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I feel so strange having such little rep and yet having a gold badge anyways.
The power of catalogs I guess
Power is a word for it. I guess
/me posts question: Catalog: Print "catalog" to stdout.
@quartata It's even weirder to see low-rep users asking poor questions with gold badges. ... On SO. They're typically Famous Question badges...
@feersum *vote to close as dupe of "Hello world!" catalog
@El'endiaStarman SO doesn't really count because it's so high traffic
@feersum * catalogue
@El'endiaStarman Too slow it already has 40,000 votes.
@mınxomaτ *catalog
Catalog is golfier, so I prefer that spelling.
@quartata I know. It's still weird. :P
Also, never use the word "shorter" again.
@feersum ...but "golfier" and "shorter" are equally golfy/short...
(And so are "golfy" and "short"! :P)
@El'endiaStarman catz in logs
Golfier has more golf.
SM64 glitch video du jour
He took too long thinking about the golfiest path?
After I get a haircut, my hair is golfy.
@Doorknob My hair is like Java.
Long and there's nothing you can do about it
@phase I usually don't provide explanations for curly braces, since programmers have an almost instinctive understanding of them.
@quartata My hair is like Malbolge in the morning.
@quartata You'd be wrong when it comes to Minkolang. :P
> I was saddened to see disappointment in my inbox.
Filthy pleb
@El'endiaStarman Well, that's an exception.
@quartata and ><>
Only because your language is weird
@quartata What about Snowman? :D
@quartata And Jolf.
@quartata It's just explaining what the code inside the codeblock does
@Doorknob That's a fair point. I use Snowman in production code and I usually have to put comments on the braces
@phase I also don't like how it's formatted -- I think it should just be like { NEWLINE code NEWLINE }
The thingy with the numbers fitting inside the braces but on different lines is a little weird to me, but that's just my opinion.
@Doorknob stop pinning stuff
okay seriously stop abusing pins
I didn't pin anything! D:
@quartata I got Fanatic around 3k
I'm 2/3rds of the way to Fanatic woo!
No wait
I almost just got Enthusiast on SO despite having never done anything on there
i'm a little over halfway to enthusiast
I got Fanatic at 1.6k
how many is fanatic?
@quintopia 100 days
@quintopia I'm at 69 consecutive days.
huh, I'm at 103. I actually didn't know that. (I got Fanatic a long time ago)
Notice I've only been here for 69 days.
Whoa, there's a user with Fanatic at 131 rep
maybe i'll be a fanatic by my 100th day
as long as the chat room counts
What actions count toward using the site on a day?
@quintopia It does not.
@feersum Visiting it does it.
@Doorknob If you got a Fanatic badge for every consecutive streak of 100 days, I'd have over 400 on Christianity.SE. :P
Don't have to post anything.
@feersum Visit- ninja'd.
well that's sad
i probably will lose my streak
You could cheat and make a bot to visit the site for you
@El'endiaStarman How?
I don't think Christianity SE has been around for 110 years
well, 101 days would give two badges :P
Say El'endia you're looking pretty good for 110
What's the secret? Olive oil? Chocolate? Cigarettes?
@quartata That was the question - what is "visiting"
@quartata I suspect Starman is secretly Jesus
@feersum curl codegolf.stackexchange.com
I guess you'd have to have the cookie though
What if one commented or voted on a page already open from the day before?
That wouldn't count I don't think.
Google / GMail has a maximum password length?! ಠ_ಠ
@Doorknob Seriously?
What is it?
I did not know this.
Password lengths should not have an upper bound (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Not even int.maxValue?
Not 100, at least.
not everything can be a varchar. not when efficiency is a major concern
I don't think people would really run into that though.
My longest password is like 40 chars or so I think, and I really like long passwords.
@quintopia ... are you seriously implying that Google stores passwords in their databases? -___-
Sounds less like one of those dumb "people will forget it" limits and more of a technical limit
How could 100 be a technical limit?
@Doorknob I don't know, I'm not a doctor.
But it wouldn't make much sense as anything else.
Why not?
