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@PeterTaylor I'm glad I could help. :) ee was a great addition in 0.6.5... I rarely have use for it, but when I do it saves quite a lot.
What who would star that
@quartata I know a llama who would.
Well anyways...
/me sighs and begins cancelling stars
Silly llamas
Sailcats, llamas, and birds, oh my!
Who said anything about birds?
I did.
@AlexA. Everyone did.
I didn't say it had anything to do with stars. Just a passing thought.
hey you, who's starring things
you're annoying >:(
Nothing like making the mods' job harder, amirite?
@ಠ_ಠ ಠ______ಠ
where's that one-click cancel-stars userscript, again? >.>
@Geobits You are not wrong. ಠ_ಠ
@Doorknob Did they ever fix the "I'm seeing stars" thing? ;)
So mods can't see who stars what?
That seems like a feature they should add.
@Geobits yeah, now they did
@quartata Anyone used to be able to
Through sneaky means
via websocket trickery
I see photos of my relatives everywhere.
Socket wrench madhattery
but no longer, and it's my fault :P
Dಠಠrknob the savior
* Dಠಠrknಠb the saviಠr
Alex, you can edit your posts by pressing up :P
Dörknöb, le Såvîór
@Geobits (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
@ಠ_ಠ your relatives are fat
That's not nice
@AlexA. It's le sauveur
@quartata No it isn't
@quartata It's about as confirmed as Half-Life 3.
@quartata Der Saufer.
SockLife 3 confirmed?
@AlexA. It's about as confirmed as graduation.
@Geobits if we include @Haha
^ hah
@Dennis So... set in stone for November, then?
Yes, but which November? :P
@Dennis 1990
I don't think I've ever made that clear.
@Geobits even if you have had. It would be false
@ಠ_ಠ Oh I thought he was speaking in French.
It's the November that comes a while after Eternal September. I don't see why that wouldn't be obvious.
Guess the ö should have clued me in.
OK who is starring all this weird stuff
I wås spæking nothing
@quartata the shouting/shocked man?
@Optimizer wat
Is there a bot that just auto-stars all the messages with the word star in it?
@quartata It happens from time to time. Ignoring it usually helps :)
@quartata 2 eyes on top of a wide open mouth
@ಠ_ಠ No but I could make that happen
@ಠ_ಠ self descriptive bot, you are
@quartata Do not
You didn't get enough anti-bot sentiment earlier? :P
@AlexA. Twas a jest....
a gist
A git
@Optimizer Why not blame Doorknob?
@quartata Chris Jester-Young?
@AlexA. No no not him
Aww, but, but... The Wheel... :(
The wheel is a dirty little liar.
@Geobits you should be happy. the wheel always blamed you
@ಠ_ಠ just like you
You don't know me well enough if you think that bothers me at all :D
@Geobits -1
@AlexA. The ಠ_ಠ on this site just look like they have cool eyelashes.
I've wanted anti-stars for some time now.
You mean down-stars.
Or falling stars.
That name (downstars) does sound better for some reason...
> (...) for some reason (...)
@ಠ_ಠ I don't have enough Meta.SE rep to downvote :(
(...) looks like an elephant foot.
How does that look like an elephant?
hey, what was that language which had built-ins for a dozen variants of hello world?
Help, Wardog? or something?
Not an elephant, the foot of one. (ooo) would be better though.
ah, "Help, WarDoq!", thanks
|   |
hmm, not suitable though
Unable to wear a suit
Makes sense. I've never seen a suit made for a tiny bird.
>.> The internet made me do it.
@VTCAKAVSMoACE What the holy shitcrap
"The surgery was successful"
"Do you think we can put it back in?"
> Just because you can do it, doesn't mean you should.
> Just because you cannot do it, doesn't mean you shouldn't.
That belongs on some bad manager's wall.
@ಠ_ಠ ikr #yolo
I like If at first you don't succeed, it's probably because you have no talent better.
I just counted, out of th 477 messages with the word 'star' in it, 39 got starred. Which is about 8%.
@AlexA. There wasn't a single valid English word in that sentence.
I find it really hard to believe only 477 messages have contained the word 'star'. What time frame?
All messages (according to the search function) at the time of posting.
Oooh, it searches for star exactly. It doesn't count stars.
@orlp Look out we got a robot
My new profile pic is online. Only on some pages so far...
What is that a picture of?
It's a sock puppet.
It looks horrifying.
Rather horrified.
The mystery is killing me. I must know whether or not you are a sock.
Mods don't have something like en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:CheckUser
I thought everyone here was one of Doorknob's sock puppets.
