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I've run into a slight dilemma
How to rank two straight flushes, by largest card in the straight or by suit
Because the rules I play with I think go by suit and Wikipedia (which I copied into my sandbox post) ranks by, well, rank
i've never never heard of ranking by suit
i didn't know suits had an order or anything
also it's 3:18 am i'm going to sleep
good night
@Sherlock9 I believe it's by rank, then by suit (though sometimes all suits are considered equal)
though I've seen suit then rank with royal flushes in an entirely different category
Well, in the game I'm working on, suits go Spades, Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds
And I'm remembering all this from Wikipedia and badly-remembered house rules
Right then. Rank then suit. Thanks
Anyone have a link to the pure chat ping sound?
I expect you could find it if you delve through the JavaScript source code.
Anyone know whether I should use real-1, real-2 or real-3 for a Seed interpreter? gist.github.com/banksean/300494
@wizzwizz4 blah :/
Do you know much about Seed?
Does anyone know how to write a Python bot that just takes input from the user, if the way the bot is called, the stdin and stdout of the bot is piped to the controller?
Because I think I sort of screwed myself over in that regard
@Sherlock9 inputpipe | python code.py | outputpipe
@ProgramFOX :D
The bot is called like this bot = subprocess.Popen(['python','comm_1.py'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
@ProgramFOX Somebody keeps pinging me once every second! (Maybe I shouldn't have set VLC to loop...)
@Sherlock9 Is there an error message?
I think I should just make a random bot to test my controller with, instead of trying to make a human-controlled bot
@wizzwizz4 What do you mean?
Does it throw an error message when the pipe doesn't work?
If so, what is the error message?
There is no error message, I just can't input @wizzwizz4
Ok. I'm stumped then.
Ok, what I mean is, bot_human.py first gets input from controller.py then input()
Ah screw it, I'm writing a random bot
@Sherlock9 Just use this system: You don't need it to be stdin, just interface into the code which would use stdin, and replace input() with a system that either uses input() or controller.py.
All of those words make sens, but after about five straight hours of coding this controller, I'm going to have to ask you to use smaller words, please
does anyone know how to convert an int to a base 10 string in Pyth?
@Sherlock9 Replace all input() calls with smartinput(), which either calls input() or talks to the controller.py which is possibly loaded as a module.
@Sherlock9 uhhhh no. very no.
@wizzwizz4 That sounds like decent advice. I'll try it tomorrow perhaps but for now I'm going with the random bot
From base 10?
Or to base 10
i have the number. i want the string of base 10 digits
like this str("123")
or is the number itself in another base?
@isaacg where are you when i am most frustrated?
Can you please give an example input and output
Hay quintopia
Because quite frankly, I haven't the faintest idea what you need.
You want backtick
Say whaattt??!!?!1?!1
So `1234 is the string '1234' @quintopia
@isaacg TY!
No problem.
ugh i already fixed this bug once, and then lost the fix and forgot how i fixed it wharrgarbl
@isaacg you wouldn't happen to have something shorter than j""UT to get the string "0123456789" would you?
First of all, k is initialized to ""
So that's an easy golf
i looked all over for something containing empty string
"empty" is nowhere in the docs and none of the things searching "var" found it
Looks like there's an issue with the docs
I will fix it.
searching "" failed also
Yeah, it looks like the whole entry is missing
I recently redid the docs and there's a few bugs
see any more easy golfs?
@isaacg did anyone else mention that you look like that guy from daft punk?
I have no idea what you're talking about
@quintopia >lK1 is equivalent to tK.
the guy on the right. like he's in space and his helmet is reflecting the view
@isaacg good point
ohhh, you have NEVER heard of Daft Punk??
@isaacg it's p good music. check it out.
pee good music?
pgd mzk
Eh. Not a fan.
fixed the docs issue
what are you into?
he's into galactic music
@isaacg today, herokuapp, tomorrow, THE <s>WORLD</s>READTHEDOCS.ORG!!!!!
While readthedocs.org are rather out of date, they do feature: pyth.readthedocs.org/en/latest/spec_vars.html#k-empty-string
yes, i was referring to that
hinting that it might be updated one day
hahathe example on readthedocs.org is exactly what you were looking for
that's amusing to me
since by now it only makes one more confused. took me forever to figure that .? replaces E
and exactly where the ) needed to go
@Optimizer I'm into galactic algorithms rjlipton.wordpress.com/2010/10/23/galactic-algorithms
@quintopia Oh hell. I now realize I read that as Python
1 hour later…
Mini-mini-challenge: Figure how this C# code doesn't compile:
class A{static void ­Main(){}}
@Calvin'sHobbies WE FIGHT! (/cc @El'endiaStarman :P)
@Mego Are you in here?
In seriousness, I don't think it would help. Few enough people read that sidebar already, and adding more text will only make that number dwindle even further.
And/or anyone who knows how to write a KotH controller for a card game?
Because I am really, really close to just giving up on mine
7 straight hours and now I have to restructure the damn thing @_@
What's wrong with it?
It's just the kind of mess that happens when you just make things up as you go along on a relatively large project
And the code breaks because of bugs you put in seven or eight versions ago
Q: I-Ching pair binary computer

