Would a challenge to the effect of "create an assignment that sounds pointlessly onerous" be an acceptable question?
I'm endlessly fascinated/disgusted by questions on SO that are like "do X, but without Y (loops, conditionals, static variables)", which I assume must come from insane CS professors
I wonder if you could make some kind of game out of it, where you have answers with silly restrictions and other people write code that meets the restrictions? That could be fun but I can't think of a way to make it work in the SE format, and it still has the same problem as the original where the answers don't actually have code in them.
Currently, all tips questions on the main site are Community Wiki. Furthermore, there are not many other non-challenge questions on the main site. These types of questions are generally supressed on PPCG.
This should change.
The first point I'm going to attack is the fact that tips questions ar...
@Rusher I'm not sure if it needs to be said, but: If my pack is in the lead when your bounty expires, I don't want it. It's crushing the current competition, and I just want to make sure that my CW answer doesn't end up with a +200 bounty attached. Give it to whoever's next in line at the expiration.
I'm hoping I can scrape some time to write a submission soon, @Geobits. Life/work suddenly got busy to the Nth, and I suddenly had no golfing time. Still don't. But maybe over the week/into the weekend I'll have some time. Your challenge is awesome!
@ProgrammerDan Lol, your absence was noted. Do it whenever you have free time. The current bounty expires in a few days, but I'm not closing it down or anything.
Yeah, bounty chasing is fun and all but I'm cool without it. I'd love to actually have a best solution though :P. Glad to hear you're not closing the challenge down any time too soon, that would be a damn shame.
Nah, I don't see the point in closing it down. If someone decides to post an answer next year sometime, I'd probably run another one on the spot out of curiosity.
I will wait for a suitable amount of time before marking an accepted answer, though.
( or at least until something beats the CW pack :p )
So, king-of-the-hill is unique in that some people cannot test all of the submissions given, as they need to have all of the environments installed that users submit.
We should make a place to become an "official" tester for KOTH challenges. To be a tester, one should be able to run a certain li...
Well, I got that from seeing your earlier chat, but I'm still not sure what exactly your program does. I assume it's some sort of web host that can run KotH, but how does it work, how do we plugin challenges, etc. Without knowing more specifics, it's hard to say what you'd want in a UI. Maybe a meta post outlining how it works/interfaces would be the best way to get good feedback?
Hmm. Is there the ability to do multi-run batches? For example, my current test program is run ten times to get a winner. I have a shell script doing it right now so I don't have to manually invoke it ten times.
Or could the script be uploaded as part of the tester program?
This is pretty simple. Write an interpreter for any language in any language.
Shortest one wins.
No "blank interpreters". (like )
No interpreters for joke languages. (e.g. HQ9+ and HQ9++)
I always feel like I'm being a prick when I explain why someone's question isn't a good feel for the site.
Like, dammit, this person discovered this site, tried to participate, and got downvoted immediately and was told why their question was terrible in like 3 minutes
That can't be a nice feeling
It has to be done I guess, and on one hand I feel good that I'm actively working to improve the quality of the site at least a bit
@Rusher Yep, I'm our Unofficial Designated CG/CR War Spy of Stealthy Spying, Other Spying On CR Related Things, and Many Generic Actions Related to War
@undergroundmonorail Example? Typically this is just "look, a site! I'm going to post some random thing on it without bothering to read anything about them or find out even the most basic of rules! wheee"
Use using only standard libraries of the programming, write the program to do the following:
Program's input are a text file and an arbitrary positive integer n.
Program returns nth letter from a text file if it exists, else outputs nothing.
If a text file demo contains the string "3.141...
as far as i was aware the joke went as deep as "you can get a cool hinge for your door that lets it open in both directions. that door would presumably have a handle on it"
If I give you a set of points like (X, Y) and give you a bullet that has a diameter of 2 centimeters, where would you fire the bullet in order to hit the most points?
@Geobits On a plane with real numbers? That's impossible. n would be incredibly large...
For example, if I put points at (0,0) and (0,1) do you have any idea how long it would take you to brute force your way to figuring out that (0, 0.5) is the place to shoot?
Odds are, unless there are literally millions of points to check, it won't matter if you're off by a certain amount. At a certain threshold, you'll be hitting the same amount of points if you move by 0.001, etc.
Oh... I forgot about the tolerance of clustering algorithms
Scrap that then. Any submission that solved it perfectly would run forever, and I don't want to play judge of which golfed answer was accurate "enough"
Depends on how interesting it is, really. If it's going to take more than 30 minutes or so, it would have to be something I'm really interested in doing, or something that just "caught my eye" for some reason or another.
I don't know that I consider the time it would take (much) before jumping in.