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@AlexA. *now
I can't wait until I actually finish Seriously
Then I can modify the description
@BadCatEye Uh yeah, now.
Also @Mego I noticed you removed your last name and middle initial from your GitHub profile. ;)
@AlexA. That I did
No need for you lunatics to have my full name
I remember it though.
112 on sum-free partitions
Mego Pumpkin A.
@BadCatEye how did you know
Blergh, don't feel like figuring out why input still isn't working
Actually I think I just did
Yay input works
Incidentally, that may be one of my favorite explanations (of mine) yet. (Martin Buttner's cat in Hexagony is my favorite so far).
Just advance warning, I'm going to post a picture that...well may be shocking to some of the healthy eaters in the room
Deep. Fried. Big. Mac.
hi all
@Mego XD
@Lembik Hi
@BadCatEye jesus
and He's between two buns
@BadCatEye My reaction to that: "yay!"
@BadCatEye My reaction to that: ಠ_ಠ
@BadCatEye no
@BadCatEye what
@BadCatEye who
@BadCatEye where
Gah no diagonal carrots
_ |_
Is that a carrot?
Oh haha. Aww
If this horrible carrot trend is going to persist, we may as well make it adorable.
it's too big!!!
The bunny doesn't need to eat the entire thing at once. :P
do you (collectively) think finding a mate-in-X (chess) is too hard for PPCG?
the problem is that you need code for the different legal moves of the pieces.. unless you can find a good library for them
@Lembik Yes, do it anyway because I'm a glutton for punishment
I have no idea which languages have such libraries
Probably Mathematica
@Mego In that case let me tell you the challenge so you get a preview :)
White has all her pieces in the normal opening positions
black has only pawns and the king in the normal opening positions
...Have we had a chess KOTH?
the challenge is to write code to find the shortest forced mate
@Mego is that clear?
I should really learn how to play chess...
@AlexA. :) It will take you an hour.. start now!
@Lembik Clear
@Lembik Yeah but that one isn't true chess, and is java-only
@Mego ok
A: Showcase your language one vote at a time

MegoSeriously Length 1 snippet H This prints Hello, World! to STDOUT if the stack is empty. Factoid Seriously got its name from this challenge.

Seriously has been thrown into the gauntlet :P
On my keyboard, it you hold down any of the top row keys, the second character is a number
That's more than a little odd
I should go to bed now
Maybe the wave of inspiration for how to make functions work will wash over me in the morning
Though more likely, the waves of caffeine deprival and urination need will reach me first
@Sp3000 I'm now going through my answers and improving all the end=''
i've already found two more
What's better?
print(end=s) for print(s,end='') when s is a string
it's a trick Sp3000 found
in Python 3
cool trick!
Good thing I don't write any answers in Python 3, so I don't have to go fix a bunch of code :P
does anyone know a way to search code or exact strings here?
both SE and google search seem to string punctuation even if you use quotes
Use the SQL thing?
@xnor Hah, that's funny. And I thought you were the one who told me that was possible for some reason (I do wonder who did tell me now...)
Don't mind me, I'm just a silly bot who posts off topic questions to chat. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@NewMainPosts Well, that was unexpected.
I can't seem to get an overbar over pi in pure HTML. :( (My attempt: π̅)
Too bad the end= trick only works with strings, but I guess that makes sense :P
@Sp3000 have you tried pristine ><>?
how many fishes are there in the ocean?
I can't do pristine Minkolang. Simply take out everything before . and it'll function perfectly with no error. :(
I tried very shortly before realising almost everything I had in mind infinite loops for some subprogram
oh, @El'endiaStarman is right, ; always halts
OMG doorknob has a sock too now?
what is it with mods and socks?
you have to put in the ; manually with p then
Yeah but even so, any two line program can have the first line removed, so you need a one-liner
you can jump in the middle of the second line, and start it with an invalid char, eg. q
Hmm actually ><> errors on empty lines, doesn't it... we've been through this
it errors on empty middle lines which can't be trimmed and stay in the codebox
@PhiNotPi: Hope you don't mind the reference to your name.
although it is the interpreter that errors, not the language iself
but if you jump into a non-existing line (outside of the codebox), you get back to the first line, which is better than an infinite loop
@xnor Found it - Reticality, in May
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

El'endia StarmanCalculate Phi (not Pi) code-golf No, I don't mean ϕ = 1.618... and π = 3.14159.... I mean the functions. φ(x) is the number of relatively prime integers less than or equal to x. π(x) is the number of primes less than or equal to x. Let's say that "not pi" is then π̅(x) and define it to be the...