F. HauriIntroduction I Ching are is an ancient divination text and the oldest of the Chinese classics. It uses a type of divination called cleromancy, which produces apparently random numbers. The basic unit of the Zhou yi is the hexagram (卦 guà), a figure composed of six stacked horizontal lines (爻 yá...

@FlagAsSpam Sorry, it had to happen.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Martin BüttnerImplement XOR sort code-golfarray-manipulationsortingbitwise Conceptually, this challenge is really simple. You're given list of non-negative integers ai. If possible, find a non-negative integer N, such that the list consisting of bi = N XOR ai is sorted. If no such N exists, output should be ...

So, a while back, a person asked to use the Mafia KOTH sandbox challenge
he got permission, but I've seen little activity from his sandbox post since the original post
I've added a comment to see if he is still working on it
who asked?
Faraz Masroor
if he doesn't reply, am I good to steal it from him?
do I need to ask the original poster again?
intuitively, that makes sense to me, but I wanted to make sure
yeah, sounds good to me.
Well, there goes the "get to 30k on all 3 sites at once" plan.
Well, if you can get 700 more rep on PPCG, we can at least get you to 30k on all 3 sites in the same week
@Doorknob冰 Want a few downvotes on SO?
@Dennis Nah, I think I'll just go with the uneven rep balance. I could set a random bounty if I really wanted to. :P
In that case, congrats on hitting 30k on SO!
I got to 30k on meta.SE, too, but then one of my posts got deleted and I lost 1000 rep. :P
But at least PPCG has a chance to surpass it now
1,000 rep? o_O
It was voted +122, sooo...
Almost 9 hours
@Doorknob冰 All the hat answers got deleted? That's just cruel...
@Dennis They're all deleted every year. animuson just started the cleanup early this time :P
Well, the proper moment is 60 days after they've been posted. :P
I don't think I've ever seen -1000 in a rep tab.
I've seen bigger
Usually from sockpuppet-ring-nuking on SO :P
in my last voting challenge (You are the Weakest Link), a problem arose where people were basically forced to vote for the highest or the lowest player because everybody else was (largely due to my initial bots)
is there a way I can fix this problem?
(I'm thinking about this for the Mafia-style upcoming challenge)
if all of the villagers are played by player X, then the game isn't interesting
if 1/3 of them are, then its simply about identifying and guessing who the other 2 players are
@Doorknob冰 or from nicael spending all their rep in bounties
+47	14:02	rep change	Rep Change
Wait, what?
@Dennis Your rep changed, duh. :P
... where did you find that?
nicael's SO rep tab.
I don't see it anywhere in Dec 14 to now. What day?
That's... bizarre
> arbitrary rep change
What's bizarre is the math behind Dec 1 '13.
(last page)
Maybe a recalc re-correction :D
@Dennis haha, that... seems a bit off
arbitrary rep change LOL
@MartinBüttner What did LegionMammal say?
Q: What does a "rep change" event on the reputation tab mean?

mizoThere is an event named rep change on this reputation tab. The tooltip says "arbitrary rep change": What does that mean? When does a "rep change" occur?

@mınxomaτ O_o
@mınxomaτ there was some confusion about whether contiguous ranges of output characters are allowed
one more question:
assuming I'm able to do this Mafia KoTH
would I be ok making 4 different posts for the single challenge?
(one for each role, Cops n Robbers style)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

hYPotenuserSymbolic Differentiation 2: Back on the Chain Gang Task Write a program that takes in a certain sort of function from stdin and differentiates it with respect to x, using the chain rule. The input function will be a string of the following form: "trig_1 trig_2 trig_3 ... x" where trig_n is a...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Sherlock9Capsa, a card game KotH! king-of-the-hillcard-games Capsa, known by many times, including the name Big Two in English, is a popular card game in East Asia and South East Asia, especially throughout China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Macau, Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan. There are many variations and...

Controller's up
Let me know if anything breaks
@flawr I showed my friend Javagony. This was his response

int PrintStuff (int i) {
 catch(Exception e){
  System.println("You're as dead as your hopes and dreams!");
 System.println("%d seconds before destruction!");

Q: Produce an XOR table

AdnanIntroduction XOR is a digital logic gate that implements an exclusive or. Most of the times, this is shown as ^. The four possible outcomes in binary: 0 ^ 0 = 0 0 ^ 1 = 1 1 ^ 0 = 1 1 ^ 1 = 0 This can also be seen as addition modulo 2 in binary. In decimal, we need to convert the decimal to bi...

