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Now there's only 14 bytes difference between the version with the library and the version without the library.
@quartata The smallest digit string not appearing within the 10k decimal places is 1004.
@Doorknob冰 Hello
@SuperJedi224 Remove the c declaration:
main(String[]a){Long b=new Long(a[0]),d=new Long((a=a[1].split("/"))[1]);System.out.println(b*d+new Long(a[0])+"/"+d);}
@Doorknob冰 Hello
@SuperJedi224 Make it print instead of println.
@Doorknob冰 I noticed you haven't updated your avatar to the creation you were working on yesterday.
@AlexA. I will do such things post-Bash
I already did that. Twice. Why does that ln keep sneaking back in?
@Doorknob冰 I will allow this.
Idk man. It was there when I looked at it.
According to revision history, it was removed in revision 2 and snuck back in in revision 4 somehow.
It must have been my other answer that I removed it from the other time.
@SuperJedi224 Use lambda format:
x->{Long b=new Long(x[0]),d=new Long((x=x[1].split("/"))[1]);return b*d+new Long(x[0])+"/"+d;}
You have to specify that x is a String[].
(it doesn't say it has to be a full program. c:)
The output of i3-msg -t get_tree is... very verbose o.o
@SuperJedi224 Interesting.
@Doorknob冰 Whatever this is, it's neither sticky nor urgent.
Can I see the code you're using?
@quartata The current version:
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.PrintStream;

import sj224.tflp.math.*;interface F{
	static void main(String[]a) throws FileNotFoundException{
		BigRational b=new BigRational("0");
		String k="";
		for(int i=1;i<=50000/*probably high but it's best to be safe*/;i++){
		String q=BigRational.TEN.pow(k.length()).divide(new BigRational(k)).toString(10000);
		System.setOut(new PrintStream("log.txt"));
		for(int i=0;i<10000;i++){
			int j=q.indexOf(""+i);
			System.out.println(j<0?"NOT FOUND":j);
@SuperJedi224 s/\t/ /g
Oh it uses Ten Foot Long Pole?
One second acquiring
@quartata Ten Foot Laser Pole
@SuperJedi224 Ah.
@SuperJedi224 Lambda can be a function that returns a type - using the code I posted above and specifying that it accepts a String[] and returns type String is a valid form of Java answer.
You can apply the lambda conversion to the TFLP answer and I don't think you have to include the import declarations (going to look up citation for that now.)
@FlagAsSpam I'm pretty sure you do.
@SuperJedi224 I've seen people exclude them before... I'm looking around for where I saw it.
Q: Using libraries in solutions

user475Languages differ greatly in the amount of functionality contained in the main namespace. Most of the PHP main functions, have counterparts in Perl core libraries. What should the policy be on character counts in such cases? For example, my solution for the NxN spiral used the Perl library Math::...

