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> locus fusee= gl#
Hey, it's a valid Element program!
terminates and prints nothing
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Being a Mac user I am probably not the best resource for Windows issues but I'll try to help however I can. :P What's the problem?
@AlexA. I need to make a javac command
You mean you need to call javac on the Windows command line?
I tried setting a path variable but that's not working
What's the actual message you're getting?
the default undefined message
Saying what's undefined? Javac?
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.3.9600]
(c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\Conor O'Brien>javac
'javac' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

C:\Users\Conor O'Brien>jasiodfjasdpnafs d
'jasiodfjasdpnafs' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

C:\Users\Conor O'Brien>
Is your PATH right?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Do you know where the executable lives?
set path=%path%;<folder-containing-javac>
Path: C:\Users\Conor O'Brien\AppData\Local\atom\bin; C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_60\bin;
The Java JDK binaries folder has javac in it?
That's your whole path variable? o_o
It can't be.
Like it literally cannot. Otherwise it wouldn't be able to find all of the Windows command executables.
What version of Windows are you on?
The newest version of Windows I've done this stuff on is 7, so it might be different with 8+.
They may have just hidden all of the stuff that needs to be in your path from the user.
Windows stores lots of paths to stuff in the Registry
Can you echo hi?
Do you have a JAVA_HOME set?
yeah ^^
@Geobits what's that?
set JAVA_HOME=<path-to-java>
for instance if I type wordpad into a command prompt it says that it's not recognised
but if I type start wordpad then it starts it
That's just dirty.
Right. start isn't for command line applications, i.e. things that are supposed to be directly callable from the command line.
Q: The density of the rain

MoartemIntroduction When you look out of the window and it´s raining you will see a slight blur on distant objects. If it´s raining heavy or the raindrops are smaller, you will see less, which may finally result in fog. I wonder how much visual information can be veiled if the drops get really small. ...

