@ChrisJester-Young I've never been to a lang/floss/cs related convention. Maybe some year! I'd love to go to Wikipedia's yearly convention or PyCon, RacketCon sounds fun too
@ChrisJester-Young It's always fun to meet people that write code -- I met this guy at a local makerspace who is partly responsible for uggle (sp?), some bytecode VM for business rules used by FedEx
@Sp3000 The #lang line is there to specify the language in use. Racket has support for many languages, like racket, racket/base, r5rs, typed/racket, htdp/isl+, etc.
There has been discussion whether the #lang racket line should be included in code golf submissions.
So really the question is two-fold:
The technical aspect: Is it possible to run Racket code without the #lang racket line?
Poll: If it isn't possible to run Racket code without the #lang racket...
There has been discussion whether the #lang racket line should be included in code golf submissions.
So really the question is two-fold:
The technical aspect: Is it possible to run Racket code without the #lang racket line?
Poll: If it isn't possible to run Racket code without the #lang racket...
@phase well the approach is to encode a list of numbers as base 256. Those numbers could be codepoints, letters of the alphabet, characters of some string, just base 10 numbers, whatever.
bzip2 is a free and open-source file compression program that uses the Burrows–Wheeler algorithm. It only compresses single files and is not a file archiver. It is developed and maintained by Julian Seward. Seward made the first public release of bzip2, version 0.15, in July 1996. The compressor's stability and popularity grew over the next several years, and Seward released version 1.0 in late 2000.
== Compression efficiency ==
bzip2 compresses most files more effectively than the older LZW (.Z) and Deflate (.zip and .gz) compression algorithms, but is considerably slower. LZMA is generally more...
Censors are a common tool used on the interwebs. But they often censor too much of the word, and thus make the cursing ambiguous to the reader. And sometimes they don't censor enough, so the words still remain offending. Your task is to fix that.
Your task
Write a program/function/whatever that...
I assumed that link was to an actual dictionary instead of 1000-word gist, and was wondering how q..r. was unambiguous. Turns out your list doesn't have 'query' :)
This is what I get for not picking clever usernames.
I should really be userXXX, where XXX is my social security number.
I want to make a web tool for my grandpa to use. Tatar is his first language (English is his third, and it shows), but he learned Tatar in the 1920s when the Arabic alphabet was used. Since the 40s a Cyrillic alphabet has been used, and a Latin alphabet emerged in the early 2000s. My grandpa can only read the Arabic alphabet, so I wanted to make a tool to translate between alphabets.
Oh what the hell... Doorknob was close. I've been outside messing with my car for a bit. My dog has apparently figured out how to chat, just not very well.
People will upvote anything... If any of you 4k+ users is around, could you cast a third delete vote on this loophole answer before it gets a positive tally?
Python, 187 bytes (standard loophole, sorry)
from sys import argv
from bs4 import *
from urllib2 import *
soup = BeautifulSoup(urlopen("http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/53925"))
print soup.find_all('code')[int(argv[1])%2].string
If the OP updates the ascii arts, this command-line applicat...
Guess the language this tip is for: You can save a character by instead currying in the first argument and then applying the resulting partial function to the second argument by juxtaposition.
My first ever Programming Puzzles & Code Golf is the Seven-Slash Display. Here is my first Challenge, also based on 7-segment display.
I often think about, besides numbers, what kind of letters I can display using a simple 7 segment display. Turns out a lot of letters can be displayed. In fact,...
Marching Squares is an algorithm from computer graphics, which is used to recover 2D isocontours from a grid of samples (see also, its big brother Marching Cubes for 3D settings). The idea is to process each cell of the grid independently, and determine the contours passing through that cell base...
Given a number of seconds past midnight, output the smallest angle between any two hands on a clock face, using as few bytes as possible.
You may assume that the number of seconds is always less than 86400.
Angles may be represented in degrees or radians.
A reference solution is at: http://ideo...
Punch buggy?
As some of you might know, "punch buggy" is a children's(?) game that involves spotting Volkswagen Beetles and punishing other players. For reference, the car on the left is a punch buggy, while the car on the right is not:
Your task is: given an i...
@Geobits Now that makes it harder... I had a similar idea where you have the program identify trains, planes, cars, pickups and trucks. But Beetles are quite similar to other cars
Hmm looks like by putting a label and instruction on the same line it gave me the extra instruction I needed to get least nodes/instructions on divider
Write a program that will produce differing behaviors on as many different platforms* as you can. Each differing platform awards one point (including an initial platform, meaning you can't score less than 1**). Mechanisms intended for determining the target/executing platform (e.g. through platfo...
Average out two lists
Given two lists of positive integers determine whether it is possible to swap elements from each lists so both lists will have the same average
The input can be taken through STDIN or function argument, the input can be taken in as an list. If your langua...
CJam, 32 30 bytes
Output is in radians. Try it online.
CJam, 36 35 bytes
Verified to match the output of the reference program for all 86400 possible inputs.
Try it online in the CJam interpreter.
There were some quirks in the early versions (e.g., you couldn't map most two-character operators), but both interpreters are working really well by now. aditsu did a great job.
I came across this chess floor redesign with smallest number of tile changes problem. Here is the link: http://community.topcoder.com/stat?c=problem_statement&pm=13917&rd=16512
I understood the problem but two of the samples that has been quoted there are misleading / doesn't have enough explana...
Quit Whining; Start Quining
Write a function or program that, given an integer n, will output a program that is a quine with a period of n.
Description of Output Program:
The output program needs to be a program that, when run, ... will output a program... that will output a program... ...
It's close, but it has a sane scoring algorithm and since the length of the produced quine is not important, there's a little room for tricks to reduce the generator's size.