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@Katenkyo well, give it a try? :) brian-chuck.tryitonline.net let me know how it goes
@MartinBüttner I will !
one day i'm going to write an online interpreter for pb
i'll have to learn how to do that first though
it's tricky because it currently does coloured output with ANSI but that wouldn't work online
it's basically the greatest language of all time
oh that seems fun
@undergroundmonorail I'm scared wehen reading that
how did you make the examples?
i mean, i do have an interpreter for it
but i want one that i can link to in my answers
wow, well done but... no easy
i think the hardest part about writing an online interpreter is that i assume it'd have to be done in javascript because that's the language you use to do stuff online, but currently the way expressions are handled is "pass it to eval() and let python take care of it" so i'd have to implement python expressions
@undergroundmonorail if you have your own web serv, you don't need to use javascript
i made a heroku account but i got scared because i don't know what i'm doing so currently i haven't done anything with it
@Katenkyo but he would still need to send back the image as the result to js
@undergroundmonorail nah, I really mean your own web serv
i would just output text
and colour it with the html probably
ah ok then
As you could use some cgi/fcgi to do the work server side
If you don't, I think you could use the javascript to POST the script
through ajax/jquery
and php to generate the page containing the page after compiling/exec the scripts
@Maltysen or more simply with ajax, could be a way to do it
@Katenkyo or a templating engine if hes using Python
@Maltysen Yeah, I said php because I'm used to do really simple stuff server-side as I'm more into the server config in itself :p
(it can be cool the stuff you can do without even creating a site ^^)
the longer we go into this conversation the lower the percentage of words that i understand is
@MartinBüttner I would need to put some non-printable character into the online interpretor, does it support it ^^'
@MartinBüttner Sorry late reply. It seems alright to me
@undergroundmonorail Basically, what you could do is 1) POST the inputed script via ajax/jquerry (it's some fancy javascript)
@Katenkyo I'm pretty sure it does
@AlexA. In case you haven't seen this:
I hesitate to bring this up again, but another question appeared in the HNQ and was tweeted, Generating Вrаinfuсk NOPsAdam Davis 19 hours ago
@trichoplax that's what prompted the message
Oops :)
2) Manage it server-side to interpret it and output the image result to your site
3) write a client side immplementation
I wondered if it was in retaliation to the chat message - but I see the order was the other way round now
@Katenkyo it seems like it would be easier to not do image output and just colour the text with html or something
@trichoplax Maybe the last B****fuck title we will see
@Katenkyo I should have looked at the question before quoting the comment - I see it's all dealt with now :)
@aditsu (cc @Dennis) CJam needs a better way to apply some operation to a subset of an array (or given two arrays, and either a list of indices or a boolean block, set the corresponding elements of the second array to the values of the first)
not entirely sure what the cleanest solution for that is, though
@undergroundmonorail and if I want each character to be printed 1 pixel loxer than the precedent?
@MartinBüttner The Sandbox post, I mean
@Katenkyo you'd be out of luck because pb doesn't do that
@Sherlock9 yes, thanks ;)
@undergroundmonorail :'(
here's an item that used to be available on neopets called "Laptop Computer"
that's so silly i love it
That's not a real painbrush ! :'(
@undergroundmonorail laptop PC would have been better :D
@Katenkyo no this is a paintbrush
I can't put the character number 31 into the online interpreter xD
Q: Counting icons for Innovation splays

Sp3000Innovation is a card game where both players battle through the ages, from prehistory to modern times, in an attempt to earn achievements faster than their opponents. Each card in Innovation is unique, and provides a player with a number of icons. If we treat each card as a 2x3 grid, then three ...

check out this sick tweet by yours truly
¯\_(ツ)_/¯¯\_(ツ)_/¯ they are holding hands
i'm tired
have a good nap :)
no i have an exam in 3 hours
@MartinBüttner it breaks cause of non printable character :'(
Else I would have a solution i think :3
Q: Is this a bug in codeblock indention?

