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OK I figured out how ,a works I think
Oh, rats.
It won't work for >=10
l(number) is the length of that number in digits if that helps.
OK. I think I can make this work then.
Show me what you have.
enumerate length range, map then ,a entire number with horizontal and vertical strut digit and corner index
Assuming I'm understanding how corner works (probably not)
Corner is the edges.
It's the character for the corner?
I was trying to make it nest the boxes
Like make one box for each digit
Actually that won't work
OK, better idea.
Just make the box out of .s and replace . with the number using a regex
That should work.
Lowercase rho, right?
oooh time to Pyth fgitw Calvin's challenge
Seriously takes the lead with 32 bytes
@Mego subvertly changes to pop-con
(is subvertly even a word?)
this isn't google
@AlexA. Full Definition of subvert. 1 : to overturn or overthrow from the foundation : ruin. 2 : to pervert or corrupt by an undermining of morals, allegiance, or faith.
Sure, subvert is a word, but subvertly doesn't seem to be.
@Calvin'sHobbies furtively?
Aaaand Minkolang comes in at second place, with 49 bytes! So far.
Julia's in second to last ._.
It's always nice when my solutions are 0.3-compatible because that means I get to have a link for trying online.
The only place that has Julia executable online with permalinks and no registration is still on 0.3.9. :/
sheesh, n=0 and n=1 absolutely murder the byte count for my Pyth solution
@El'endiaStarman yours is incorrect for 0 and 1
aw crap, mine doesn't work for 1
@Downgoat yours is also incorrect for 0 and 1
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ er... one last inane question
How do you convert a number to a string
@AlexA. yours looks incorrect for 0 and 1 but I don't have Julia
Do pandas like to eat at Panda Express?
+E(n) I think
Gimme a sec
@AlexA. No.
@Doorknob Works. Try the try it online link.
@Doorknob oh fixing...
@AlexA. oh I looked for one but apparently I'm blind
@Doorknob I wouldn't have posted it had it not worked for all of the test cases ;)
Mine is also incorrect for n=2. Waaah.
Ugh, I finished mine, but it doesn't work with anything n>2. Back to the drawing board.
@quartata It's either +E(thing) or b(thing)t; the latter only works when its a base ten number you want
Come on you guys, here I was thinking this'd be easy in anything but Shtriped :P
37 bytes of Pyth :/
Dammit this one doesn't work for n>2
there's got to be a shorter way
@Calvin'sHobbies Idk, I thought it was easy. It's just not that short for Julia.
@quartata o-o
n=0 and n=1 wastes 11 bytes
Throws an error (understandably)
non-negative repeat count
@El'endiaStarman You should delete while fixing
@AlexA. I guess golfing-compulsion makes it harder
@Doorknob It wasn't there when I first posted the answer. I usually add try links once I figure out whether it works in the one online interpreter with permalinks, which has an old version of Julia. In this case the code is 0.3-compatible.
WOOHOO 30 bytes
ha @Mego :P
(waiting for the grace period to expire before editing so that the previous version appears in the history...)
Btw @Doorknob, why don't you have Julia yet? >:U
because I'm lazy
Does replace in JS ignore whitespace or something?
It seems to replacing the whitespace in the center with the number which is annoying
@Doorknob Is your system 32- or 64-bit?
why? (64)
@quartata show me the code?
95-byte-values-Pyth is now beating 256-byte-values Seriously ;)
ρ,axx"... "'.+Ex
@AlexA. ew launchpad
This should actually beat all the answers once I'm done :P The only edge case is n=1.
@AlexA. You'd let us share Julia?
@Doorknob Okay don't click that, gimma a sec
I can let it die on n=0.
ew not using package managers
@Calvin'sHobbies Of course not
@AlexA. seriously who manually installs from tarballs
@Quartata rho uses regex. . means anything.
@Doorknob can't you just go sudo apt-get install julia/ai julia?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Oh I'm retarded
@Doorknob People who don't like Launchpad, I guess.
@somebody I don't have sudo. But similar, yes
@AlexA. ಠ_ಠ
I've never done either
All of the Linux software I have on my Ubuntu VM I got from the package manager thingamabob.
@Doorknob it isn't in the main repository? or you don't like launchpad at all?
@quartata Use a char like #.
Yeah I changed it to a
@somebody It's available via apt-get?
@somebody of course it's in the main repository, or at least I would assume so
llama@llama:~$ apt show julia
Package: julia
Version: 0.4.3-1+b1
Get that
Don't get Juno though, it's crap
@Doorknob ?
@somebody what "?"?
click the arrow
I did
if you find a picture of an upgoat or a downgoat please submit it here I am having trouble finding good test cases for the third batch of test cases
@quartata yours fails for input 10
I already deleted it.
oh ninja'd
@Doorknob Did you apt-get Julia yet?
llama@llama:~$ apt-get julia
E: Invalid operation julia
Note how Julia is not part of the code formatting
llama@llama:~$ Note how Julia is not part of the code formatting
zsh: command not found: Note
OK I think I know how to fix it
@Doorknob ಠ_ಠ
I somehow beat MATL too, but knowing Luis, he'll probably golf off like 10 bytes tomorrow
@Doorknob Oh btw I found a way to golf off a few bytes
@Doorknob sudo apt-get install julia
zsh: command not found: sudo
13 mins ago, by Doorknob
@somebody I don't have sudo. But similar, yes
@Doorknob apt-get download julia
@somebody What do you do professionally, if anything?
@somebody is apt-get download even a thing
@AlexA. i'm in school
@Doorknob yes
but you need to sudo dpkg afterwards :(
ok well I've never used it
ugh, using ruby, I can't quite get this down past 107 bytes.
@AlexA. I procrastinate professionally I guess
I've been staring at it for 10 minutes and I can't figure out how to make Pyth shorter
@somebody Oh nice. University?
high school, grade 12
high school is fun but hard
idk about fun, and idk about hard?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I got it working but it is 31 bytes :/
A: Print N Squared

