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@MartinBüttner Couldn't find anything shorter either.
Q: Make a search engine

Alex82You need to make a program, that when giving a list and a string, searches on the list for the item that starts of finishes by the string. Examples: Input: th [thing, awesome, potato, example] Output: thing (Because it starts with "th") Input: ing [thing, potato] Output: thing (Because it ends...

hmmm I beat MATL and Pyth with CJam
something's fishy.
(probably the fact that the Pyth answer wasn't written by Jakube, orlp or isaacg)
@Dennis can Jelly do the El'endia's CA challenge?
@Martin could you link me? I can't seem to find it.
yeah that's it thanks :D
@MartinBüttner There was a bit of discussion on this last night. Essentially, there are n/2 slots for the 1s, and there's a parity in that the slots can be the even or odd-numbered ones, so altogether, the upper bound is 2^(n/2+1), which many wire lengths hit (except for the -2). For example, a wire of length 10 has period 62, which is 2^(5+1)-2. Also holds true for e.g. 60, which has a period of 2^(30+1)-2.
@MartinBüttner I think so. I haven't tried.
@El'endiaStarman I see, thanks
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ futureState is what the next aliveness will be. That's how I avoid overwriting current states.
So it's actually not bounded by the Fibonacci sequence, but I can't figure out where your argument went wrong on that.
@Dennis the ]___&= is pretty painful... :/ any better ideas?
@El'endiaStarman Oh! So if I'm changing the state of a cell, I would do grid[y][x][0] = newState?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ grid[y][x][2], rather.
[0] is the rule number.
Sorry, I meant the rule ^^"
Ha, then yes.
> Stack Exchange is currently offline, we'll be back shortly!
I was just about to post that!
D: D:
At least we're still here...
We are failong over services now, Stack Overflow and the rest of the network will be offline for about a minute.
Oh, that explains why I need 10 reputation to post more than 2 links...
@MartinBüttner How about _)&!?
nice :)
I'm currently looking into another idea using W%(#
@El'endiaStarman Can each cell have a different rule? Does this allow rules to spread through the grid based on what is present in the surrounding cells??
We're back!
@trichoplax Yes. We're talking about Variations of Life, which was designed to allow mixing of rules.
Conor wanted to add more features.
@trichoplax Actually, I misread what you said. The rules cannot spread, but they can be mixed.
@El'endiaStarman That's interesting. The rules themselves only change based on user clicks though? My bafflement was at the thought of a cell changing what rule it uses each update.
@El'endiaStarman We're on the same page now :)
@trichoplax Correct.
Q: How to set up .htaccess for wildcard subdomain?

WandesI have a problem in my application. I'm trying to create subdomains mask redirecting to a specific directory. Eg teste.meusite.com.br will always point to `/pulic_html/project_folder` When I type the address: http://teste.meusite.com.br/project_folder \application\controllers\home the appl...

