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 Code Golfer's Corner

Discussion specific to golfing code. For general PPCG chatter ...
@xnor ^
Well, if you want something that's on topic, I got a CJam question for @Dennis, or anybody else who has insight: Why can't I do a find for a string in an array of strings? For example: ["A" "B" "C"] "B" #
@AlexA. thanks
would it be hard to have questions on main posted there too?
Weeks of work.
@RetoKoradi You need "B"a #. With two iterables, it searches for sub-arrays, not occurrences.
@xnor It's unlikely that the majority of golfing discussions will take place outside of here.
i guess, network effects are hard
And I wouldn't want to discourage people from asking questions like that in here either.
It's just likely that they'll be mixed between the two rooms.
@Dennis Yes, that works. For some reason I thought it could directly find an array in an array of arrays. But that doesn't work either, I must be mixing it up with a different operator.
e= works like that.
Is e# a comment in CJam?
Does Pyth have comments?
Sort of. You can prefix a string by a space to prevent auto-printing.
Hm. Okay.
Good night, everybody!
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

VɪʜᴀɴGif - Jif, Jif - Gif The point of this challenge is to (not) settle debate on the pronunciation of "gif" The pronunciation of gif is debated and while it's supposed to be (and should be) pronounced jif, it's still commonly disputed. In this challenge you will be given a set of words that hav...

