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BitterFuck? (Bit - er...?)
@Geobits Sounds like an insult that someone would use for a computer scientist.
It really does, that's why I like it.
Oh great, it got starred. Awaiting chat ban from someone who sees it out of context :D
Let me help. stars
No prob. It won't be the first time.
...how many times have you been chatbanned?
But we still need to discuss the deeper meaning of 'bitfucker'
Do we though?
Just once. I don't remember what it was for, but it was something like that.
I'm actually a big fan of Bitfucker. I vote that as the name of the language.
i think we should name the language
Surprisingly, I didn't get banned during the StackEgg incident, although some others did.
it's a respectable name
What StackEgg incident??
You really don't know?
april 1st 2015 ppcg made some enemies
@VTCAKAVSMoACE Why not ShadyAsFuck?
I am really not aware of what happened!
I have a post with 37 downvotes on big meta from that :)
Eh... Bitfucker is more accurate to the language.
It's almost like they knew how much you love downvotes.
Eh, on mobile. Links are a pain.
I'll look for it.
Some keywords to search for?
basically every SE site had a tamagotchi style minigame that represented represented the growth of an SE site
I believe Bitfuck is already a thing.
Stackegg, raid, code golf
so you had to make sure it had enough questions and they were getting answered
Ugh, what is my Internet today.
i wasn't around when it started but apparently some people here thought the point was to Win
so they just spammed questions?
No, the point was not to Windows
Q: When something that was supposed to be fun became not fun

Simon ForsbergStackEgg! What a great invention. Probably the best thing to hit Stack Exchange since the invention of unicoins! Very entertaining game, very fun to play. Many users have probably spent several hours playing this. And April Fool's day is not over yet. However, where there is great inventions t...

i mean it wasn't actually "asking questions" it was "clicking a button labeled 'ask' so the questions stat goes up"
but it was mostly spamming the "give up and start over" option
@AlexA. Yay - we're twinsies
No, I'm a ninja and you're my victim.
its called ninja'd
Ninja'd you too, @Optimizer.
I'm a ninja too.
You're a glider.
Well, Alex is a bird.
Can't we be multiple things?
Ninja Bird.
Yes. You're a glider and a cat. Sailcat.
ninja bird vs lazy cat
let's fight
Ninja Sailcat
One quart of ninja juice.
Heh. Bitfucker is now the most starred item in the last 6 hours.
Samurai Pizza Cats
Fried llama on pizza
Sounds like something flawr would like
After all, he likes pineapple on pizza
I think birds are eaten more often than llamas
Llama meat is a delicacy.
I just read throu all that link, thanks!
Bird meat is old news.
Are we talking birds as in poultry or as in songbirds?
But I am not sure now, should I downvote or upvote Geobits post, in order to show my support?
[citation needed]
Some birds are probably delicacies. I've never had penguin, for instance, but I bet it's nice and fatty.
@Geobits and warn.. oh wait
@flawr That's a dilemma.
I'm not sure llama would be good with dill, to be honest.
specially with all the spit
So, nobody has any complaints about my sandbox question, then?
Dalai Llama
Wait, so it's already been done?
:c Man. I need better search terms.
@flawr Off topic, but your avatar makes me smile every time I see it :D
@BetaDecay Why?
I dunno, it looks so cute
It's a sloe worm, right?
@flawr Even though that language exists, the 64-char ShadyAsFuck language still can be made.
It'd use different characters anyways, so...
If we use 4 bits to express each character, it should flip back and forth between zero and one. So, assume the command patters 111 and 000, it'd become 01111000.
The reason for doing that is so that we can stay in ASCII, but not get into the special character lists.
Wait, no, still wouldn't work - so, 1 and 1? 111 and 000 become 11111000?
@flawr ping
Use a leading 01 instead. So they will all be in the 64-127 range?
So 000 + 111 becomes 01000111.
Ooh, that is better. o-o
To be clear, I'm still not a big fan of the language in general ;)
Meh. It'll be like Brainfuck+. More complicated, though.
Plus, if we assume that + becomes 000 like in Binaryfuck, "@" is the most common character, basically. :P
You'd probably also want to make sure that whatever is 111 is very rarely used consecutively. ASCII 127 is a bit of a pain to display :P
you rarely ever use , twice in a row
Why even bother with it? Just subtract one from every byte. Smallest character becomes 00111111 and largest becomes 01111110.
I guess if you want to make it more complicated, sure.
then why not just encode it in base 95 right away?
o-o I feel like just subtracting one would be easier.
If you subtract one, you lose the whole "I can easily (visually even) split this up into BF commands by bit" thing.
Yeah, but if we don't subtract one we lose the ability to print ,,.
Q: Remove Whitespace from a Java Program

