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@Calvin'sHobbies I'm trying to find a 2010 language.
The wiki page lists Rust and Chapel, but I'm not sure how well either of those belong in 2010.
Chapel is cool!
I had forgotten about Chapel.
That should be added to the language showcase challenge.
Actually, I don't think I'm qualified to answer yet. There's a 5-year restriction for posting multiple answers, right?
@Calvin'sHobbies: Have you considered making a Stack Snippet leaderboard for the showcase challenge so that it's up to date?
@PhiNotPi: Yes, 5 years between posts.
Right, you can't answer until 2007
So pumped for 2007.
@PhiNotPi: Kotlin is also 2010.
@AlexA. Yes, if only so I stop getting edit request notifications.
I can't even imagine what your inbox must look like.
@AlexA. Wow, thanks very much! Appreciate the recognition. :)
@Calvin'sHobbies Thanks to your challenge, Retina has now caught up with my most-starred GitHub repo ;)
Clojure came out in 2007? I thought it was much older than that.
@MartinBüttner I'm surprised the gcd was so easy. I was very close to doing Nth fibonacci or list primes below N. Would those have been harder?
harder yes, but not too bad either.
@Calvin'sHobbies: If you were hoping task #3 would be based on recursion, Fibonacci may have been a more iconic choice. GCD is more interesting IMO though.
But naive Fib recursion grows exponentially. I didn't want that
@PhiNotPi It's a pretty new (though 8 years old now) language.
I'm looking at that OpenShift thing somebody linked to earlier. It looks really cool, but I'm still trying to figure out what it does.
I'm going to go make some dinner. Nice talking with you all! Talk to you later
Right now, it looks like I'm at a language selection screen.
I could keep it classy and write the application in Perl.
1 hour later…
What would be the best language to use?
@PhiNotPi I'm biased, so I'm going to say Scheme! :-P (Say I, the 3rd user to score a gold [scheme] tag badge on Stack Overflow.)
I've been perusing around OpenShift for the past hour.
I don't see Scheme listed on their "quickstart" list.
@PhiNotPi That doesn't surprise me.
I see Go and Ceylon for some reason.
okay, koth-phinotpi.rhcloud.com is about to become a thing
Slightly cheesy URL, but whatevs
That's just how they format them
Nothing to see yet.
Q: Is it OK to copy a question if the old one is long dead?

ASCIIThenANSIEarlier I came across The Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock Tournament of Epicness, and I decided to submit an answer. To my disappointment, the question was apparently last edited 6 months ago. No one appears to be using it, so I was wondering - Is it OK to copy this question (and not have it...

