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I stumbled upon the Christianity stack exchange just now, and it's making me sick. Some guy asked "What happens to people who have never heard of Jesus?", and the top voted answer is something like "At the heart of your question is this other unrelated question: Is God fair?"
Seriously, how do they ever get anything done?
And it was closed as not constructive :(
Guys I think we need to invade the Christianity stack exchange and start answering questions with logic and research.
5 hours later…
@Rusher I agree.
@Rusher woooo
@Trimsty what are you doing up at this time of night
@undergroundmonorail it's 8:50 am :P
it's 2:50 here
sleep is for the weak
or the afflicted
@Quincunx ;3
@Gareth Welcome! Been a while since you were active on codegolf (last was May 15th; no, I don't watch your every move and have a photographic memory, I used your profile)
@Quincunx I still pop in every day, but no questions have tickled my fancy, and I've not had anything to add to the conversation in chat.
@Gareth That's when I start dreaming up with questions, then writing and posting them.
Needs close vote (I have no idea how this could be made into a good challenge): codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/31544/9498
how I feel when I answer a question and miss one of the criteria
I found myself watching my rep closely as it inches closer...
A: Player with the Stinkiest Armpits

SconibulusThe most truly objective method may be to conduct a scientifically rigorous poll. You will need a random sampling of people from the world, we'll limit it to native English speakers to ensure that translation doesn't become a concern. Each will need to be kidnapped to prevent self-selection bias,...

It got downvoted...
I am surprised given there is so much minimax code available online
3 hours later…
@Synthetica Cmon cmon you can make it! You got past the tough part!
1 hour later…
Quick poll: Delete invalid answers (unintentionally breaking the rules) or not?
@Doorknob Leave a comment first, if they don't react after a reasonable amount of time, then delete.
I retracted my no. Before I vote, I want to draw a corollary to other stack exchanges. If possible, we follow suit. If not (because our format doesn't allow it) then we vote based on what is right.
What would Stack Overflow do to an answer that doesn't address the question being asked?
I'm not sure if that situation is comparable, given how often the specs to a question here change after answers have already been posted.
The answer in question:

flawrBrainfuck (553) [invalid] So here we go, coded in Brainfuck using this interpreter. I additionally used the '+' key, so thats 543+10 = 553 characters, still room for improvement: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.>++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++...

Well, users on Stack Overflow also change their question in a way that invalidates answers. It's not unique to us.
It's a corner case that should be handled though (after the author is given a good whoopin' for being rude)
If everyone else here is of the mind that everything we do is incomparable to other Stack Exchange sites, I'll just stop (because I know where that road goes)
@Doorknob I gave my opinion of that kind of deletion on meta a while back. It hasn't changed.
Q: Why don't users vote on my question?

nicaelTwo days ago number of views on my question hit 1,000. Today it is already 1,510 but it was up voted only once since (it happened today). They vote only on answers. Strange, I didn't face this on other sites. Usually users upvote or downvote my popular questions. Some my questions receive low vie...

