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although in reality the whole idea of dynamic typing is a disaster
it's essentially impossible to write python code of any size in a team
A: A flat guessing game

NBZAPL, 77 73 - 210 = -137 {P←?⍺ {P←1+⍺|¯1+P+(?D)⌽D↑⍵ׯ1 1[?2] C+←1 P≢G←⎕:0⊣⎕←0.5*⍨+/2*⍨P-G C}⍣≢C←0} Ok.

Dennis is almost outgolfed!
(I am aware one or two people seemed to have managed it..some people can do anything :) )
@Lembik Guido has masters in math and cs
@Lembik Blender was written in Python. o_o
Guido van Rossum (born 31 January 1956) is a Dutch computer programmer who is best known as the author of the Python programming language. In the Python community, Van Rossum is known as a "Benevolent Dictator For Life" (BDFL), meaning that he continues to oversee the Python development process, making decisions where necessary. He was employed by Google from 2005 until 7 December 2012, where he spent half his time developing the Python language. In January 2013, Van Rossum started working for Dropbox. == BiographyEdit == Van Rossum was born and grew up in the Netherlands, where he receiv...
@El'endiaStarman I would be really interested to hear how they did it. Because preventing simple typos in a large project when you have dynamic types is a serious pain
Compare: 9 9 ... One has a strikethrough, the other doesn't.
@Mego do you know where from?
@Lembik Click the link and you will be enlightened
@Lembik [shrug] I dunno how they did it.
@El'endiaStarman I personally know start up firms that started in python but gave up when they had 4 people working on the same code base and couldn't bear finding the coding bugs
they switched to scala I think
@Mego thanks
Use meaningful names!
@El'endiaStarman that's not the problem! The problem is that you declare it again later and the system doesn't tell you, for example
@Lembik Use more namespaces
there is a reason type checking was invented :)
import this
not just to annoy us
Y'know, I really like dynamic typing because I don't have to specify what type every single variable is.
I wonder if blender do that
@El'endiaStarman right.. it's really nice for small individual projects
but doesn't scale
I only code in python because it's eaaaaasy.... but the code is just for me
I really like dynamic typing because sometimes I want something to act like a string and an int, and I don't want to have to create a new class that derives from both.
At that point, yeah, you're better off using modules (Mego's namespaces).
Modules, functions, and classes
@El'endiaStarman Actually they're Tim Peters's namespaces
Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!
but you can see the problem.. one coder uses a variables as an int and another as a float
and no error occurs
I typically shy away from using the same variable name inside and outside of functions because that just makes it more confusing.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck
how was that relevant ? :)
If you receive something that walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, you should not be surprised when it acts like a duck
@Lembik Communication and if type(var) == <type>... :P
@Lembik Python's dynamic typing is referred to as "duck typing"
for me static typing is a discipline that is annoying and is necessary for anything serious that needs to be done professionaly
@Mego ah yes :)
I worked for a year in a company that used AlphaBASIC for legacy code
AlphaBASIC has only global variables
180 message ;-;
I never like to do anything professionally so I use python
@Mego so you are used to it :)
@Mego Oh gosh.
AlphaBASIC has static typing, but only for dynamically-created variables
For static variables, there is no strict typing
Stuff is either a string or a numeric, and good luck figuring out which
By the way, @Lembik, Blitz 2D/3D is worse. Every variable is assumed to be an integer unless you say otherwise.
(oh, and you can assign a string to a numeric and be just fine)
@El'endiaStarman :)
So many times I've been frustrated only to find out that what I wanted to be a string "" was 0 instead...
I recommend reading through that if you want to see a poorly-designed language
Better safe than sorry...
@Mego I find it interesting that the multi-hole golf question you linked as an example of a non-dupe actually has you arguing that it is just a multi-dupe...
@TimmyD I did argue that, but the consensus clearly was that it wasn't
Oh, duck. Duck duckity duck.
@Mego But the reason that it wasn't, was because of the additional restriction on re-using characters. I don't see a similar restriction in your proposed challenge.
@TimmyD You mean other than the restriction that the same language must be used for all 9?
bye may be back later
Side note: I just realized that I'm 50 rep from 1000. :D
What did I miss?
I see some Perl bashing
Why does everyone here hate Perl so much
@Mego Right, because answers from the other questions are already competitive in your question, with little modification. Without knowing X language, I could take those three answers and be 1/3rd done with your challenge, which seems not-so-good.
I have no opinion on the matter.
Removed it just when I was about to read it
Oct 28 at 16:15, by Dennis
@AlexA. That's not valid Perl. This is:
Guess I'll never know
@TimmyD Oh I see.
I suddenly got, like 35 rep. o-o Who spam voted me?
@VoteToClose halp I'm drowning in pings
@TimmyD I will probably change the anagram one, at least. I was tired and running out of ideas when I got that far, and have some better ones now.
@Doorknob What?
I see Dennis appreciates well-written Perl
That makes me feel better. You aren't all Perl haters.
