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I'm making my passwords on my Fedora VM "password"
Q: Convert arbitrary JSON to XML in Java (golfed)?

AlexWhat is the shortest (Java code + Pom.xml) way to convert arbitrary (not know in advance) JSON to XML?

@Doorknob hax u
...I was a little hasty and chose "off topic" when it's really more like "unclear what you're asking".
I'm not even sure what it is.
Is it a challenge?
I don't want to tell them to go to Stack Overflow if I don't even know what they're trying to get at.
Alex closed Alex's challenge
@Doorknob Wait, what?
@Dennis LOL
Is there a name for distributing n equal positive charges on the surface of a sphere so they have the smallest potential energy?
@ThomasKwa you mean for that exact scenario?
"The Kwa Problem"
Oh, found it
The objective of the Thomson problem is to determine the minimum electrostatic potential energy configuration of N electrons on the surface of a unit sphere that repel each other with a force given by Coulomb's law. The physicist J. J. Thomson posed the problem in 1904 after proposing an atomic model, later called the plum pudding model, based on his knowledge of the existence of negatively charged electrons within neutrally-charged atoms. Related problems include the study of the geometry of the minimum energy configuration and the study of the large N behavior of the minimum energy. == ...
or spreading repelling objects on a sphere in general?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ hahahaha surprisingly close
@Doorknob lol! GG
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ clearly has supernatural powers
@ThomasKwa I've done this before, in fact!
@ThomasKwa Of course! :P
I think it could be a challenge
"Given an input 0<N<30, give the coordinates of N points on the unit sphere that solve the Thomson problem to the best known potential energy or better"
$S=$viGi', mDN~DH r}/m4SmeP"864"5
Q: How long ago was this?

ev3commanderHow long ago was this? The Rules Each submission must be a full program. The program must take input as two comma-separated dates in the form YYYY-MM-DD, and print the number of days that has passed since the second date to STDOUT as if today was the first date (if the second date would be in ...