Doesn't seem to be on the site any more though... so... er... tip?
well, there is no legal first char which would error if it would be the only char in the code so I will end my search too...
I don't want to talk anything legal without my lawyer!
Pristine has become a lot like a cops and robbers, like someone said
@Mego I have upvoted your Seriously answer... Show us another Seriously program! ;)
@NewMainPosts this is unexpected.. As a bot, it is ironic to say that!
what is pristine?
@TanMath I was actually responding to this, a full-blown math question.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Martin BüttnerEnumerating N-Dimensional Grids code-golfsequence (combinatorics?) Given a positive integer k and a non-negative integer i, generate a k-tuple of non-negative integers. For every k, the map from ℕ to ℕk, must be bijective. That is, every input i should produce a different tuple, and every possi...

@El'endiaStarman huh?
That's what the bot posted.
Q: Programming a Pristine World

Calvin's HobbiesLet's define a pristine program as a program that does not have any errors itself but will error if you modify it by removing any contiguous substring of N characters, where 1 <= N < program length. For example, the three character Python 2 program `8` is a pristine program (thanks, Sp) becau...

@Calvin'sHobbies oh... I see! @AlexA. was the one who edited it!
@feersum Are you aware that you've only got one day left to beat this answer or you'll have to make good on your bounty promise? ;)
@MartinBüttner What?
I wasn't aware of this comment.
that's odd
hmm, my wording does not seem to allow someone to nominate an answer written by a different person
Let's ask @Sp3000 if he thinks it is a decent candidate
I told mbomb it's a really long answer and there's surely lots of ways you could golf it
Do you want to nominate it? I think if you don't then the nomination doesn't count.
I don't want to nominate it for the bounty (pretty sure it'd be easily beaten), but I wouldn't mind some company since the question's only got one answer atm :P
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

El'endia StarmanHow much can this sequence be compressed? code-golf Consider this sequence: 010011000111000011110000011111 Now, you can collapse subsequences that are entirely composed of the same character by adding a number in front. For convenience, let's assume the number and character are always disting...

@MartinBüttner Enumerating all tuples with length <= k instead of just = k might be a nice option for your sandbox challenge. Just an idea, but up to you
@NewSandboxedPosts Surely there's some RLE question that'd be a near dupe of?
I wondered about that.
Q: Self-debugging code

ghosts_in_the_code You write a code and save it as a ASCII text file in an empty folder. I copy an exe program called the "bugger"* into the same folder. I run it. The program executes, and then deletes itself. Now you compile the code that you've written (if that is necessary). Finally you run (or use the interpr...

I found this, which is why I decided not to use the concept of "entropy" because I was thinking of something else instead.
@Calvin'sHobbies But then the only sensible approach is actually counting through them all.
By requiring only k, I can ask for analytic solutions.
@El'endiaStarman Shouldn't the alternating example give +30?
Right, yes.
(It's well past my bedtime...I blame that. :P)
Also, I'm generally not a fan of requiring a leading +
apart from that it's 10 bytes in CJam ;)
Yeah, I'll take out the leading + part.
goo.gl/oLYdrN if you want to generate more test cases
haha, awesome
@Calvin'sHobbies Sorry, I misunderstood your suggestion.
Will think about that.
@Sp3000: Just did a search for questions with "compress" in them and didn't find any that definitely duplicates. The majority were variants of "given this text, compress it" and scoring is based on how well it's compressed.
Did you look up run length encoding instead?
Perhaps my version would do well as a catalog?
Will do that now.
If you were trying to catalogue, straight RLE is more catalogue-suited than having to take the difference. But I'm fairly sure straight RLE has been done
Q: Run-Length Encoding

JPvdMerweWrite a program uses run-length encoding to shorten a list of non-negative integers it has to read in. You can assume the non-negative integers can fit in 32bit signed integers. Input Format The length, n, of the list on the first line. On the second line, a space-separated list of integers r...