Zaibishttp://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/66029/31033 Is this a bug or am I using a feature I'm not aware of?

never mind, it's a shitty solution
Q: Converging Sums of a Fractal Sequence

Martin BüttnerBackground A fractal sequence is an integer sequences where you can remove the first occurrence of every integer and end up with the same sequence as before. A very simple such sequence is called Kimberling's paraphrases. You start with the positive natural numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ...

I don't understand how I can end printing the entire ascii value >_<
This language is wizardy >_<
okay, I'm done, looks like I can't understand how it works
I will DownLoad the interpreter later and giv it a try with the debug mode
@feersum Interestingly, I'd also have 62 if I returned True instead of 1, but alas that problem puts me at 64 atm :/
@Sp3000 I have 55 now.
lol nvm
I'll give up on trying to do a 1-function solution now :P
Beating people who add "at least it beats Java!" to their posts is fun :D
Hmm now you're returning True for 1 though
(is that okay?)
@Geobits Hahaha.
>>> True == 1
Add at least it beats Rust to your post. :D
Cause, ya know, Java :)
@Dennis or "at least it beats Shakespeare" :)
Dang, not talking about video games
Back to the MTG room
@Rainbolt We can, but I'm currently wrapped up in FFXIII-2. The vast majority of people I've met don't like it at all ;)
@Geobits I tried it
But got myself dishonored a few days later so ... ^^'
Don't get me wrong, I think the story is terribly done, and a mish-mash of crap. I like the gameplay mechanics, though.
Currently playing FF Tactics. Should I pick up XIII-2 next?
@Geobits Shakespeare would still be longer :p
I mean in simple Geobits terminology, does it get a downvote or an upvote?
XIII-2 = XI?
@Rainbolt Nah, do FF TA 2 :)
I've already played it
Also no longer have a handheld
FF XII ? :)
Never played that one either
@Rainbolt Upvote, because I can easily ignore bad storytelling. If you play the for the story more than the gameplay, you might want to pass.
@Geobits not my favorite, but better than XIII I think
Almost anything's better than 12 (though it had a better story).
@Geobits I made it through Ni No Kuni on story alone
The battle mechanics are awful
@Geobits Typo, XII was one of my favorites
Ni No Kuni's mechanics were fun... at first. They got really tedious really quick.
Did you guys see that VII is being remade as a hack and slash? Not only that, but the trailer is nearly identical to the original story-wise, which leads me to believe they will be true to the original.
@Katenkyo Not a fan of the battle system at all there. I tried to go through it again recently, but couldn't make it all the way without getting bored.
@Rainbolt The hack'n'slash part is scaring me to be true...
Yea, the remake trailer looks incredible. Hopefully the "episodic" nature doesn't ruin it.
@Geobits This battle system is quite nice when you're against some big bosses
@Katenkyo I... don't know what that means. Scaring you maybe? Scaring you to be true?
But, sure, not everyone could love it
@Rainbolt Yes, one more typo...
Well wouldn't it be boring as just another active time "whack each other as we stand in little formations on two sides of a battlefield" kind of game?
@Katenkyo I'd like it more if it was more... programmable? The limited "AI-slots" and conditions always bugged me.
@Rainbolt I love rpgs so, no problem for me \o/
No No Kuni II is also on its way
@Geobits you could do all by yourself
Ai-slots were here only for convenience
You could, but that defeats the whole purpose of the system :P
Mostly useful when farming and don't wanna look at your hps
Right, but why design the whole battle system around the meaningless fights?
You were already waaaaay too much paying attention to not breaking your chain while farming ^^'
Chaining skeletons.... shudder.
@Geobits That's only a part of the system ^^
@Geobits More like farming mob X while doing everything to not kill mob Y & Z because you would lose your chain combo (gives XP and drop ^^)
One big surprise I had in the old FF style was Bravely Default
Well, it's the only real new part, I'd say. The other battle mechanics weren't really innovative at all I think. I like that they tried something a bit different, I just don't think it worked out as well as it could have.
Who played it?
Bravely Default was great :)
@Geobits You got a point here, but love it anyway :p
@Geobits It was a big surprise, the story and fights were really good
@TimmyD powershell... do you know how to defer variable evaluation in a Set-Alias command? (of course I can define a function instead, but I'd rather make it an alias if possible)
Bravely Default was so good
I'm just sad the game could be so hardly break/broken (?) by some composition
haha yeah
@MartinBüttner Get-Alias -Remove ?
or Remove-alias maybe?
(gonna check on ps console)
uhhh, that's not what I'm asking
the whole latter half of the game i had a performer do the thing that takes 1 BP away from everyone on both sides like 3 times a turn, and also give my team more BP
or something like that
