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Btw @BrainSteel, I have no idea how to do the toggling bit with the single and double quotes.
Is there another good punctuation candidate for brackets?
Also need something for < and >.
Perhaps : and ; could work for brackets, but then I have no idea about < and >.
If you have some global is_open = 1 variable, every time you encounter an ' while parsing you can is_open = !is_open, and then at ", you if(is_open) { new_command = open_bracket;}else{new_command = close_bracket;}
Then you can iterate over your list of commands and match up the bracket types.
(my bracket logic starts on line 171)
Oh crap, a mod showed up. Act natural, everybody.
^^ natural (for this chat)
@BrainSteel Do you have a GitHub account?
Yes, but it's never been used. I told myself I was going to learn how to use it one day...
There's a GUI version for Mac that makes things pretty easy.
@BrainSteel Oh.
I'm on it :D Anywho, why do you ask?
Once I create a repo and push this to it, want write access?
Yeah, I'll be glad to see if I can help!
@AlexA. Whatcha working on?
@ETHproductions A programming language, trying to finish it before Martin posts his challenge at 7-8am UTC.
Good luck!
Thanks! :)
Ooooh, this GUI does help. I think I'm all set up.
Nice. I haven't set up the repo for this yet but I'll give you full access once I do
I ought to learn Git and GitHub sometime soon
It's definitely a great thing to know.
GitHub has a little git intro that you can do as well which is helpful for learning.
Alright, I'll make sure to check it out!
I'm planning put my language on there after I learn how to use these tools.
Oh yeah? What's your language?
@BrainSteel It'll be a bit before I set up the repo. I'm going to get some food and I want to get it into a usable state before I make it public and embarass myself.
(the code, not the food)
It's an esoteric, stack-based language called 7.
That's quite alright, I have some boring non-computer-based work to do.
I talked with BrainSteel about it the other night, let me find you a link...
@BrainSteel Gross.
@ETHproductions Oh I remember reading that!
Sounds like a neat language. :) I wish you luck with it.
Cool :)
Thanks! I'll try to work on it some throughout this week, and hopefully have v0.1 up by the weekend.
I have the main functions planned out; all I have to do is code them into the interpreter.
I'll be back in an hour and a half or so. I'm going to publish that BrainF>>k interpreter later. The goal is to have it be able to parse several different BF-equivalent derivatives with different command line flags.
Right now I'm trying to invent another solution to the Minecraft Mirrored challenge from a few weeks ago.
Encoding 6 base-6 digits into one Unicode character is a fun idea, but not working out...
According to the mothereff.in byte counter, ĀĀĀĄĄĀĀĀĀǀĀ膀Ő℀ᄀĈ㈠膀ƃπ脐⅂٨℀ⱈǀ脕脐݀鄀ƈ℔ĜƤĀ鄀䤄 is 89 bytes, so it may not even be worth it.
Oh well, at least I shaved my second answer by 60+ bytes
Now 75+ bytes
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

TheNumberOneRational Roots In this challenge you are to find all rational zeroes of a polynomial. The results have to be exact. I would suggest using The Rational Root Theorem. Input Input can be through function argument, command argument, or user input. Input will be a polynomial. The polynomial may...

