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Man, mortarboarding sucks :/
@Dennis ...what?
That question is a joke post, right?
Yes, it is.
I'm 100 rep away from double-mortarboarding
Good thing that isn't a thing
That's one popular Jelly answer. :)
What is mortarboarding?
And do I get a prize when I hit 1k rep? I'm at 996
Earning 200 rep in a day.
Oh I see
@Dennis It's not just that either. The Catalan Number question and my answer too :/
The rep is leaking everywhere
Quick, edit your post to be horrible until tomorrow!
That answer alone would've gotten you mortarboard though.
@Dennis true
People can't resist good explanations
(Yay, my language is popular.)
Just imagine how much rep you'll have wasted today when question upvotes get bumped to +10.
Also, I thought of a really good idea for Rotor that I'd implement if I cared about it
Basically, the beginning wheel is dependent on the type of input
So it starts on the string wheel if the input was a string, and on the math wheel if it was a number
Welp. 5 rep to 1k woot
I'll start on an answer to some question
I haven't used Rotor, but that sounds reasonable.
Only one problem I've given up on making a good golfing language
Instead I'm just going to ride the Jelly bandwagon
Same. Soon as I can learn some J or APL
And I still wanted to read Learn You a Haskell
And learn Vitsy. And Seriously
And Pyth and CJam
Looks like you're going to be busy.
@Sherlock9 Learning J or APL is definitely worth-while. It's an interesting approach to a language
Tough to describe.
More or less the same approach, I'd say.
I just golfed 42 bytes /humblebrag
@Dennis Yeah.
Yeah, just a little. I don't think I'll do it all this holiday
Maybe just Jelly and Haskell this time
people stop upvoting my mathematica answer
I need a bucket for all this rep I'm losing
Hahaha ok I'll unvote for a minute
@Dennis That is a very shiny bucket.
Ah shoot, can't unvote
Welp, sorry @quartata
@Sherlock9 Unupvotes can have undesired consequences. It may actually lock @quartata's rep in at 190...
@Dennis ?
Q: Product over exclusive and inclusive ranges

Dane AndersenInspired by this question by @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ. Taken from the question: Your task is simple: given two integers a and b, output ∏[a,b]; that is, the product of the range between a and b. You may take a and b in any reasonable format, whether that be arguments to a function, a list input,...

There's gotta be a language where you can just evaluate the input to get the range
And so your search begins...
Well, it isn't octave
Hey @Dennis, I was looking over your old primality test catalog
And was wondering what Jelly's primality test is
Martin is so relieved that I am not gonna participate in Winter Bash this time in full force :D
A: Is this number a prime?

DennisJelly, 4 bytes ’!²% Try it online! Jelly has a built-in for primality testing (ÆP, 2 bytes), but it uses a probabilistic method. This answer uses Wilson's theorem instead. For input x, it calculates (x - 1)!² % x, which yields 1 if x is a prime number and 0 if not. Input: x ’ ...

Ah it is on there. Excellent
We don't have Hello World in Jelly yet.
That's kinda embarrassing.
It isn't possible right now.
Which spelling do you guys prefer? I like "Hello, world!" or "Hello, World!"
As a matter of making it tougher for the programmers with all the punctuation hurhurhur
I like "Bonjour, Le Monde!"
"Wello, Horld!"
"Halo, Dunia!" in my language (Bahasa Indonesia)
@quintopia Depends on how formal a computer is
Those iPhones are pretty rowdy sometimes
@El'endiaStarman Vitsy has been tidied.
You're welcome.
It doesn't look like there's been many good questions today
@Sherlock9 Don't worry, I've got two
But you can't have them until my mortarboard wears off
Holy hell. o-o
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

RikerWRolling Cube So, I was rolling dice a while ago and thought of a challenge. You will be given a string containing only the letters U, L, R, and D, which correspond to the dice rolling a certain direction. U means Up, L to Left, and so on. Given the cube with a net as follows, find the squar...