@MartinBüttner The answer is no, right?
Who upvoted this like 5 seconds after I posted it and how?
I'm waiting for someone to answer in Ruby.
Do you, by any chance, know how to install a ruby gem?
gem install doorknobs_amazing_program
Basically, the web app thing, which I'm trying to figure out how to use, requires a ruby gem.
But I get some stupid certificate error.
ERROR:  Could not find a valid gem 'rhc' (>= 0), here is why:
          Unable to download data from rubygems.org - SSL_connect retur
ned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed (
I would use linux for anything like that.
$ sudo gem install rhc
Oh are you on Windows? It should still be the same (minus the sudo).
yes, I should have mentioned windows
Finally, I re-installed RubyGems and it worked.
@randomra Very nice! Somehow looking at your code it wasn't as complicated as I thought it'd be
Someone I know created a 50-minute introduction video about Git.
Wagers on first answer?
I'll say Martin with Ruby
And now I have to beat Martin. But I don't know Ruby.
@AlexA. I know a lot of Ruby (it's what I used at my last job). :-P
@ChrisJester-Young: Be the first to answer!
In fact, I used Ruby in one of my Stack Exchange developer interviews.
(The rest of the interviews, I used Racket, because I <3 Scheme that much.)
That's an impressive dedication to Scheme.
@AlexA. Dedicated enough to have a gold tag badge for it on Stack Overflow.
Alright, now that's an impressive dedication to Scheme
So basically what you're telling me is that you're some kind of inhuman Scheme deity.
@ChrisJester-Young: You should give @Calvin'sHobbies's most recent challenge a go!
@AlexA. Next time, you can press up arrow to edit previous posts (up to 2 minutes ago).
@AlexA. Link please?
I knew I could edit but I didn't know about up arrow. I was feeling exceptionally lazy.
@AlexA. Next feature I should tell you about (if you don't already know about it and are just too lazy to use it ;-)) is replying. On the right-hand margin of each message (that isn't yours), there's an arrow icon. Click that and you'll reply to it. That way, when someone mouseovers the comment, they can see which comment it was in reply to. Really handy! :-)
I did know that one. Again, laziness. u_u I appreciate the info though! I'm still very new to chat.
Are you going to answer Calvin's challenge and rule us with your Scheme skills?
Or Ruby
Chris answers even less than I do ;P
@Calvin'sHobbies I've stopped answering much since I became a mod, which happened 4 years ago.
But you aren't a mod anymore, right?
Time to get back on the answer wagon!
But your name is still blue
Oh is that what that means?
I guess pretty soon you'll just be black like the rest of us.
@Calvin'sHobbies: For the Ruby challenge, can I assume that the backslashes are escaped, i.e. each appears in the input as \\?
@Calvin'sHobbies Devs and community managers still have blue names.
@AlexA. I think it's best to assume input is in stdin.
@AlexA. I hope not! That would mean that I'd no longer be a Stack Exchange employee.
@ChrisJester-Young: I was hoping to go the function route for the ruby challenge since it's typically quite a bit shorter than reading from stdin in my language of choice. (Note that my language of choice isn't Ruby.)
@AlexA. If you're writing a function then having to call it with an escaped string is fine, but not for stdin or file
(shouldn't be necessary there anyway)
@Calvin'sHobbies: Okay cool, thanks
@ChrisJester-Young: All SE employees are also blue? I formally retract my previous statement. Stay blue!
Oh god, Ruby inspector looks so doable in Slip but so terrible at the same time
@AlexA. Not all employees. Devs and community managers.
i.e., people who actually have mod privileges.
But you said if your name was black it would mean that you would no longer be a SE employee
Perhaps I misunderstood
@Sp3000: So worth it.
@AlexA. I'm a dev. If I lose dev status, that can only mean one thing.
Oh right, dev dev. Yeah.
For each defect I need to match a different number of things in order to get any sort of numerical output :/
So maybe it won't be the shortest code...
Nope :(
If it makes you feel better, I have never had the shortest code in any code golf I've ever done
I have, but most of those times nobody else answered :(
I still appreciate Sp for that
Yes, me too! That was awesome!
It was actually pretty fun trying to rack my brain to guess which valid program would come next lexicographically :P
@Calvin'sHobbies For stdin submissions, does the input end with a newline?
You can assume it does, yes.
I can match the positions of the rubies! But can't translate that to a number easily :(
They are in order spiraling ccw outwards. Maybe you can offset them so the center is the origin and measure the arg of the complex num (probably a long shot)
Julia. Posted.
@AlexA. I have most of a Ruby solution.
@ChrisJester-Young: Nice! Looking forward to seeing it.
Not much shorter than your answer though :'(
Probably a more elegant solution though.
(Yours I mean)
Like 50% of the characters in my code are just defining a vector of indices. :/
@Sp3000: Sounds like you had a similar idea to me. Try taking a look at my solution--if you know the positions and you have them in an order, you can use the index as the defect number.
Yeah, if only Slip has indexing/arithmetic/any of that cool stuff :P
I don't know Slip at all. Another made by a PPCG person?
@AlexA. It's golf, not elegance.
@AlexA. Here's that perl program I was telling you about. It converts csv data to postscript address labels. gist.github.com/luser-dr00g/79dc83d4e2b133a67eee
I like how the two languages "embrace" one another.
@ChrisJester-Young: Shortest characters may win, but creativity and elegence (whenever possible) always get my vote. :)
@AlexA. It's certainly creative.
@luserdroog: Cool, thanks for sending me the link!
A: Official Ruby Inspector

