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@ETHproductions I know the feeling. Sometimes I too find the itch to do something useful apart from staring at this chatroom. So I type in random shit.
@MartinBüttner Looks good to go.
thanks for the edit
is anyone interested in a code golf today or is everyone busy with the quiz?
I've got two challenges ready: more numbers, more arrays
@Optimizer LOL
@MartinBüttner I'd love a good code golf, I'll take a look.
@MartinBüttner more reps
@MartinBüttner Does the "Hello, world!" have to be a certain color?
ugh, this again :D
give me a minute
@TreFox As long as it's not black and blue, or white and gold, it's fine for me.
@MartinBüttner Thanks!
@MartinBüttner Both of those challenges sound really fun, upvoted :)
I'm going to add some more commands to my language, then try using it for those challenges.
well I guess I'll wait with posting until tomorrow then :P
I don't care, you can post them whenever you want. I just meant I'll attempt an answer to see how well my language can handle this type of problem.
@MartinBüttner I'm currently occupied with a maths question on puzzling. puzzling.stackexchange.com/questions/19870/…
interesting :)
It shouldn't be possible to split it into any less than 18 pieces... Then again, I'm sure that's why you're still trying ;)
@Kslkgh Yes I know, it's been updated.
I've managed to prove that there are at most 23860886273682 17-piece splits to consider...
Well, that's a start
I've managed to prove that eggplant is objectively delicious.
Only on pizzas without pineapple.
@AlexA. That depends a lot on the method of preparation.
@flawr Pineapple on pizza is a crime against humanity.
Darn, Martin, I need to be faster....
Talking of which, I need to decide what I'm having for dinner and go shopping.
@PeterTaylor Eggplant.
@ETHproductions I guess I had an unfair advantage, because I get a notification for new answers... I'll wait a bit next time ;)
Aubergine takes ages to roast.
@flawr Tempted to flag as offensive. :P
Yum, can I have some?
@AlexA. LOL
@ETHproductions do you have any connection to the ETH Zurich?
so what does your ETH stand for?
Extra Thin Ham
Evil TopHat
It's actually my initials
@PeterTaylor Irrelevant.
The ham and pineapple on that pizza doesn't look cooked at all. If you're going to top a pizza with those, you should at least cook them along with the rest of it.
@ETHproductions So your name is Evil TopHat?
LOL, no ;)
Eddie The Hand
@Geobits And then throw it out because you're a war criminal.
@AlexA. I don't feel that strongly about it, but it's not something I order if I'm choosing.
It's better than chunky peanut butter at any rate.
What are your toppings of choice?
Or ananas, as in every other language.
@flawr ಠ_ಠ
Any of the "standard" ones, like meats, onions/peppers/olive/mushroom. Also, spinach/feta is a good combination, along with bbq chicken. Lots of things, really. Just keep the fish off of it and I'll eat most pizzas.
By the way, this is the most important website of our time.
Ah and Artichoke
@flawr Sounds about right.
By the way, in Spanish they are more commonly called piñas rather than ananás. — Braiam Nov 7 '13 at 23:19
That proves that Spanish is about as bad as english.
Cover your ears, @Dennis and @PeterTaylor!
I am sure they both could invent a better language
Why? Spanish (or Portugese) explorers were the first Western country to encounter them. Why should the name they gave them be less accepted?
Because it is not what I am used to!
And as you know, I am the absolute authority on things like that.
Besides, English speakers would rebel at the pineapple being so closely named to the far superior banana.
Superior as a pizza topping?
Superior as basically everything.
Tomato is a fruit, it goes on pizza very well.
What about tomatoes? ;)
Olives aren't fruits?
> (removed)
Yeah how do you quote chat messages properly?
@flawr olives' oil
(tomato removed from list of fruits)
@flawr it's wrong, it doesn't start with a capital A in Romanian :p
It's too bad I already ate lunch..
I really want pizza now
@flawr Yelling is not required in most languages.
Ooh, hey, I am having pizza for dinner :)
Great, now I need a pizza for dinner.
