The first thing I did when learning html was making an old fashioned screensaver by nesting a horizontal and a vertical <marquee>, I was the hero of the class!
This is what I thought this question was going to be, before I fully read it.
A group of code golfers walk into The Nineteenth Bite Pizzeria and order a pizza. It comes in an irregular shape, made of unit squares. Your task is to help them cut it into identical slices. That is, the slices mus...
@AlexA. I understood what you meant. (Note the past tense. That was carefully chosen so as not to imply that I will understand things you say in the future.)
@Doorknob Deleting accounts of tab users won't make your unholy use of spaces right. It'll just feed your echo chamber, entrenching your beliefs until one day when the scales fall from your eyes. On that day, you will know the truth.
@Optimizer Because everyone 10K+ (and mods) in every chat room sees them, and some pop in to see context before deciding whether to agree or invalidate.