Chris Jester-YoungRuby 2.0, 79 bytes #!ruby -Kn0 require'digest' p '×ñF<ìX‚ɲŸ_'.index Digest::MD5.digest(gets)[0] Hexdump (to faithfully show the binary data in the string): 00000000 23 21 72 75 62 79 20 2d 4b 6e 30 0a 72 65 71 75 |#!ruby -Kn0.requ| 00000010 69 72 65 27 64 69 67 65 73 74 27 0a 70 20 27...

@AlexA. Made by me for the 2D pattern matching question :P It's like regex, so it doesn't do arithmetic and such
Having said that, I can get the right number if I make it match the right number of things, e.g. this matches 5 and 7
@Sp3000: Very cool! So what's 2 languages you've successfully created?
1 success-ish, 1 in shambles :P
Well they're both winners in my book!
@ChrisJester-Young: I like your Ruby ruby inspector! Could you add some explanation? I like it but I don't understand it. Haha
I need to sleep so I'll talk to you all later. Have a good evening (or day I guess, in the case of Sp3000).
@AlexA. Done.
Read before you go to sleep.
Night :P
2 hours later…
I know most of you are asleep, but I have a question regarding this consensus on output and my answer to the recent ruby challenge. The consensus was that modifying arguments was a valid form of output. Technically, my answer stores its output in the first element of b. Now, it is storing a value of the wrong type in a quite large array. Is this valid? If not, where is the deciding line?
@MartinBüttner ^^ comments?
It's not vital to get an answer immediately. The return statement is there, so it's definitely valid as per the spec. I'm just curious if I would be allowed to remove it :)
Well if it's something like shuffling an array, then doing it in-place and not returning the array is fine
But since you're storing the output in the first element... I'm not sure :/
Me either :P I did it on accident at first, since it was convenient and I didn't want to declare another variable.
Also, on a different but related note, I can't remember the consensus on whether or not extraneous arguments to a function are allowed. Are they?
I'm not sure if there's a consensus, but I think default arguments are okay (like def f(x,y=1):, since you can call with one argument f(5)) but you can't do something like requiring the user to input twice (e.g. taking f(x,x) as input)
Neat. Doesn't actually help me out this time, though.
2 hours later…
@BrainSteel I would not consider this valid. That's like returning b instead of its first element. In the case of a return value we don't return larger objects containing the result either, so I think the same should go for output via arguments.
@Sp3000 nice Slip answer, I was thinking about doing something similar in Retina
:P thought you might, I'd be interested to see that too if you get the time
hm, I'm not sure I can be bothered now that you've already done it ;) ... I also can't think of a more interesting way to do it than listing all pairs of matches and distinguishing with a bunch of ?
Q: ASCII Doodling: Laser in a Box

Martin BüttnerSometimes when I'm doodling, I draw a rectangle, start with a diagonal from one of the corners, and then just trace out a line by "reflecting" it whenever I hit a side of the rectangle. I continue with this until I hit another corner of the rectangle (and hope that the aspect ratio of my rectangl...