> expressions in default arguments are calculated when the function is defined, not when it’s called
Why would Python do that?!
Jan 27 at 20:02, by Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'Bʀɪᴇɴ
@Mego "elegance"? Python code looks like barf.
I just can't conceive of how that could ever be desired behavior
When you want to abuse it because you need static local variables!
@AlexA. Because the whole point of default arguments in that they're not dynamic.
The problem with that is that they can be mutable.
@Dennis Right, but in this case it has side effects.
C++ does the other way. Default arguments are constructed when the function is called.
"Because, ya know, Python"
No! Bad Python!
No stealing Java catchphrases.
@AlexA. So don't do that.
> Doc, it hurts when I touch my arm.
Then don't touch your arm. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Can someone tell me why the hell this gives the output it does?
Because it's using the default list reference for both x1 and x3 since you didn't pass anything in.
<-- knows no python
@AlexA. The default list is static (not lost between calls). Geobits is right
But how did x1 get an 'a' before the function was called with 'a'?
It didn't. x1==x3
You're not printing until afterward.
Print between assignments and see.
Who needs someone who knows python?
That sentence was oddly worded
I need to be someone who knows Python
Well, if there's one thing I like about python, it's that I can usually read it fairly well even if it hurts to compose.
@AlexA. I mean you don't need someone who knows python - Geobits is giving you the correct answers just fine without knowing it...
@Geobits So list_ is kind of acting like a global variable whose value changes whenever the function is called without supplying an argument to that parameter?
@trichoplax Ohhhh I see. lel
I always need a trichoplax though.
Right. A "static" local variable.
Or better, doesn't change between calls.
I thought a static local variable would be one local to the function whose value can't change.
What happened to today's discord?
It changes because the function changes it. Local variables usually don't persist between calls at all.
staic local variable x
@AlexA. No, static means that it persists between function calls.
@AlexA. It's not accessible outside the function scope, but it survives the function going out of scope
But it's only visible if you don't pass in a list. Ugly as sin IMO, but hey. Python is beautiful and all, right?
1 min ago, by RikerW
What happened to today's discord?
@AlexA. Also, your code will always modify the array in the second argument. Is that intended?
@Dennis Not my code but I assume so
@Geobits I mostly like the way python does things, but in this case I'd prefer explicit indication that the argument is a static variable. The way it is means that if you really do want the default to be an empty list, you have to make the default None and then start the function with if list_ == None:
For completeness, you should also make a function named append which adds multiple items to the end of a list.
Okay, 13 minutes then? I got a message 2 hours ago and again now.
What's with this "Daily Discord meetup" notification I keep getting?
halp how to avoid spam
Where did all of these Code Review people come from all of a sudden?
From Code Review I bet.
@AlexA. I've been here all day
Discord = Skype without faces, only voices and text.
@Phrancis PPCG has a daily Discord meetup. Everyone in The Nineteenth Byte gets a notification.
I got 2 then?
@AlexA. *who've spoken in The Nineteenth Byte before
does anyane have a spam filter for notifications?
Cause I got told 2 hours ago and again now.
@Quill Right
@RikerW Periodic notifications
@feersum Should be in your chat settings
But I wasn't in 19th B - been seeing those every day for a little bit
Welp, that explains the lack of discorders currently.
I like getting pings when someone mentions me. I would prefer to be able to opt out of daily event pings which aren't relevant to me
@Phrancis Yeah.
@AlexA. What are those?
55 secs ago, by Quill
@AlexA. *who've spoken in The Nineteenth Byte before
Ditto opt out. The time of day isn't good for me, so I don't see myself ever joining in.
Time zone?
@feersum Settings for chat
That's really annoying, you guys should find a different means to do this...
A feed or something
Maybe ask on meta?
Yeah! I'm annoyed and ping sounds don't even work for me!
How about a Discord chat room, and people who want to be pinged visit that room?
Opt in is even better :)
Meh, it's the wrong solution IMO, but whatever works for you. I'd just like to stop getting those
Lots of TNB regulars don't want the ping, and lots of people get pinged who aren't even TNB regulars...
I join the meetups occasionally and I don't even want the ping.
Wait. So who set up the ping?
Just get a bot to post something in chat
@Doorknob Remove chat event because people dislike getting pinged for it.
@Doorknob set it up I think.
@Geobits NotDoorknob
Oooooooh, the knob of doors did it.
@AlexA. can't any owner change that?
Re: chat settings
1. There seems to be no way to disable notifications.
2. The new mobile UI is *really* neat.
@Dennis It?
I would set up a Discord chat room with the room name "Only visit if you want pings for Discord" but then I'd get pings...
Needs a better descriptions.
@RikerW Yes, but it was Doorknob's idea to instate it so I feel like he should remove it if he deems that the appropriate course of action. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@RikerW How would you feel about adding "only visit if you want event pings" to the title?
I might be tricked into visiting it because I like pointless arguments.
@trichoplax Done.
@feersum lol
@AlexA. Okay.
I might trick @feersum into visiting it because I think it would be funny.
@RikerW It's only half visible in the room description - could you put it in the room name itself?
Well, I could delete/recreate the room.
You still have the problem that if someone visits by accident, they can't "unvisit" it
> Don't visit unless you w...(ant free cookies)
Just move For planning and discussing discord. to the end.
@Dennis beat you to it.
@Phrancis Only if they talk.
someone MSE it, seriously
Then make that obvious, very obvious
@RikerW Maybe have one room for chatting which doesn't cause a ping, and another room solely for determining who gets pinged, called "Don't visit unless you want Discord PPCG pings"
@Quill What, exactly?
@trichoplax +1
Disable event pings
A: How do I stop getting notifications for a chat event?

Martijn PietersUse the cancel your registration button on the event page; the notification should be linking you to it. For example, on the Happy Hour event page:

Aren't these things at the same time every day? Out of curiosity, is the ping every day needed even for those who do join in?
@Quill Not everyone is registered though
try registering and then unregistering
Only 6 people are actually registered for it.
Can't really blame @NotDoorknob for this - there's no indication when setting up an event that the ping will go to those who are not registered.
I don't think anyone is blaming NotDoorknob.
^ and ^^
I can blame whoever I want. Facts are irrelevant.
@RikerW ^ and ^^ and also ^^^
Seems like a bug. Having a dummy chatroom as a workaround should hopefully be temporary if this gets raised.
Does Doorknob actually respond to @NotDoorknob pings?
t usually
@RikerW No idea - I just used @ to save on typing
Okay, @Doorknob directly then?
A: Getting constant event notifications in chat that I never registered for

A Child of GodI would suggest you take the advice of those who commented. Staying out of the chat room for some time should eventually cause you to stop getting notifications: So from now on, the definition of "room you're interested in" is as follows: Either you're in the room right now, or yo...