Okay, I chose breakfast, then! I am having pizza for breakfast
ANANA!!! --Bob the Minion
I love this chatroom :)
Am I the only one who has an almost visceral dislike of those Minion things?
I cannot answer that, but did you ever watch one of those movies?
@flawr I guess it's "ananas" in Tatar as well: ананас.
(I had the same reaction until I saw one of those movies.)
@Geobits You are not.
I've seen the original Despicable Me, and thought they were terrible there as well.
my favorite toppings are: pepperoni, cheese, meat in various forms, tomatoes, peppers and olives; hate seafood monsters, pineapple, onion and, to some degree, mushrooms
I don't like all things minions, but the movies are fun. The latest one was really fun.
At least you tried.
@Geobits Probably Portuguese, given that ananas comes from the Tupi name and the Tupi are mainly found in Brazil (at least nowadays).
@flawr oh, I love animation, so no way I would not have.
@Geobits I decided to have calzone.
Hmm, calzone has possibilities...
@Optimizer Good to know, are there any other animation movies out right now? I am looking forward to 'the secret life of pets'!
I love pinapple as/in dessert though
Pineapple's fine in dessert. It's still no banana.
@flawr that's almost 1 year from now!
okay, got another quiz submission coming up... but knowing you guys it's not gonna last 15 minutes :D
@Optimizer But I already fell in love after the first few moments watching the trailer=)
@aditsu Yes
@flawr you know Kung Fu Panda is in Jan.
I thought Kung Fu Panda was in China.
@flawr that looks pretty awesome :D must see
@flawr that is really nice !
but i wonder what is there in the movie except trailer
and Louis CK is in it too <3
@Geobits he shifted to Jan now
System of a Down \m/
@Geobits Odd, my dad loves them! Does your kid like them?
@Vioz- His kid is one of them.
That movie looks pretty fun.
I wonder why there is no trailer for Max Steel movie yet :|
@Geobits Really? I thought they were some of the best side-kicks in a while. The Minions film was pretty lame though (although I wasn't actually surprised by that).
only 10 days to release
I love animals but it's not apparent, at least from the trailer, that the movie has any plot. :/
@Optimizer I wondered what more there would be to the movie with Planes, too, and Minions' first trailer
@MartinBüttner second half of minions was actually nice.
? I thought the intro was the best part about the film and from there it just deteriorated.
@ETHproductions planes was not really a good movie, yaknow
@MartinBüttner I liked the way how they added something other than just stupid minion comedy and how they introduced him.
plus the guitar solo
oh yeah, the introduction of Gru was quite nice, too
everyone in the multiplex was laughing their guts out.
also that film had the most brutal death in children's-animation-film history :D
death metal ?
@MartinBüttner what do you mean by "too" ?
what death ?
Death was an American death metal band from Orlando, Florida, founded in 1983 by guitarist and vocalist Chuck Schuldiner. Death is considered to be one of the most influential bands in heavy metal and a pioneering force in death metal. Its debut album, Scream Bloody Gore, has been widely regarded as the first death metal record, while the band's driving force, Chuck Schuldiner, is acknowledged as the originator of extreme metal. The band ceased to exist after Schuldiner died of brain cancer in December 2001, but remains an enduring metal brand. As of 2013 , Death has sold over three million albums...
@Optimizer that guy at the villain con who broke his neck
@Optimizer because I said I only liked the intro of the film
@MartinBüttner oh
@MartinBüttner oohhh
hmm... the latest animation movie I've seen might be Toy Story 3
in theatre, or in general the latest ?
The last one I saw in the theater was Big Hero 6.
^ I really want to see that one
Nope, Shaun the Sheep.
the trailer looks pretty fun
@MartinBüttner it is fun.
@Optimizer probably both
@MartinBüttner Which?
@Vioz- Not really. He's neutral on them I guess.
I missed it in theatre due to a wrong person's review. :/
@MartinBüttner It gets pretty sad but it's overall a good film imo.
sad isn't necessarily bad
I know
It's just sadder than you might expect.
