You can golf without learning CJam for sure. If your goal is to a) learn an interesting language or b) win the checkmark, it wouldn't hurt to learn it.
Help My Brother with his Geometry!
Every part of this challenge is fictional and should not be taken seriously. There is no time limit for this challenge.
My little brother is terrible with computers! He saved up all of his money to buy a new one, and within half an hour the hard drive was wipe...
Development of LOLCODE has pretty much halted, which isn't surprising given that the lolcats memes have declined in popularity, giving way to doge and the like.
I think Adam Lindsay, creator of LOLCODE, was also the creator of Dogescript.
The Dublin team say it took 7.1 million core-hours of processing time on a machine with 640 Intel Xeon hex-core processors. They started in January 2011 and finished in December. Hooray for processing time.
Write a program in the language of your choosing which when read are the lyrics to a song. It must be a valid program which can be compiled and run without errors. While you could technically print to the screen all the lyrics, you're encouraged to do it with style and avoiding string literals ...
ArnoldC, 228
Lets make Arnold Schwarzenegger singing...
TALK TO THE HAND "Happy Birthday to You"
TALK TO THE HAND "Happy Birthday to You"
TALK TO THE HAND "Happy Birthday Dear ArnoldC"
TALK TO THE HAND "Happy Birthday to You"
Happy Birthday t...
@Rainbolt Also, I'm not sure it would work anyway. It seems that flags are supposed to be auto-converted and don't count toward your helpful flag count:
can someone please do a quick test for me? post a message. post another message. delete the second message. try editing the first message via the up-arrow key.
There is a weird bug in chat. Try this:
Post a message, M1.
Post another message, M2.
Delete M2.
Try hitting the up-arrow key.
I'd expect still to be able to navigate to M1 to edit it, but it doesn't seem to work. But wait, there's more!
Post another message, M3.
Try hitting the up-arrow k...
@Martin Given only the first half of the bug, I would have said "As designed". But the second half of the bug clearly gives away that it isn't as designed.
It also supports limited substitution (ex. sending the two messages I'm a doroknob, s/doroknob/doorknob/ would result in a single message I'm a doorknob), which I discovered entirely by accident.
I have trouble reading specs like "Foo will be printed." I much prefer "You must print Foo." The former just leaves me wondering "Printed by who? You mean me?"
Can confirm, am stupid. Three times in the past year, I would have had a perfect test score (in Physics, Differential Equations, and then Circuits I) had I remembered how to divide by 2.
My physics professors didn't care if we used a restricted set of calculators, they cared more about us understanding how to do the problem than the arithmetic.
I actually had kind of a similar but not even close situation yesterday. I went to write a game engine. I ended up with an FRP system. With no game elements at all.
btw, everyone who voted on the meta post about changing the General Programming Questions close vote reason, Ilmari posted a new answer (which I think is really good, but regardless of how you like it, you still might want to vote)
@Rainbolt we migrate much fewer questions to SO than we could. and just because a question might be on topic there doesn't mean we should migrate it, because it might not meet the quality standards. hence, I think a gentle pointer towards SO is just what we need.
oh wait
you just want a "This is off-topic" reason
I guess there is a reason why that doesn't exist. "General Programming Questions are off topic" is not even meant to be an always-true close reason.
Count the number of matrices that are permutations with a particular form
The challenge is to write code that can count the number of n by n matrices with entries which are 0 or 1 with a particular property. That is for each matrix M there must be a permutation of the order of rows and columns o...
@MartinBüttner hey man (and anybody else waiting), sorry, I tried but just couldn't get the new CJam release ready on time... I'm also a bit sick at the moment