Still astounds me how people end up here when they want Stack Overflow.
Is there a way for close-voters to flag for migration instead/as well as?
Not until we're out of Beta.
Not that it would ever be needed.
Mods can migrate them, but the general rule is "Don't migrate crap."
In any case, it's better for those people to learn the right site to ask questions on. :P
Then why do we ask them to ask on SO?
SO what?
SO they go there.
but don't migrate crap?
@muddyfish Preferably, SO mods will be mad at the user that posts crap, not the user that posts crap and the people who migrated it there. :P
@muddyfish That's why we usually leave a comment in addition to the default close text, suggesting they read the help center first. In exceptional cases, I have voted to close with a custom reason to avoid the link to SO.
@El'endiaStarman I think some people don't realise there are separate sites within Stack Exchange, and just think it's all one thing. I had to explain recently why is not available as a tag on Computer Graphics...
@Downgoat @Adnan Please do not vote to delete spam. If the Community user deletes it because of spam flags, the post is automatically edited and locked. That does not happen if you manage to delete it by conventional means.
@Dennis Why is that a problem on this site?
Deleting "manually" doesn't feed spam posts into SpamRam, while flags do
@El'endiaStarman Because the spam is still visible to 2k+ users and because the system won't recognize the spammer's IP as such.
Oh, so, don't VTD spam, but flag as spam?
@El'endiaStarman yep
Even if you're a mod. (In which case you have a "binding" spam flag)
That's what I'd do anyway. Excellent.
Oh yes, I know, I love flagging spam on C.SE. :P
Yes. Six spam flags don't just delete, they purge.
Again? ;-;
If Nick's tweets are accurate, it shouldn't last long
@El'endiaStarman I went away to search in case anyone had already created cellular automata for which the rules dynamically spread from cell to cell, and instead I found this - cellular automata where the topology of the grid changes dynamically. I don't pretend to understand the paper but I thought you might be interested in the concept.
@trichoplax Papers are rarely understandable but that's cool!
The pictures at the end do a good job of showing the neighbours of the cells changing each step
I have had the idea of Life-like rules on arbitrary graphs.
@El'endiaStarman Do you get a lot of spam over there?
sorry, emote keyboard
@El'endiaStarman so a bit like Calvin's challenge I guess?
(except that it was limited to tilings)
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ flags as spam
@MartinBüttner Yes, but potentially even more arbitrary.
yeah, right
@Dennis (」゜ロ゜)」
The conceptual block I came up against was the best way to draw the graphs + voronoi-ish cells.
@El'endiaStarman Yes this is like that - with that added arbitrariness that the neighbourhood of each cell changes each step
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Not a lot, but occasionally.
@trichoplax That's cool.
So the CA simulator to simulate all CAs would have the following features: 1) multiple states, 2) rule mixing, 3) topological changes, 4) arbitrary underlying graph, 5) rule spreading, and 6) probably a few more.
you could add my/Sp's idea of bitwise CAs I mentioned a while ago ;)
@El'endiaStarman Depends how practically useful you want this simulator to be. If you just want it to technically work, you can simulate it all in Game of Life :)
What does CA mean, again? :/
@MartinBüttner Remind me again what that was?
Oh, also, arbitrary neighborhoods.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Cellular automaton.
@El'endiaStarman Basically, you add an additional semi-infinite dimension to each cell, and interpret that column of bits on top of your original cell as the bits of an arbitrary-precision integer.
ummm? no?
I'm only here because read-only
@PhiNotPi read-only is over, you can leave again.
@PhiNotPi stay with ussss
@MartinBüttner Okay, I don't understand yet.
okay, simple example...
That was fast.
take a semi-infinite 2D grid (e.g. all cells with non-negative y)... that boundary could be assumed dead or living.
you can define any 2D cellular automaton on that grid as you'd normally do.
Okay, first, what the heck do you mean by "semi-infinite"!? :P
well only half the infinite plane
ugh windows sucks
following up on "you can define any 2D cellular automaton on that grid as you'd normally do." ... but you could interpret each column as the bits of an arbitrary-precision integer, such that your grid actually represents a 1D infinite list of integers.
the windows "help" prompt I accidentally opened up was using 50% CPU
so this is how you could define rule-based CAs for an infinite number of states in 1D.
Hmmm, that's intriguing.
but if you turn it around, the extension is simply to extend each cell in your 1D array to a semi-infinite column of cells (which are adjacent to the same bit on adjacent integers, as well as the previous and next bit in the current integer)
so this could easily be applied to any topology.
in particular, it could create Turing-complete CAs on a finite number of cells but with an infinite number of states.
Q: Implement the divisibility-by-7 rule

anatolygTo check whether a decimal number is divisible by 7: Erase the last digit. Multiply it by 2 and subtract from what is left. If the result is divisible by 7, the original number is divisible by 7. (also described e.g. here) This rule is good for manual divisibility check. For example: I...

Oh boy I see I missed a lot of questions
Have we graduated yet?
@RikerW Ha. No.
@MartinBüttner I just saw your comment on my sandbox post. I had thought about giving the URL as input, but that felt... clumsy... to me. I do need some way to factor the bytes spent on the URL out -- I don't want people gaining an edge over other people just because they compressed the URL better.
I guess I'll just give the URL as input.
yeah and I think giving it on input is a fairly elegant solution to that
k done
Seems to be the best solution.
We haven't had a lot of internet challenges so I'm not sure how that is usually handled
Maybe offer optional as input?
Just for compatibility, allow it to not be taken as input and hardcoded in.
One of those days.
What's all this whispering???
[views history of each deleted message]
@El'endiaStarman You didn't miss anything. :P
@El'endiaStarman how do you do that? :|
@El'endiaStarman ಠ_ಠ
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ He's a mod.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Got a diamond.
nothing is safe from the starman
Diamonds are cool like that
Maybe if we take a whole bunch of us we can compact ourselves into a diamond
@RikerW ♦
I'll write a userscript.
You actually can't put diamonds in your username for this reason.
@RikerW Find a proposed site on Area 51 and help it get to beta - then it'll need mods...
Although I'm not sure who'd fall for that...
@quartata Fake diamonds? Probably a lot of people, actually.
@trichoplax Good idea.
Exhibit A: the off-topic questions we get on PPCG all the time.
@El'endiaStarman Nobody's spotted mine yet...
Thinking about joining CG later.
@trichoplax Hahaha. Well, CG is a fairly new site...
I can't update my display name to have a ♦ at the end :(
@El'endiaStarman No I was joking about it being fake - people have commented on it :)
I actually think this one is a good idea.
By the way

Proposed Q&A site for users, administrators, and developers of collaboratively generated content, better known as wikis.

