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@FlagAsSpam Surely you mean Murican'?
@ETHproductions lel
Good night
@ETHproductions I Murican't even deal with that.
@flawr Night!
I can only odd. :c
Are you an American or an American't?
@flawr ...no.
could actually be interesting!
Dennis did that decathlon thing
@flawr Hmm
@ETHproductions This exists -
Optimize for speed, size, and... some other criterion, separately?
Contra proferentem (Latin: "against [the] offeror"), also known as "interpretation against the draftsman", is a doctrine of contractual interpretation providing that, where a promise, agreement or term is ambiguous, the preferred meaning should be the one that works against the interests of the party who provided the wording. The doctrine is often applied to situations involving standardized contracts or where the parties are of unequal bargaining power, but is applicable to other cases. The doctrine is not, however, directly applicable to situations where the language at issue is mandated by law...
A: Default for Code Golf: Program, Function or Snippet?

trichoplaxRestricting to just programs requires explicitly specifying "full program" rather than just "program" If the question requests a program, this can still be answered with a function. This allows for the fact that many people state "program" without thinking, not intending to exclude functions. F...

@ThomasKwa Exactly.
@AlexA. I'm contractually bound to star this.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ok
@PhiNotPi haha
Has anyone else noticed that BF has been esolangs.org's featured language for close to 2.5 years?
This STDERR HW challenge should be closed why is it still open
@quartata Why?
@ETHproductions Well, it's the most famous esolang (aside of Java, of course).
It's basically the same as the regular HW challenge.
57 mins ago, by Thomas Kwa
It's a challenge that should exist
57 mins ago, by Thomas Kwa
It's just not a, y'know, challenging one
I just clicked the "Random Page" link on Esolangs wiki 10 times...and 9 of the 10 random pages were related to BF or its derivatives.
2 mins ago, by FlagAsSpam
@ETHproductions Well, it's the most famous esolang (aside of Java, of course).
@cat "The only supercomputer I have is my mind." (As a serious answer, no, I just put Chapel on my laptop.) — PhiNotPi 21 secs ago
No more rep for an hour. :c
@FlagAsSpam I remember the first time that happened... it was at 23:55 UTC
And my rep caps' timing have been creeping back by about five minutes every time since then
(which is four more times so far)
And then I was down voted.
RIP cap.
There you go.
(Once I repcap, I don't want to lose it. cries)
Or should I have waited until right before UTC midnight?
Nah. Whatevs. My input should not interfere with how you vote.
gets 30 upvotes
RIP for the third time
could someone plz +1 15 of my posts so I can rep cap thx you very much
@Mego Nice :) I have like three, and they're all for Japt answers
Is anyone else watching the Broncos/Patriots game right now?
Ways to get accepted: 1) Write a short answer, 2) Make sure nobody else writes an answer
3) Write the first answer and get accepted 5 minutes after the question was posted
When I first read the name of this question my heart just died:
Q: Is there any more information on this RSA backdoor?

user1193112Someone posted this on reddit a few days ago, and I haven't found much about it except for links back to the same page. Here's the article http://programmingpraxis.com/2016/01/19/rsa-encryption-backdoor/ And for a brief summary, essentially, it's possible to introduce a backdoor during RSA key ...

4) Add a built-in to your golfing language while the challenge is in the Sandbox
4a) Use Mathematica
@Sp3000 #2 is easy if you just write a solution to a challenge nobody else wants to solve
@ETHproductions This is a standard loophole.
@Sp3000 That happened to me once
@Mego I know, most of my Python accepts are that :/
4b) Use Dennis Jelly
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
halp how 2 program in dennis gimme codes plz
@ETHproductions This is a standard loophole meme.
Who likes Maths?
@wizzwizz4 Everyone.
What about AGI Machine learning algorithms?
@wizzwizz4 Ooh! Ooh! Pick me! Pick me!
@Mego brb making esolang called Dennis
@Sp3000 @PhiNotPi Looks like you two will almost definitely win the teamwork award. :D
Does anyone want to program this?
Q: "Life post-Singularity", or "How to survive without Instagram"

SpaceLizardThe Story The year is 2027, singularity happened. A powerful AI (let's call it Eve) was created. In a matter of days, it escaped the control of its creators and hacked all the computers of the world. Humanity is at its mercy. The thing is, Eve isn't malevolent or benevolent, it's completely uni...