@RetoKoradi I have a big problem... I can no longer say GIF with a hard G. I say it "jif".... I can't go back. I've gone off the deep end.
@Justin >:[
It's like "GIFT" without the "T."
@Justin Well, I don't see a problem. :)
The problem is that I get people correcting me
Because you're saying it wrong.
(Although I know I'm saying it how the inventor would like it)
He's wrong.
But if it's "jif", then I associate peanut butter with the images!
Which you shouldn't do because Jif peanut butter is crap.
Hmm, I thought pretty much everybody said jif. Well, since the format is rarely used anymore, you don't really hear it much anymore.
@AlexA. Who cares. The name reminds me of peanut butter that is not crap (aka not Jif). Skippy for example
oh boy, don't start the peanut butter topic again!
Hey, I like JIF peanut butter. And Skippy. Any smooth peanut butter.
@RetoKoradi I hear it all the time because my girlfriend loves animated GIFs.
@El'endiaStarman Don't worry. I just said that to appease Alex
@Justin Skippy is crap. You've been living a lie.
@RetoKoradi "rarely used"? Have you seen Imgur? :P
@RetoKoradi Too late.
@AlexA. Have you ever placed a spoonful of Skippy peanut butter in your mouth?
Maybe at some point.
It's wonderful
Why would you eat that much peanut butter directly!?
I like to just eat peanut butter sometimes.
@El'endiaStarman I haven't really encountered a gif in a long time. These days it's mostly PNG or JPEG.
It's tasty.
@RetoKoradi I thought JPGs had all but died out.
@El'endiaStarman Because it tastes good. I don't do it much because it's a lot, but my dad does it all the time (well, he would if my mom didn't keep getting irritated at him for doing so)
Ever tried it sandwiched between two crackers?
@El'endiaStarman What kind of cracker?
^ best peanut butter
@AlexA. What? Most images on web pages are JPEG, aren't they?
@Justin Doesn't really matter. I use Ritz crackers mostly though.
Organic PB probably tastes better
@El'endiaStarman Yes, Ritz works well. I don't think saltines would, though.
@Justin Organic probably wouldn't make much of a difference I would think.
Fine, but it would make me feel better
I think it's mostly what's in it (I prefer peanuts and peanuts only) and whether and how the peanuts are roasted.
Jif, Skippy, et al. have corn syrup and other non-peanut things in them.
And emulsifiers so that you don't have to stir them.
Anyone have halloween costume ideas?
A jar of chunky peanut butter. So chunky it's scary.
^ My costume
(This has been my costume for the previous two years as well, but I'm going to upgrade it this time)
I'll be "airline passenger". Will be on a plane on Halloween. Not really into it anyway.
@Justin I assume π(t, ...) is a differentiable function?
@AlexA. You are thinking too hard.
That is rarely true.
If anything I'm typically guilty of the opposite.
π is a constant, so it's 0?
This pun is meant to be really cheesy.
d/dt is the "rate of change"
@DLosc π isn't always a constant. In statistics it's occasionally used to denote probabilities of functions of probabilities.
I'll be the "rate of change of pi"
Shiver me timbers.
Assuming π = 3.141... then you'll be 0 for Halloween?
As in, "nothing"?
Someone seems to have gotten it
Lol--didn't know we were on Puzzling.SE
OH! I did not get that.
Only one person has ever gotten this at first sight
I have a feeling that will continue to be the case.
I'm going to add 2 8s on my shoulder this year
I continue to not understand.
(waits for someone to get it)
@Justin Pirate
Nothing to see here...
@AlexA. 2 8s would be a pair of eights
@Justin You can only hope that the people at the party are smarter than us!
@feersum Yes.
Wait, really?
I wasn't trying to be right.
It's meant to be a terrible pun.
Really terrible pun
"pair eight" = "parrot"
If you're going for math jokes, "pair eight" should be "Pareto."
@AlexA. This I don't get
I think two 0s would be closer. Pair aughts.
We don't even say "naught" here.
So that doesn't work very well.
I'm open for better pirate puns to add this year
The Pareto distribution, named after the Italian civil engineer, economist, and sociologist Vilfredo Pareto, is a power law probability distribution that is used in description of social, scientific, geophysical, actuarial, and many other types of observable phenomena. == DefinitionEdit == If X is a random variable with a Pareto (Type I) distribution, then the probability that X is greater than some number x, i.e. the survival function (also called tail function), is given by where xm is the (necessarily positive) minimum possible value of X, and α is a positive parameter. The Pareto Typ...
Maybe I cut out 8s from paper and tear them up in front of people?
You could have two d[pi]/dt. Since they are equal to 0, it would be pair aughts.
Just show up at a party you weren't invited to, stand in the middle of the room, and scream continuously as loud as you can until you pass out.
@feersum Unfortunately, while making the shirt in the first place, I nearly got high on sharpie marker. Don't want to do that again.
@feersum ????
What does "880" mean? Is it an emoticon?
Haha okay I thought you were responding to the fact that I nearly got high on sharpie marker while making the shirt.
Maybe I should add an ℝ?
I thought that too so I was trying to make a connection between 880 and 420.
I like how I can type like eixplicit specilaization in nonnamespcae scope in Google and it still works.
Why would you type that?
@AlexA. What is 420?
Because I want to search for explicit specialization in non-namespace scope
@feersum I figured as much. But then you should have typed that instead of what you did type. :P
That's unnecessary extra work.
Within a couple years we'll have brain implants that do Google searches based on our thought patterns without having to type anything.
Typing is unnecessary extra work.
I could do something like "M8-T" for "matey". Anyone have any ideas for "Ahoy"?
Some of those chocolate chip cookies?
I like it... but now that I think about it, this deviates somewhat from the math-center.... I'm going to need to think about this.
Is there some concept of "patch" in math?
Uhhhhhh not that I know of.
At least not by that name.
mathworld.wolfram.com/Patch.html but it's too unknown outside of math
I avoided the upper level real analysis series like the plague. At the University of Washington, they're joint courses between the undergraduate and graduate programs. That was rough.
I did not want to take the other two in the three-course series.
I assume that I would have come across patches in one of those.
I'll just use an eyepatch with "sqrt(-1)" on it
@AlexA. Yes. But with the overbar
That would make more sense to a larger group of people.
Maybe someone else would get it this time
i get it
Good night!
0 4 2
8 7 6
3 1 5

1 5 7
6 3 0
2 4 8

4 8 3
0 2 1
7 5 6

5 6 2
1 7 4
3 8 0

8 0 7
4 3 5
2 6 1

6 1 3
5 2 8
7 0 4

0 4 2
8 7 6
3 1 5
@feersum, this is a cycle of 6 sturdy squares where the transition between them is the same. There are 192 of these 6-square cycles, I believe.
what's the operation
Uh...(0 6 8 5 4 1)(2 3 7).
It's the anti-diagonal and a Star of David. :P
Alright, bed time for me!
5x5 program I started last night is still running. :(
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Beta DecayDraw the "Cool S" popularity-contest ascii-art graphical-output Introduction We all know the cool S: billions of schoolchildren around the world, ranging from the US to the UK to France to Malaysia, drew this S and immediately felt proud of themselves. In case you've forgotten or had a complet...