1 hour later…
a good funtime activity is reading old meta posts re: issues that have since been settled and reading people's arguments for the losing side
Do you have a favorite example to share?
i haven't actually done it in a while, i don't know why i thought of it now
Ah, okay. It does sound amusing.
off the top of my head: there used to be people who thought having any kind of bonus should make your question uneligible for and be posted as instead
I didn't know that but the fact that some folks thought that doesn't surprise me at all.
there used to be people who thought was good for this site. plot twist: i used to be one of them *shudder*
popcon is fine
@undergroundmonorail I also used to be one of these people :/
It was a huge benefit though.
That tag brought a stupid amount of traffic to the site.
to my own credit, even when i was okay with code trolling questions i remember thinking the name was stupid. at least i had sound mind in that regard
The analytics graphs show a huge spike right when code-trolling happened, and the numbers have consistently been ~10x higher since then.
^ better way of saying what I said
i'm happy for the long-term results of it, but also glad we don't do it any more
halp can add 1 to 2 plz do
ned jqery
We have which I'm personally not a fan of. I think it toes the line of code trolling.
i agree, but i don't think it's currently bad enough to do anything about
Oh yeah, it's not out of hand or anything.
@Doorknob This is exactly what I was thinking of. Lol @ bobince's badges
@AlexA. i've seen that image so many times and never noticed that, haha
I also love the related questions
> Where are my legs?
i remember one time someone posted a code trolling question that was literally just a bad SO question written by someone who was clearly new to programming
at what point does it stop being "a bad challenge" and start being "actual bullying"
When you post someone's honest (if poorly phrased or misguided) question as a challenge to be funny.
i agree
man, why am i so mad about this thing that was resolved in may 2014
What, code trolling?
this time i'll try blocking out all instances of the names :P
Too late. :D
slowly claps
On an unrelated note, my bread tastes like garlic. It is not garlic bread.
Throw it out.
On a scale from 1 to 933, how sure are you that it's not garlic bread?
I am 4 sure not garlic
@Dennis I just bought it today. And I like garlic bread.
And by today, I mean just two hours ago.
@AlexA. garlic bread is, like, my favourite food. i could eat it for every meal. or just all day without even stopping
If it's not supposed to taste like garlic, I wouldn't eat it anyway. Arsine tastes like garlic, for example.
@Dennis I don't know what that word means but sounds like it's similar to my last name.
@undergroundmonorail Thai food is best food.
Alex is a descendant of the mathematician who invented inverse trig functions, Mr. Arcsine
@AlexA. 4 is not very sure on a scale from 1 to 933.
@AlexA. It's an arsenic compound. If you ate it two hours ago and can still work a keyboard, you're probably fine.
@Dennis I bought it two hours ago. I ate it just now.
Give it two hours, then :P
So if I randomly stop typing, I may have gone to the hospital.
@AlexA. I was quoting a movie but I will take that into consideration if I ever have a chance to eat Thai food
@undergroundmonorail Okay, two things. 1.) What movie? 2.) You've never had Thai food?
1. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World 2. Mostly I just eat peanut butter
You should have Thai peanut sauce.
It's like peanut butter but incredible.
Also, chunky or smooth?
If I die from ass poisoning or whatever, I want that to be my final question.
Smooth on a day-to-day basis but I can appreciate chunky once in a while
Ass poisoning is easy to avoid. Eat with your mouth.
out of context quote of the day?
Just sayin'.
It's important advice.
PSA: Food goes in your mouth, not your ass.
Scribbles undergroundmonorail in the list of smooth-peanut-butter-loving-uncivilized-monkeys
Smooth is more refined. If anything, chunky is the unfinished product, suitable for uncivilized folk.
It's just the right amount of unfinished, mind you!
It's like beta peanut butter.
Beta software has a kind of rustic charm to it!
Note: I didn't star that for the terrible song joke. I did it for the page title ;)
it's a good page title
Hm. Is Dik Fuk your actual name?
Are you truly a dongsmasher? Take us through a day in the life of the dongsmasher.
I imagine there's lots of dongsmashing, but other than that it's a mystery.
He rides the underground monorail to Dongsmash, New Jersey.
the spelling is different in that video though
See now I'm confused. You're an enemy in a game? Did you have to do motion capture of dongsmashing?
this is all correct
So I guess I can just buy the game to find out about it. Cool.
When we were in elementary school, a friend of mine tried to convince me that "OK" stood for "Oll Korrect," which apparently was the old English way of spelling "all correct."
He's in prison now.
i'm glad i never lied about etymology, didn't realize they'll jail you for that
It's a serious offense.
"old english" is still clearly false though
(To be clear, he is in prison, but for non-etymological charges)
A minor technicality. He should still appeal.
Given that his reasons for being there are entirely unrelated, I think the appeals court wouldn't consider his case.
worth a shot
Yea, what else does he have to do with his time in prison?
He went to prison for knowingly buying smooth peanut butter, didn't he?
Some weird stuff that I don't really want to get into...
Oh, the chunky stuff.
@BrainSteel He only likes smooth from what I remember growing up.
That's where it all went wrong...
Q: Counting from 1 to an Integer... In Hexadecimal

DDPWNAGEIntro: This is a twist on a previous question of mine: Counting from 1 to an Integer... in Binary. Many of this question's rules and that question's rules are the same. Here is the intro from that question: I remember, when I was a kid, I would get a calculator and keep on pressing the + ...