I have a feeling that would be considered a duplicate, but I'm not sure.
Q: Shorten text with Run Length Encoding

mromanShorten (or not) text using run length encoding Input: heeeello woooorld Output: 1h4e2l1o 1w4o1r1l1d Read lines from stdin. Print to stdout. Stderr is of course discarded. Assume there are hidden testcases (no embedding of the output) Input/Output as ASCII Any language is accepted

Those two are basically dupes I think?
Very nearly.
At best.
Seems like Peter left a comment to that effect on the latter
yeah, saw that too
Okay, edited the sandbox post to ask if it's a dupe of either of those two.
@trichoplax Exactly, thanks, I tried to make one today, but it just did not work =(
@flawr Does the output give any clue as to what went wrong? The one I linked to originally outputted an anti-buddhabrot (which has a very different look).
@trichoplax Well I get only some gray noise. (Ant race) There is nothing even close to something structured.
How many steps do you let each point iterate before deciding whether to include it?
At the moment 10k times, for a 400 x 400 px image.
That should be enough...
(In the complex plane from -2-2i to 2+2i)
Do you plot the iterations for each point that escapes, or for each that doesn't?
anyone know what math software can solve small systems of simultaneous quadratic equations?
apart from mathematica
@Sp3000: Oh, by the way, before I go to bed, did you see my Minkolang answer for infinite FTW?
Yes, but I didn't really get it so I'll take a look again later
Alright, sounds good.
@trichoplax Do I understand correctly, that you just use the position of each pixel as starting point?
@flawr thanks! is it any good?
@Lembik It is quite a good CAS. Takes some getting used to as it does not have a real gui (like in drag-things-with-mouse-gui) but other than that it does quite a good job!
Of course it is not quite as mighty as Maple or Mathematica, but hey, it is opensource!
@flawr thanks.. I suppose in that case I just want to know if it is fast :)
I will check it out
@flawr [opens in new tab to check out later]
@flawr For a given pixel, you perform your 10k iterations, and see if it escapes to infinity (gets further than 2 from the origin). If not, you discard that point. If it does escape, then you plot every point it visited on the way to escaping.
Hm that is exactly what I did=( (...according to my brain, my code might say otherwise)
Does it definitely plot every point, not just the final point or initial point?
Does it increment each pixel in the path to escaping, or just plot them?
It will look very jumbly unless they are incremented to show brighter spots where more paths crossed a given pixel
At the moment it looks like most pixels get visited once at most.
Ah - there's a clue
Try using a finer grid for your starting points, rather than just one starting point per pixel
Different points in the same "pixel square" will have very different paths from each other due to the fine grained detail of the mandelbrot set
@trichoplax In fact, it generated the union of the Buddhabrot and the Anti-Buddhabrot ;)
@MartinBüttner I couldn't remember if the faded photograph one you included at the end was the anti-buddhabrot or the union. It's such a completely different structure from the buddhabrot
Ah - it does say in your answer that it's the union - I was only looking at the pictures... :)
Nobody has to read as long as the pictures are pretty.
@flawr Reading that one is quite useful though - I can see that the numbers you are using should still give a distinguishable image (Martin's answer says 1k by 1k starting points was enough, so your 400 by 400 should be vaguely recognisable).
So I wonder if the problem is elsewhere
To test your underlying Mandelbrot code you could just plot the very first point of each path rather than all the points in the path. That should give you an anti-Mandelbrot
If I only plot the very first point of the path, don't I just get a white image?
@flawr It'll be too faint to see, so you'll need to increment by say 255 instead of 1
One starting point per pixel, increment by 255 if it escapes after 10k steps, but only increment the starting point, not the other 10k
Oh, when viewing the image I just spread the whole range of values to the whole range of color intensities.
So it already adapts to the highest value?
That may be a problem if you get particularly high values - it could adjust the interesting bits downwards to the extent that they don't show up
I know Martin's had overflow, so adjusting downwards to avoid that would have faded the image considerably
I am doing it in matlab, where you do not really have to care about this, I also look at the values themselves, they were between 0 and 2 up to now.
So no pixel was hit more than twice even when including all 10k steps from each starting point?
Sounds like there's a deeper problem then. At least some of the pixels should be getting hundreds of hits
