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Hello all!
Nobody here?
Surely not me.
who is answering?
No one
@Optimizer ironic!
Who here knows mathematica?
@Optimizer you mean @MartinBüttner ?
there is only one Martin
Nobody home, go away unless you have girl scout cookies
girl scout cookies?
@Mego i do! me laughing away
@TanMath Then I'm stealing them
@Optimizer mego really left.. mego not home...
i am not following...
@Mego you are at home for some girl scout cookies?
@Mego i guess not...
I'm still here
Accidentally hit leave in wrong room
@Mego ok... me barging into your house with no girl scout cookies
Tricked you!
why is it called "trick or treat" all I see is people giving treats
@Optimizer back in the day...
grabs shotgun
pulls trigger
@Mego steals stuff and runs for my life
sorry, I already pulled the trigger. you are dead
@Optimizer you have no gun to kill me... what, do you live with @Mego?
@TanMath nah, I can remote trigger though
@Optimizer then, you are arrested for murdering an innocent burglar!
@MartinBüttner Finally fixed codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/63531/42963
@TanMath it was self defence
I thought I heard loading of a pistol.
@Optimizer still, you are arrested for killing somebody... You could have caught me another way!
no case against me
@Optimizer you were in no danger, so it is not justified...
> I thought I heard loading of a pistol, I felt I was being shot
Anyone here got Fallout 4?
Yes... but im at work... not playing it...
Pipboy edition?
Nah, Digital download. Cheap.
Hahaha good enough
Tester: Is Foo expected?
Me: No, but there is one caveat.
Tester: Thanks.
Me: *shudders*
@Calvin'sHobbies Major props for an awesome challenge for your "Programming a Pristine World" question. Most excellent.
No idea whether a bug is coming or not :-/
I don't know the Pipboy hype. I'm pretty sure a 3D printer and a Raspberry pie could make a better one then what they sell
why is fallout 4 so hyped?
Geobits has it
That looks pretty good @TimmyD
@Optimizer I have no idea XD
@Optimizer but you shot the wrong person...
A: Fallout 3 was good
B: Its been a "Very" long time
C: Amazing PR and Marketing
@TanMath no
@JimmyJazzx just like a fruit i love...
What's the plot of the Fallout series?
@Optimizer you were supposed to shoot @Mego !
Nuke, Live, Rebuild?
@TanMath no
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

muddyfishPentomino Validator As someone who can't be bothered to look at their pentominos to see if it makes a rectangular shape, I've decided to make you write a program that does it. Your task Given some input split by newlines containing 12 unique characters, decide if it is a valid solution. A val...

@Optimizer yes
you are dead, you cannot justify
somebody kill @Optimizer
Hmm... Seriously doesn't have a RNG function
I should fix that
@Optimizer my spirit is justifying, okay?
Seriously does not have anything as of now, its all just one command list
@TanMath justify the existence of spirits first
@Optimizer It has an interpreter
but wait, paradox.
@Mego Seriously?
@Optimizer These puns almost make me regret the name
@Optimizer Seriously...
@TanMath yes?
@Optimizer Fallout 1, 2, 3, and 4 all have metacritic scores of 85-93, and the latter 2 are on the higher end. Compare with Halo 1 which score 97, followed by sequels that slowly dropped to 87 with Halo 4 and 85 with Halo 5.
@MartinBüttner oh, well I need s reference implementation for my squares challenge.. on the OEIS they have some mathematica.. could you perhaps run it sometime?
I.e., the Fallout series started good and is getting better.
@MartinBüttner oeis.org/A019547
I actually have to go,. please try to run and tell me its output.. that way we can edit the code to match my challenge...
@MartinBüttner excuse my persistence but could you try this latest edit of mine in your console
it would probably make more sense for someone with Matlab to test it
lol i looked up above an i saw people tellin martin same thing
@MartinBüttner i made it adapted for octave aswell
i just want to sleep conscience cleared
@Agawa001 seems to be working in Octave, but no clue if it's actually pristine
just remove 1:
or :5
lemme know
yeah, those break it
so a day isnt wasted for nothing
thank god gonna sleep well
WTH is going on in The Bridge?
in The Bridge, 2 days ago, by Nate Kerkhofs
@RavenDreamer Did I tell you about the time I helped my uncle jack off a horse?
Sounds like a story Rainbolt might tell.
about sumset challenge, either i type another blind bruteforcer or i pay more time, either cases i ll leave it for another day, be well
and why the hell are people flagging 2 days old messages ? :D
Hey look, more bugs fixed in the Seriously interpreter
Now to eat lunch
How do you view your exact network rep?
It says I have 10k but I'm like 40 rep off that IIRC
hover over
go nuts
so its 9980
Hmm. So how do I get 20 rep or more without much effort?
you wait
@BadCatEye Make a Pristine program.
in your dreams
try to*
and fail*
Or I could answer questions on ELL
If I was able to make one in PowerShell, as implicit and loose as that is, there should be plenty of other languages that are possible.
No bug about Foo yet
I can just hear them going "Rainbolt said there's a caveat. Is that caveat in the requirements?"
If anyone's interested in some non-trivial, handwritten and golfed Brian & Chuck code... here is cat:
A: Simple cat program