get rekt red team.
Fewest bytes wins.
Eat this pizza, fewest bites wins
To be completely honest, I could survive perfectly well without Instagram.
@AlexA. There really wasn't much competition there. They inspired a (suggested) standard rule in KotH challenges.
@wizzwizz4 rm -rf instragram
@AlexA. Programming Pizzas and Mouth Golf
Evidently I'm winning Rookie of The Year
@quartata u kaptalzed The an not of
@quartata ok
Also Jelly isn't winning Most Promising Golfing Language. Why.
@Mego Ahem. rm -rf /instagram! I might have a folder called instagram inside my folder called hate.
Who is winning anyways
@quartata ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Retina is also amazing.
Retina it looks like
@qua Popcon will be popcon
Jan 10 at 19:48, by Martin Büttner
@quartata I'm just trying to find one good showcase answer... considering a self-nomination for most promising golfing language (not that I have a chance against Jelly, but the few things it does, it does really well I think)
Heh, @Thomas @Qua. lel
> not that I have a chance against Jelly
guess you were wrong @MartinBüttner
Cook this Pisa, fewest megawatts wins. Autocorrect! :-/
@AlexA. Sock confirmed????/?
I honestly expected Jelly to beat out Retina
Retina seems so ubiquitous that I had actually forgotten that it was invented in 2015 and thus eligible for the award
retina jelly...sounds gross
Use it in mainstream programming.
@Calvin'sHobbies Isn't that like the viscous fluid inside of eyeballs?
omigosh hez so smartz
Can someone try this?
{ { perl6 -e 'note"Hello World!";'; } 2>&3 | sed 's/^/STDOUT: /'; } 3>&1 1>&2 | sed 's/^/STDERR: /'
Bash + perl6.
What does it do?
I have Perl 6
I can't try it because I'm on a loaner laptop for my school, can't get perl6.
I don't have Perl 6, nor do I want to tarnish my computer with it
@quartata It's to see if note outputs to STDERR.
If it does, the output will be preceded by "STDERR:". If STDOUT, "STDOUT:".
STDERR: ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling -e
STDERR: Two terms in a row
STDERR: at -e:1
STDERR: ------> note⏏"Hello World!";
STDERR:     expecting any of:
STDERR:         argument list
STDERR:         postfix
STDERR:         infix stopper
STDERR:         infix or meta-infix
STDERR:         statement end
STDERR:         statement modifier
STDERR:         statement modifier loop
I tried it on ideone, which has Perl 6
Uhh... does note "Hello World" work?
They might've removed implied parenthetical for ".
[31m===SORRY!=== Error while compiling prog.pl
Two terms in a row
at prog.pl:2
------> note⏏"Hello World!";
    expecting any of:
        argument list
        infix stopper
        infix or meta-infix
        statement end
        statement modifier
        statement modifier loop
@quartata Save the perl code in a file and try it, maybe? (just change the perl6 -e 'note"Hello World!";'; bit as necessary).
Looks like it requires parentheses.
note("Hello World!"); works.
Q: HelloWorld error

Elliot A.Introduction Everyone's first program outputs Hello World!. This program should be very simple, that's all you have to do. Challenge Output the string Hello World! to the STDERR. Rules If your language doesn't support STDERR or STDERR doesn't exist for it(such as PHP), you can output it to ...

Why is this still open?
@AlexA. Does note "Hello World!"?
Also, is it going to STDERR?
@FlagAsSpam No, see above error message
@FlagAsSpam Yes
@Mego Some people disagree that it should be closed.
why should it be closed?
It's not really a dupe - lots of langs have various ways of outputting to STDERR.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Dupe of the main HW challenge
This is why I hate Perl 6.
I'm working on a Vitsy answer as we speak. xD
I have no idea what they did to the syntax but it's super strict and ugly now
And it requires semicolons blergh
@quartata You'd like JavaScript, then :3
come to us
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Excuse me JavaScript syntax is disgusting
@AlexA. There are 6 votes on my dupe comment, which means at least 7 people agree it's a dupe. 2 dupe votes (mine and minxomat's) got wasted because it got closed for the wrong reason. So >=5 agree and can still vote, but there's only 2 close votes on it.
I just want Perl 6 to be like Perl 5
@Mego That actually means 7 people voted for it
@quartata How so?
When you cast a dupe vote and a dupe comment exists it automatically upvotes it
@Mego Plus one virtual close vote from me.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ don't even
@AlexA. True. So only 4 "real" votes, since yours is a hammer.
@quartata o_o
@Mego It means 6 "real" votes.
Any upvotes on your comment = dupe close votes
@quartata No, I upvoted your comment.
@Mego Right. That's why I haven't taken any action. But I'll cast the fifth close vote should it get four.
@quartata Or, you know, people could've upvoted the comment themselves without dupe-voting, either because they VTC'd for the wrong reason or didn't VTC at all
@quartata False
I suppose
I find it unlikely
I upvoted the comment
Users who can't close, for example
I think flagging it upvotes it too though
@Mego I thought you were saying my name. >.> My eyes scanned it and were like, "Ooh, he's talking about me!"
Thought experiment: If a challenge popped up right now that was simply output "Hello, World!" to a file, would you VTC it as a dupe of the main challenge?
in The 2nd Monitor, 6 mins ago, by Quill
I was going to make a poor AppleScript joke, but then I realised AppleScript is a joke enough by itself
(I missed the file bit)
better defend yourself
@FlagAsSpam Why not?
@quartata You hang out in the Code Review chat room?
@AlexA. I hang out in pretty much every room.
I don't really talk though.
You weren't lying
Wait why am I not in :chat!
Because you use Emacs
stupid "hurr durr you haven't checked in 5 minutes time to drop you from the room"
3 mins ago, by Mego
Thought experiment: If a challenge popped up right now that was simply output "Hello, World!" to a file, would you VTC it as a dupe of the main challenge?
That was meant for everyone :P
@Mego Oh, because it requires file I/O.
@Mego Yes
@FlagAsSpam And how is file I/O not a trivial transformation from printing to STDOUT?
@AlexA. Fixed. Now you can witness the true final form of my chat room list
@Mego ...in that file I/O writes to disk and requires entirely separate libraries in most langs?

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