@ThomasKwa I assume you'd provide a list of the best known potential energies, yes?
@El'endiaStarman Yes.
Also, I'm assuming this will be a ?
I was thinking golf, but it could be a code-challenge for the greatest N solved correctly
Or lowest potential energies.
@ThomasKwa I don't understand though
isn't uniform distribution optimal?
what is the catch?
@orlp What's uniform distribution?
You can't distribute 7 points evenly on a sphere.
There is no uniform distribution in all cases.
In the sense that it doesn't always exist.
Only for n = 4 (tetrahedron), 6 (octahedron), and 12 (icosahedron). Precisely the Platonic solids that have only triangles for faces.
ah right
no, you're missing n = 3
Oh yeah, that too.
and n = 2
And n = 1.
oo yes I got fields working on my jvm compiler backend
@phase what do you mean?
generalized finite fields in the math sense?
@orlp no Java class fields
@ThomasKwa Thomson, we have a problem.
^ Witty title, pre-written!
@AlexA. Alex, you are wrong.
And yay, I have a solid 3.5k
@AlexA. I'll consider that title
@ThomasKwa I honestly hadn't intended that to be a title suggestion or anything; I was just making a dumb joke. :P
Finally got Fedora up and running on a VM \o/
@Doorknob \o@ I don't understand what I'm looking at though.
@AlexA. Fedora!
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ g'night c'nor
@AlexA. ಠ_ಠ that name has followed me into the virtual realm
Um what?
It's a stupid nickname that people sometimes refer to me as
but enough of that.
it's 23h16 here and I'm wiped
@Doorknob Is Fedora in the window or is Fedora the blue background?
@AlexA. High-five?
@AlexA. Fedora is the operating system.
@ThomasKwa Waving guy holding a cinnamon roll, AKA the Jelly logo.
@Doorknob I thought you were doing some kind of VM something or other?
That's a screenshot of inside the VM
@AlexA. It was Wrath of Khan or something. I remember it being overly dramatic and nonsensical, but maybe it was because didn't know the backstory.
@Zgarb Oh, okay. Having seen the episode(s) of the original series with Khan might help Wrath of Khan make more sense. But in general it's just a silly movie.
I'm working on my computer graphics course's final project
Oh nice!
got a particle system running with 200,000+ particles on this shitty laptop
color cube!
wow, cool!
Damn, son.
That's one colorful cube.
and it can render two at once :)
so 200,000 + particles
50x50x50 is only 125,000 though...?
36 secs ago, by orlp
and it can render two at once :)
That only implies to me that it takes half the time, not that there's double the particles.
@El'endiaStarman if there's two cubes there are double the particles, no?
...you have two cubes there? I only see one...?
I said it can render two at once
the cube is an explosion, actually
so it's animated
That's still not actually 250,000 particles if you're only rendering one 50^3 cube.
@El'endiaStarman I'm not certain what the confusion is here
one cube is 125,000
two cubes at once is 250,000
Where's the other cube?
it can render two cubes at once
that's not in the screenshot above
I just mentioned that it can
Well, but see, orlp said that he got a particle system running with X particles and then showed a picture of one with half the number of particles.
That's where the confusion stemmed from.
8 mins ago, by orlp
got a particle system running with 200,000+ particles on this shitty laptop
I stand corrected
only problem is that I get a lagspike when I spawn 125000 particles at once
but that isn't GPU lag
in my current system that just causes 125000 calls to new
it's memory allocation that lags
A short piece of music I am working on: soundcloud.com/phinotpi/flower
Is anyone else getting an error from that link?
Works fine for me
Listening to it now...
I'm pretty sure I'd fall asleep in 5 minutes if this was put on repeat... :P
And that's a compliment, by the way.
@PhiNotPi reminds me of part of a muse song
but I can't find it right now =/
Fun fact: Phi only listens to Norwegian black metal.
Norwegian black metal is literally white noise.
Fun fact redux: Previous fun fact may in fact be false.
tell me this isn't white noise: youtu.be/s0VGrXv66ZA?t=14s
black metal == white noise?
@PhiNotPi I loved shit like this in high school.
In retrospect I ask myself why.
(Actually, I think it's closer to pink noise)
used car for sale: imgur.com/grjqswI
Buy car from GTA? Check.
@AlexA. All the original movies were rather boring. Wrath of Khan was the best one though IMHO.
Star Trek became good with TNG and great with DS9/VOY.
@feersum Okay I have posted a new bullets solution that I believe actually works.
@Dennis No way. TOS was the best, TNG was alright, and the rest were no good.
In terms of movies, the first was crap; Wrath of Khan, Search for Spock, and Voyage Home were good; Final Frontier was crap; and Undiscovered Country was good.
And the new movies are absolute garbage.
...this I will agree with
(although i don't think Star Trek 2009 was terrible)
I meant the series. I don't care much about the movies.
Wait, what?! That movie is already 6 years old?!
[googles]....... D:
TOS/TNG were just a series of disconnected events. DS9/VOY actually had a plot.
Also, 95% on Rotten Tomatoes, apparently.
The 2009 Star Trek movie has 95% on Rotten Tomatoes?!
How is that possible???
they aren't totally stupid. They had the sense to give Into Darkness a lower score, though 87% is still way too high
Star Trek Into Darkness has 87% on Rotten Tomatoes.
i wonder does rotten tomatoes have any statistics...means and deviations for ratings and such
@AlexA. Is 0% the best? They're rotten, after all.
@Dennis well... if so, then Pixels was a GREAT MOVIE, seeing as how it's 17%
Holy cow, I don't think I've ever seen a score that low.
@El'endiaStarman Transporter Refueled got the same score
@quintopia I've only seen the trailer, but that was more than enough.
> Critics Consensus: Much like the worst arcade games from the era that inspired it, Pixels has little replay value and is hardly worth a quarter.
@quintopia Well, I haven't heard of that one.
I want to see a plot of film budget vs. tomato rating. I would love to know what the outliers are (and how many Abrams and Bay are responsible for)
(as I suspect there is a strong correlation)
do you get access to the data without developing an application first? "Rotten Tomatoes is no longer issuing API keys at the time of registration. We will be reviewing each application to ensure the usage of our data aligns with our Brand Guidelines and will provision keys if approved. The policy change will allow us to better service our existing developer community and to ensure that new additions are valuable partners that add to the community."
I guess not.
Ohey, got the enthusiast badge
too bad i'm going on vacation to a place without internet eh
> without internet eh
Is it Canada?
> eh
Hmm, someone answering in ESMin. I wonder who out of the large and vibrant ESMin community this could be!
A: Pythagoras' Other Leg

foobarbaz𝔼𝕊𝕄𝕚𝕟, 21 chars / 31 bytes ѨŃ(1,ï²)Ă⇀!(МŪ($,ï)%1 Try 𝔼𝕊𝕄𝕚𝕟 has everything but aliases for parentheses stuff. Dang.