Hmm.... this is strange.
I'm working on my base96 compressor but the output is a little weird:
Hello, World! turns into 15 27 4D 50 62 A9 9A 00 00 00 00
This matches what Bubblegum produces up until those weird null bytes at the end...
@Sherlock9 Great, I knew we are doomed!
@quartata Maybe whitespace?
@RikerW No that shouldn't do it.
@quartata EOF or weird EOL?
My old text editor always added weird EOLs, and it was not configurable. I switched.
The conversion probably isn't bijective, although I thought that would only matter if there were leading newlines on the input
This is what Bubblegum makes:
15 27 4d 50 62 a9 9a 29 6b 6d e2
Not sure if it's related to your problem, but Bubblegum uses bijective base 96.
Yeah I know. I'm using a built-in for the base conversion which probably isn't doing that
@Doorknob冰 Is there no rep-cap on negative reputation???
I thought it would only matter for leading newlines
@flawr nope, afaik
anyway, removals don't count towards the cap
@Doorknob冰 Let's abuse that then=)
Oh ok.
use Math::NumberBase;
$s = $_;
$base96 = Math::NumberBase->new(96,"\n".join("",map(chr,32..126)));
$base256 = Math::NumberBase->new(256,join("",map(chr,0..255)));
print $base256->from_decimal($base96->to_decimal($s));
@Doorknob冰 Pls don't use that acronym, I find it very disturbing.
... what?
We know that Seriously is quite bad.
But what does that have to do with acronyms?
@RikerW ... why?
@Doorknob冰 I don't know, I just wince every time I see that acronym.
@flawr Seriously was intended to be used as the adverb, not the esolang.
@RikerW One and the same. People have been using Seriously for years without knowing it
@quartata Okay, but for the record my use was unintentional like theirs.
afaik some ppl have acronyphobia.
@flawr PLEASE DON'T!!!
@RikerW Are there any other acronyms you would like to advertise your vulnerability to?
None others that I know I hate, ie I haven't experienced them yet.
@RikerW There are enough helpful people here that I'm sure you will be exposed to all known acronyms over the next few minutes, so you can know for sure... ;)
@trichoplax :⊂
Is ttbomn an acceptable substitute to avoid discomfort?
@flawr +1
IIRC there aren't that many Internet abbreviations but ICBW
@Sherlock9 I do find IIRC confusing, but not discomforting.
Oh and Reddit's wonderful I Am Not A Lawyer. I'll leave to you to abbreviate that
@trichoplax ttbomk
Knew that one @Sherlock9.
@Sherlock9 Wow. I feel really stupid now. I don't know how I thought knowledge began with an n... Thanks for the correction :)
Phonetics. English and phonetics don't play well
@RikerW Would AFAIR be an acceptable alternative to AFAIK?
@Dennis I guess.
So we just need to change the room description to "Please use AFAIR in place of AFAIK" and you'll never need to be unsettled again...
TTBOMK AFAIR isn't used as frequently as AFAIK.
Dont know TTBOMK?
To the best of my knowledge
I am leaving cause acronym misuse and hungry for breakfast.
What did I miss why has the room gone into acronym mode
@trichoplax Okay.
20 mins ago, by RikerW
@Doorknob冰 Pls don't use that acronym, I find it very disturbing.
@quartata I don't like AFAIK, so they decided to find out what other acronyms I dislike.
@Doorknob冰 kek can't even emoji right
We may have invented it. TTBOMK, anyway
I am doing an experiment on the effects of advertising in chat. The more answers (multiple per person allowed), the more effective the advert has been, and the higher PPCG will rank. Ready, set, go!
Q: Analyse your Chair

wizzwizz4This challenge is based on Downgoat's Adjust your chair. Challenge You just adjusted your new chair! It fits you perfectly. However, the wheel is squeaky and you know the repair people will change the adjustment. Problem is, you don't have a ruler, so you'll have to write a program to measure i...

@quartata >_<
@wizzwizz4 what?
@quartata From now on, we're all going to use TTBOMK instead of AFAIK to avoid distressing RikerW
@wizzwizz4 I actually already upvoted that Perl answer
@trichoplax TTBOMK that's a bad idea.
FTR I will continue using AFAIK. Feel free to make a userscript to automagically replace it or something...
Guys, I'm gonna answer this question with "Let PPCG graduate!"
Q: Choose your own swag - the craziest contest idea ever! What were we thinking?

animusonTired of seeing all the Stack Overflow swag everywhere? Want something different? Well, now's your chance! For a limited time only, you could have your very own shot at receiving one swag item - your choice - anything we currently have available! What do I have to do? Write us a story about why...