@Doorknob I have no idea what you're talking about.
@Doorknob At all.
@VoteToClose the message that was a reply to, and the several after
also ಠ_ಠ
Sorry. @Doorknob
Quartata wants his extremely starred "I'm an idiot" post on the star list.
Yeah @Doorknob, VTC is sorry
So how many pings @Doorknob? ;)
@VoteToClose so why doesn't he edit it?
@Doorknob He wanted you to do it.
@BetaDecay if you don't stop I'll make your account live up to the second part of its username :P
I think.
@Doorknob shriek
@Doorknob I thought mods weren't allowed to threaten
@Doorknob But @AlexA. threatens me too...
I see 9 pings onscreen, and I'm on mobile O.o
@Doorknob 11
@Doorknob 12
If we do too much, it'll end up off screen for @Doorknob.
@Doorknob No stop, he only has 1 arm and 1 leg left! Have some mercy!
@Mego 'tis but a scratch
"I'm invincible!"
I find it surprising that Monty Python is popular in America
Hey guys
@BetaDecay Surprising? Why?
@El'endiaStarman I dunno.. It seems like it's very dry British humour
(For what it's worth, I seem to be one of the few that doesn't like it.)
Generating a BigRational that reasonably approximates the square root of another BigRational- any suggested approaches?
@SuperJedi224 Babylonian method?
Or do bisection with a tolerance
Approximation via taylor polynomials?
> Or do a c-section with no tolerance.
I always read things weird.
> how about a dissection
> The Taylor series of √(1 + x) about x = 0 converges for |x| ≤ 1
But you can develop the taylor series at any other point.
I would not recommend Taylor series approximation for the square root function
√1 + x = 1 + x doesn't it?
@BetaDecay sqrt(1+x)
Oh, you've changed it :P
Which results in an accordingly greater or lesser convergence radius
@Mego Why not?
> Or do a dissection with no form of blade tolerance.
@flawr Because there are far better methods
Eh. Doesn't sound right.
@Mego Nobody said anything about the quality of the methods=)
@SuperJedi224 Continued fractions.
With the Taylor series, the larger your n, the further away it is from the nearest perfect square, so it's more likely to be outside of the radius of convergence
And since d/dx sqrt(x) is a function of sqrt(x), you need your point to be a perfect square
@BrainSteel Once upon a time that would have been a safe assumption. ;)
But if the argument gets greater, the approximation is converging faster as the derivatives become smaller.
@quartata No clue. The challenge got a few downvotes after the OP suddenly changed its rules, but those changes were reverted and at least I removed my downvote. The OP even suggested some edits to re-revise the scoring of the answers.
Let's agree that we will not use an approximation via trigonometric polynomials=)
It was a well received challenge.
@SuperJedi224 Again regarding continued fractions: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/…
+18 upvotes total.
@SuperJedi224 I also recommend reading the corresponding chapter in An introdcution to the theory of numbers by Hardy and Wright.
@VoteToClose Overall, yes. Maybe it's easier to take 3 downvotes personal than 18 upvotes...
shrug My first challenge attempt got 5 down votes. Mainly because I didn't know how to use the site.
@SuperJedi224 The important part starts about at p137 archive.org/stream/…
@VoteToClose Was this the first SE site you participated in?
...well, it's where I got the site bonus from.
@VoteToClose Why did your rep fall so much shortly after? 0.o
I put up a bounty like an idiot. :D
I was wondering that too.
ahh, lolz
Aaand there's the reverse. :P
Mine looks very different.
I still wonder why we cannot exchange rep to money.
@flawr Do you want to destroy the system?
I mean, there ust be a reason why it is called StockExchange?
This is my entire rep history.
@VoteToClose Oct 30...I have great pity for you.
I actually mortarboarded - I was downvoted post-mortarboard.
Life is good
haha, nice
There we go.
@flawr ...I'm honestly not sure if you're making a joke or not.
I've gotten Nice Question on all 3 of my questions :D
I mean, I'd even accept a 1$ = 1rep exchange rate.
Or how about 1rep = 1bitcoin?
@flawr I would accept the hell out of that
Man Dennis would be ballin
@flawr More so for this.
Hm I think I should be more active on stockoverflow then.
@Mego Same. :D
The "etc" is what I'm worried about. — Peter Taylor 19 mins ago
@PeterTaylor What about if I limited it to Windows, Linux and OSX?
@BetaDecay I'd say limit it to just a Linux executable
That way there's consistency in the outputs
And since Linux is free and easy to run in a VM, "I don't run that" isn't a valid excuse
Oh okay
@SuperJedi224 Thanks, m8. :D
Okay, I'm back.
Hi back
@VoteToClose What exactly are you thanking me for?
@Mego Ah, you must have children. :P
Fixing my post. :D
@El'endiaStarman Only cats
@trichoplax and @MartinBüttner have been appointed as protem mods on Computer Graphics, congrats!
