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Also not as easy as they make it look on tv.
Someone should have their avatar as an optical illusion so it moves when they look at it. Spoopy.
But at least it is organic and gluten free.
@Geobits Obviously your teeth aren't sharp enough.
It's not the biting part that's difficult.
@ಠ_ಠ Good point.
Haha. Skinny developer approaches the door to The Pit and it opens. Huge CEO puts his face on the glass and then it finally opens. He doesn't know the trick.
I say huge, but he isn't really that big. The poor guy runs marathons.
I can sentence
C is overrated.
Sent tents
@Geobits Srsly. Use C++ instead.
@Rainbolt Syntax.
Sin tax?
Cos tax?
Tax sin?
Scent axe?
Trigonometry tax?
Even the dumb conversations eventually get beyond my comprehension
You kould konsider that a good thing.
Better than Sen-tan-e-nc#e.
It is. It gives me a reason to get back to work
abandon all work, ye who enter here (until you can't follow anymore, then go back to work)
A: Rosetta Stone Code Golf Challenge: Print Certain Numbers; all snippets must be same length

Mauris22 languages, 15 characters = 1.4666666 +---------------+----------------------+----------------+ | Language | Code | Kind | +---------------+----------------------+----------------+ | gs2 | B/4[RRRRRRRRRRR | (stack) | | Pyth | M%+Z+...

@Rainbolt Never go back to work. Abandon all work, ye who enter here, and don't look back.
lovely password fields moveing
want me to post a screenshot?
Mods can see deleted messages. Just saying.
meh only school password
what school?
Sometimes when I do a screen sharing support session and the customer is about to type a password to something, I suddenly speak up and focus moves to the chat box.
You're too moral.
Then I met a guy who ruined my fun. He had a hundred passwords saved to an Excel file on his desktop, and he just left it open.
Seeking feedback:
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Alex A.An Assortment of Sorting Sorting an array of integers in ascending order is one of the most fundamental tasks in programming, and yet we do not have a challenge on this site dedicated to that task. While it may not be the most interesting challenge, particularly for "usual" languages, it can be ...

Clumsiness is typing your password in a public chatroom; stupidity is telling everyone that it's your password.
@Mauris Am I missing something in the spec, or can I just say "40 chars" and find ways to pad things for 90 languages?
(Just kidding, it happens to the best of us. I just thought it was funny :))
(The same darned guy that told me that the equipment was off after I spent hours investigating why there was no data in his database)
Geobits, if you have the patience, probably.
@Rainbolt At least he told you.
Finding 90 languages to golf the thing in sounds time-consuming and/or tricky!
It doesn't matter how long you work in tech support. The hardest question to remember to ask people is still "Did you remember to turn it on?"
@Mauris Oh I don't. Sorry for not making that clear. The spec just seems weird to me is all.
It's pretty weird. That's for ya, I guess. I like "do this in many languages" challenges because I know too many ridiculous eso-ish-langs.
@Mauris All the more reason for you to provide input on my sandboxed catalog. It'd be perfect for you and your knowledge of an absurd number of useless languages.
Ask harder. That was too subtle.
@Geobits Better? ^
I'm looking! This looks okay. I dunno about strictly positive integers; maybe put some nice upper bound on them
@Mauris I'll add a bound, good idea. Do you think any integer (positive, negative, or 0) would be better?
Can we sort them like strings instead of like numbers? That would save me some bytes for a full program ;)
I'd say 1-255 (inclusive) is a good range
@Geobits No, but you shouldn't need to with the updated "input" method.
@Mauris Why 255?
8-bit values are a nice limit
Oh, I didn't see that yet. Looks good.
Eh, I wouldn't want to have to do extra mucking around that isn't related to sorting when my language of choice only supports bytes
The original spec for BF used byte values iirc
Should I keep it strictly positive or should I go [-255, 255]?
1 byte is reasonable and inclusive
It should either be [0,255], [1,255], or [-128,127]
Wtf @ [-128, 127]
Oh, nvm
Why not hard cap at 2^31 or the max your language supports, whichever is lower?
Signed two's complement range for a byte
@Geobits So that it's the same requirement for all languages
I guess, but we don't bother with that for almost any regular golfs. Just sayin'.
I think most languages wouldn't be affected by "one byte" vs "as high as your language can support"
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Dom HastingsCustom order of operations Heavily inspired by this post. I never know how to work out complex sums, so rather than adhering to someone else's rules I'd like to define my own! Your task is to write a function or program in the language of your choice that accepts two parameters: an equation ...