@AlexA. Touche
I'm NotDoorknob's sock.
This is getting too meta.
@quartata The mods can find out, sure, but we can't share that information because it's private.
@AlexA. Obviously yes
And also because it would blow a mod's cover in some cases...
I heard we are all going to get a diamond when PPCG graduates?
Yep, in November.
Wait what?
Diamonds are November
Why would we all get mod status
DeBeers is Forever.
That sounds like a bad idea
@quartata Have you not yet learned of the trolling ways of Geobits?
@AlexA. I have, but not of flawr.
Umm... that wasn't me ><
Oh wait, this was flawr's fault
I trusted him.
Apparently you can't.
So we do not get diamonds?????
But if we graduate we'll have formal mod elections like on SO.
What do you mean if?
Does that mean we could throw current mods out?
it's been confirmed
we're going to graduate in N days
@ಠ_ಠ Potentially yes.
@orlp Do you have an upper bound on N?
tomorrow it'll be N days from then
in N days it'll be N days from then
0 <= N < 2^31
Not necessarily
N ≤ ∞
@Geobits You mean -2^31 <= N < 2^31
Doesn't have to be unsigned.
@flawr That's a more reasonable upper bound, I'd say.
No, I'm pretty sure it isn't going to happen in the past.
-2^31 <= N < 2^31
not <= <=
@orlp Fixed
I'm stupid lel
if someone is looking to kill you, commit suicide
you can't kill that which is already dead
@ಠ_ಠ 'ಠ'_ri*'ಠ
Same as i<3u
@quartata What does that mean?
What if 3u=i?
NumberFormatException: For input string: ""ಠ_
Give it a number as input.
Well that's funny
It works in the Java interpreter
NumberFormatException: For input string: "3456236.34"
Is there a way to directly link some code in aditsu's cjam interpreter?
quartata@hydra:~$ cjam o.cjam
I swear it works
I think so but not sure how
Yeah works
Except it doesn't render the ಠ correctly
I wonder what I'd do all day if I didn't learn english
pretty much everything I do is in english
Ride bicycle?
@flawr why would I do that?
Develop a programming language where all of the commands are in Dutch?
@orlp Because you would not know any english?
@flawr is a circular argument circular?
People who know English aren't permitted to ride bicycles.
@AlexA. some parts of the terminology in my uni are in dutch
and it's always so cringe to switch
"Als we een variabele toevoegen aan deze klasse, dan moeten we die wel onverandelijk maken."
translate: Als we een variabele toevoegen aan deze klasse, dan moeten we die wel onverandelijk maken.
(from Dutch) If we add a variable to this class, then we should be onverandelijk.
onverandelijk = immutable
> If we add a variable to this class, then we should be immutable?
If we add a variable to this class then we should make it immutable.
"Immutable" should really be the word to describe things that don't have a mute button.
although "dan moeten we wel X" is probably better translated to "we mustn't forget to X"
You said only some parts of the terminology are in Dutch? What's an example of terminology that's used directly from English?
(or any other language for that matter)
This sounds like a drunk guy speaking german=)
But I can actually understand quite a lot if it is written!
German and Dutch are vaguely related, aren't they?
Call me stupid but I can't seem to get Bubblegum working.
onveranderlijk = immutable = unveränderlich
So I ran lzma -9 on a text file, but upon feeding it back into Bubblegum it just prints out a bunch of nonsense
Sounds quite similar=)
@quartata lzma -9 --extreme
Still doesn't work
MinGW just outputs Not enough memory if I do -9 --extreme even if I have 2GB free
so I ended up using python's lzma
after all that's what the sample implementation uses
It outputs the exact same thing as matter of a fact (regardless of --extreme)
I'll try just using Python's lzma
@AlexA. there's a lot
basically, all computer science literature is english
and so is most programming literature
Ah, okay.
lzma.compress(code, format=lzma.FORMAT_RAW, filters=[{'id': lzma.FILTER_LZMA2, 'preset': 9 | lzma.PRESET_EXTREME}])
so the dutch terminology usually consists of hamfisted literal translations
Huh strange
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'compress'
I wonder why it does that...
Oh wait a second
Huh throws the same error in Python 3 too
That's just strange
@quartata check out my song :p
@aditsu ?
Oh just saw it
Now we have TWO H9+ answers lol
Just out of curiosity, has anyone tried playing the sample song I provided in that post :P
I can't believe nobody noticed it
you mean DejaVu?
I played it in my head
only 6 notes
It's supposed to sound like the start of the SMB song
But I probably did it wrong considering I actually wrote that by hand
what's SMB?