@MartinBüttner Yea, I thought they took away from the film a bit. I get why they did it, to make it more "kid-friendly", monetizable, etc, and I can't really blame them for that. I still think the movie could have carried itself without the creepy little guys.
oh, I've probably seen Kung Fu Panda 2 on a plane.. seems a bit newer
Shaun the Sheep was really good. Same people who did Wallace & Gromit and Chicken Run.
Aardman is a pretty good studio
I thought Shaun the Sheep was a Serta ad the first time I saw a picture for it :)
lets see how KFP3 trailer goes
the teaser was jaw-dropping-awesome
that's more like face-palming-ridiculous :p
Haha ^
I didn't say my hand was not on my forehead :P
@Optimizer I too do fear that most of the innovative ideas have already been shown in the trailer, but it looked so promising still... lets see=)
@flawr That looks delicious.
@Dennis Incorrect
Cooked ham without pineapple is the crime against humanity.
@Dennis Thanks for straightening that out.
My pleasure.
My mother used to make bananas rolled in ham with a cream/curry sauce.
Freakin delicuous
Sounds weird.
i know
but it is really great=)
Can't say I've tried that.
Me neither, but I would if it were served.
Now I understand abandon all work, ye who enter here —aditsu
Reminds me of a former gf that put incredibly weird combinations on her sandwich. Like salami and jam.
When she finally had enough of my comments and practically forced me to take a bite, it was a lot better than I thought.
Honey cheese + ham=)
(Well I do not mean american cheese...)
Thats the bananas=)
@flawr I just assume any time someone mentions cheese they don't mean American "cheese".
I don't even know what that is.
You're better off that way.
Kraft Singles is presumably what is being referred to as "American cheese".
Well I've just been to america, and learned what they call cheese
it already looks so gross
It isn't able to actually be called just "cheese". The packaging has "prepared cheese product" on it.
But thats what americans refer to as cheese
@Dennis Reminds me of this. (NSFW)
For the uninitiated.
That's not cheese, that's bio-hazardous material
@Vioz- In the UK, that's sold as "cheese food"
"Cheese food product" is something I've seen a few times.
@flawr Most people may refer to it as cheese, we all know it's not quite the same. :P
"25% cheese"
I think the only thing it has going for it is the ridiculously low melting point.
That's why it's so popular on cheeseburgers, I guess.
Cut any cheese thin enough and it'll melt pretty quickly I think.
> ... individually-wrapped cheese slices (which, technically, are not sliced off of a block of cheese, but rather slabs of processed cheese which are formed from a viscous processed cheese which only solidifies between the wrapping medium)
Wow. Just... wow.
please no more details
Need to find a video of this...
congealed low-cheese-ratio goop
@Geobits I think that's false
Let's not even get into Easy Cheese....
> One of the more famous ad campaigns involved the claim that each ¾ ounce slice contained "five ounces of milk"
> ... led to a ruling by the Federal Trade Commission in 1992 that ordered Kraft to stop making false claims in its advertising.
It's bigger on the inside.
almost done with the 1TB data transfer between external hard disks
@AlexA. Can't seem to find one anyway. Stupid internet never has anything :(
TIL that Fotzelschnitte and French toast is the same thing, after I wondered for quite a time what 'french toasts' are and tried to translate 'fotzelschnitte' to english.
What language is "fotzelschnitte"?
Is that like German with holes in it?
I'm not convinced that French toast actually originated in France.
According to wikipedia it dates back to at least the 14nth century, but perhaps way earlier.
@Geobits That's the funniest thing I've read today xD
@Geobits Yes, a lot of holes, but on the other hand we filled a lot of the german's holes too.
@ETHproductions He's pretty good at that. ;)
Aww, I'm blushing...
@flawr with emphasis on the "swiss" ;)
@flawr Uh, what?
Well throughout all the dialects there are basically only two grammatical tenses.
German has like 6 or so.