Ion LeeIn this challenge, you will be given the source code of a Java program. Your task is to write a function or full program that will remove the whitespace from this program. The whitespace-removed program should work exactly the same as the original program. Your program can be in any language. In ...

Check out my terribly golfed groovy answer
A: Time-Sensitive Echo

quartataGroovy, 202 bytes def b={System.currentTimeMillis()};def h=[];for(;;){def t=b();def s=System.console().readLine();if(s=="")break;h.add(s+" "+(b()-t))};for(def s:h){Thread.sleep((s=s.split(" "))[1].toLong());println s[0]}

Groovy, man.
Just because I don't have to type main and class doesn't mean Java isn't less verbose
Also is this answer valid? codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/60220/45151
It uses an external library
A lot of things use external libraries.
Hmm, okay.
I use external libraries in R all the time.
Had I realized that external libraries were OK I probably would have used Apache Commons with my Groovy answer.
I'm still proud of this vanilla one though.
As long as he isn't violating any loopholes then it's fine.
It's pretty complicated as you probably could tell :P
@Geobits surely there's more optional spaces than the indentation and linefeeds?
e.g. around = or ==
around the braces as well
probably the one after the []
I removed those already though.
class Condition{public static void main(String[]args){boolean learning=true;if(learning==true){System.out.println("Java programmer");}else{System.out.println("What are you doing here?");}}}
Heh. Time to answer in Applescript...
@Geobits looks about right
189 characters
original has 282
282? My counter said 271. Weird.
did it not count the linefeeds?
is it a \r\n vs \n issue?
Oh wow. I need to favorite a different counter. It doesn't count newlines o_o
@Geobits Your entire post history is a lie.
@TimmyD I don't think I've ever answered a golf that included multiple lines ;)
@BetaDecay Physics is involved too. The further to the sides your hands are, the less your effort goes into lifting you up. So when they're aligned with your shoulder, you get maximum effect for your effort.
@Geobits an empty file can't be valid Java, right?
Not that I know of. It certainly wouldn't compile.
@VTCAKAVSMoACE You can make any arbitrary association you want....
@BetaDecay It is=) Just saved one from the road yesterday, a cute young one, and brought it to my garden. I am just worried that it is a bit late as it is already getting quite cold.
Why are people flagging the SmokeDetector bot like crazy all of a sudden?
@Geobits ?
I was wondering that too!
@Geobits hmmm, I should totally write a generalised code golf post-processor, which takes a file, detects the language from the file extension, performs common shortening tasks like removing whitespace, counts the code size, and finally outputs the markdown header and indented code
@MartinBüttner Yes. Yes you should :D
(I may or may not focus on languages I actually use :P)
For code > X length, also give the pre-processed code in another code block below ;)
I'm currently on a computer that does not have Perl 6.
i wrote a program that takes out all the comments and nops from a pb program and tells me how long it is
Does anyone here have Perl 6? And if so are you willing to test something for me?
@Geobits good idea (or just give it anyway... not copying it into the answer is fairly easy)
I like it. So I should look for this when... Monday? :P
somewhere in my backlog there's a challenge idea for a Fission auto-golfer, which checks all rotations and shifts of a Fission program... I think I held that one back because the author is working on Fission 2
@Geobits sure
March 20, 2017
But that won't be in time for graduation!
I guess not. Ah well I'll just wait.