Right then, see you in the morning @quartata
I just realized I decreased my interpreter size by 7.6 kb.
I should start on my VIC cipher post
@Sherlock9 Don't worry, it'll wear off at midnight UTC. So in about 6 hours
Yeah, that's why I said see you in the morning
Midnight UTC is 7 am here
Also your avatar makes me want sherbet
@quartata Man, how long have I had that pun
I think I found that picture 2-4 years ago. Loved it ever since
I always think that it's two carrots in my screen, since I zoom way far out.
Then I look.
And then I'm sad.
Sherbet's good though. :D
@FlagAsSpam I love carrots
Also because, my grandfather and his brother's names were Herbert and Sherman, and my great-grandfather made a joke calling them Sherbert and Herman to make them laugh
A spoonerism
So that pun almost runs in the family
The vegetable not the ASCII character
Asparagus is better
Carrot juice is good too
The carrot (Daucus carota subsp. sativus) is a root vegetable, usually orange in colour, though purple, red, white, and yellow varieties exist. It has a crisp texture when fresh. The most commonly eaten part of a carrot is a taproot, although the greens are sometimes eaten as well. It is a domesticated form of the wild carrot Daucus carota, native to Europe and southwestern Asia. The domestic carrot has been selectively bred for its greatly enlarged and more palatable, less woody-textured edible taproot. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) reports that world production...
That carrot right there is the most unappetizing carrot I've ever seen. Wikipedia, you disappoint me.
> spoonerism, n.: a wonderful noun with the word 'spoon' in it.
^ An actual result for me. xD
OK, upon zooming in it looks better. I take that back.
Try "oonerspism"
But just looking at the thumbnail it looks like it's rotten
Back soon
Buh bye!
@Sherlock9 Hah, it's funny because you use a spoon to eat sherbet
@TimmyD :P
I'm surprised on the vote breakdown on
I don't know if that's a good example, because the official pronunciation of GIF is like Jiff. :p — geokavel yesterday
Note that Lojban pronunciation is phonetic, so gismu is pronounced with a hard g, like in GIF. — Thomas Kwa yesterday
@quartata I thought of posting a Jelly Hello World with the comment "This answer is non-competitive, because it uses language features that will have been implemented after this answer was posted".
@ThomasKwa HW is a catalog
@Doorknob Read my message more carefully.
... oh, it's not possible in Jelly yet
21 hours ago, by Doorknob
in related news, I can't read
@ThomasKwa You shouldn't be, because it's "jiff." :p
Man, my merge sort implementation takes 9 seconds to sort a 60k element list
Is that normal?
Hard g all the way. GIF and golf
Giraffe and gaol
\o/ 40 rep until Mortarboard!
If there were no rep cap I would have 530 today.
That sucks.
rep-cap increased for PPCG
If the question-rep increase happens, I'll retroactively mortarboard thanks to codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/59014/42963
15 upvotes in one day goes from +75 to +150, coupled with the rest of my rep increases on that day
Interesting stuff ...
Q: Toward a philosophy of Chat

Shog9TL;DR: The Problem This keeps happening in chat: Surprise at flags on vulgar messages. Language that would invariably get your comments deleted on the main site occasionally gets flagged and deleted in chat. Confusion reigns. Controversial topics leading to bickering and name-calling. Folks b...

I'm glad we don't have to deal with that
(at least, I've never seen that here)
It's only happened once, I think
That's because we're all bright upstanding individuals with reason and morals.
Except @AlexA.
"bright upstanding individuals with reason and morals"
Add "and dreams such as taking over the world" to that!
Yes, but they placate us with puzzles and the takeover keeps getting delayed
violence in?
how do i include an escaped apostrophe in a []() url? whenever i put ' it just turns back into an apostrophe
oh wait
nope %27 does the same thing
@TimmyD ಠ_ಠ
@ThomasKwa I'm tempted to nuke this comment as heresy.
Is it possible in Pyth to have a def statement that isn't memoized?
Why is Doorknob's comment, "In related news, I can't read", showing up in the transcript as a link instead of text?
quoted star
@AlexA. :D
1 hour ago, by Doorknob
21 hours ago, by Doorknob
in related news, I can't read
It doesn't look like a message quote though
I click on the link, not the "1h ago"
I'm an awesome guy
@Rainbolt True that
Oct 20 at 15:28, by Rainbolt
Wow I am dumb again
so, I'm playing the untangle game
is there an algorithm that can solve it?
@Optimizer Hi dumb again, I'm Rainbolt!
@Rainbolt apparently, you are this "dumb again"
@Optimizer My name is definitely not "this dumb again"
well, then you are a liar too, coz I am just quoting you ;)
ermahgerd that one TPLQ submission finally got revealed
A: The Programming Language Quiz