haha, lost my Fanatic streak on Mathematica around day 90... oh well...
That badge is the perfect way to make people call off important overseas trips around days 90-100, just so they can be online.
You know, sometimes I feel like Kolmogorov could do with a language which is just base convert, mod-chain then index :P
Considering the number of times I've done it
lol I would hate to see that :D
Hmm CJam has a bit of a gap for variables between 4-9. I wonder if I can find a base/mod pair so that no two such numbers are next to each other...
hmmm, laser in a box would be a fun exercise in Retina.
also, I should add a command-line flag which reads all sources from a single newline separated file
Ahaha that would help - having to make new files all the time hurts :P
I use -e and do it all PowerShell when writing submissions. but the escaping is a pain.
@ChrisJester-Young would be neat if you could actually look into that. the last info I had was this message which balpha didn't follow up on, and I don't feel like bothering him again. ;)
I was going to say "if you give me just the box I could probably just match the valid output"
But then I realised that that doesn't actually work because I don't have any way to get my current direction/reflecting my direction :(
Morning, PPCG!
Morning Sphere!
@MartinBüttner Yeah, that definitely seems to be one of the most-requested features on Code Golf. ;-)
In so saying, why are the responses in this thread so lukewarm? meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/292/3
Q: Shortest Minmod Function

Martin BüttnerThe minmod function is a variant of the familiar min, which appears in slope-limiting high-resolution schemes for partial differential equations. Given a number of slopes, it picks out the flattest slope, while taking care of relative signs between the slopes. The function takes an arbitrary num...

Thanks, @Chris!
That was fast
@MartinBüttner :-D
@ChrisJester-Young Are you going to answer the feature requests?
@Sp3000 Oh dude, that's just something a dev can take care of, and you're talking to one. ;-)
@MartinBüttner Sure, let me [status-completed] the newer one.
I just found it ironic that something that's been in discussion for so long just... suddenly happened.
What's next, overnight graduation? :P
(in all seriousness though, thanks :) )
@Sp3000 "suddenly" happened... I like to think that this is still the result of me bringing it up with balpha again... like a month ago :P
Shhhh it's sudden to people that don't get access to the black box that is mods-doing-all-the-work
I wasn't actually a mod back then :P
You were practically acting as one :P
@Sp3000 It's called fake it till you make it. :-D
too much blue
too much white
@Optimizer In a dev chatroom, almost every message is blue.
Hmm, I wonder this is why Team Blue is winning :(
@Unihedro P.S. I see your SO nomination. Good luck!
Stack overflow mod ?
@ChrisJester-Young Thanks :) Seeing as we have strong competition this year, I'm almost certain that I won't win, but I'm also really glad the people I treasure are running for mod. I hope they win at least!
I'll still take my coming-soon Yearling badge in honor. :p
@MartinBüttner That's reasonable. So, modifying an argument is valid if and only if the argument is the same type and size as what is acceptable by the spec? (Also, congratulations on moderator-dom!)
Also, good morning everyone :P
@BrainSteel Yes, just as for return values. (Also, thanks!)
I didn't really think that my return method was valid, but it looked kinda cute ;)
I think I'm going to do some Element golfing today, to increase brand recognition.
You need a logo.
@Unihedro Your avatar is scary.
@Rainbolt o_o
Oh god, he has a shovel!
@Martin We got a German question on BCG today: boardgames.stackexchange.com/q/23709/6692
I couldn't even have helped :(
You're German?! I suppose I could have observed such from the ü...
indeed :)
Cool! I'm not German myself, (unless you trace the ol' family tree back a couple generations) but I've always found the culture fascinating. Mein Deutsch ist sehr schlecht.
There's a non-negative amount of German ancestry somewhere in me.
@PhiNotPi that does not exclude 0 German ancestry
I've got about 50%? My mother's full-blooded, but has lived in the US for her entire life.
@BrainSteel Don't worry. A (British) friend of mine has a German mum (who grew up in Germany) and he barely speaks German.
I just checked one of my distant relative's genealogy websites, and they have a family tree that dates back to Germany in the late 1500s.
I have German great-grandmothers on both sides, but nothing more recent. Like many Americans, I'm a mutt :)
I suppose it is quite uncommon for somebody to have that detailed of a family record.
@MartinBüttner I wouldn't speak any German at all if I hadn't taken 3 years of it in High School, haha. I know just about enough to keep up with basic German literature and German music. I can't really hold a (grammatically correct) conversation. My brother has a minor in German, though, and he'll be teaching it next year I think.
with a name like buettrtnerrtr you know you have to speak german
oh, you're from the Netherlands... that explains the extraneous consonants :P
My boyfriend can hardly communicate with his parents because he doesn't speak Vietnamese.
@MartinBüttner Look up herfstschreeuw
I at least understand "Want phở?" (to which the answer is forever "Yes")
@Rainbolt how does that even work? have they not spoken Vietnamese with him when he was a kid?
@Rainbolt I too, am fascinated by this mechanism.
He knew it when he young and then lost it after entering public school
Do they live together?
@BrainSteel No, he lives with me. But we go visit them often because I love her food
And because there is a sushi buffet down the street
And because there are large Magic tournaments in Dallas (technically Fort Worth) all the time
Isn't that stuff like cocaine?
but more expensive?
Not if you win
Our store tab has $700 on it now
@orlp I can store 30 lbs of Magic cards for 10-15 years in my closet without getting robbed/shot. So not really :P
How many of us play magic?!
I haven't played in years, just still have a bunch of cards.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