Maaaybe something like 500-1000 would make more sense
People like tens. Easier to remember.
so 1000 then
Like why is the SE char limit 30000?
@Calvin'sHobbies Obviously to encourage better golfitude.
Because that's a technical limitation. Database size and whatnot.
I bet it could be 32767 at least (2^15-1)
Well when you think about it
@Doorknob What makes you think that?
Okay, but 100 is still way too short for a maximum password length
@feersum Because you don't want to store posts that are like 1GB large -_-
You don't want to do that, but that doesn't make it technically impossible.
Well yeah, it's not impossible
I thought it might be a size thing like that, but it isn't.
That just as well describes my reason of "better golfitude".
But it would be much more expensive to get all that storage, of course...
SO should require questioners to golf their code before submitting so they won't waste so much disk space.
Wait, I'm really dumb.
Pretend I didn't say anything.
@Doorknob I found this out several years ago.
@El'endiaStarman You use 100 char passwords?
I'm impressed.
Funnily enough, my GMail password was, for a couple years, 3. and 96 digits of pi. :P
@El'endiaStarman Jeez
I found out because I tried to put in a 400-something char password...
That's impressive.
Took 25 seconds using the numpad. :P
s = getSpaces(beforeSpaces) + "{" + getSpaces(event.object.string.length) + "}" + (if event.object.type is ObjType.DoLoop then "d" else (if event.object.type is ObjType.WhileLoop then "w" else "")) + getSpaces(maxSpaces-beforeSpaces-g+1-(if event.object.type is ObjType.DoLoop or event.object.type is ObjType.WhileLoop then 1 else 0)) + (if event.object.type is ObjType.DoLoop then "For Loop" else (if event.object.type is ObjType.WhileLoop then "While Loop" else "Push CodeBlock to the stack"))
Can be golfed more :P
Is there someone here who could help me golf a Pyth program?
@ETHproductions @isaacg
Is there any python module to add a ? : style ternary operator?
@feersum I thought Python had this.
@feersum There is inline A if B else C
Ah right. That's how you do it
I haven't used Python is so long
@Calvin'sHobbies Of course. I mean a module to add a non-atrocious version of the ternary.
Like cond ? thing1 : thing2
Rust's is if (cond) { thing1 } else { thing2 } which is pretty nonatrocious. :P
@Doorknob The braces are required?
A: When is Thanksgiving?

ETHproductionsPyth, 30 * 75% = 22.5 bytes I'm 100% positive that this could be made shorter, but hey, it's my first Pyth program! \o/ +-28%+-+-Q2/Q4/Q100/Q400 7"-11 Test suite Outputs the date in dd-mm format. Please suggest ways to golf this if you can! I'd like to learn more about Pyth.

I have no clue how to even start golfing this :/
@feersum yes
If the curly braces are needed, I'd say that qualifies as atrocious.
There's no such thing as if (foo) bar; in Rust.
@Doorknob I thought you had to use match
I legitimately didn't know Rust had if
if cond then a else b inline ternary in CoffeeScript
More atrocious than Python's even.
@quartata ...
@feersum Why? I mean, for golfing, sure, but...
That was awkward. (again)
What I meant to do was
A: When is Thanksgiving?

csga5000Objective C, 1470 bytes I don't code good but here objective c solution. #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> int dayForChar(char ch, int year) { int ym = year%28; switch(ch) { case 'k': if (ym == 0 || ym == 6 || ym == 17 || ym == 23) return 24; ...

Not golfed mods nuke pls
@Doorknob To write something like x = a ? b : c you would apparently need to have all those braces on one line, or use up several lines, which are both ugly.
@feersum it's not ugly
@Doorknob Which one?
let x = if a { b } else { c };
The if parens are optional?
That's even worse :P
Actually they shouldn't be there
I put them by mistake because my Rust is rusty
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Jonathan AldrichC++ Expression Matching code-challenge c++ arithmetic So, I like C++. And I like regex matching puzzles (heck, "regex golf" is what first got me lurking on this site). Might as well try to sort of combine the two! Rules Write a full program that takes as input two lists of zero to five intege...