> So from now on, the definition of "room you're interested in" is as follows:

Either you're in the room right now,
or you have ever spoken in this room, and at least one of these two is true:
the last time you spoke here was less than 30 days ago, or
the last time you were in the room was less than 7 days ago.
@RikerW What's the connection?
@AlexA. okay
@Quill Stupid rules
Doorknob has removed an event from this room's schedule.
Sorry, my mistake
Thanks dude.
No one's mistake
@RikerW Feel free to MSE request a better one
@Doorknob No, and the message to the contrary has more stars than that one, so it must be true. /s
So, actually move to discord now?
I like that the MSE answer to this is "don't go to that chatroom for a month".
On a different note: Bret Hart giving a code review:
@AlexA. It was clearly Not Doorknob's mistake.
@Dennis I see what you did there
I did what you see there.
I what you did there see.
What did you see there? I?
What? Did I see you there?
(No, seriously, that was entirely my fault; I shouldn't have messed with the event feature without knowing what it does. Anyway, the separate chatroom solution seems to be working now.)
I just got the Monkey Tycoon "deluxe upgrade" in BTD5D.
@SuperJedi224 Good?
@Doorknob It's not your fault because you didn't know. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@SuperJedi224 I'm going to need context to understand that at all.
@SuperJedi224 noice!
it's resolved now anyway, just take everything as a learning experience
@Doorknob This is what happens when you send a sock to do a user's job :P
@Geobits Balloons Tower Defense 5 is a TD Flash game.
Q: Print the Super Collatz numbers

DJ McGoathemThe Collatz Sequence (also called the 3x + 1 problem) is where you start with any positive integer, for this example we will use 10, and apply this set of steps to it: if n is even: Divide it by 2 if n is odd: Multiply it by 3 and add 1 repeat until n = 1 10 is even, so we divide by 2 ...

Ok. Nuff said.
It's about monkeys popping balloons.
11 mins ago, by RikerW
So, actually move to discord now?
Are you seeking consensus on discord?
Thanks for fixing this, later all
Thanks for letting us know
@trichoplax Yes.
To be more clear:
Are we moving to discord now?
@RikerW Nothing crushes a bad pun like treating it as a reasonable statement
I know.
I am mean.
Puns, like frogs, die when dissected
I don't do discord so I can't saying anything practically useful here
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ wat?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ ^
Oh, is this some string compression magic?
Code Golf is probably a more appropriate site for this task. Code Review is going to be more concerned with readability/maintainability than pure size. — duskwuff 7 mins ago
With a bunch I ended up with the word mafia a bunch.
@trichoplax You could, at least in theory, join the Discord meetups.
@Quill Thanks for the heads up.
@AlexA. where are you?
Washington state
Hmmm... Are questions of the type "I'm wondering if this program is as golfed as it can be" considered on-topic on PPCG?
@Zgarb Nice =P
@Zgarb Haha
@Roujo Check out
@Roujo You could ask something like "can you outgolf this?"
@Zgarb Too bad produce an unexpected insult got deleted.
Spoiler alert: Dennis will always answer "yes"
@AlexA. Huh, cool! Thanks ^^
@Roujo No problem. You may be able to ask what you have in mind if you use that tag.
@RikerW we have a magic bot to tell us when people talk about us
you guys should get one
@Roujo Or if the code is pretty short, you could just ask here in chat
New hobby: enter ASCII art into Jelly and see what comes out.
@Quill Does it just connect to the SE API and scan the post bodies and comments?
Duga is magic
@Zgarb lol
whatever I had said, didn't mean to edit this
@Quill Oh, it's Duga? Then yes.
Can we have her/him?
@AlexA. I see you're really making progress with the pedantic thing. Making me feel right at home :)
@Calvin'sHobbies It's not for chat. It posts in chat (which is possible)
Thank you @Duga for all your help.
@RikerW her, and SimonForsberg in The 2nd Monitor is the one to see about that
Q: Code size in Perl