Q: Horizontal scroll bar on code tags overlaps the last line

Tejas KaleI noticed that on Google Chrome 46.0.2490.71 on Win 7x64 the last line in a code block overlaps the horizontal scroll bar. For eg(From the time travel question): from datetime import* o=0 while 1:n=datetime.now();o=o or n;print"%s;%s: %s? You mean we're in the future?"%(o,n,n.year)if(n-o).days>...

@Doorknob where else could it possibly be? :)
if you want to copy it to somewhere else, go ahead
Q: Date notation muddle

OraceI set my camera date when I receive it. As an European, I put it this way: dd/mm/yy But the camera use US notation: mm/dd/yy Then I filmed something, I don't know when. I need a program that, from the date show on the film: aa/bb/yy (US notation) lists all the possible date of when the film w...

I still don't understand this question ^
If I set the date last year some time, it could be out by a number of days, in several different ways (since I didn't make a note of the date that I incorrectly entered).
The simplest solution would be to go through each possible date that could have been the day I set the date incorrectly, and see if it is possible to enter the US date in UK format. If so, work out what the input date would correspond to had that incorrect date been entered. Then list all the results
@El'endiaStarman That row swapping and flipping thing is not a legit transformation. I think you found a flukey square.
10  8  5 23 20
13 15 18  0  3
12  6  7 21 22
11 17 16  2  1
14  4  9 19 24

 4 14  5 23 20
17 11 18  0  3
 6 12  7 21 22
15 13 16  2  1
 8 10  9 19 24
@trichoplax Mm. Was that clear from the original question? I feel like a bit of a prat :P
@BetaDecay I don't find it especially clear even now...
I still can't decide whether I agree with it being a duplicate. It seems like maybe a subset of the tasks required for the previous question, but actually a fair bit simpler
This is the same issue we had with the standard deviation question
@BetaDecay I love the Halloween avatar by the way
Thanks :D
I like the red on black turtle too ;)
@BetaDecay Thanks! I got lucky with mine - just inverting the colours made it red
Q: Alternative winning criterion bounties

Sp3000The reason for this post is due to the binary decimal representation challenge, where @primo is, as of writing, awarding a bounty for the fastest solution to a code-golf question. In response to this, I'd like to raise a few questions: Is it acceptable to start a bounty for a question with an ...

@trichoplax Haha I wouldn't have guessed that green was on the other side to red
@BetaDecay Nor me - it was the cyan side of green and I expected a more orangey inverse
Hehe pumpkin turtle
I wonder about the Internet sometimes :D
I was thinking the same thing yesterday when Dalek bicycles led to an image being posted.
Haha exactly
So what's the weather like down in...
@BetaDecay A wild @trichoplax appeared
Was that a pause while performing a search for my location, or while accessing your own brain's memory...?
Currently the weather in Bristol is like this
@trichoplax Both :D
Wait, no, my brain
Hmm thick cloud
Sounds grim
@Optimizer How's the weather in Peru?
@BetaDecay i have no idea
I thought Peru was where all llamas lived
I already migrated for the season
Ooh nice. Where are you now?
the lland
Q: Is newbie allowed to write program in golf language?

Christian IrwanI'm afraid that language like CJam is reserved for a pro golfer. I think about it because that impression that answer in language like CJam just need to be accepted. Sorry, but I may not respond immediately because of timezone.

