@ThomasKwa Bless, I hate that in GS, you can't rotate more than 3. If you want to get rid of a variable from the bottom the stack, you have to clear it out at the end
@ןnɟuɐɯɹɐןoɯ if you're not going to implement the encoding, you'd better answer meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/7248/… or edit the "Have a different langauge" answer to include your opinion
Actually you can just make a transpiler, and call it implemented
Vitsy, 25 23 22 21 19 Bytes
Thanks to @Sp3000 for pointing out that I don't need a duplicate and saving me 2 bytes!
Takes input as N W H. Try it online!
1 Push 1 to the stack.
} Push the backmost to the front and subtract 2.