Monsieur Oureri'm a Perl beginner and i really love this language, and i was wondering if it was possible to reduce the size of this code, just for fun and so as to learn Perl specificities : chomp($n=<STDIN>); if (!$n) { print 0; } else { @t=split/ /,<STDIN>; foreach $i(0..$n-1) { $m=$t[$i]...

Simon hates PPCG.
and it ended up on CR
@AlexA. meh, I'm sure he's neighbourly enough to help you guys out
He's nice and all, he just hates our site. :P
@AlexA. Doesn't want to interact with it, or doesn't want it to exist?
I always got the impression that he sees it as a mar on the otherwise pristine face of Stack Exchange.
So I guess both
I wonder how many people think we're the worst site
@Martin and other regexy people, I feel dumb for asking but can I somehow combine this js code into one replace statement? (that works for all common line endings)
	// Remove trailing whitespace
	code = code.replace(/\s+$/gm, '')
	// Remove empty lines
	code = code.replace(/^\s*[\r\n]/gm, '')
The empty lines one should be redundant
Because /\s+$/ should match empty lines
Well, I just cut about 60 points off of my score for the Starry Night challenge
@AlexA. no it shouldn't
@AlexA. pristine. ha.
I don't even need to be a moderator to know it's not pristine.
The worst site: Lifehacks (my opinion)
@Doorknob Empty by his definition at least. My point is the second regex won't get anything that the first doesn't. Right?
@Quill Quartata says Drupal is a spam magnet.
@AlexA. no
Drupal is a spam magnet
/\s+$/ does not match empty string
@AlexA. But if you try just the first one on \nA\n\nB for example, you get \nA\nB when I want A\nB (same deal if + is *)
@Doorknob but s/\+/\*/ does
@Lynn Wow. You've been busy...
@Calvin'sHobbies Uhhhh try /^|\s+$/?
Also, also: I made an adorable bookmark icon for this chat, and the main site
Can confirm, is adorable, 8/10 insufficiently inane
11/10 too adorable.
(Lesser StackExchange site icon included for comparison.)
@AlexA. No x/10 rating, am disappoint.
What about me? :P
@Doorknob have i appeased u nao senpai
@AlexA. yathx
10/10 solid rating
@Zgarb lmao
I can't understand the purpose of bookmarking The Nineteenth Byte. I don't know why it wouldn't be open already...
@trichoplax I've pinned the tab.
Uh, @Doorknob, you may want to see someone about this.
@AlexA. what is a cerule and why is it blading
@Doorknob Maybe ask your sock
> %Gain attendments embezzle entropions
@AlexA. gotta have those entropions
> multisense bacteriosis-*
Sounds fatal.
The only downside of the new chat UI is that you cannot distinguish links from regular text.
@Dennis Yeah, I've noticed that too
That is quite a downside though
It should be a very easy fix, though
New chat UI?
@Lynn For mobile
Whoa fast reply
@Lynn Opt in in your chat settings
@Dennis You should mention it on Meta.SE.
So you can't see this link at all?
(There are settings?!)
Is there a list of what characters can be in an SE username?
@Geobits ಠ_ಠ
@RikerW aww damn...
@Doᴡɴɢᴏᴀᴛ trying 🐐?
@AlexA. Yeeeeeeeeees?
@Geobits Oh nothing.
@Calvin'sHobbies haha, I'm testing a new chatbot, and it needs to be able to extract usernames
Make it safe and accept all Unicode goodness?
@Geobits But /@\S+/ doesn't work
> Oops! There was a problem updating your profile:
Display Name can only contain letters, digits, spaces, apostrophes or hyphens and must start with a letter or digit
@Lynn はい、そうだよ!

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