I think it might be best to keep it strictly positive. I'd be surprised if there weren't languages which can't handle negative numbers.
I don't think Retina can (but I could be wrong)
So [1,255]?
Or [1,min(2^32, whatever your language can do)]?
Personally I prefer [1, 255] but if you guys think it's better to do max(2^31, whatever) then I'm okay with that.
@Mego If I die, tell my wife I said, "Hello."
All I know is that my gut says, "Maybe."
I need to keep that gif on standby
It's applicable so often
I need to keep disapprovallook.com bookmarked.
Oh yeah, I installed unifont to try to fix that thing not showing up on Debian. Now it just looks like this:
Close enough
I mean... it's better than boxes.
Hahaha they look like pineapples
Good enough for government work
Oh, I should probably give a hard cap on the array size. Size in [1, 255] seem reasonable? Is that too narrow?
@Mego Good enough for science? Not Aperture Science!
@AlexA. see above gif
@Geobits Has strong opinions on things.
Go AFK in MC for a second and an enderman starts taking apart my stuff
So high-maintenance this game
that's not a problem in Nethack :P
Best bash script I've seen
[ $[ $RANDOM % 6] == 0 ] && rm -rf / || echo Click
Kinda ruined by the fact that backups exist...
(also, I think that would require a --no-preserve-root flag as well)
sudo as well, yeah?
Not if you're root
If you're dumb enough to try running the script, you're probably dumb enough to be root while running it
Q: Numbers with multiple runs of ones

MichaelTTask Find the set of numbers such that the binary representation contains two or more runs of 1 separated by at least one 0. For example, the for the numbers that are 4 bits long: 0 0000 (no ones) 1 0001 (only one run) 2 0010 (only one run) 3 0011 (only one run)...