@ןnɟuɐɯɹɐןoɯ How does 𝔼𝕊𝕄𝕚𝕟 determine if it is to eval the input on the command line?
I didn't know that could happen.
Hence my sarcastic comment on someone answering in ESMin
@foobarbaz How does 𝔼𝕊𝕄𝕚𝕟 determine if it is to eval the input on the command line?
You can't chatping someone until they've used chat.
I'm aware. ;)
@Sparr How is Marbelous supposed to handle recursive includes (A includes B, which includes A)?
@randomra Been thinking: Gol><> has strayed pretty far from the inital "simple extension" idea, do you think it'd be worth making a lightweight version with limited new features? Just the ones that really matter (eg int input)
@Sp3000 Ha, scope creep got you too, huh? :P
As nice as it is to play around with high level features, I think it'd still be nice to be able to use ><> as, well, ><>
Call it <><.
Or perhaps ><>>.
Too confusing :P
call it Go><>
that's a pun
i think you'll like it
I always thought Gol><> was a pun...
it is
this is a different pun
Actually, I like that idea.
i think there might be a language called ghoti already
no results on esolangs
maybe i'm mistaken
Hi everyone !
@undergroundmonorail Ghoti rings a bell here, so I think it exists
Hmm the other half of brain is thinking "too many 2D stack-based lang clones" though, so I'm a bit conflicted
> In the constructed language of Klingon, ghotI’ is the proper word for "fish".
There's always still the -v flag I guess
Anyway, didn't find anything for "ghoti programming language".
If there is a language called ghoti it's never been used on PPCG
I honestly thought there was one already, but I guess not
A fairly interesting read:
For centuries there has been a movement to reform the spelling of English. It seeks to change English spelling so that it is more consistent, matches pronunciation better, and follows the alphabetic principle. Common motives for spelling reform include making the language easier to learn, making it more useful for international communication, or saving time, money and effort. Most spelling reform proposals are moderate; they use the traditional English alphabet, try to maintain the familiar shapes of words, and try to maintain common conventions (such as silent e). However, some proposals are radical...
1 hour later…
"such as the different pronunciations of the combination ough in words like through, though, thought, thorough, tough, trough and plough"
Yeah, I can say it's a pain to know how to pronunciate these ^^
1 hour later…
hi all
greetings, earthling
is that a snub!
Hi :)
What is the goto subject to get feedback on a PCG question?
sandbox seems closed
Q: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

SandboxWhat is the Sandbox? This "Sandbox" is a place where Programming Puzzles & Code Golf (PPCG) users can get feedback on prospective challenges they wish to post to the main page. This is useful because writing a clear and fully specified challenge on the first try can be difficult. There is a much...

The sandbox is always open, just not really active sometimes ^^
my bad :)
here I go then
I was thinking of a challenge funny
(well the funny part actually is the counting method ^^')
I was thinking of two myself:
reading characters via simple OCR:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
| _| _||_||_ |_ ||_||_|
||_ _| | _||_| ||_| _|
If we do a golf were repeating the same character is less punishing than using new ones, it could be funny to see how people could golf them down
that would be fun
It would be something like :
A character as a base value of 10 (for simplicity in counting/rounding) but for each repeatition of this character, its value goes down
I need to find a formula
something like : value of character 'A' = BaseValue/NbRepeat!
or the other way, if a character is the same value than the previous one, it costs 1 less
aaa : first a is 1, second one is 0, third one is -1
that would be fun
@Fabinout so I define at the top of my code a var named aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa‌​aaaaaa... to the infinity
nice idea ;)
and my score would be -infinite
maybe value=10-(20%*NbRepeat)
so if I have 1 'a', it costs me 10
2 'a', it's 8 each
3 'a' it's ~6.4
so it will never reach negative values
you're right, you should avoid negative value characters
but people could still try to find if increasing their character count by doing an other technique would reduce their scores
(would need something that takes at least 50 char in Cjam/Pyth to be fun ^^)
hum, brainfuck could even be competitive... xD
But I think there's some flaws in it
Oh yeah
if the third + character in a row is free, brainfuck would definitely be competitive :)
the problem should be a little complicated
it's not in a row, it is for the entirety of the program
I misunderstood your problem then
with this formula, abbcac would score 2*8(2 a)+2*8(2 b)+2*8(2 c)
wow xD
Don't think that's what I want
anyway, gonna eat, ++ :)
Hey do you guys rememeber the Bacon's cipher post I was making yesterday?
Turns out "Bacon's cipher" doesn't work as a title. Needs to be 15 characters long, at least. Any ideas for another title?
It's at 14 characters. Oy
Q: How strict is a language designed?