@Geobits The italics in that answer are killing me. Every single sentence reads in an annoying voice, where your voice goes up near the end. It just doesn't flow.
@Rusher I was in an interesting mood that day. Not much point in going back and editing it out, though.
Can room owners kick other users from a public room?
No, only mods
@Doorknob Can you kick a user out of a room I created?
You'll know as soon as you start reading which user I am talking about. He's not being constructive. chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/15032/…
For future reference, use "other" flags to alert moderators to a situation in chat
I thought you would be more understanding than most.
... any context for this? What is EDH and WotC?
Just read what MikeCon has been saying. He pulled a quote that I never said. He said something like "Let me process this and get back to you."
Then asked me to get out of the room I just created.
EDH = elder dragon highlander, a mtg format also known as commander
wotc = wizards of the coast, the owners of magic the gathering
@Rusher As an alternative, you can make your room a gallery room and only allow specific users to talk.
As far as I can see, the user is just trying to contribute to the discussion (albeit slightly rudely), and not intentionally trolling or being nonconstructive.
If you feel that he isn't intentionally trolling then I respect that.
(there is no else to that if)
@Rusher if you have 1k reputation you can make the room a Gallery, which only allows specific users to talk.
So I heard.
Does anyone have opinions on which is a better first introduction to programming? I'm mainly considering either Scratch or Squeakland, and it's for a 7 year old.
I've looked over the intros to both, but it's hard to see how it would look with "fresh" eyes.
@Geobits I started with Scratch back in '08. You learn quickly from it but people tend to stay there longer than they should, because of the community being so nice and there being little incentive/help to learn a "real" language
never heard of squeakland
It's also called "eToys", but it's similar to Scratch on first glance. Draw stuff, add logic, based on smalltalk, etc.
@Geobits Meh. I'd suggest you get them introduced to the whole determinism and logical thing with Scratch and then move on to something like Clojure/Rust ASAP (visual programming is a deadly trap if you stay too long)
object-orientedness in these things is severely limited, and types aren't mentioned anywhere
Am I interpreting this answer correctly? My undertsanding is that if I wrote a bot that returned to view a page every 15.1 minutes, it would add a view to the question.
I could just hand him this book and have him go to town. That's what worked for me, but it might be sliiiightly dated :)
@Geobits "get things done" books take a lot of patience to do, making somebody else's game isn't fun at all
it'd work if you're genuinely interested as it immediately introduces good practice and correct use of the language's functionality but it isn't very engaging
Oh, I agree. Typing crap in wasn't the fun part. Changing the variables around to see what happened was. I probably would not use that book today, but it's all I had then.
@Rusher It looks that way. I guess you could get badges out of it, but meh. Not much point in actively monitoring it IMO.
i like "from the ground up" approaches more, start with registers and explain all the hardware and then immediately tell them to ignore it but remember it and to consider how it all works in the larger abstraction system, that's what I would have done, but Google wasn't being very specific
lisps (especially concurrent lisps) sound like a nice entry point in retrospect
For an older kid, I could see that. I don't know how well my son would follow a talk about registers at this point.
Lispy stuff sounds like a good choice, though.
I don't remember anything from before Scratch (like at all) and I don't hang around kids, so I do overestimate a bit ;3
@Geobits Not after badges. Trying to help this guy understand site mechanics.
All I remember is being super-scared of Python because I had to worry about syntax! ooohhhh.
Haha, scared of python. Nice.
I wish Python IDEs would auto decrease indent by default. Tapping space space space is much easier than typing backspace backspace backspace.
when you use visual languages, it's reeeally hard to get comfortable with text because it feels fragile.
@Rusher I figured that's what it was for, just saying that it makes sense they don't keep a full list of visited IP's for every single question.
@Rusher I use tabs and just run a replace all on the tabs to spaces when I'm done, much more convenient to only have to press backspace once and tab once
The only "visual language" I ever used much was VB6, but only for simple forms and such. It felt so weird after having to do everything by hand.
And it's not even really in the same league as Scratch visual-wise.
my advice: when you get into text programming, use a lisp, and use a good ide to do the parentheses/newline indenting and stuff for you
it's not as uncomfortable because making syntactical errors is shielded by the system (just like in visual languages)
why am i giving advice that nobody is asking for on a site full of programming veterans
Well, I did start by asking about programming for kids, and it seems like a logical step from there.
I'll see how he does with the kid's stuff and move him into something else when he shows interest in it :)
i'm planning on learning clojure and scala myself, i have to get used to different kinds of paradigms
@Geobits I don't know if you have the budget, but you could try getting a Mindstorms set.
That's probably a good idea. He does like legos. I haven't ever used MindStorms, is it a better introduction to robotics or programming, or does it work well for both?
It works well for both (it was my first real introduction to programming back when I was 11 or so)
I may have to look into that. Thanks!
@Geobits Bit late here. I have the Fischertechnik electronics set, it lets you program via a flowchart. Quite nice.
More expensive than Mindstorms afaik, definitely more useful though
@Quincunx Ha!
(When he's ready for it ;)
i made an electronic highway toll with optical sensing and an attached (had to get hacky for that) python program to track balances
@Quincunx Congrats!
unfortunately you had to identify yourself with the laptop and it had no verification but the point remains
Well, I've got time. He stays with his mom during the summer school break, so I've got a while to take a look at the options.
1 hour later…
Congratulations to our newest 10k member, @Quincunx! :D
/me is only 2/3 way through :(
By the way, I see @Timtech is recently active again, did he ever leave any comment on his made up language?
@mniip He's always been active, just more "behind-the-scenes" in review queues and whatnot
Also, have you really only been active on PPCG at the beginning of this year? For some reason it feels like you're been around much longer than that :P
I have
according to my profile I registered November 15th, 2013
@mniip I'm 15% through :D
(@mniip That also means that it can be predicted that you'll have 10k by the beginning of September!)
Also, I measure "activity" by how often do I hit their comments/posts
I counted it wrong
@Synthetica I'm almost 18% of the way there & I've been here since Dec 2013
February 11th, 2013, it is
i'm 6% of the way there
My first post, however, was in march
@KyleKanos Do note that about 25% of my rep is from a single post ;)
/me builds fancy graphs
@Synthetica I have about half of mine from a single post
so I've been shunned on IRC, apparently you can't have an opinion like you can on Reddit :I
/me aborts fancy graphs then
@Doorknob That's soooo awesome
shunned? what a <...> network would that be, that gives out shuns
Mine is pretty fancy too. :D
I'm about 400 points from being on the first page of All-time users on Physics.SE
You can see my SO rep plateau as I start participating on PPCG and Puzzling more. :P
that spike
@Doorknob I have a SO plateau because I just stopped contributing
@Trimsty No overall change from Mar. 6 to Mar. 11, but there was a fancy spike :P
I was only good for Fortran questions and the Fortran questioners sucked (e.g., bad Q's and no accepts)
@Doorknob yup
I basically insulted the guy on my best answer. I felt a little bad about that
I am very not proud that my best answer was on a really simple question. :P
I also didn't really like some of the attitudes I saw on SO. The niche site users are infinitely better (even though there's like large cross-overs between them)
I used to like my best answer more, but now it's second best. A "simple question" answer has been creeping up in passive rep over the last few months.
my best answer is about not understanding haskell :(
my second best answer is about not understanding perl
Well my favorite one is absolutely non-useful, so I guess it's not bad (for the site) that it's not my highest-voted one any more. I still like it better. My highest voted might be more useful, but it basically boils down to "try uninstalling it" :)
My best answer is in piss-poor python: a 5-liner that could've been a oneliner: stackoverflow.com/questions/19365008/…
I just hit the under-100 mark on the fib quine problem :DDD
A: Fibonacci program lengths