                                  | second command            |
    	| first command | + - < > [ ] . , [nothing] |
    	| +             | ! ) 1 9 A I Q Y a         |
    	| -             | " * 2 : B J R Z b         |
    	| <             | # + 3 ; C K S [ c         |
    	| >             | $ , 4 < D L T \ d         |
wow that looks really ugly before you expand the message
oh wait never mind you're editing it
Huh. Okay. I'm gonna go write that up in a program real quick.
i thought it didn't monospace until i clicked see full text
Why is this chat markup so....
@VTCAKAVSMoACE This is just a proposal, i just used the first 64+8 non-nothing ascii characters.
I noticed that the bf programs might have an uneven number of commands.
Thats why we have to have nothing as second command.
But when I look at it now I doubt that e will ever be used at all.
It should still be included - it's not a full square without it.
And ; as well as " and ) wil also not be used very much^^
Does anyone know: Is there a thing such as an invalid program for Foo?
But squares. (~-,-)~
hexagons are way cooler @MartinBüttner hexAGONY
Oh, and, suggested names? (suggestive was a Freudian slip, I swear. XD)
I have no problem discussing suggestive names.
@VTCAKAVSMoACE This is your BrainFuck variant right?
So, things we can't do involve BinaryFuck and Bitfuck,
Why do you need the "nothing" column?
A lot of credit to flawr, though.
64 eh
@PhiNotPi If the bf program has an uneven number of commands.
@PhiNotPi Just in case the code is odd length.
If the program is of an odd length, just tack a "+" onto the end that does nothing.
Got it!
@PhiNotPi That could be a problem, if e.g. it can be assumed that some value is stored in some cell at the end.
@flawr context?
#nocontext /r/nocontext etc
Basically, I suggested a system of Brainfuck that uses binary to reduce the length. We've been discussing how that might work and be acceptable to PPCG.
I'd still go for ShadyAsFuck.
Meh. It needs to have something to do with the code.
It does. That code is shady as fuck.
I thought this was 64 instructions.
Now I'm confused.
...ookie. I like BF^2.
What's flawrs table mean?
It's 72.
Oh der
It's the possible combinations to create code from.
Close enough
What are you writing the interpreter in?
I already suggested removing the characters for +- , -+ and [
Currently Java, because it's the one I'm most fluent in.
Q: Shortening str.replace()

Beta DecayIn Python it is often necessary to use str.replace(a,b), however .replace is rather long and feels unnecessary. So is there a shorter alternative to str.replace. Alternatively is there a similar trick to how you can use r=range for golfing for str.replace? Example code for golfing m=input() f=...