> We first brought llamas to our farm in order to help control our scrub areas and to protect our sheep from foxes.
How does a llama protect sheep?
^^ I hope we didn't overwhelm Christian with 3 answers in 4 minutes
@NewMetaPosts Three answers in 15 minutes. This would hit Meta HNQ if it existed...
@Sp3000 At least they were 3 positive answers...
Both of your answers must've been posted within seconds of each other
7 seconds :)
Woah haha that's amazing
If you hover over the "8 minutes ago" you can see the exact time of posting
I'm on mobile :P
@AlexA. who cares >.>
@AlexA. giant gestating geriatric gypsum giraffes gyrating gently in Germany
@Doorknob That's no way to sustain a meaningless debate...
oh, right. If your opinion is different than mine then your opinion is wrong!
better? :P
Perfect :)
@Doorknob Or if you're Alex, in which case you're wrriognhgt
@Mego Has anyone put that in a tag yet...?
@trichoplax See starboard
@Mego Ah yes - had to zoom out to see it - I'm on a tiny screen
Woah, who's the ghost?
@BetaDecay Hover - oh wait you're on mobile...
@trichoplax you can still tap the avatar image on mobile to see who it is
Or Vɪʜᴀɴ, rather
I propose an alternate solution to the gif-vs-jif debate: We pronounce it a third way, entirely unlike the previous two, peanutbutter
@Mego Chunky or smooth??
> Steve Wilhite, the inventor of the widely used Web illustration, declared it should be pronounced “jif,” like the brand of peanut butter, rather than with a hard G sound
@trichoplax Yes
@Doorknob Yeah, I'm just lazy :D
Or, even better, we just stop using the GIF format altogether
@BetaDecay if you were lazy, you wouldn't bother typing out that whole message and you would just click the avatar :P
HTML5 video ftw
@Doorknob I'm an inefficient lazy person ;)
So in the US, jif is peanut butter, and in the UK, jif is bathroom cleaner
... I was not aware of this.
Neither was I
@trichoplax And on the internet, GIF is that which needs to be cleaned by jif
It was renamed cif in the UK, presumably following horrific confusion
@BetaDecay Yes that's even worse - for a while in the UK both the lemon juice and the lemon scented bathroom cleaner were called jif
@trichoplax "tut-tut we can't be having our cleaning products named the same as an animated image format"
So that's why no one like lemon juice in the UK
@Mego I think that's probably the least opportunity for dangerous confusion :)
this whole debate gives me the jiffies
cleaning cloths??
hmm, apparently it's a rarely-used idiom
either that, or I'm not spelling it right :p
I'm more familiar with "in a jiffy" as a measurement of time
1 hour later…
1 jiffy later...
1 giffy later...
1 peanutbutter later
1 smooth peanut butter later...
1 HTML5 video later...
1 just kidding I won't mess it up (but still, good morning room!) later...
1 Hello Rainbolt later...
1 joke that's getting old later...
So, opinions:
Q: Create a T9 keyboard

MohsenThis question asks for a T9 dictionary matching functionality which is a very interesting problem. But T9 has another way of typing and that is typing character-by-character. You would NOT need a dictionary to implement this keyboard. Here is key-map of a T9 keyboard if you forgot: +-------+--...

This challenge was created nearly a year ago, with very poor specs, and was quickly closed
Would anyone object to me redoing it with clearer specs?
Closed questions don't exist. Go for it.
For the record, I wouldn't say it was "quickly closed", since it was up for around two days. It doesn't look that bad, except for the non-bonus bonuses.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ForemanBob"The" Gaidhlig Challenge The Gaidhlig language has some non-trivial rules when it comes to putting "the" in front of a word. You're challenge is to create a program that takes two inputs, the first input is a string of text, a real word or made up that we can pretend is a noun. The second input...