ZaibisIf an challange gives a set of languages to chose from, how free can I feel by chosing a version? Concrete example: I found an solution for a challange in javascript. Where the challange just counts a list of languages that are valid for that challange, where javascript is named with others. Bu...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Martin BüttnerConverging Sums of a Fractal Sequence code-golf number sequence number-theory fractal Background A fractal sequence is an integer sequences where you can remove the first occurrence of every integer and end up with the same sequence as before. A very simple such sequence is called Kimberling'...

^ might post this after lunch. any more comments?
Posting the Bacon question in a few minutes
@MartinBüttner Let me read it again in a about twenty minutes
Q: Bacon's cipher: An Intro to Steganography

Sherlock9This little piggy went to market, this little piggy wrote some code... Ah wait, we're not talking about that bacon, we're talking about Sir Francis Bacon! Specifically, the cipher Bacon devised in the late 1500s, as a method of hiding a message within another message, a method of steganography. ...

Is it a good idea to put up bounty without deadline for this codegolf.stackexchange.com/posts/64943/revisions?
I had to delete it, since I lost the source code
@undergroundmonorail !!!!!!
@Doorknob it's a pretty big update but not like 12 years big
idk what the holdup was
@undergroundmonorail I'm surprised the DevTeam still exists
It's only been 12 years
Ye of little faith
@nhahtdh I don't know. I think deleting the answer was the right course of action, and putting up a bounty for an answer that no longer exists is a bit odd.
@MartinBüttner Just saw your Brian&Chuck... What a monster you've created here...
haha :D
I'm glad you like it :P
I already fine brainfuck hard as it is but... there... it's horrible !
some things are easier there than in Brainfuck. most things aren't.
What's easier? xD
printing fixed text. just put it into Brian's source code.
Hello, World! is much shorter in B&C than in BF
@Katenkyo putting it in SE question titles
@MartinBüttner Ho, yeah, as chuck prints with brian's source code
real quick, can we agree that "BF" is a way better censored name for Brainfuck than "Brainf***" is
because that one looks stupid
@undergroundmonorail We had that discussion some months ago, before it was banned
also, I haven't tried, but I'd suspect that a quine in B&C would be shorter than a quine in BF. 1. copy chuck's code to the end of brian. 2. treat brian's tape except for a couple of characters at the end as a string and print all of it (you need those two characters to loop on chuck). 3. print those last few characters.
Some of us agreed on B***nfuck
@MartinBüttner Printing chuck's code first would be simple
right, but then it's not a quine :P
actually, no it wouldn't
because Brian can't print
brain can only use cursive
poor brian
brian's ......{Hithere chuck ......{
something like that I guess
you wouldn't be able to do it without a loop because you'd have the wrong number of .s
@MartinBüttner Because it isn't Chuck&brian? :)
basically :P
oh wait no i understand
ignore me
@Katenkyo here is how hello world works: codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/63122/8478
@undergroundmonorail !ignore undergroundmonorail
@Katenkyo . doesn't move the tape head
@MartinBüttner Yeah, guessed it, just put enough dots in chuck
finally, now i can talk shit about katenkyo and they'll never know
@MartinBüttner oh >_<
Forgot that point x)
so you just have to put .>.>.>.>{ with the goof factor in brian's
(for a quine)
right, but then you only print half as many characters as you have there.
but maybe that doesn't matter.
hummm, so it should be .>.>.>.>.>}?{ in chuck's
sort of
doesn't work either though, because after ? the next tape cell is executed
while using the > to get in position on a `?ìn brian
so you can't execute the first cell on either tape except at the beginning of the program
well, I should get some work done, I think
@Sherlock9 ping me when you get a chance to look at the sandbox post. :)
@MartinBüttner yeah, but if I position the head on the first cell before using ?, I should be able to get it from the start, right?
(or by starting with a no-op)

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