Does anyone know how to take a random number between 0 and 1 and turn that into a random int in any range?
Multiply by range...?
@SuperJedi224 aha, thanks.
Replace floor() with the appropriate int cast depending on language
@quartata mhm
In some languages floor gives you a float so beware
@quartata Like Julia
Unless you explicitly say floor(Int, x)
Why would floor give you a float?
@quartata In which case you can generally cast to an int
That's literally the opposite of what you want to do.
@FlagAsSpam Because....
It is slower to cast it to an int afterwards
And you may be just fine with a float
@FlagAsSpam I think some languages only use floats internally
It gives you more choice
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ With autoboxing to float in operations anyways, it shouldn't matter.
@FlagAsSpam I don't know what autoboxing is but I assume it's out of scope of my tiny, innocent, ancient language
@cat Casting from primitives to wrapper objects
It's a Java thing
@quartata Not just that.
@quartata oh, i see
Autoboxing also has to do with overloading of operators.
I have posted a lot of answers today.
I don't think an implicit cast from a primitive to another primitive is actually autoboxing
It's just an implicit cast
@SuperJedi224 Yeah - wrong terminology on my end. :D
@quartata JS does it as well.
you're welcome :P
xD Why am I not surprised?
What if we made answer upvotes only count for 5 rep each?
@ThomasKwa Why?
@ThomasKwa No
That would be interesting. I don't know if that would be giving too little rep, though.
What's your reasoning?
I'm not saying it's a good idea
I don't think people should be given less incentive to post answers.
@ThomasKwa As le fencer said - no.
@AlexA. Doesn't more incentive for questions = less incentive for answers?
Not necessarily
We're already one of the SE sites that give lots of rep, right?
I'm pretty sure questions/answers isn't really a zero-sum game.
@ThomasKwa You should try Arqade, if you think that :P
@ThomasKwa Because we all up vote instead of just huffing and scrolling back up?
Anyway, I'm in favor of questions going to +15, but I don't know if that would throw the rep balance off.
Is free space in a ROM/binary file 00 or FF?
That's why I brought it up.
What rep balance do you mean?
rep gained/effort spent
Answers are hard too.
which, as I understand, is already greater here than on other SE sites.
@phase 00
@dog thanks
I think this is a good balance. It makes sense that good questions should be rewarded. I currently upvote almost 60% of challenges, and if upvotes give +15, I'll be able to be more selective with my votes, which would benefit the site. — Thomas Kwa 4 mins ago
Doesn't giving rep generously give us unfair attention that's drawn away from other SE sites?
Uh, why would selectively voting be better for the site?
You shouldn't be voting on things just for the sake of voting on them
I just got the onion night hat - anyone know how one gets this?
@ThomasKwa My philosophy is more like "take all the attention that we can get—we need it"
@isaacg nope, nobody's figured that one out yet
Because I can just upvote the really good challenges, instead of "eh, this is sorta helpful; I think the author deserves +5"
A lot of things here are upvoted a bunch because the work that we do is clever, not because we want to be noticed.
@isaacg Has something to do with hot network posts.
@FlagAsSpam no
@phase what kind of ROM/bin?
@FlagAsSpam we ruled that out already
@Doorknob冰 Confirmed no or maybe no?
@cat GBA ROM
@FlagAsSpam I think there was one non-HNQ that got it
well, I'm on hot network posts currently
Any way to map new Date to [0,1)?
The hypothesis is "lots of votes after n views," which is supposedly connected to HNQ because that's late votes
@ThomasKwa Upvote if you think something is deserving of an upvote, otherwise don't upvote. That should be the mindset regardless of how much reputation is awarded or taken away.
@Doorknob冰 He should've gotten it earlier, then, because he had ~10 up votes on a question with 7 views yesterday.
I think getting more rep for questions doesn't really help anyone. You don't get answers quicker, and people may not want to upvote if it gives a somewhat average question a lot of rep.
@FlagAsSpam wat
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ wat
@phase One second I'm pretty sure I remember this
I haven't done GBA ROM hacking in years
@phase Hmm, that's a good point
@cat JavaScript's new Date returns a number.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ nevermind, I don't know what map does in JS
@FlagAsSpam wut
@FlagAsSpam same
@phase I see your point. Would you consider this an argument against Rainbolt's proposed +15 or an argument against my originally proposed +10?
I believe it is 00.
@quartata fenks
You shouldn't have to manually scan for it
@FlagAsSpam wot
@FlagAsSpam wet
I think you can just figure it out from the LoROM header
@FlagAsSpam runs out of vowels that fit
@AlexA. I don't think it should be raised at all. When I first found out about the difference between question rep and answer rep, I immediately found it a good idea. I think it depends on the site you're on, as SO questions usually don't require much work, while PPCG is the exact opposite.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ What should 1 (or 0.999...) correspond to?
@cat I'm not talking about map in JS.
@El'endiaStarman ?
oh wait nevermind I know now
If you have an upper bound on the date, then divide new Date() by that upper bound and voila!
I don't have an upperbound ^_^
Okay, last one.
I'll just chop off the last four digits.
@phase You say that PPCG is the opposite of SO in that questions require work, but then why is that a reason not to award more reputation for that work?
I have successfully found a meme for every variation of the word "wat".
@AlexA. I was saying that as a counterargument to myself. 10 may be good to even it out across sites, it we can't make them per-site, but 15 is waaaaaay too high.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ ...now I'm wondering what it is that you're doing where that would work.
woah drag your hat into the chat box and all teh stuff pops up
@El'endiaStarman Testing randomness. Seeing what I can "get away with" ^_^
Like @Doorknob冰
oh, lol
@phase I admit I'm not entirely on board with +15 but I haven't completely made up my mind yet. My proposal wasn't to increase reputation awarded for questions network-wide, it was for PPCG only. A developer confirmed that it can indeed be set on a per-site basis.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ what?
@phase Cool, SVG.
@El'endiaStarman much enthuse
@Doorknob冰 You tried a pseudo-random function ^_^
translate ko: ice
(from English) 얼음
I'm actually liking SVG a lot. It's somewhat surprisingly powerful.
@AlexA. no idea whether this is accurate or not; don't know that much Korean :P
@El'endiaStarman :D
Especially when using D3 (if you know how to use it).
I edited my doorknob SVG in vim
because Inkscape broke
@Doorknob冰 what
it was surprisingly easy
@AlexA. I think a lot of the questions on PPCG aren't glorious puzzles that took 30 hours of work to research and create, a lot are like catalogs. Catalogs are a perfect argument against a rep raise, as they take a trivial problem (or just common knowledge) and make it into a "question" that will gets tons of votes. Other questions are great either. Look at everything not made by @Calvin'sHobbies. These questions don't deserve +15 or even +10 rep.
@phase so don't upvote catalogs
11 mins ago, by Alex A.
@ThomasKwa Upvote if you think something is deserving of an upvote, otherwise don't upvote. That should be the mindset regardless of how much reputation is awarded or taken away.
@Doorknob冰 I don't, but the "community" does.
Then come up with a convincing argument to make them CW
Catalogs seem to be going out of favor, incidentally. They're really only suitable for the most basic or fundamental of programming tasks.
that too
The idea of catalogs is nice but in practice I don't think it turned out as hoped.
Make a meta page for catalogs.
@FlagAsSpam There already is one.
@FlagAsSpam can't tell if joking >.<
@Timwi ?
"I know which one I'm using!"
@El'endiaStarman :D
A: Does PPCG fulfil a role as a catalogue for golfed solution of standard programming exercises?