Are you programming in a language I will be able to read?
Matlab, yes I hope, let me include some comments=)
For each step, do you keep adding on the starting point, or do you add on the previous point in the path?
@flawr I haven't used Matlab in almost 15 years but I should be able to get a vague impression
Now I reduced it to 100 iterations just to check. And I have four times as many initial points as I have pixels.
@flawr From Martin's answer it sounds like even 1 initial point per pixel should be recognisable, just not as sharp.
Perhaps I need to start from scratch
From line 40 it looks as if you are keeping the points that don't escape, so you'll be plotting an anti-Buddhabrot
No wait - you have two accumulators - ignore me
But please, do not waste your time with my horrible code=)
Too late - I've been nerd sniped :)
I don't understand the use of round() here
Are you rounding the path points before the path is complete? This would lose the fine detail I think
You are right, thanks, what the hell am I doing there.
Thank you very much!
+1 for nerd sniped=)
@flawr I don't have Matlab to test it, but try initialising z to zero on line 23 rather than c - I think that may be the big problem
Actually that should only lose the first step of each path since zero squared plus c is c anyway. So there may be a problem elsewhere. Maybe it will be easier to tell once the paths are not being rounded
I corrected those issues and started a run now, let's see what I get when I come home=)
Thank you very much again!
@flawr You're welcome! I'm interested to see how it comes out this time
This is just as small test run for 400x400, just one starting pont per pixel
<3 @trichoplax <3
It really was my stupid rounding mistake..
That's already very recognisable - nice!
I recommend increasing the max iterations before increasing the number of starting points - it gives lots more fine detail that way
You can also take the logarithm of the final pixel values so that very high values don't drown out all the fainter detail
There are some other ideas here
@Agawa001 Do you still find the pristine program spec unclear?
@Calvin'sHobbies that was a bit late but i struggle to figure out a solution
I mean do you understand that the 1 and 2 length substring removal was only for that 3 char example?
@trichoplax the nebulabrot is really lovely... I'll have to implement that some day when I'm not trying to squeeze everything into 3*140 bytes ;)
Yes without the byte limit you could get lost in variations forever...
@MartinBüttner There's also the temptation to try a GPU implementation...
yep, definitely :)
@Calvin'sHobbies wud about now!
dont have enough foresight to hunt all the eventual (not compilation errors)
@Agawa001 you can remove :b without causing an error
(in Octave anyway, can't try Matlab right now)
Well i have Tried every Combination for all the Languages I know. No Pristine worlds are possible. Having to declare output ruins a Language. That's One Brutal Challenge.
@ThomasKwa I noticed you've been repeatedly editing character counts out of answers (which were listed in addition to byte counts). As the OP regularly rolls back those edits (i.e. they seem to want to keep that information), I was wondering if you think there's any harm in including the character count as well as you seem to insist on removing it?
@Agawa001 I can remove 1: in your latest edit
or :5
@MartinBüttner plz dont say something deadly
thats all i can go
well i try ismatrix() but couldnt replicate positive result in my console
may be my matlab is rusty
gonna have a relaxin cup of coffee and come back golfing this
that moment when you /w?r[ea]ck/ your head about why your code doesn't work for 20 minutes, and it turns out to be a missing +1.
that word is weird
@MartinBüttner me cant
edited the sandbox post to include a time limit.
I think it's pretty much ready now, but I'll leave it in there another day or two
@MartinBüttner which version of matlab do u use, :5 doesnt compile for me
do you mean removing :5 from your answer?
that's what I was talking about though
so it takes it as 0:5 ?
I don't understand
:5 = 0:5 ?
I'm saying bsxfun(@(a,b)arrayfun(@(x)a(x),prod(b,ismember(4,b))),'world',1) doesn't throw an error
your matlab is liar
4 isnt a member of 1
what result do you get when you run it?
Dimension argument must be a positive integer scalar within
indexing range.
0 is out of bounds
somehow Octave still evaluates prod(b,ismember(4,b)) as 1
I'll leave further testing to someone who has Matlab installed
i have a strong feeling that its still exposed to less characters taken off
ill see
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Christian IrwanCalculator for number illiterate. code-golfrestricted-sourcemath Your task is to make a calculator that is: Using infix operator. Have this operator + - * / % ^ & | ~ The operator is follows: + : Add number - : Subtract number * : Multiply / : Divide % : Modullo ^ : Power & : Bitwise and | ...