Super Mario Bros.
You know, the World 1-1 song?
never played :p
I'm guessing it should be this song? youtu.be/3ZtBeiGO5MA?t=30
Well yes minus the bottles
well, that's close to RTTTL style
You know the problem with this challenge now is not that people aren't posting but rather that no one is looking at it and upvoting answers.
I really really don't want this Whitespace answer to win for some reason.
did you recognize my song? :p
Didn't play it
I don't have a MIDI player on my computer atm, what does it sound like?
aww I asked you to check it out.. wait what? then how can you evaluate the answers?
I can't. I leave that to the <s>unwashed masses</s> great people of PPCG.
Ahhh.. ha ha
Funny story...
Uh that wasn't me...
That was.... my cat!
I'm... just going to go now...
I was commenting on the "can't" part :p
Hallo @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ
Hiya @quartata
I see you had a modified version up :3
I did.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ quartata set up the bot in another room.
@AlexA. Ah, which room?
Unfortunately I've sudden run into an issue with it.
It seems to infinitely parse the strings...
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I don't know. Not here. :P
I'm trying some online RTTTL players but they don't seem to like the format
So I almost killed the Nineteenth Byte with infinite Doorknobs
@AlexA. Ik you don't like it :P
He thinks it should be a joke-free bot.
No, I think it should be a whatever it wants bot but in another room.
Like Chat Relay, which has a dedicated room: PPCG Minecraft Server
@AlexA. Don't you think that obtaining the votes etc. on questions would be helpful though?
More helpful than just clicking to a different tab? No.
See the problem with that is that relay doesn't really need any interaction and it doesn't have anything to do with PPCG really
Lol right
So which room was it in?
This does. We'll strip it down and do whatever you wish to please the diamond plated defenders of PPCG though...
You could set it up in a room and if people want to interact with it, they can just go to that room. It shouldn't need to be in here.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Beep Boop Maggot
@quartata Ah, right.
damn, can't find anything... well, @quartata, I think you shouldn't have posted the question if you have no way to check the answers
also, I wonder how much it's really an art contest :p
@aditsu I do have a way to check them technically. I have a PBASIC RTTTL player that uses a little piezobuzzer. But I'd have to wire it up...
I was mostly interested in seeing how people obfuscated them.
I said "make your song pretty" because I figured that would be how other people would judge them
ah ok... well, there aren't many languages compatible with the RTTTL format
considering that "Hello, World!" does not fit in 8-9 bytes...
using whitespace though, now that was pretty dank
sounds like the right tool for the job
@aditsu I thought it might be easy in some languages where # is a comment
I don't even understand how this works
I don't know what language that is, but it still doesn't look very scary :P
@quartata well, as I said, "Hello, World!" does not fit in 8-9 bytes
anyway, I just hope somebody will listen to my song :p
^listening to it now
I love the song :D @aditsu
thanks :)
I tried to match the topic
Do you instruments, @aditsu
yes I some
piano and guitar a little
That's neat :)
I've always wanted to be able to piano
I used to be a really avid musician, practicing all the time, almost always playing in a band of some kind, playing shows, etc. Not as much anymore.
you can find a clip of me on youtube if you want :p (I won't post it here)
I cant seem to get any MIDI players working so Im just going to print out the RTTTl file and play it
@AlexA. what did you play?
And singing. I played bass in a band for a while.
Semi extreme but I am really curious to hear it now
For a while I collected instruments, so I have a whole bunch and I'm not very good at most of them.
But I've been playing guitar for about 15 years.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I hope you recognized it (you didn't really mention that)
@aditsu It's sounds familiar ^_^
I didnt recognize it but it is very pretty
A good fit for the challenge
I only really listen to rock songs
it sucks that RTTTL has only one "voice", otherwise I could make it sound much better
(I did cheat while playing it and used two hands and the pedal please forgive me for not sticking to the rtttl format)
haha, some of the notes are actually supposed to go together
@aditsu Holy crapsticks, you're super good at piano
umm, thanks, but there are plenty of 9 year olds who can do the same :p
I don't think so
But none of us who can, eh?
Also I didn't know you were married :)
The main theme (i-iio-V) does definitely come across which is nice
What song did he play?
it sounds so impressive, but it's not actually really difficult
True but still nice considering hes 7.
yes, it's really great for 7 :)
I was doing pretty basic stuff (scales,small pieces) then.
me too, I think
anyway, I gotta sleep()
I'm jealous he got to play on a nice piano :/
buy :)

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