Dave had a chunky peanut butter sandwich. While eating it, a chunk of peanut lodged in the space between his teeth. While using a toothpick to remove it, he stabbed himself in the cheek. The blood from his wound caused him to slip and fall. As a result, he couldn't pick up the kids from soccer practice. His wife tried to call, but went unanswered. Enraged, she filed for divorce on the way home. They have a stepfather now. Don't give your kids a stepfather; eat smooth peanut butter.
What... the hell
Found the DirecTV employee...
The blood from his wound caused him to slip and fall Which cheek did he stab, exactly? ;)
It was a serious stab wound. Not pretty. Blood pouring out of his mouth and everything.
His wife needs to calm her 'tude.
It was merely the last straw in a broken marriage, but still could have been avoided by using the proper peanut butter.
Ah, the plot thickens...
There were a couple extra lines to fill in some blanks, but the message was too long and I didn't want to break it into two. You got the abridged version.
Devil's advocate: If it's a broken marriage, it's probably for the best if they go their separate ways. It sucks in the moment, but.. rip off the bandage, dawg
^ Very good advice
Kinda ruins the peanut butter argument, though, so I deny it.
Peanut Gruel really made him evaluate his life, and he arguably became a better man because of it.
@BrainSteel I'm testing the code now. I'm about to run the first test and I'm expecting it to crash and burst into glorious flames.
We can only hope that the next flames be slightly less glorious.
Did you try to write to a NULL?
I don't know what that means.
Unrelated: Using 3 spaces as an indent is what killed the dinosaurs.
You usually get an EXC_BAD_ACCESS when you try to write to memory that you don't have permission to write to. Since many pointers are initially initialized to NULL (something you definitely can't write to), this happens to me because I fail to allocate things.
XCode flagged this: if (*env.ip == '\'')
So that shouldn't be writing anything, right?
What is env.ip initialized to/set to?
A read can cause a bad access too, I believe.
typedef char CELL;
typedef std::vector<CELL> instruction_t;
typedef instruction_t::iterator instruction_pointer;
typedef std::vector<CELL> memory_t;
typedef memory_t::iterator memory_pointer;
struct environment {
    memory_t memory;
    instruction_t instructions;
    instruction_pointer ip; // THIS RIGHT HERE
So env.ip is an iterator for a vector of chars. If the vector is empty would that cause a bad access?
I don't know C\+?\+? but I would assume trying to compare the value of something you've never given a value could cause issues.
My hunch is yes.
It should have a value somewhere in here
As I mentioned before, most of this is being used from a BF implementation I found on GitHub and I don't understand C++ very well.
Somewhere, you should allocate memory to env.ip. By default, it is probably either garbage or NULL, neither of which probably have read/write privileges :P
Inside the struct: environment : memory(3000) { clear(); mp = memory.begin(); }
also void clear() { instructions.clear(); ip = instructions.begin(); }
Somewhere when you start interpreting, it looks like you should have some line like env.ip = env.instructions.begin(); (line 200 in that github repo)
That likely allocates/initializes the memory, so should get rid of the bad access.
That's in there
Hrrm... Is it loading the file properly?
I... have no idea
whether it is or how to check
It looks like some kind of stream.is_open() call to check if the file loaded in C++. (line 59) Sorry, I'm mostly guessing at things from my little knowledge of C++ and the repo.
Are you initializing env.instructions with the data from the file?
Hmmmmmm I don't know :|
Do you have XCode?
I do, yes.
If I put the entire .xcodeproj and everything on GitHub, want to try it out?
Yeah, I'll be glad to take a look!
Give me a few minutes, will git it up there (heh heh, git pun)
I thought I was done with Martin's Quiz challenge, but I just noticed how terribly broken my code is. Ah, darn.
@BrainSteel ok
What line is the crash?
Called at 254
which is called from main at 70
Ah, I think I understand. The code you have that labels the opening and closing quotes seems fishy to me.
I think it fails to find an "open bracket" and goes too far into memory it's not allowed to read.
Oh, okay. How fix
Q: Factor a polynomial over a finite field or the integers

JustinWithout using any built-in factoring/polynomial functions, factor a polynomial completely into irreducibles over the integers or a finite field. Input Your program/function will receive some prime (or zero) number n as input. The field/ring is the finite field of that order (ie $\def\Z{\mathbb ...