Martin BüttnerFuture Catalogue Challenges This post collects ideas for future catalogue challenges. Some of these tasks already have challenges, some of which may be editable into a catalogue while others may not. Existing challenges that could be catalogues In these cases, the OP's should be asked whether ...

@Doorknob冰 ಠ_ಠ
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ What does new Date return? I'd suspect just an object with the current date.
@phase Well, the actual code is this: parseInt((new Date).valueOf().toString().slice(-1))/9
21 seconds
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ The fundamental problem with your method (and Doorknob's) is that values rise monotonically(ish), wrapping around as needed. So you get these streaks.
@El'endiaStarman Yup! The last one isn't very good X3 on purpose
@Doorknob冰 Since or until what?
you'll see
oh no
not that
I can't stand 20 seconds of suspense
@AlexA. *19
It's been 21 seconds.
Oh. I'll see.
I will. I have. I do.
I am. I be. I code.
oh woah abc
s/Alex/pizza party/g
I'm okay with this
why are you dividing the poor s by alex?
I would like this party
A: No strings (or numbers) attached

catMouse-2002, 27 bytes B! prints 1, because B's address is 1. ZR+! prints 42, because 25 17 + 42 = is 1. Newline separated (but if put in different (or one) file/s, no newline is needed, and if not for visuals it would look like A!B!C!D!E!F!G!H!I!J!K!ZR+!): A! B! C! D! E! F! G! H! I! J! K! ZR+!

@AlexA. We removed you, then started the party
What do I win?
@phase ._.
What have you tried so far and what problems are you having? (If this is merely a challenge, then stack-overflow is the wrong place. Checkout codegolf.stackexchange.com) If this is not a challenge for the community, is this per-chance a homework assignment? (I apologize for my bluntness, but as I am understanding your problem, neither of these categories are suitable for stack overflow.) — Chris Britt 2 days ago
I wonder how many homework-questions are created due to things like this
We are the trash heap of the world.
@Cyoce I think that's a substitution operation
@Doorknob冰 The fact that he hyphenated Stack Overflow bothers me almost as much as the fact that he directed the person to PPCG.
@Cyoce I think that snippet you were talking about means "replace all instances of 'Alex' with 'pizza party'"
3 people just all left the room simultaneously. Is that supposed to happen?
@SuperJedi224 bandwidth costs me money, that's why I disappear sometimes
@cat What?!
Where do you live?

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