Martin BüttnerBrian & Chuck, 44 bytes #{<{,+?+}_+{-?>}<? _}>?>+<<<{>?_}>>.<+<+{<{? I originally created this language for Create a programming language that only appears to be unusable. It's a It turns out to be a very nice exercise to golf simple problems in though. The Basics: Each of the two lines defin...

@MartinBüttner thank you so much! I need to square root each of the terms in the list. Can you please do that and send the final code and run it? I hope this isn't too much to ask from you..
r[n_, d_] :=
 Catch@Block[{z = Length@d, t},
   z < 1 ||
    Do[If[IntegerQ@Sqrt@(t = FromDigits@Take[d, i]) && t < n &&
       r[n, Take[d, i - z]], Throw@True], {i, z}]]; Sqrt@
 Select[Range[4, 10^4]^2, r[#, IntegerDigits@#] &]
@MartinBüttner thank you so much! Do you know how the code works?
I haven't looked at it, but I guess I could work it out.
@MartinBüttner I just want to learn about how it works and might include that in the post
(Which, I guess, means that I've finally reached that level of programming skill where I can change code to do what I want it to do without actually knowing how it worked in the first place...)
@MartinBüttner hahaha...
@MartinBüttner now that we have the list, I need the code to take in a number n and return the nth square of square number...the 1st square of square number must be 7, can you do that?
I'm not sure I understand what you're asking. Are you sure it wouldn't be easier to reimplement it in a language you know yourself? ;)
The code is basically a recursive function which iterates over all partitions of a number and returns True if one of them yields only perfect squares.
@MartinBüttner well I am not sure how to implement it ... I found this code and thought I could edit it to work for the challenge...
@TanMath what language(s) are you comfortable with?
@MartinBüttner python...
let me write up some pseudocode that looks a bit more like python
@MartinBüttner thank you...
Someone say Python?
@Mego you like python?
@TanMath I've been known to dabble in it
@Mego me too...
def r(n,digits):
    z = len(digits)
    if z < 1:
        return True
        i = 1
        while i < z:
            t = to_integer(digits[:i])
            if is_integer(sqrt(t)) and t < n and r(n,digits[i:]):
                return True
        return False
@TanMath ^ this would be a function that takes an integer and a list of its digits (or a string representation of the integer) and tells you if that integer fits your criteria
that is, this one gives the squares
so r(49,"49") would yield True
@MartinBüttner so if I want to find the 4th square number now would I do that?
@MartinBüttner This is a really interesting language.
thank you :)
I wonder if I should sacrifice an entire day and try to do FizzBuzz in it
you should.
Would I have to go through all the integers unt I get four trues?
@MartinBüttner I see.
@TanMath yes... well you'd have to go through the square numbers only, of course
(that's what the mathematica code does as well)
Of course, I probably shouldn't take your word for it...
you should.
@MartinBüttner OK.. Thanks a lot! I am so grateful for your help and support...
no problem
a faster solution would actually just enumerate tuples of squares and concatenate them, but it will be much trickier to get them in the correct order.
Just released Ten Foot Laser Pole 1.02
Just got my yearling badge
SeriousFunctions almost work, yay!
Turns out the biggest issue with them was just a dumb programming error on my part
And a poor design choice
Neither of those are uncommon
Q: Dimensional Analysis

YpnypnCalculate a product or ratio of SI units. For example, kg m / s s (kilogram-meter per second squared) should return N (newton). The input will always be either: A list of symbols for SI units, space-separated (representing a product) or The above, /, and the above (representing a ratio). Th...