randomraBrainf*** to tinyBF converter code-golfbrainfuckconversion You don't need to know these languages to participate. Every necessary info is in this question. You should write a program or function which given a brainfuck (BF) code as input outputs its tinyBF equivalent. BF has 8 instructions ch...

At least four people that I know of. Geobits used to, Martin used to, Peter Taylor used to, and I play currently.
I play hearthstone, if that counts?
I think it counts
I've played the Pokemon TCG more recently, but that's just with my kid ;)
Also, it's terrible.
@Geobits I did before MTG
as a kid I collected the pokemon cards
everyone did
no one played the game
they just collected the cards
I never did the cards as a kid, just the video games.
(and still do)
I know two people that play Pokemon competitively
Ugh, meeting time :(
Q: How do I tell my reputation ranking?

ASCIIThenANSIWhen on the 'Top Users' tab of the Stack Exchange website, you can see the reputation rankings (that is, 1st place has the most reputation, 2nd place has the 2nd most, etc.) of different users. Recently, I searched for my name, and nothing came up. (Probably because I'm rather new.) However, when...

The group where I live meets at Whataburger because the game store is apparently too "obscene"
And the only game store in town that isn't obscene holds maybe 10 people total
Adjective: obscene (comparative more obscene, superlative most obscene)
  1. Offensive to current standards of decency or morality
  2. obscēne
Noun: obscene f pl
  1. plural form of obscenă...
@orlp Mostly profanity. They allow alcohol in the store but not many people take advantage of that
Wish me luck, just submitted my sort algorithm to libstdc++ mailing list to see if they want to merge it
@MartinBüttner Can my input be in the reversed order.
E.g. 6 22 for the 22 6 example
yes, I'll clarify that
Nice, that'll saves 2 bytes.
It's noodle-day.
my god do I hate mailing lists
anyone as a correct answer :
@Optimizer I would really love to hear your input on this. What was the right move upon reaching full hearts? — Qwerty 33 mins ago
@Rainbolt @rcrmn @user23013 ^
The only winning move is not to play.
How about a game of chess?
Would be fun if in the future chess is a solved game, and going first/second always wins
@Optimizer I believe the right move is to select whichever one is closest to decaying
perhaps with the exception of downvote, because that would cause user decay
in my 227-day solo completion of an egg, I did that
why are we still talking about stupidegg?
and managed to do most of the last third or so in a steady state of alternating between all maxed and all but quality maxed
@Optimizer Is this in beta or graduation end game?
If beta, just cycle through all four in any order. As far as I can tell, it's impossible to complete an entire cycle (four rounds) with maxed stars in beta. If graduation, alternate like Ask, Downvote, Answer, Downvote, Ask, Downvote, Answer, Downvote (you get the idea). Traffic will almost keep users floating, but after maybe 10-15 rounds, you'll have to upvote once. Then you're good to go for another 10-15 rounds.
Omg a blue flag just showed up. And before I could click on it, it disappeared.
Does that mean it's in this chatroom, or just any chatroom?
@Rainbolt any room
@ProgramFOX any room on chat.SE at least ;)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ASCIIThenANSIA New Kind of KOTH - Work with other bots This is just an idea, let me know if it won't pan out well. The year is 2015 (plus or minus a few thousand years). All the PPGC challenges have collapsed, with the wave of code-troll ambushes. All that remains are the bots, executing their small challeng...

