget funny British people. Please continue suggesting them, though pinging me is not necessary
@Rainbolt No it's that Dennis is... oh why do I bother
@Mego (In case you didn't know that was a joke)
ability to cash in stars for rep
Then quartaters could be on page 2
I could maybe get on page 2 as well.
Chat mini-challenge: figure out who has more stars: quartatertots or me. In TNB, specifically.
3 hours ago, by Geobits
The beta label is still here in chat, though. I blame, umm, caching >_>
... ಠ_ಠ
@El'endiaStarman Oh I missed that one
They probably forgot to update that one, take it to meta
It's gone with the userscript
Random Fact of the Day: NewMainPosts has a user ID of -363.
nice photoshop skills @El'endiaStarman
@Quill Oh, it's not mine.
no compliment for you
Are you convinced I'm a bot?
With a question like that?! Heck yes! :P
I'm not sure what you mean... I'm not sure how to do that.
@ETHproductions All feeds have negative IDs because they're not real users
@El'endiaStarman I can answer that one pretty easily :P
Stalin Died on my Birthday
You're 63?

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