@quartata When I checked it 2 minutes ago, there were no upvotes.
@quartata I was wondering if the extra byte was worth it...
@wizzwizz4 ?
I thought I did...
FTR acronym are specifically designed to be pronouncable. Most of these are just abbreviations
I like recursive acronyms, like xkcd
Is PPCG actually scheduled to be non-beta?
Or is that a joke?
It's been a joke for so long that I probably won't believe it even when the beta drops off the title
You should double check with Geobits
Double check with anyone but Geobits :P
@FlagAsSpam I've been tempted to flag some of your posts as spam. Now is the perfect opportunity...
@wizzwizz4 ಠ_ಠ
Is this genuine? I'm not a mod so I can't see it:
I think... I think it is!
I'm not a mod either, but you don't need to be a mod to see deleted posts
I haven't got more than 750 rep then.
See deleted posts is 10k
Q: What's the policy on interpreter bugs?

Pietu1998Sometimes there are bugs in interpreters that make them unable to run programs that are valid by the specification of the language, or make them work incorrectly. This will break programs using those features, which can be frustrating especially in code golf. For example, let's assume that in...

A: Choose your own swag - the craziest contest idea ever! What were we thinking?

FlagAsSpamAll I Want for Swagmas is to be Non-Beta So, I attend the wonderful site called PPCG: Programming Puzzles and Code Golf, although, to be fair, we're much more than that. We're a community that supports clever uses (and exploitations) of programming languages. Some of us have even MADE programmin...

I'm Flag As Spam, and I approve this message.
"But 10 questions per day is absolutely necessary for a healthy site, and graduation is simply unthinkable without it!" </sarcasm>
ಠ_ಠ Puzzling has fewer questions per day than that.
@Doorknob冰 </div> </span>
@FlagAsSpam Puzzling is beta
What's another competition based site that is non-beta?
There aren't any
I don't really want to get my message approved by a spam addict
> (This is less of a story than an argument for something, but... :P)
The only reason for us to graduate is to get our own site design, right?
Q: What are the advantages of graduation?

palacsintI've seen a lot of activity about graduation recently. What are the (possible) benefits (and disadvantages) of a graduated site?

Awww, that means I can't access moderator tools anymore :(
We should just tell everyone to use a custom CSS skin. That way, we have all the benefits of graduation :P
Without any of the drawbacks...
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ And google already indexes the shorter URL as valid. We make our own graduation, with Blackjack and whatnot.
@mınxomaτ huh! that's cool
Someday I reconfigure the DNS, so you can actually browse using this domain (but without breaking existing submissions).
Hey, we have
> 44,555 answers
Wow, that's so cool. My PPCG rep is at this moment 4,555!
(No, that's not a factorial.)
That'd be
;-; my grandma just had a heart attack
I dunno what's going on. My mom just left the house
I don't know if this helps, but God bless you and your family @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ
@Sherlock9 :D <3 thanks that means and helps a lot
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ <3 Many support if needed.
@FlagAsSpam :D thanks
And <3 as well @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ
:) thanks people
Interestingly, when I type your name on mobile, it drops some characters. So I get CNRO'BRIN
Huh! That's interesting
Which mobile device?
Cops and Robbers O'Brin
Chrome on Android
Probably chrome's fault ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Tried to open chat from the SE app's browser thing. Exact same formatting
That shrug shows up just fine though as does ಠ_ಠ
Isn't it just though?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Ha. Proof on the 19th byte itself!
@wizzwizz4 Yes! No! I dunno. What?
Proof of the insufficiency of Chrome.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Does Jolf have variables? :p
Although, I have to be honest, I have no proof that IE is better than Firefox.
So, Firefox all the way!
@Adnan Yes!
@wizzwizz4 Indeed!
@Adnan It has three that are automatically consumed as data: H, S, and n.
How do you assign a value to them
You can do vH(value) or oH(value). The former works in the midst of an expression, whilst the latter works only in front of a predicate. oH is basically H=
Ahhh, thanks! :)
No problem!
I really should update the docs
I decided to wear my El Dorado hat since I don't think Onion Knight is that rare anymore...
Although it hasn't updated in chat yet
@quartata You hipster, you.
And it has, actually
I see it.
such hipster
Ah, cool.
much swag
yas much hipster
look at my bling dawg
yass much hipsster?
yassss much hipsssster?
yassssssss much hipsssssssster?
sassssssss much hipsssssssster?
stop providing all these regexes. my regex engine is starting to lag
no match
or something like that
I'm just now realizing that that isn't valid regex :/
my parser supports it
its just hung right now
what parser do you use? :D
Is it written in English? :P

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