Wow, congrats @trichoplax and @MartinBüttner!
Congrats noobs
Heh. Has anyone seen where I marked my location?
@VoteToClose ???
In the profile thingydooda.
> thingydooda
I really need a new axe, but I left my entire supply of iron and cobble back at the house and I'd rather not bother with a wooden one.
@SuperJedi224 Where are you that you can't just mine some rock? :P
In the middle of a desert
@El'endiaStarman He might not have a pick
Dig straight down
In a 1x1.
@Mego No.
Go towards the sound of bubbles - they're friendly. :D
@Mego Yes.
I guess I'm heading back anyway, I just met a villager priest and I have some rotten flesh to sell him. At home.
Just wait around for a zombie
Wait, what does protem mean? @Doorknob
What are pansies?
@BetaDecay pro tempore
@SuperJedi224 What does that mean?
@BetaDecay ^^^
Roughly, "for the time being"
@flawr It's typically used as a derogatory word, like scaredy-cat, but I'm making fun of it for my purposes.
Appointed by StackExchange temporarily.
Until elections.
It means temporary. Moderators are elected during beta pro tempore, and then real elections happen after graduation.
why is everyone fast
@Doorknob You've been a protem mod for ages though
Haven't you?
@BetaDecay It means "temporary" as in "not forever."
@El'endiaStarman *StockExchange FTFY
Elected mods never get un-elected (unless they step down or SE has to fire them, which is extremely rare)
Protem mods lose their diamonds at the end of the beta period
> Why is everyone on speed 1m ago Doorknob
Ahh that makes sense
@Doorknob Most get them back in the election.
How about the contra-tempore mods?
Alright. I'm going to bed now.
I just found a really deep hole in the middle of the desert.
It's only 4:30ish!
(I kid, I know it's nighttime wherever you are.)
@SuperJedi224 Where the f*** are you?
Playing minecraft.
Also, EST.
> the middle of the desert
Hotel California
Such a lovely place.
Darn creepers.
^ always and forever
I don't get what's going on.
gathers 255 rotten flesh from a chest
I wonder how many of these I'll actually be able to sell
@flawr Minecraft.
Hi, @quartata
Creepers go boom, you get rotten flesh from zombies (and can sell them), and the world is a very, very large flat world with a variety of biomes, including deserts.
@Doorknob Because it wouldn't be polite and I don't want to get banned
hey @quartata, /dev/null/nethack has started :P
Maybe if it wasn't my message
@Doorknob Yeah I know
@quartata go ahead
I haven't been keeping up with it really
Who even made weshouldblamedoorknob.tk anyways
To whoever made it: Yes yes I would read the source code. I'm doing fine.
Just found a desert temple burried in the sand.
@quartata But why would you read the source code?
@ಠ_ಠ Because I was interesting in seeing how it was done.
I forgot <marquee> was a thing
@ಠ_ಠ Why wouldn't he? ಠ_ಠ
@quartata Same. :P
I was a little confused to see no Javascript, then I noticed the <marquee>s.
I'm surprised it's not wrapped in <blink> tags too
Haha, marquee was about the first thing I discoverd when getting into HTML.
It's a good beginner thing.
......that's about all it's good for.
@Doorknob Blink tags do not work anymore in most browsers.
@El'endiaStarman no it's not ಠ_ಠ
In contrast to marquee.
@ಠ_ಠ this is very fortunate
@ಠ_ಠ (this is not)
I have my suspicions as to who made this
@quartata DO YOU?
Their name begins with ಠ and ends with _ಠ
@Doorknob Thank you (cc @El'endiaStarman @SuperJedi224) :)
Hm you mean ಠAlexA._ ಠ ?
Oh and their name is 3 characters long.
@quartata I know who: _ಠಠ
@quartata /me invents encoding that contains the characters ಠAl, exA, and ._ಠ
...in UTF-16!
Ok, I'll call my encoding UTF-16!
completely separate from UTF-16
And UTF-8 for that matter. Chars not bytes.
Now you have to make two character encodings.
Surprisingly, he was willing to buy nearly my entire supply.
Only gave me 7 emeralds though.
UTF-16 factorial
That would explain how there are so many characters.
I just sold 200+ rotten flesh to a villager cleric.
@feersum UTF-20922789888000
@Doorknob UTF-ಠ_ಠ
That would be useful to have.
Hmm, then I should start working.
To apply to someone who writes a code-golf question scored in characters.
ಠ_ಠ can be encoded in 1 byte.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ too
You know I always wanted to have colours encoded in UTF-ಠ_ಠ
@Doorknob yass
As well as animations.
goes super-El'endia
Basically each character will be a mini-movie
No more need for gifs.
@El'endiaStarman The problem with that is that I'm currently playing my local survival save
(I'm making a reference to Sonic the Hedgehog.)
Why is it that the closest village to actually have a priest is so darn far from my house?
You chose...poorly.
Choosers can't be beggars.

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