But on the other hand those dialects often have a bigger vocabulary I think, words that german does not have=)
But there is not really a grammar.
Still, "we filled a lot of the german's holes" sounds quite risque ;)
Well there is, but only an implicit one, the standard 'official' language is german (among others, like french, italian and romansh)
@Geobits In what way? =D
@Geobits Or risky, depending.
I'm really not sure how to explain it in a clearer way than it is :D
(safe for chat, that is)
Then I am missing the obvious, do you mean a sexual innuendo or a reference to the war?
I'll let @Beta handle this one.
Woah, what did I sign up for?
Definitely the sexual innuendo option.
Of course XD
What else...
References to the war are a lot more obvious
don't mention the war!
@BetaDecay You signed up for a daily newsletter of fox news' free daily politics journal.
For only $9.99 per issue.
Dear lord, people outside of the US subscribe to FOX News?
Ex pats maybe
We thank you for the support of Donald Trump's election campaign.
D: D: D:
I don't get American politics. It seems that everyone running is the wrong person
@MartinBüttner I think I asked you before: Are you german or do you have german roots? (Your name very much sounds german.)
I'm German
@flawr He's transcendental.
What area?
@flawr Outer space.
The German part
Swiss-German Space
Yes, I assumed it was not the italian part.
Das Enterprise
@flawr Saxony-Anhalt
Das ist doch in der nähe von Berlin?
Ich kenne mich leider viel zu schlecht aus in Deutschland.
Oh sorry, english...
yeah, it's about an hour's drive
(like, an hour south of Berlin)
does Leipzig mean anything to you?
I've never been exactly there but I have a friend who lives close to Leipzig.
yeah, the town I'm from is approximately halfway between Berlin and Leipzig
(Berlin + Leipzig) / 2
opening google maps
@MartinBüttner While you're here, what on earth does a free (as in beer) interpreter or compiler mean? Last time I checked beer was far from free
it's short for "free as in free beer" as opposed to "free as in free speech"
@BetaDecay Doesn't cost money for the interpreter
@MartinBüttner That's a bit aggressive, isn't it?
@PeterTaylor Thank you. I had already accepted that no one would comment on it.
You insult me with your lack of capitalisation @AlexA.
@BetaDecay sorry beta
Can someone please crack my latest quiz answer? I want to sandbox something, but it'll give away the solution to my cop :D
Free Beer, originally known as Vores øl - An open source beer (Danish for: Our Beer), is the first brand of beer with an "open"/"free" recipe. The recipe and trademark elements are published under a Creative Commons license, specifically the CC-BY-SA license. The later name "Free Beer" is a play on Richard Stallman's common remark that free software is "free as in speech, not free as in beer." The beer was created in 2004 by students at the IT University in Copenhagen together with Superflex, an artist collective, to illustrate how concepts of the FOSS movement might be applied outside the digital...
I can't seem to find your crack.
The first and last line of your submission is the same...
* grübel *
* büttner *
Well, I've spent another afternoon chatting, browsing esoteric languages, and getting nothing done overall.
@ETHproductions Welcome to every day of my life.
@ETHproductions an average day at work.
I'm going to try leaving the site for a few hours (gasp!) and see if I can actually get something done. :)
Good luck :P
Hey, it's worth a shot ;)
shots fired
Careful. I've heard people go mad after leaving PPCG
I think people go mad after being in here too long.
So you go mad either way
I've been here for long and still completely sane
Are you sure?
I don't know what a sane llama is like actually
I'm as sane as when I came here. Not that that's saying much.
Are you the index case?
Maybe it's just me that's insane then.
@Optimizer You still did not change your profile pic.
that mustache killed it
whatever you call that
Nose cozy?
overgrown nose hair?
Now that really does deserve an "offensive" flag.
Posting Eurovision without first checking that everyone is mildly drunk.
People knock Eurovision but they love it really ;)
Well that was a couple minutes of my life I'll never get back.
Yes. When mildly drunk and in the company of good friends.

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