I swear we've had that before
Maybe not, can't seem to find it
Off for a while, bye all
It's my favorite kind of fall day today: sunny, dry, and a little chilly with leaves on the ground and a variety of colors in the trees.
@El'endiaStarman, I tried to run the Python from oeis.org/draft/A263542 as a preliminary step to modifying it and trying to track down the discrepancy, and it's completely borked. The indentation seems to be badly wrong.
@PeterTaylor It was worse before. I think OEIS' engine mangles it or at least just does not play nice.
@PeterTaylor The version at the bottom seems to be more sanely formatted.
The version at the bottom was the one I was complaining about.
But I've just edited, and now it seems to be ok.
My mama's gonna be so proud of me. c:
(And how sloooooooow is that program, even with pypy)
@Optimizer, it's your favorite number: codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/61414/3808
@PeterTaylor There's a reason I haven't independently verified anything above 4x4.
I've thought about translating it into C (because trying to use Cython didn't seem to help much, and was frustrating at first), but I don't know C very well.
I find it endlessly amusing that the sandbox has 2 downvotes.
We know @Calvin'sHobbies is one of them.
Who calculated (5,4)? @feersum?
Can you produce a list of canonical (i.e. top-left corner is the smallest corner) 5x4 rectangles so that we can compare?
@flawr Note that you don't have to keep a list of older versions in your post. If anyone wants to see them they can just use the revision history.
@AlexA. On some things. I appear to be in the minority here that doesn't have strong opinions about smokers ;)
I have a regex question. o-o
@AlexA. We are not rosetta code
Given the string aaaabbbbaaaa, how do I separate by splitting with as many a's as I can?
@Calvin'sHobbies Should I have specified helpful feedback? :/
That is, if your language supports split by regex
See, I tried that, but it kept splitting only by 1 each time. :\ I might be doing something wrong, I'll check again.
What language are you using, and what's the specific code?
Java. Long.toString((int)Long.parseLong(a[0]),2).split("0+").length>1
Why in the world did anyone even consider starring that? -_-
@Doorknob I vote clumsiness?
Oh, hehe, you were trying to hit the reply button?
Wasn't me. c:
ok now somebody's just messing with me :D
@VTCAKAVSMoACE I think that should work. Are you sure Java's split takes a regex?
Yes, one of them does.
.split(" ") does.
Oh! I think it's just the way I'm doing things, hold up.
You are aware that "aaaabbbbaaaa".split("a+") will (should) return an array of three elements, ["", "bbbb", ""]?
I know - that's what I'm trying to do.
In Java, that would return only 2 elements.
If the last element is an empty string, it's dropped.
... huh, weird.
@feersum This would explain my issue. c:
@Calvin'sHobbies Is that why you -1'd?
Thought for the day: PBJ is a "snacronym".
@Calvin'sHobbies I assume the -1 on the sandboxed sorting post was from you.
@feersum, thanks. Problem identified: when I converted from squares to rectangles, I failed to fix one of the canonicity constraints.
Meh, screw it. There's already another Java answer, and this is longer anyways. I'll just use something else. c:
@Mauris If your password was a bunch of swear words, it wouldn't be visible for long, depending on the chat room.
@mbomb007 No one would fucking care in here.
@AlexA. They would if it was a racial slur.
Well yeah. I'd suspend them in the blink of an eye.
What's the magic bounty amount for getting heavy hitters to go after a question
100 does not appear to be enough.
@feersum figures.
More important is to have an interesting question.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ppperryNames of VERY Large Numbers One million, one billion, one trillon, one quadrillion, what now? The goal of this challenge is to convert very large numbers less than one ducentillion to English words, according to the short scale of this wikipedia article. Write a program that take in any numb...

@feersum My question had 8 upvotes pre bounty, 12 upvotes post
If no one is participating in a challenge, it's probably too hard or not interesting.
I suspect it may be too hard.
Quick poll: How many people regularly check the featured questions? (I almost never do)
I don't
I just spent an embarrassingly long time trying to figure out why append wasn't working in Macaroni only to realize that it's concat, not append
The fact that undefined variables default to 0 didn't help...
Undefined variables default to 0?!
yup >:D
That's evil.
@El'endiaStarman oeis.org/A263542 will definitely be the link to the sequence thing right?
In retrospect, World Big Dosa was way too complicated and difficult.
@Calvin'sHobbies Yes
I'm making a challenge about the 3x3 cases and want to make sure. (I'm calling them sturdy squares.)
@PeterTaylor Do we know when it will be finished?
i.e. live
No. Probably not for a couple of days, based on my previous experience at OEIS.
If anyone has a faster computer than mine, feel free to try to beat me to calculating (6, 6). Here's my code (runs under Mono, but almost certainly faster with .Net): gist.github.com/pjt33/759d03033a38d1abde84
@Doorknob This is true of Blitz 2D/3D as well.
I'll see if I can make my C code a bit faster and then try 6,6.
And if your variable is float or string, you have to explicitly say so.
In Macaroni there's no way of telling what type a variable is, and there are only two types: number and array.
Numbers are always floating point, and strings are just arrays of ASCII codes.
@PeterTaylor Is it proven that for 6x6 the sum of 2x2 blocks can only have one value?
@feersum The key optimisation is bounding the sum. Especially for even x even it makes a massive difference.
Yes, it's quite an easy proof.
Divide the 6x6 square up into 9 2x2 blocks.
Each block has the same sum, and the blocks exactly cover the square. Therefore the sum of the sums of the blocks equals the sum of the numbers in the square.
ah lol
In my first version, I hardcoded this assumption and then was confused when it got the wrong answer for odd squares.
Odd squares are the worst case for bounding the sum.
@PeterTaylor Do you know of a way TO do so?
0-8 has a sum of 36, but block sums can range from 12 to 20.
Hey, wait...odd squares are even squares with an extra column and row.
....not sure that helps too much.
They don't follow the constraint of the numbers being in a certain permutation
@El'endiaStarman I get 64512 for 2x6 which doesn't match the table.
I didn't think I even had 6x2 in the table.
I'll take a look at that later, but it's time for me to go to youth group.
Oh, also, my Minkolang online interpreter now includes the input in the permalink!
I read them off in the wrong order, sorry.
lol, it's okay
Anybody code like this? :3
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Hopefully not.
@AlexA. (It's to weed out the, erm, weeds. ;))
4 years ago I'd have said yes. But this isn't 4 years ago any more :P
Change is good! :D
Four years ago I thought nested loops were cool.
Four years ago I thought nested fors were the only way to iterate through Cartesian products. Then I learnt about itertools.
For years ago I didn't have a solid understanding of how to use Python despite being in a mathematical programming class that used Python.
Then you learnt about recursive lambdas.
Four years ago I was practically non sentient.
Then you caused a sonic boom that ruptured space and then exploded the sun.
vv Incoming squares in squares
NewMain is so unreliable :(
@Optimizer claimed he could predict the time
Q: Print all 3 by 3 sturdy squares