I completed my brute forcer for TwistScript
(Just trying to keep with the theme I guess...)
Q: Unlock the James bond code

user1444692J. Bond has to break into the headquarters of an evil organization and steal important documents. The documents are in a safe that can only be opened by entering the correct code into the keypad, which is a 3 × 3 grid as shown. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Bond has been told that every two consecutive di...

Where is everyone?
Washington state
can someone please teach me the syntax for if expressions in CJam? I'm learning and trying to do the fizz buzz program
Well, I have my first ever TwistScript program: WG
It transpiles to this:
Which outputs 10 in GolfScript.
I have no idea why it does, but it is the first program that didn't throw an error.
quartata maybe you can help me
you know cjam right?
@FarazMasroor Whatcha need?
how do you do if statements? Is it '{test}{statement}?' ? w/o quotes
Basically, you want to push the result you want to check to the stack in some way first
So maybe 2 2=
Then do {expression}&
so my program is this 1{_1000<}{{_2%0=}{"Fizz"o}?{_3%0=}{"Buzz"o}?}w
Sorry I got that mixed up.
You use &.
oh wait hang on i forgot to increment!
so it would be {_2%0=}&{"Fizz"o} then the same for 3
how do you do if-else statements?
@Mego Seriously?
@AlexA. Seriously!
I finally got functions working
@FarazMasroor Like a ternary?
I believe you push two blocks (if and else) and use ?
is that what its called?
like if(){} else(){} in java
@FarazMasroor Yeah so that's what you do.
@VoteToClose dafuq
When YouTube counters fail...
so how do you set up the if part in that, like wheres the condition and where are the two actions to do
{this is the if part}{this is the else part}?
As it turns out my TwistScript interpreter is bugged and I'm not sure why
so for the fizz program, lets say its not fizzbuzz but only fizz so modulo 2
@FarazMasroor You mean mod 3, right?
so i would say {_2%0=}{"Fizz"o}? if we ignore the modulo 3 part of fizzbuzz
Fizz is mod 3, Buzz is mod 5. Just so you know.
oh well now its 2 and no 3 nor 5
would my snippet be correct?
Why do you have the beginning part in {}?
TIL the Apple Developer Program costs $99 USD/year and you only get 70% of the revenue generated from paid apps you post to the App Store. ಠ_ಠ
I think it should just be 2%{"Fizz"}{whatever}?
@AlexA. Yeah, it's kind of absurd.
I can't believe people develop apps for iOS, much less free ones.
so 0 and 1 are truthy and you don't need to put the if statement in brackets
like the condition doesnt need to be in bracktets
@quartata Why wouldn't people develop iOS apps? The iPhone has very large share of the smartphone market, and I would be surprised if the iPad doesn't have the majority share of the tablet market. Developing paid iOS apps is potentially profitable.
Developing free ones is a good way to increase your visibility as a developer, though there's no return on investment.
(Unless you include ads or something)
I'm not personally interested in developing mobile apps but I can see why people would do it.
@AlexA. All but two free apps I've ever had have had adds.
iOS apps?
why the f does this program freeze the online interpreter
1 {_10<}{_2%{"Fizz"}{"Not fizz"?}w
on nvm i forgot to increment
^ +1 for catching your own mistake
Yeah. They're pretty common. Otherwise, as I said, there's really no return on investment for creating free iOS apps.
okay now this program gives 1fizz
1 {_10<}{_2%{"Fizz"}{"Not fizz"}? )}w
i want fizzNot fizzfizzNot fizzfizzNot fizz etc.
because of the leading 1? I don't know ;P
The most unsatisfactory citation in Wikipedia:
It's probably someone with the last name Guy, not some random guy.
@AlexA. I know ;)
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I'm not your citation, guy!
Bonus points if you find the page :P
ah ha! 1 {10<}{_2%{}{"Fizz"}?\ )}w
1 {_ 10<}{_ 2%{_ }{"Fizz"}?\ )}w
Nice job!
(You can use backticks to code-ify your statement)
like so
how do i add new lines though? I tried N"Fizz"N but it doesnt work
ah thanks for that
No problem ;)
so what about the new lines? It gives 1fizz3fizz5fizz etc but i want the numbers and fizzes on new lines
@FarazMasroor What language are you using?
Would p work? @FarazMasroor

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