@Doorknob No. But I am implying that there's a limited number of fixed length hashes, and no good reason to seed them with more bits than could possibly make a difference. And even if you did, it takes longer to hash a longer string.
> I hope diamonds appreciate.
They do not.
diamonds do exactly what debeers wants them to do
@VoteToClose Incremental output and killing should work properly now. cjam.tryitonline.net/…
Who should we kill first?
Townspeople, go to sleep.
Mafia, wake up.
points to Dennis
Uh huh, okay.
Mafia, go to sleep.
closes eyes
Townspeople, wake up.
Dennis is in a VM now, so we can execute him.
Dennis was brutally murdered last night. He appeared to have been force-fed poisoned cherry jam.
Dennis was a Sheriff.
Townspeople, time to vote.
(wow no one got the cherry jam joke)
It took me a full minute to think of it.
Oh, I got it. I'm just the narrator. :P
@El'endiaStarman Mkay.
I vote that feersum is the Mafia!
@feersum, why are you not Mafia?
After all, he did say
4 mins ago, by feersum
Who should we kill first?
As no defense has been put forth by feersum, he is to be lynched at dusk.
/me votes @Doorknob
@El'endiaStarman Wait, why?
you didn't even count my vote
There were more people.
'cause I don't really feel like narrating a game that takes hours. :P
Oh, @Doorknob has been accused!
you only like it when you're scum
Say, Doorknob, why are you not Mafia?
I'm immobile
how could I kill people
Well, there you have it.
Townspeople, who do you want to lynch? Feersum or Doorknob?
I vote feersum!
unvote @Doorknob
vote @El'endiaStarman
you can't lynch the narrator :P
you don'
t tell me who i can lynch
(mafia scum!)
Need at least one more vote on the strawpoll...
Let's not lynch anyone how about?
but then the game is boring :P
everyone knows a day 1 lynch is pro-town
only scum would suggest nolynch day 1
points FOS at @Calvin'sHobbies
WELL. At this time, the vote is 2 for Doorknob, 1 for Feersum.
Feersum has been set free, replaced by Doorknob!
@El'endiaStarman D:
Awfully nice of you, @Doorknob. Giving your life so another may live... :P
@phase why is it pick 1
@phase because I don't know O
that should be an option -_-
@phase and if it's gonna be pick 1, why is there no all of the above
@quintopia "other"?
That's what I'd pick. "I don't know O."
other counts as "none of the above"
As it stands, I did pick "other".
@phase the real answer is that it has yet to prove itself as a contender for an "excellent golfing language"
@phase write more winning answers in it
@quintopia Yeah, there's still a lot to be added until it can compete with CJam or Pyth.
Oooh! The strawpoll is at 2/2! Doorknob might have a chance!
are there any cell-based golfing languages?
(3:2 against doorknob)
@quintopia I'd offer Minkolang but I'm pretty sure you're thinking of a different kind of cell. :P
@quintopia As in BF cells?
4 to 2 against Doorknob now!
@phase yes
@quintopia Well, there's BF, and every BF clone.
basically "memory is one giant array"
@phase obvi not golfing languages
I think an actual golfing language out of it would be quite verbose
Not necessarily.
What makes golfing languages golfy is that they have commands that do a lot of stuff.
@phase despite the fact that this is how RAM works?
even stack-based languages use the "one giant array model" under the hood
4:3 against Doorknob!
feersum is more fearsome than me!
That's my proof :P
Anyway, anyone want to help me test my ideas for my next language?
total scumtell
As in, toss out simple programming exercises and I'll "solve" them.
@El'endiaStarman what sort of language
@quintopia That kind of memory model isn't easy to manipulate. Stack based languages are easy to manipulate because of popping and pushing, while managing a bunch of memory cells takes moving to that required cell, and then doing the manipulation you want.
@phase that's a lot of assumptions about how memory is accessed
@El'endiaStarman have you already solved "output third largest in list"?
@quintopia Mathematica-level in terms of built-ins, uses tokenization like TI-BASIC (so something like \fold( would only be 1 or 2 bytes), and possibly uses stuff like APL's trains or other unique language features. If you have two functions/lambdas and multiply them, you get another function/lambda that will pass arguments to both functions and multiply them. That sort of thing.