I think I have an idea. Let me try some things real quick.
Okay. You have push access fyi
Do you have some test file I can use?
Thanks! (I'm still figuring out git, this may get a little bit sloppy)
I'm bad at git, so it's probably already pretty sloppy :P
@BrainSteel Kind of, but I made it by drinking beer and typing a bunch of profanity, so I'd rather not post it.
Hahaha, that sounds so honest. For one thing, are you sure that it's valid code?
Not at all!
I made it by find-and-replacing a BF hello world program
then adding words between the punctuation
Okay, let me see if I can hack something similar together real fast.
Sounds good
@AlexA. I didn't look at the whole code. But what you're doing with the iterators looks risky. Iterators on vectors don't remain valid when you push additional elements into the vector. So the iterators stored in the struct might be invalid after you add elements to the vectors.
^ That might be somewhat the source of the problem, but it looks like the original interpreter has that bit too. I think, for a project of this size, and what seems to be going on, it isn't a monumental problem. It looks like the iterator is only set after all elements are added.
@RetoKoradi For backstory, most of the code is used directly from someone's BF interpreter and I don't really know or understand C++ very well. What I've written may be the best thing ever or actually be setting orphans on fire, I wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
Hmm... It stopped crashing, but now it hangs. I'm going to need a couple more minutes :P
Take as many minutes as you need. Thanks so much for your help!
Aha! I think I've got it
:D :D :D
Annnnddd... I forked instead of branched. Gimme a second :P
haha "1 fork"
Okay, I legitimately can't find the damn branch button.
I'm sure not being able to find this button inspires all kinds of faith in the code I just wrote.
I have faith in your code. Certainly more in yours than in mine!
I just realized that I don't have GitHub Desktop. I was going to open it up and also look for the branch button
Oh boy. I am just embarrassing myself all over the place.
Okay, downloading desktop
I think I made a pull request.
Hey, it looks like I did something!
I merged your request!
Hooray! If you put ......",;........-'";! in a file, it should print "0"!
Does it ignore words and junk that isn't punctuation?
Ummm... Maybe? I think so... :P
Yes, confirmed.
Did you know that you're SUPER AWESOME?!
Daww, thanks :D It wasn't much, really. Do my comments make some kind of sense?
A lot
All of the sense
Hooray! I'm glad I could be of service :)
Service? You're co-creator.
Also, idk why but it works great for me in XCode but it won't compile using g++ on the command line. (Probably all matter of linking nonsense that I have no idea how to do)
Now we just need to make an esolangs page for it and we'll have met all of the criteria necessary for it to be included in Martin's challenge tomorrow!
Wonderful! And nobody will know... :P
We've create an open-source platform-restricted programming language! High five!
It shouldn't be too platform dependent.
Ooo ooo and it's Turing-complete.
And I just finished my solution to Martin's challenge! It's only 708 characters long!
Is it in this language????
Oh wait, you can't tell me what language it's in because that's the challenge.
Hahaha, it's not in our new language. That honor is yours :D
A gem from the Esolangs Sandbox: In the Examples section, there is a hello world program and two bullet points: "buy more" and "die".
Hahaha, wonderful. True poetry.
@MartinBüttner Guess what??? There is now a programming language called ???! You can find it on my GitHub and on Esolangs.
congrats :D
By golly, it happened. And at only 1:25AM.
would be helpful if the esolangs page linked anywhere
I've never made an esolangs page, I have no idea what info should be in there.
I just wanted to get it published before you post your challenge.
You may want to put a link to the github repo.
@AlexA. anything you want, but without a link it's going to be essentially impossible to find the interpreter
People would want to find it? :P
This is the programming language for the ages. Imagine what you get when you put Shakespeare's works in...
(Probably an infinite loop)
@AlexA. you could also add it to the language list esolangs.org/wiki/Language_list
Okay, I'll do that. Editing the language page right now.
@MartinBüttner Also, FYI, currently it only works when you run it in XCode on a Mac. I haven't yet figured out how to compile it from the command line without a bunch of errors I don't understand. u_u
I'm sure it's some kind of linking thing but as I've stated many times this evening, I do not understand C++. Haha
what's also really helpful is that your language is entirely undocumented :D
Hell yeah it is!
It may have been hastily thrown together at the last minute.
The only question is how long it'd take to get cracked :P
Man, g++ really doesn't like our code.
Yeah :|
@Sp3000 if either Alex or BrainSteel uses it, not very long :P
@Sp3000 oh yeah, I forget that you do that...
@BrainSteel What's the problem? C++ normally carries over from compiler to compiler fairly easily if you don't do anything crazy.
I'm pretty sure mine won't be that hard though :P
I'm pretty sure mine isn't very hard either, but it was tons of fun to make!
@RetoKoradi I am not sure. I think g++ and OS X are duking it out.
There must be some linking thing that XCode does implicitly that would otherwise have to be done explicitly when compiling from the command line.
It'd be funny if we used the same language :P
I'm sure we'll know when we see each other's code :D It's certainly possible.
Link errors only? For stuff that is from the standard library? Try -lstdc++. That's what you get for using Xcode.
It is time...
These aren't link errors, I believe.
It is rejecting it based on what I presume to be OS X code that is included.
I'm too tired to think clearly on it right now :P
Huh. clang doesn't like it either.
I like it.
Weird. Xcode is just the dev environment. It will still be compiled with clang. What kinds of errors?
We wrote it, so we better like it!
It's 4 compilation errors.
I really hope I'm reading this right.
Q: The Programming Language Quiz

Martin BüttnerWelcome to the Cops-and-Robbers edition of The Hello World Quiz! (If you've never played the quiz, feel free to try it out for a minute or 30. You don't need to have played it for this challenge though.) The Cops' Challenge Choose a programming language. Valid languages must have either a Wiki...