i forget the specifics but anyone slower than me literally never got to attack
I want to do something like Set-Alias foo bar $baz where $baz is only evaluated when I call foo not when I call Set-Alias
oh no i know what it was
you could make it so no one on either side take any damage for 2 turns but it cost BP
and the performer buffed my BP constantly so i could just keep casting it
when it wore off i dealt a bunch of damage and recasted it lmao
@MartinBüttner Never tried that, couldn't help there :x
Nice, but it's still no Vanish -> Doom (or X-Zone)
I personnaly was using some tricks like that ^^
Black night + whole team in absorption = full heal while dealing 4x9999 ^^
The brave/default mechanic was such a nice thing
it was so cool
i didn't get it at all in the demo haha
honestly i wish i hadn't played the demo, it didn't explain anything and i almost ended up not buying the game
@MartinBüttner Maybe something like Set-Alias foo 'bar $baz' ... Not sure, never tried that, but single quotes is the "default" way to defer expansion of variables
That Person's Name Is is still the best battle music I've ever heard in any video game
i've never noticed this video's title before
gotta get that 1080p audio lmao
My best battle music memories comes from Nier
i literally bought theatrhythm just so i could play That Person's Name Is
but i've never really been into final fantasy so it's always trying to make me excited like "hey you unlocked all these characters and songs! cool!!!" like
i know cloud and i know the victory theme
that's my whole FF experience
so let's just wait for bravely second ^^
i only found out that it was actually announced the other day haha
@MartinBüttner You could alternatively use iex (short for Invoke-Expression) and evaluate it as a string. $foo='bar $baz';$foo|iex
@undergroundmonorail There's a date?
@TimmyD thanks
@undergroundmonorail ho, I would have loved a date, I knew it was 2016 for ages x)
Here's an interesting thing about Bravely Default: If you get far enough in the game, it puts MAJOR spoilers right on the file select screen! Right there where everyone can see!
It's only when you're hovering over a save file that is far enough in the game for it to not be a spoiler iirc
but still
I know, i played on a friend's game
And he said "NEVER OPEN MY SAVE!!!!!!!!"
Never noticed that. Will have to remember when I hand it over to my kid.
and I was like "wtf?" "the sentence there, it's supposed to change, it's a spoil
and the sentence was Where the fairy flies
nope :D
But it was a nice trick
IT WAS PRETty neat
i still had caps lock on
And when I understood what that was meaning, the story wasn't far enough, and I was like "noooooo, that won't happen, I love her D:"
here's something funny that might count as spoilers so i'll hide it behind links in case
Hi @Geobits
@undergroundmonorail glad I saw that :D
It means we still have some time :)
Maybe I should just go ahead and grab the Japanese version of Second...
@Geobits There's an english patch?
maybe geobits speaks japanese
@Katenkyo No, but I've played Japanese games before. My reading is a bit rusty, but it'll do.
I speak a bit, having lived there for a few years.
Chapeaux bas !
that first thing means "hat" in french
@TimmyD Hmm. I'd end it with a 'tsu', personally :P
@undergroundmonorail Yes, it's like i was saying "I'm taking off my hat to salute your skill"
in pokemon there's a thing called the battle chateau and for like a week i was like
"battle hat... battle hat... what does it mean"
old thing, meant to be done with a "haut-de-forme" but don't know how to translate that ^^'
chateau is castle :p
i got it eventually :P
@undergroundmonorail I had the same thing happen with Chappu from FFX at first :)
@Geobits Google Translate disagrees with you :p
@TimmyD that actually makes me think geobits is more likely to be correct
Most likely
Yea, it drops the 's' sound completely for some reason.
Who needs an 's' anyway?
@TimmyD a "m"?
I do! Who wants to be a Geobit? That's just weird.
@Katenkyo I get it.
who gives a fuck about an oxford comma / i've seen those english dramas too / they're cruel
@TimmyD :D
@Katenkyo Sounds like Shannon entropy.
@ThomasKwa Shannon as in Shannon's law?
Yes, that's it, Shannon's entropy is a way to go, thanks !
I thought it was Shannon as in the coolest person in the world.
i put monorail in urban dictionary and NONE OF the definitions are about me
i'm shocked
It could lead to a nice challenge on one of shannon's related work while using a scoring based on this :)
It's funny how Martin's last question looks so complicated but it's only 49 bytes in Python.
It would be nice if someone would post and alternative definition for Rainbolt urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Rainbolt
I submitted one but I guess it got rejected. Or it's been in review for over a month
Xenoblade Chronicles X looks awesome. How have I not seen more promo/hype for this?
Well, except that people seem to hate the Wii U for some reason ;)
The first Xenoblade was cool, but bored me at some point
(and Wii doesn't have that many good games ^^')
Q: Basic Latin character name to character