If by "redo" you mean edit this one, go for it for sure (just try not to invalidate answers). If by redo you mean write another challenge with the same task, it's probably not a great idea (IMO).
1 attempt to redo a closed question later...
@Geobits So I'd be better off editing it than reposting it?
If the old task was clear, then it shouldn't be closed
The old task isn't clear, so I say you should repost if you want to
I honestly don't know what's that unclear about the old one, except the ugly bonus junk. It's clear enough to me that you need to translate T9 keypresses into text, and it gives the method for doing so.
The only comments about clarity are concerning the bonuses.
the thing was that the OP was going on and asking each answer to implement the bonuses too
as if they are part of the spec and not bonus
Hold on a minute, this can easily be fixed.
i think it should be a new question when the OP is clearly against what is called fixed
This would hardly be the first time a question was "appropriated" because it wasn't done right ;)
Ok, I've edited it. Feel free to roll it back if you honestly think that would improve it.
I still think it could be cleaner
I'll edit it to match what I typed up
I think we all knew back then also what would improve the question. The point was that OP declined to respond properly.
@muddyfish Forgot to say this, but thanks for the nice puzzle :) I didn't know you could screw with function code like that, so I learnt a lot
I thought the whole (or major) point of SE was that it doesn't have to be the OP who fixes things... if you all knew what would fix it, then why not fix it?
Because the question is a year old, and a lot of users sort by new questions
Myself included, back when I used to golf. I hate being late to a golf challenge
@Sp3000 you screwed with functions?
// Test driver for the screw() function
public static void screwDriver(){ screw("you"); screw("it"); screw("over"); }
flag alert, cursing
curses.h: No such file or directory
Did you mean: cursing.h ?
oh, are you playing clippy now?
Meh, he edited it.
I had to Google clippy. Bad memories.
I went to great lengths to turn that guy off, only to get in trouble in my high school class for messing with the settings
Clippy was terrible, but he was still better than Bonzi Buddy.
Who teaches a class in computer technology and gets angry when you mess with the settings in Word :-/
@Rainbolt The same type of person who suspends you for writing a prank BASIC script >_>
@Rainbolt @Optimizer @Geobits What's the consensus? Edit or repost? I'm leaning repost, since clarification of the rules (by incorporating the "bonuses" into the requirements) invalidates those answers that didn't go for the "bonuses" - notable Optimizer's answer
The consensus might be that there's no consensus.
The same teacher had us play RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 for a grade. I brought a save file from home on a thumb drive and got a 100
@Rainbolt Wow. Just... wow.
@Geobits In that case I'm just gonna go ahead and post
He also has us play some bridge maker game for a grade. You built a bridge and then sent a load across
Each piece of metal had a maximum length
However, I found out that you could stretch it after you laid it if it was connected to another piece
So I laid two pieces, stretched the first one all the way across, then deleted the second piece.
Infinite load bearing
Nice :)
My grade was some combination of load bearing and cost. I got a 100 but I should have made infinite
@Geobits fact of ppcg
Converges on 100 as load goes to infinity? :P
I'll ask forgiveness if there's an issue :P
Anything with "might be" might be a fact
@Mego I've been trying to find meta posts about similar issues, but none of them seem close enough to this situation. The "edit or repost" thing doesn't normally take a year to come up.
So do what you do, and we'll see what happens, right? :)
@Geobits Tbh I only noticed it because it popped up in active from Optimizer editing his answer
Yep, no harm in trying
I should write a Prolog-based solution to the Alex question
The Alex question is inherently flawed, so I won't be submitting any answer.
The only answer that passes all test cases is in the comments.
First I should remember how to use Prolog, since I haven't used it since a class 2 years ago
Q: Cell Phone Keyboard Typing

MegoCell Phone Keyboard Typing This question was asked a while back, but was closed due to poor specs. So, I'm redoing it, with better specs. This question is related, but goes in the opposite direction. Before T9 came around, in order to type a character in a text bessage, you had to press one of ...

So if Alex told me I was correct in reposting that question, I should delete it and edit the original?
^ Yes
We need a new tag
Let's see what kind of logical conundrums we can get into when they agree on something
Alex is true.
Martin is true.
Alex is wrong, so false.
Martin is right, so true.
False and true is false.
Problem solved.
Not quite
My logic is impeccable.
Alex says A is true.
Martin says A is true.
Alex is wrong, so A is false.
Martin is right, so A is true.
...True. I'll go true.
Thank you @Geobits for correcting my typos and fixing my stupidity.
@Rainbolt So ?
No problem. It's all part of my campaign to convince people I'm not an evil AI.
thank mr geobits for good proofreading and spelling
doot doot

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