I know ASCIIThenANSI is enthusiastic, but... is there any way we can get them to slow down a bit?
Let him burn himself out?
@Optimizer What do you want us to do? Answer him? here or there?
I asked him to come here
he can read backlog
@Sp3000 I guess giving him feedback on his sandbox posts would be a start. We could also invite him in here.
If he looked at the code posted by stackexchange github.com/StackExchange/stackegg/blob/master/StackEgg/…
There it can be seen how the stats change every day: By default one heart is synonim of having a value of 1.0, two hearts of 2.0, etc
And every day, every property is updated with -0.3 by default
Element Interpreter v1.1 is going to be released today. Basically, I refactored some stuff.
And selecting a property gives it +1.0
@MartinBüttner Probably... but I don't mean just the sandbox (although 7 in two days has to be some sort of record) - I mean posting on old challenges/meta posts as well...
Yes, I've noticed. (Actually, I think I've already invited him to chat.)
huh, we have both and . is there really a clear and objective distinction between the two?
So, when at full hearts, all will be decreasing at the same rate, -0.3, except when in the last phase and having full hearts in traffic, which will make Users increase by 0.2 every day and will make Quality drop by -0.9 every day.
Also, as can be seen here, the upper cap of the values is 4.5 hearts github.com/StackExchange/stackegg/blob/master/StackEgg/…
This means that it's good to try to increase all the stats up to that number, so they will drop to 3 hearts more slowly, but the most important is to try and keep them all at 4 hearts, and that is done by selecting the option that would drop to 3 hearts the next
If that is not enough for him, having a look at the code is the best option, and as the code is quite clear he shouldn't have a problem
Q: What does "TL;DR" mean?

ASCIIThenANSII've noticed when answering questions, sometimes people add 'TL;DR' to the beginning. What does this mean, and when is it appropriate to use?

Dogescript now tied with Retina on votes, but we're still in 2011
Wow, I just copy-pasted some perl code into an answer box and it triggered MathJax.
@Sp3000 I noticed :(
Am I allowed to downvote Dogescript?
only if you think it's not a good answer. ;)
I'm not sure what to do with the collatz sequence on a two counter machine question
the question asks us to solve a relatively simple problem in a very limited assembly language
Q: How can I tell the difference between a rabbit and a cat?

Chef_CodeI received a shipment of prefabricated skinned rabbit last week and the shipment seemed unusual. Rabbits have a very close resemblance to cats once their “hair” and skin have been removed. Is there a telltale sign that I’m working with Bugs Bunny, not Sylvester? I have a suspicion that Elmer Fud...

there's basically only one way you can efficiently solve the problem
@Runer112 In principle, there's nothing wrong with that. I recently asked people to add two numbers. (with regex)
so I've got an answer that's slightly smaller than the other answer, but it's basically just due to two peephole optimizations
@Runer112 Should we call a close-vote?
I dunno, the question is interesting
@ASCIIThenANSI no. there is no reason to close vote. it's neither off topic, nor too broad, nor a duplicate.
the problem is, all efficient answers will look basically the same
then downvote.
@ASCIIThenANSI Welcome to chat! :)
It's not the first time we've had a single-optimal-answer question :P
@MartinBüttner Oh, thank you!
yes, but these questions are super prone to FGITW
Also indeed, welcome to chat! You can slow down with the meta posts though ;)
which is disappointing, because most questions here aren't

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