LukeLet's get back to basics! Your code, a complete program or function, must convert the official Unicode name of a printable Basic Latin character into the corresponding character. For example, for the input LOW LINE your code must output _. You cannot use any preexisting function or library, bu...

Well, guys, i'm leaving here. Have a nice day !
I put Optimizer in urban dictionary and NONE of the definitions are about llama!
I am shocked!
I read it as "the goddamn ratio"
Can anyone in here read the artist's name on this card? mythicspoiler.com/ogw/cards/mysticgate.html
@Rainbolt Nope, it's in some weird font
First name seems to start with an A and last name with a P
Also, is there anyone that can help me out with something on the Catalan numbers challenge?
where is the artist name written?
@Optimizer At the bottom of the card.
It's by the anti-counterfeiting orb thingy
To the left
@Rainbolt No, but I found a better picture: pbs.twimg.com/media/CVlSv3YVEAAzl6s.jpg
Still can't read it though.
@Zgarb OK, that confirms it
The artist's name appears to be in Greek
Believe it is Adam Paquette
Or it could be that.
Why does Wizards have to use bizarre fonts
@Rainbolt ooh
new mana symbol
Apparently Pre-8th edition old frames used a font called Goudy Medieval. Post-8th uses Matrix Bold. The text box uses MPlantin. (Thanks Yahoo Answers)
@Rainbolt That explains why I can't read it. I'm a Legacy player.
When you've got a question too tough for SE, you know you can count on Yahoo Answers.
It's a new symbol, but not really "new". Colorless has always been represented by a gray circle. Now it's going to be represented by a Diamond <>
@feersum I saw your comment on the Catalan number challenge
It's still just plain old colorless mana
So I ran a little octave program and saw that the largest Catalan number that can fit in an unsigned int is n=20
It's also the smallest that can fit in a signed int.
But I don't really want to just say "Must at minimum work for 1-20"...
Why not?
You can add "must use correct algorithm" or whatever
Only being able to calculate up to the 20th number in the sequence is a little lame.
But making it have to work for higher numbers
Would make things very annoying for strong-typed languages
And this is a catalog, so things shouldn't be that annoying
You could ask for the result modulo some number
Like a lot of programming contests do.
Also catalogs are dead :P
I guess I'll just roll with 1-20
Why not modulo?
I'm not sure I really like that idea.
I mean don't get me wrong it's a good solution
Also, have we had any challenges about semi-perfect numbers?
Oh nevermind
Q: Find primitive semiperfect numbers

KatenkyoSemiperfect numbers A semiperfect/pseudoperfect number is an integer equal to the sum of a part of or all of its divisors (excluding itself). Numbers which are equal to the sum of all of their divisors are perfect. Divisors of 6 : 1,2,3 6 = 1+2+3 -> semiperfect (perfect) Divisors of 28 : ...

@PhiNotPi "Multiply the distance from the tip of your middle finger to your wrist by phi and you get the distance from your wrist to your elbow." This is off by at least an inch for me :(

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