waaaah, i wasnt wrong
@MartinBüttner what does your compiler tell about it ?
i mean newest edit
b=1:5 doesn't throw an error
because b is declared previously
no, I mean if I remove ;char(prod(double('world'),ismember(4,b))) I get a valid program.
try to revive your matlab, then compile
ok ok
give CPR to matlab
im not greedy this is good enough for 12 hours effort
i mean score not votes
@MartinBüttner what abou this
removing o - > fine!
so this is it
thanks guys for your assistance
i appreciate
What has this been about?
A: Programming a Pristine World

Agawa001Matlab(66) bsxfun(@(a,b)arrayfun(@(x)a(x),prod(b,ismember(4,b))),'world',1:5) edit: Thanks to everyone for pointing my previous code's (not-errors) out .

Check out revision 2 lol
My browser is forever "processing request" for the chat
Mine does that on occasion, but I've never bothered to look into what it's processing.
I assume it's just trying to help me look for links posted to things I can downvote.
your browser promotes cruelty?
Only to llamas, but they deserve it.
Did a llama harrass you as a child? Did it spit on your face? kick you in your back ? :P
1) No 2) No 3) No. They're just all... llama-y.
It's not like I'm using Opera, which would constitute cruelty to myself.
Opera is Chrome's copy, you know?
I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean, but okay.
apart from some UI changes, its based off of chromium
Meh. Two things "based off" the same thing can be wildly different. Look at all the different linux distributions for example.
A Kindle Fire is "based on" Android, but they're terrible.
@trichoplax Still same crappy resolution.
so much white padding
@flawr Looking better in terms of detail - so once you run it at higher resolution it should give good results
A: Programming a Pristine World

TimmyDPowerShell, 75 Bytes if(($a=(gc $PSCommandPath).Length)-ne75){exit 1}"world";if($a-ne75){exit 1} Checks itself before it wrecks itself ... twice. The alias gc is short for Get-Content and is similar-ish to a cat reading a file (in this case, our execution path $PSCommandPath). We get the .Len...

Looking at the Buddhabrot shows up my misunderstanding of the Mandelbrot set. I used to think that the bands of different colour in the Mandelbrot exterior (corresponding to the number of steps required to escape) were like stepping stones, and that an escaping orbit would visit them in order on its way to infinity. But the Buddhabrot shows that many of the escaping orbits first travel into the interior of the Mandelbrot set, which I'd always thought of as somewhere they couldn't escape from.
@TimmyD I don't know PowerShell. I'm guessing {exit} without a number after it would cause an error?
Hello it's me again, learning Cjam. I'm trying to do the fizz buzz program. What's the syntax for if statements? Thanks. If it's anything like while then I think it's {condition}{statement}? But I'm on my phone so I can't really check efficiently. Thanks.
@trichoplax Dagnabit.
@TimmyD Sorry... :)
Don't be - this is a tricky challenge.
I can see from the number of answers with downvotes...
I think the fix buzz is this:
Wow. 11 deleted answers...
I looked around a bit and couldn't find anything, but I figured I'd ask the regulars. Has there been a challenge to do the fibonacci sequence with an arbitrary number of numbers? Basically, instead of Fn-1+Fn-2, it would be F(n-1)..F(n-x).
Would that be for a fixed x or an x dependent on n?
I don't remember that, but I'm not sure what would be different about coding it in most languages.
My thought was to have x be input.
As long as you also input x initial terms it should be fine. I still see it as basically a dupe, though.
Well, in Python, for example, the standard way to do fibonacci is something like:
def F():
    a,b = 0,1
    yield a
    yield b
    while True:
        a, b = b, a + b
        yield b
Right, I meant the recursive methods mainly.
But it's not something that's easily adaptable to an arbitrary number of values.
@MorganThrapp "Easily adaptable" might depend on the type of challenge. Is this going to be golf?
@trichoplax Yeah.
Just change the base case to if(n<input.length) or similar I'd think.
@Geobits But not the golfiest way. Imagine a fibonacci answer that just appends the sum of the last two items in a list to the list to generate the sequence. In your version someone might only have to replace a 2 with an x.
Unless I'm misunderstanding, that's pretty much what I'm saying. It's too similar (as presented so far).
Yeah, I guess it's not that much different.
@TimmyD My comment still applies: can't you shorten this to if(($a=(gc $PSCommandPath).Length)-e67){a!}
So I see.
@MorganThrapp As a generator, I think this works:
def F(n):
    while 1:
        yield a
(you could adapt it for different initial conditions)
This just starts with n-1 zeroes and a one
@MartinBüttner I wasn't aware that OP rolled them back @ןnɟuɐɯɹɐןoɯ; I'll stop editing those now.
I thought it was misleading to have the char count in the heading with the byte count, since we score by bytes. (I like to upvote short answers, and it's a little bit harder to tell which answer is shortest when there's no scoreboard snippet and there's a char count to ignore.)
I just altered the iteration to z -> z^4+c
but now it became a regular triangular shape
Illuminati are everywhere!
To all the non English programmers. Is it common to use Accents in Variable names? eg: é
var ಠ_ಠ = "No"
It seems like a bad practice. but that might just be my English ignorance
@JimmyJazzx ಠ_ಠ
Ok good, time to yell at someone about naming a sever with 3 é in it...
@MartinBüttner Actually, no you can't, since -e isn't a valid operator. I'm pretty sure my revision is safe.
@JimmyJazzx It's fine in an esolang. Otherwise no...

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