@NewMainPosts That was quick
Alrighty folks, tonight was lovely but I absolutely must sleep. Class at 8:30 tomorrow (today) morning. Good night all!
@BrainSteel Brutal. Have a good first class of the semester! Thanks for doing ??? with me!
:D Of course!
@MartinBüttner Is it just me or does your have unprintables?
@Sp3000 it doesn't
Hmmm my thing says there's an \x03 in there
@PeterTaylor I went ahead with posting the challenge, because a) There is now already a ??? language, b) It would have been cracked anyway, c) It doesn't really trip up the snippet if you just link the language name to the esolangs page. I'd still be interested in what you came up for it though. ;)
@AlexA./@BrainSteel Easy to fix. In both places, where you declare streams, you have std:..stream variable = std::...stream(...). That requires a copy constructor for the stream, which does not exists. Simply change it to std:...stream variable(...). This isn't Java. ;)
@RetoKoradi It's that simple? I'll try that soon, thanks!
Somebody edited the esolangs page for ??? and claimed that it isn't Turing complete
One of them should be std::istringstream stream(line). The other std::ifstream infile(filename). At least with clang, your code compiles for me with this change.
The beauty of templates is that you get about two pages of error messages for a couple of small issues in the code.
Thanks, I really appreciate your help!
@RetoKoradi Compiles with g++. Works great.
@Sp3000 I didn't put that in there :P (and if I did, I'm sure SE would strip it?). anyway, I don't think it should affect the validity of the code
Hmmm k
Also 4 min crack pumps fist
Someone who knows things: Is ??? not Turing complete?
BrainSteel said it was, I have no idea, and some guy on esolangs claims it isn't.
@Sp3000 how...
Hint: Avoid making your Hello World looking like anything on this page
@AlexA. the loss of nested loops? I don't see why you couldn't have nested loops
@MartinBüttner Yeah, I agree
Should I remove that from the page?
I've added something to the talk page
let's see if the author reacts
What's the talk page?
@Sp3000 hm, the character distribution in your answer seems vaguely familiar...
(this isn't the one I spent hours on, in case you're wondering :P)
Man, Martin's one is like trying to find a needle in a haystack
In case anyone wants to see ??? in action, I uploaded a test program
@AlexA. beautiful
Oh, the same dude who edited the esolangs page posted an issue on the GitHub repo saying the same thing
@MartinBüttner Ninja'd! I was just about to press enter
Woohoo, I cracked one, and wasn't even planning to participate. :)
@RetoKoradi Well you've started now, so why stop? :)
@BetaDecay I'm afraid the other ones won't be as easy!
Could have sworn that FORTRAN 77 requires PROGRAM <name> before the program.
@BetaDecay I'm pretty sure it would work in MUF, but I haven't found an interpreter yet
I think it's good etiquette to use PROGRAM @AlexA.
Right, but I thought it was required. I guess not.
@MartinBüttner On Wikipedia it seems that notify is the command for print instead of disp
Or are there different commands?
@AlexA. Not official documentation, but: "A program can optionally be given a name by beginning it with a single PROGRAM statement." (idris.fr/data/cours/lang/fortran/F77.html#p4.2)
Hm. Okay.
@BetaDecay Looks like I might have lucked out by picking 77. Seems like earlier versions required a STOP at the end of a program.
@RetoKoradi Anything >=77 would work I think
@AlexA. Probably. I'm pretty sure the fixed format is not required anymore in Fortran 90, but it most likely still works. I actually did a project in Fortran 90. Wasn't even that bad.
Yeah, I kind of like the newer Fortrans.
Free-form input and no need for all-caps
Not even mentioning fancy features like dynamic memory allocation. ;) Not having to compile the size of your data into the code was a big step forward.
That didn't take long. My Javascript bet was right :P
I should go to bed. All the ??? excitement has kept me up about 2 hours later than normal.
Goodnight all.
(Except @Sp3000, good morning to you.)
Afternoon now, almost evening :)
But bye
@BetaDecay ah, I figured out your second cop... shot myself in the foot with "Every user only gets one guess per answer." though :D
Least we now know it's not too hard :)
btw, I posted another one in case you got bored of trying to crack the first one :P
You should spend more time cracking mine :P
Here are some impressive golfs: wildmag.de/compo
@Sp3000 I had prepared a Prelude one, but it was already massive before obfuscating it so it would have been near impossible to obscure the relevant characters with a jumble of random ones.

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