quartataJolf, 31 bytes a?=1x1ρρ,axx"aaa "'a+Ex' *' lx Try it online.

@somebody US?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Kids these days
I can golf it.
@somebody I procrastinate.
@AlexA. Australia
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Assigning space to a variable doesn't help
I tried
28: a?=1i1ρρ,aii"aaa "'ai' *' li
aaarrrghhh help I'm stuck in 3* byte land
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Jolf is throwing quite a bit of errors....
?=1i1ρρ,aii"aaa "'ai' *' li
27 @quartata
Man this is the worst time to find a bug in my interpreter
Wait what did I miss
Implicit output, you can take input as a string.
The alert was there from a previous version
Er. Thanks.
No problem!
Well, winning by two bytes.
I really feel like there's a shorter way to do -lJ*2lK but I can't find it
Alright, my solution works now!
@quartata That's 27 bytes.
It's 28 according to your byte counter
If it weren't for an interpreter bug I'd have 29 :/
There has to be a shorter way of doing this
Maybe if I abuse preserve mode...
I was hoping I could at least contend here but jesus you guys have gotten this down low.
What'd you expect? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@quartata Another byte shaved: ?=1i1ρρ,aii+*3έ' έi' *' li
Not much, especially against real golfing languages :P
That's weird it is now magically 27
Gah no the merge is still messed up!
Are there any ruby gurus here? I can't figure any way to shorten this down
n=gets.to_i;s="";n.times{|i|s+=(i==0||i==n-1?"#{n}"*n : "#{n}"+" "*[(n-2)*n.to_s.length,0].max+"#{n}")+?\n};puts s
It just occurred to me that my decision to label Minkolang as a "semi-golfing language" was right on target. It takes more bytes than golfing languages, but fewer than mainstream languages.
fjdafkhskjgh I hate myself for messing up that merge
@Aearnus Make it a proc: ->n{s="";...;s}
replace length with size
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I typed up an explanation for the 27 byte one
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ whoa whoa whoa
Stop being so damn helpful

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