TrimstyPython 3 - 128 130 118 94 g="%(repr(s),b,a+b);print o+(b-len(o))*'#'";s,a,b="s,a,b=%s,%i,%i;o=s%"+g,89,144;exec("o=s"+g) My perfect character count is gone. ;_; Thanks to TheRare for pointing out the newline thing and Quincunx for suggesting I use Python 2, shaving off 2 chars. EDIT: Now just...

(I'm not very active on SO)
SO is hard to be active on
You can only laugh, and more often, cry, at the code posted there
I used to be really active on SO... then I found meta. Then I found PPCG.
I can't be arsed to be active on PPCG meta .-.
No, I meant meta.so. My active streak there was fun while it lasted.
Just curious, does anyone play ingress? :>
I do know someone who is quite active in Ingress
I wonder, will Karnaugh mapping make a good
There's been a question about that, but it was restricted to 4 variables, and required ascii-drawing a circuit
@mniip Karnaugh mapping is a solution to a challenge, not a challenge.
If you can generate a challenge that encourages users to use Karnaugh maps to solve it, you may have something
Most challenges I see that are geared towards forcing users to solve it the way the author wants it to be solved are not very good.
@Rusher no, the other way around. The challenge is to karnaugh-map a binary function
Why would anyone want to karnaugh map a binary function? This is a trick question, because the answer is "To solve problem X."
The problem is the challenge. Karnaugh maps are a solution to a problem.
Code-golf challenges are not geared towards great solutions like Karnaugh maps. You'll have to write a spec that makes them want to solve it that way.
@Rusher You are not getting it. Creating a karnaugh map is the task
@mniip What do you consider a Karnaugh map to be?
If we have a function defined as a mapping from a tuple of booleans, to a boolean
a Karnaugh mapping would be simplification of the definition to a logical expression
I get the impression that Rusher has the same understanding as me of what a Karnaugh map is: a way of presenting a Boolean function which is useful for humans to express the function compactly by hand.
The problem is "Give a minimal expression which is equivalent to this function", and Karnaugh maps are probably not the best way to do that if you're doing it by computer rather than by hand.
I thought Karnaugh-mapping covers the whole process, not just rendering a human-solvable grid
Stumbled across this in Lambda the Ultimate that might interest some here: 2014 APL Programming Competition is Open
> Dyalog Ltd invites students worldwide to put their programming and problem-solving skills to the test by using any APL system to develop solutions to ten questions and solve a series of problems. This is a contest for people who love a challenge and learning new things for fun, with the added bonus that you can win one of 43 cash prizes totalling $8,500, including a grand prize of $2,500 and a trip to Eastbourne in the U.K. to attend the annual Dyalog Ltd user meeting in September 2014.
@Doorknob Your's is fancy! Nah. This is much fancier. Note the steepest slope. It's really easy to earn rep here on codegolf.
Also, I've found that the rep comes really fast every now and then, when I give (multiple/extraordinarily) good answers to questions that explode.
Take a look at the sites for my top answers (and questions, but the answers are more obvious): stackexchange.com/users/2136544/quincunx?tab=top. See any patterns?
@Geobits The first "programming" I ever did was in Basic out of a book similar to that. I was pretty young and didn't own my own computer yet, and wasn't allowed to use it as much as I wanted to. When I got the book from the library I didn't want to waste all my allotted time on it, so I just wrote the code in my head.
It was probably full of bugs and wouldn't even compile, but at the very least the concepts were there.
Or you could give the kid a TI89 calculator and have him figure out how to write programs by sending him on frequent, long, boring train trips (similar to how I learned TI89 Basic, but I learned programming before then)
I programmed Blackjack on my TI-89 before I knew how to program
I even drew the cards pixel by pixel and stored them as pictures in one of the 255 memory slots we were given.
I didn't know what a loop was, and so I made it loop by having two copies of the game. When one copy finished, it would call the other copy.
If you give a kid a TI-89 Titanium Calculator,

He's going to look for the programming app.

When he finds the programming app,

He'll probably start playing around with it.

When he finishes, he'll be yearning for more.

Then he'll find Programming Puzzles and Code Golf
and wonder at fascination at the many languages.

When he looks on Programming Puzzles and Code Golf,

He'll realize that he wants to learn more languages.

So he'll probably look for online tutorials.

When he's finished learning one language,
Now for sale at your nearest bookstore: @Quincunx: The Novel
Not really my story though. So: based on a real story.

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