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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

My link?
dropbox is not ascii art friendly
It shows it the right way for me.
unless its Bender from Futurama, that is not the right way :P
Zoomed out quite a bit.
I look so handsome
Your head looks like it has gone air born.
I'm practicing Air Bending
You guys could be out there writing challenges, but instead you're doing this...
IIIII     I.           IIIII       IIIII
IIIII     III   II    .III.        IIIII
IIIII     IIII=IIII=    =          IIIII
     IIIII       =II :IIII?   IIIII
     IIIII         IIIIII     IIIII
=         III= :IIIIIII= :IIII   :IIII?
II.    .  II  ,  IIIII  ,  III  IIIII
IIII.IIII.  ,III:  I  ,III:  I    I
=II? =IIII:  III  ,I:  III  ,I   :I=
       IIIII     IIIII     III  IIIII
@Calvin'sHobbies We had a pretty cool KOTH idea floating around earlier.
I saw the conversation. I've got my own ideas too
::::             :::    :::
::::   :        :::     :::
::::   ::  .,   ::      :::
::::   :::.::,          :::
    ::: :, :::  ::  ::::
    :::     :: :::, ::::
    :::      ::::,  ::::
:      ::: :::::,.::   :::,
::     ::   :::,  .:  :::,
::: .: : `:  :, :: .   :,
,::,:::  ::: ` .::,    .
 ,,  :::  : `:: ., :  .::
      :::  `::::  :: .:::
   ::: ::, :::::  :::
  :::  :, . :::    :::   ,
   :   , ::. :  ::  ::: ::,
   :   . ::, :  ::   :: :::
  :::  :. , :::    :     ::
my precious screen real estate
It's official, my avatar does not look good in ASCII form.
I think that ^ looks good.
Much better.
Who else should I do?
something that doesn't involve ascii art
Are you saying that some ASCII isn't art?
Rainbolt hasn't talked for 3 days !
he never does on weekends
I haven't talked to any real-world friends in 3 days.
@rcrmn just saw your challenge proposal. you might be interested in this terrain generator I was working on about a year ago... it's hardly more than an unfinished prototype but it's based on this article which is really amazing.
@PhiNotPi to any what?
@Optimizer Have you started working on your bot yet?
@PhiNotPi Mind if I borrow your bot for the base of mine?
@Hosch250 The Sphi-bots?
Yeah, well, just yours.
But you're on the opposing team!
That isn't my fault.
I think I found a contender for a completely different KOTH: zmangames.com/rulebooks/Lifeboats.pdf
How do you guys know which bot is yours?
Click the "show names" button or whatever it's called
@Hosch250 That doesn't mean you should use their code. I'm going to be very skeptical of bots that use code primarily from another player, whether on the same or enemy team. (I already am skeptical about Wasmoo.) I'd much prefer you to write your bot on your own (or in collaboration with teammates).
@Calvin'sHobbies OK.
@Calvin'sHobbies If I write and submit my bot, then later make changes, can I delete that entry and post another?
@Hosch250: The instructions say one entry per person
@AlexA. OK, so no deleting and reposting.
Part of the game is that after the 8-hour window passes, that's it.
I know, that is why I asked.
Because once I get my main part done, I might be able to add more, I might not.
@Hosch250: I mean, it's ultimately up to @Calvin'sHobbies, but I would assume that that isn't legit.
Building on that KOTH idea I just mentioned, that's a pure negotiation game, where all deaths are determined in a democratic process.
@PhiNotPi: In a "voted off the island" sort of way?
I have a brilliant idea, if I only knew enough JS to write it.
I'll try.
@Hosch250 What is it?
@TheBestOne Want to help?
Oh yeah, you two are teammates!
Don't you know this is the blue chat room?
I am going to attack enemy players really aggressively.
But that isn't all...
Just the standard way.
That is my attack plan.
The best part is yet to come.
More-or-less. Each player controls a set of people who are distributed amongst a set of lifeboats. The goal is to get as many of your people to an island as possible. People vote on which lifeboats move fastest or get sunk.
When I send a message, it might contain my real position, or it might contain a position next to me randomly chosen to try to lure enemies in.
Haha so voted on the island
@Hosch250 We can move to the red chat room.
@Hosch250 Opponents can't read your messages.
And they always have access to your true coordinates (if they are within visual range)
That closes that door.
We would need a way for bots to perform some kind of negotiation.
@PhiNotPi: Automated or manual negotiation?
Does "automated" mean the bots are negotiating and "manual" that the human authors are doing it?
I was thinking automated. Manual could be neat, but I don't know how much of a programming game that would be.
@Hosch250 Right. No deleting and reposting or editing past 8 hours without special permission from me (just in case someone maliciously edits your post or something)
Maybe there can be both. The humans can have bots that work together, but the bots themselves still have to negotiate in-game because that's how the game works.
In-game automatic negotiation is where the challenge-development work will have to be done.
I say, right before they take the "real" vote, bots can tell each other what they plan to do.
So that promises can be made and such.
Sounds legit
Maybe interactions can be either "I'll vote for X" or "If you say you will vote for Y, I'll vote for Y too"
Or maybe simpler "I'll vote for X" or "I'll vote what you tell me to"
I just remembered that I have a webs.com page!
Wow it's been years.
"Thank you for visiting my blog. It's a work-in-progress, but progress is being made." LOL nope!
ugh, custom HTML is now a premium feature
One of my pages had a custom HTML feature already on it, so I can just edit that one.
@PhiNotPi I did a metaOEIS sketch:
    answer-chaining is tree form, no oeis id dupe, no seq dupe, every oeis seq has to contain '42', 1 person multiple entry, can't answer own post. max 2/person/day, score per submission is (level/codelength*100), total score is sum(score)

    id    level    parent id    parent seq    new seq
    1        1          0                      1
    2        2          1         1            1 2
    3        3          2         1 2          1 2 6
    4        1          0                      0
    5        3          2         1 2          1 2 10
I'm sure it's not understandable at all, I just wrote up this idea, will post it detailed in the sandbox sometime.
@PhiNotPi are you planning on doing the metaOEIS challenge you posted in the sandbox?
I'm back.
I can post it, but I was just waiting for some better ideas than what I had.
well I have this idea but this will definitely need a fairly complex JS snippet
(and now I have 0 JS knowledge)
I have some JS knowledge, mainly that involved in the Red vs Blue challenge.
So not much here either.
but if your challenge starts fro A00001, they will have almost 0 intersection
Okay, I'm not quite sure in how answers are chained in your description above.
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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