Well you first just need to make replacements and you can use your usual bf implementation.
Exactly - for with a substring splitter.
Although I could just hard code it.
So, I'm going with the name ShadyAsFuck. Might as well, now. XD
Let's make a challenge out of it: Write the shortest ShadyAsFuck interpreter.
Sounds like it could be
But perhaps you still might want to consider if you can make a more useful way of assigning the ascii chars to the double commands.
3D arrays. O,o
Not really.
This is just a generic first way that I made in excel, I am not even sure whether I skipped some characters or not.
I'll actually post it as a code golf. XD
After I make it in Java. >.>
@flawr Oh goodness
@VTCAKAVSMoACE What should happen if we use the [something][nothing] commands in the middle of the code?
I was thinking about making SweetAsFuck backwards compatible to BF.
I feel like such an arse :P :D
Yay, I just hit 1500 rep exactly. < speech-mode > I'd like to thank the Academy; my director, who is a wonderful person; my adoring fans ...
... all the downvoters ...
That was just an appendage to TimmyD's speech
Trying to come up with a more memorable table.
That is backwards compatible @VTCAKAVSMoACE
If you allow the [something][nothing] characters to be in the middle of the program.
We shouldn't correct it for them, though.
@flawr I imagine this to the tune of Single Ladies by Beyoncé.
@AlexA. Imagine what?
@VTCAKAVSMoACE What don't you want to correct?
@flawr the message he was replying to, I assume
@Doorknob Oh, I never get that...
Imagine there's no heaven ...
In your table, you have things labelled as "useless". We shouldn't correct them, if they put in the code, therefore, we need to define actual keys for that.
...and don't you come back no more...
I've made some progress on my website: koth-phinotpi.rhcloud.com/runkoth.pl
OK the more I post answers on Code Golf the more I'm observe the upvotes = inverse of effort effect.
Ooh, shiny...
It is really true.
My 0 byte sed answer and lazy Perl answers all have lots of upvotes.
While the Groovy answer I spent 3 hours on has none.
@MartinBüttner It's been a while since you said you were considering making Hexagony-style languages for other shapes, but I thought of a name for a triangle one:
Trianger (or Triagony if you want similar names)
the more effort you put in the less likely someone is to understand what it is that you did = less upvotes
this makes sense to me
Okay, I just got a total of 15 "run" presses/refreshes
you're welcome
i was like 4 of those
@quartata You have to get an attitude like BetaDecay: The more downvotes the better.
The "controller" is just a program that adds a line to the end of the report.
+1 for radical.
Which the server pulled from here: github.com/PhiNotPi/servertest
@mbomb007 Tri-again
@TimmyD Triangst
@flawr I'm gonna use the table you already sent - any updates, I'll put in later.
@TimmyD Trinihilation
does Python have any character that is ignored when parsing a number?
@mbomb007 Triamanjaro
@xnor trailing L, leading zeros of an integer
@xnor You mean like int("1235asdg432")?
@xnor i'm pretty sure you can have an L on the end that it ignores for compatability with o]longs
yeah like what mbomb007 said
it would need to work in the middle
@El'endiaStarman yes, like that
i don't think that it does
though i'm using eval
@xnor Then a mathematical operator should work. :D
@mbomb007 unfortunately there's no number concat operator
I think that what Python does if you don't supply an expected base is that it just terminates when a non-numeric character is found. So my example would be 1235, I believe. Either that or it'll throw an error.
i think it just straight up errors
i'd test it but i have to go get my laundry
Yeah, just tried it in Python 3.3. Error.
Quick and dirty way to run C in Java?
Maybe Runtime.getRuntime().exec()?
@xnor Other than a decimal point and math ops, I can't think of another character allowed in the middle.
@mbomb007 ok, thanks
@mbomb007 int("1234+4321") errors.
i was hoping there were non-printable control chars that are ignored
@El'endiaStarman He's using eval, not int
AH, right.
@undergroundmonorail I added an explanation. Maybe that'll combat that.
Mortal Kombat
@VTCAKAVSMoACE You can run an executable like that sure. It would be trickier to compile the C since people might not have a compiler.
Any reason why you have to run C?
@VTCAKAVSMoACE Lets move over to chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/27364/…
Speaking of new languages, I couldn't fall asleep last night because I was designing a new language in my head. So I got up and wrote down a bunch of commands as well as the "Hello world!" program. It'll be a Minkowskian (2+1)D semi-golfing language named Minkolang.
Do we have a Collatz sequence catalog challenge yet?
Not a catalog but I think we do have Collatz sequence.
@flawr Attempts to collect answers in all(ish) languages.
@flawr Like Martin's Hello, World! and Dennis' primes.
And FizzBuzz.
Recommend the read if you don't know the story yet: "The Fear Of Darkness"
@AlexA. I see Doorknob's "count how many iterations it takes to get to 1" challenge. Would it be acceptable to post a "print out all steps in the sequence until you get to 1" catalog challenge? I'm not sure if those are too similar, but I think it would be a good catalog challenge, and Doorknob's is too old to convert.
Full disclaimer: I just want a place to put my Minkolang print-the-Collatz-sequence solution somewhere. :P
I think they're probably too similar.

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