I haven't started writing an interpreter or anything because I'm still thinking about its structure and language.
What is fold again
@quintopia 1 2 3 /+ => 1+2+3
@quintopia Perhaps something like \fromRight(L,3
I think reduce is a synonym.
So... Basically reduce?
Maybe I'd write it as \reduce(. Doesn't really matter.
Sounds largely functional paradigm
The point is that it's 1 byte internally.
Yeah, maybe.
And golfy
Very golfy.
If I pull this off, it should beat Pyth.
Can't wait to see that
That'd be cool, yeah.
But I also want to make it more than just an esolang. Like, it would be awesome if I started using it for purposes outside of PPCG.
I'd like to see a Huffman coded language, where token lengths are measured in bits
I've thought about that a bit.
Like assigning a few common instructions to half bytes.
The issue is that the one-byte space is cut severely.
Huffman coding assigns bit sequences optimally given a sufficiently large body to sample the distribution
Yes, but how do you get that "sufficiently large body"? That's the problem.
@quintopia There are many common pairs of characters
You'd design the language first, use it for a long time, and then assign bits to tokens
Taking them into account can get a little better than Huffman
I don't know Pyth well enough to know its idioms
You could analyze the specific instructions used in answers to PPCG, but the best in terms of distinct "ideas" might not be the golfiest, so there's a bit of a problem there.
@ThomasKwa then we let those common pairs be tokens
Oh, I got the "third largest item in a list" one wrong. It'd be more like \fromRight(\sort(L)3 for a total of 5 bytes.
I'm planning on writing a pretty complex parser so you don't need commas everywhere if it's unambiguous.
@El'endiaStarman Be like Pyth and get rid of that close-paren
How about "sort the tokens in my own listing"?
I think making most operators vectorize on lists when they don't have other special meanings would help greatly
@ThomasKwa At this point, I don't think I really want to restrict variable names to one character.
I probably could do \fromRight(\sort(L3 for 4 bytes.
If there's no variable named L3.
Also trains would be very golfy
@El'endiaStarman how many characters do you want in identifiers, and from which alphabet?
Or, y'know, \nLargest(L3 for 3 bytes.
@El'endiaStarman That could actually be good
@quintopia I'd like to have a \name( function for assignment to variables. I'm considering making all commands start with `\` so you can use alphabetical characters without quotes.
Pyth has a function where giving 'num,seq' as arguments does largest, but 'seq,num' does smallest, or something like that
'course, \nLargest(L3 would only be 3 bytes if \nLargest( was 1 byte. I think it'd be more likely to be 2 bytes.
I want to not only have math, string, list, and function operations, but also graphics, file, internet, images, that sort of thing.
Because you could just say "all pairs of lowercase letters are tokens, as long as no more than x different ones appear, each of which is assigned a byte code at compile time"
I figure that a lot of math functions will be 2 bytes. One byte to say "this is a math function" and one byte for which function. That'd give me 256 2-byte math functions. o_o
Or really... You could tokenizing arbitrary identifiers at compile time
The golfiest solutions would tend not to have identifiers. Like, look at how rarely Pyth and CJam use variables.
(Though when they are used, they're very useful.)
Not rarely in Pyth. Usually maps and stuff. Require variables.
Well, okay. I've rarely noticed.
But it hardly makes sense to talk about id3ntifiers there, since they did exactly what I'm talking about: predefined variables to be drawn from a particular set of byte codes
It's just you could give those predefined bytes arbitrary names
Remember that I'm looking to make this language even more general-purpose.
Like, that I could write a complex project in.
Sure. Hence suggesting allowing arbitrary names
I read this article a couple days ago and I've been mulling over it since.
Like, how awesome would it be to have a \balancedBinaryTree( function that takes a list and optional function and automatically automagically does all the data structure work for you?
I think that article misses an important aspect of power in practice.
You need to be able to code close to the machine when it is necessary.
Language index is live: tryitonline.net
@Dennis Awesome! :D

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