ricochet1kKarma, 67 bytes 05\+148*+\[455**\8+\[\6+\[3]-\[46*]\[-1{-\6\++]]\\[7]-942**. :\!!@< The first line pushes all the characters onto the stack, using the queue to save some bytes. The second line pops and prints until 0, which is the first char on line 1.

I thought it was just going to stay unknown until the end of time ;_;
Karma's bitch, I know!
I like your version of that saying better than the original
what's the original?
A: The Programming Language Quiz

sysreq???, 23 bytes "Hello, World"66 2*4/!' this could be shorter and still be safe but eh.

Someone posted this yesterday
It doesn't work in Foo
Foo has failed me
Does anyone else find the recent surge in the number of LabVIEW answers odd?
I don't like really like it due to the scoring mechanism.
@AlexA. I think it's just one guy
Oh really?
I hadn't noticed.
Perhaps the one person on Earth who uses LabVIEW.
@AlexA. The scoring mechanism is probably invalid :/
@Optimizer There's usually an "a" between "karma's" and "b***h"
I don't like it much.
i don't mind the scoring mechanism
@quartata Invalid in what way?
what matters is comparisons within each language, and the method allowed totally consistent comparisons
now, if someone else were golfing in LabVIEW and wanted to propose another method, they could discuss on the meta post
@AlexA. Well, as feersum argued with the Minecraft scoring mechanism, it isn't really bytes and there isn't a way to convert a file of these bytes into a LabView thing
It's also basically impossible to verify any submissions in it which sours my disposition to it
@quartata Granted, that's also true of Piet (scored in codels rather than bytes) and Folders (which nobody knows how to score).
@quartata Yeah. I guess you can get a free trial of LabVIEW but to reproduce the "code" in a submission you'd have to entirely reconstruct the system yourself.
@quartata You misunderstand my disagreement.
system/image/plan/whatever you want to call a LabVIEW submission
@AlexA. Schematic?
The Minecraft scoring system users kept insisting on calling it "bytes".
@quartata Oh yeah, that's good. I like that.
I have no problem with this scoring system as it is clearly labeled as something other than bytes.
@feersum Oh, it is?
I thought it was labeled as bytes.
"LabVIEW Primitives"
I still see Minecraft submissions listed in bytes
@AlexA. Blytes.
Wtf is a "blyte"?
Portmanteau of block and byte.
"LabVIEW primitives" could be golfed using a portmanteau to "labitives."
Makes it sound like a part of speech.
@AlexA. L16s
Why 16?
I’m back
@AlexA. Sounds too much like laxatives
@Timwi You were sorely missed.
@quartata Hm.
@AlexA. numeronym
I am unfamiliar with this term
@AlexA.: You wanted to ask me stuff about Berlin? If you wanna take this to a private chat, I’m on Skype
Q: Numeronyms or N8s?

mbomb007A numeronym (also known as a "numerical contraction") is when a word is shortened using numbers. A common contraction method is to use the length of the replaced substring to replace all but the first and last characters. For example, use i18n instead of internationalization, or L10n instead of l...

Q: Numeronyms or N8s?

mbomb007A numeronym (also known as a "numerical contraction") is when a word is shortened using numbers. A common contraction method is to use the length of the replaced substring to replace all but the first and last characters. For example, use i18n instead of internationalization, or L10n instead of l...

Dang, ninja'd
@Timwi I honestly don't remember what I was going to ask beyond "why did you move to Germany."
@quartata Oh, okay. I don't think I paid attention to that challenge.
@Timwi Also I have no idea what my Skype username is.
I made that list some years ago, and decided the “Berlin” list was longer, so I moved! Easy! :)
Hah! I knew more than one of you would click and look. ;-)
that was a fascinating list
thanks for sharing
Totally off-topic though ;-)
What was the name of the coder who is inventing the boxy Haskelly language? Was it Optimizer?

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