Currently in definition.

@trichoplax Wait, people thought your diamond was fake?
I'd love to see this make it into beta
@El'endiaStarman haha what
CG isn't that new of a site...
@quartata same
@El'endiaStarman Lol my joke has totally backfired. I meant that no one had noticed that my diamond is fake yet. Which it isn't. But no one was fooled so I wasted my time :)
@trichoplax Oh, okay. Thanks for clearing up the confusion. :P
I understood it but thought it wasn't funny. Sorry. :P
@El'endiaStarman Only fair since I caused it...
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ AGH
@RikerW I agree. It was a poor attempt. :)
WHY @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ WHY
sighs and upvotes
Probably not the best idea to link before you write the question ;)
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Oh goodness, I see primarily-opinion-based close votes being really common...
@El'endiaStarman Yeah... shudders
That reminds me I had a question to ask on Worldbuilding
Q: Let's weaponize jellyfish

AifyJellyfish are... weird. They're clear, slimy, and can sting after death. Sounds perfect for experimentation, so lets weaponize them! Consider a hypothetical world where jellyfish are extremely common and you can get them cheaply anywhere, and there's an extreme fascination amongst the human popu...

Is "What would happen if human beings could explode on will?" a good WB/What if question? :P
I have no idea what a good WB question is. :P
The only exposure I have is via HNQ. :P
I posted a fair bit back in private and early public beta, but haven't been there much recently. I noticed they just graduated though...
I just noticed they graduated!
Good job WB!
You didn't take as long as us... :P
It's harder to notice when sites graduate now that the design doesn't have to be made first. :P
I did find the lack of beta jumped out at me though
Anime and Manga graduated 5 months ago and they haven't been revamped IDK.
@RikerW Yes.
But the proposal was closed.
Yeah, I know.
I was just wondering.
@MartinBüttner The only reasonable way was to compute the first 2 ** n states. That would probably be shorter in CJam as well.
user image
They forgot to include most golfed code as unreadable.
The one for LaTeX is my favorite. :P
I know.
HTML is cool too.
Is the joke because anything can be parsed as HTML?
It might be more that HTML isn't really a programming language.
I don't know, though.
as long as we're posting dumb cartoons
Yard sale: O(0)
@RikerW We should make an 8 panel comic like this with esolangs and golfing languages
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Yard sale: O(1/n) - the more things you have, the faster they sell
@trichoplax that would be.... weird
@trichoplax n is so large that it is trivial to count for a traveling salesman ;)
@Dennis oh, good idea
eoslangs? there are to many of those to choose
user image
(•_•) / ( •_•)>⌐■-■ / (⌐■_■)
but your username isn't changed later, it's Changed Later
totally haven't seen that one before
@somebody There aren't only 8 conventional languages either :P
*whoever that is's username
but there are not too many golfing languages
say whaaat
@Optimizer ?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'Bʀɪᴇɴcode-challenge string Auto BATCH golfer. I love BATCH, despite its shocking lack of functional commands, despite even due to its lack of non-integer support. Why? Because this works: SET var=SET %var% i=0 This would evaluate to: SET var=SET SET i=0 Fantastic, isn't it? I've used this tech...

8 esolangs: Jelly - too short, CJam/Pyth - can't tell them apart sometimes, Retina - it uses regex, Mathematica - surprisingly short/surprisingly many builtins + some three random ones
@somebody there are at least 20 golfing languages
Is this ready for posting? ^^^
your shark?
What are you think about my blog hubot.pl/?lang=en_gb? Posts has been translated. This blog is about my life.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ in fb ^^^ is for shark
@somebody Mathematica is an esolang? :D
Are you sure that's not crocodile?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ r u kidding me?
@hubot Do you have Asperger's? Or do you know someone with it?
@Optimizer facebook?
@MartinBüttner lol
Yes, I have.
@MartinBüttner he was talking about golfing languages
I was confused because facebook is too normal of a concept for code golfers.
@Optimizer It's definitely not a golfing language either :P
> 8 esolangs:
I know some persons with Asperger.
@hubot Ah, I see. I'm curious because my brother has it too.
seen Deadpool yet?
This blog is not completely translated but you can read some about my life.

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