Calvin's HobbiesA sturdy square (akin to a magic square) is an arrangement of the integers 1 to N2 on an N by N grid such that every 2 by 2 subgrid has the same sum. For example, for N = 3 one sturdy square is 1 5 3 9 8 7 4 2 6 because the four 2 by 2 subgrids 1 5 9 8 5 3 8 7 9 8 4 2 8 7 2 6 all sum to ...

@Calvin'sHobbies He can do what now?
Q: Can I write a golfing library?

sysreq(This might be a duplicate of another question but all of its answers were vague nonanswers, and I can't find it again, so here goes...) I like python3 and I'm quite good at it; it's rather verbose so when I make long scripts I have a tool script I import that contains lots of shortenings and pr...

@Calvin'sHobbies Can has rewhitelist pl0x
@AlexA. Ask in the other chat so I can link it
in PPCG Minecraft Server, 3 mins ago, by Alex A.
Hi again.
A: Can I write a golfing library?

VTCAKAVSMoACEYes. But: According to what I see from the comments and previous relevant questions, the consensus is that you may, however, you must do the following things: - Define it as a separate language. You can't just call it "Java" or "Python", because it's not a built-in. - Provide a link to the ...

Everyone agree?
(」*゚ロ゚)」 Hellooooo
@VTCAKAVSMoACE +1 for separate language, or alternatively "Python + <blah>" could work too (like "Python + PIL")
> separately language
Brain autocorrect makes my fingers type too fast
Damnit brain
Good. Just making sure I wrote that alright.
I'd call it "Python + <blah>"
I think the guy who asked about Inform7 used Inform7 without the blah, which irked me a bit
There - I added that into it. All good?
Side note: I like how OP considers Python 3 "verbose"
OK, so I can understand people downvoting a challenge and not leaving a reason why. But a challenge in the sandbox...?
Come on.
Tell me why dammit
@VTCAKAVSMoACE I think you should mention both options to say that both are okay
What do you mean?
As in both a completely new language name or <base> + <blah>
Or is the latter better? I dunno
The latter is better
A completely new language would be stretching it- you might get into a little copyrighting trouble.
For example, if I distributed Java with my one, solitary, custom library and said that it was a "new language" that I created, I would be fined within the week.

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