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Really interesting answer on a certain post on MM: The idea that Q&A doesn't really work well for meta sites:
A: What can be cut away, and why?

VLAZQ&A on metas I feel the Q&A format is just inherently bad for meta sites. I also want to say that Q&A does not need to be completely gone, but metas can at least be diversified with the type of content. Or maybe we throw out Q&A and adopt another model. In general, Q&A seems antithetical to metas...

6 hours later…
15 seconds
@Simd Any way you can, at least for testing, copy the files to local? When you know it works you can upload it again
2 hours later…
@mousetail it's a good question!
3 hours later…
@qwr presumably this is trivial because most utf-8 parsing libraries have an isvalid() method. feel free to submit the challenge anyway to the sandbox, though i suspect this is either too easy or way too hard
2 hours later…
I wonder if the answer to my challenge is..."no"
@Simd i mean numpy is basically part of the standard library nowadays, it'd be weird to not have it as optimized as possible
the only way i can see someone beating it is by hyper-optimizing for the use-case
Q: Snakes on a 2xN grid

noodle personA snake is defined as a path around a two dimensional grid which touches each square exactly once by repeatedly moving one up/down/left/right, starting at the square (0, 0). Below is an example of one snake of a 3x4 grid: 0 1 2 3 7 6 5 4 8 9 10 11 For any positive integer N, there are N s...

1 hour later…
A: Snakes on a 2xN grid

Ajax1234Python3, 184 bytes def f(n): q=[(0,0,[(0,0)])] for x,y,p in q: if len(p)==2*n:yield p;continue q+=[(*T,p+[T])for X,Y in[(0,1),(0,-1),(1,0),(-1,0)]if 0<=x+X<2 and 0<=y+Y<n and(T:=(x+X,y+Y))not in p] Try it online!

This answer outputs the coordinates of each square in order, rather than giving the grid with the indices. It wasn't my intended format, but I suppose there's no harm in allowing it -- thoughts?
Welcome to APL Monday. Do you have any idea…
What does the following *monadic Boolean function determine when given a Boolean vector argument?
@Adám That's an or-reduction, right?
But the point here is to express what such an or-reduction determines.
I know what it does, is this like a don't post spoilers thing? Lol
I'm used to using maximum and minimum reductions in Uiua, though, since it doesn't have logical or/and.
Well, it does now have an experimental GCD function which uses the glyph of logical or, because its reduction identity is zero, whereas the reduction identity of maximum is ¯∞. (Likewise multiplication is sometimes used as and-reduction since it's reduction identity is 1 rather than +∞)
@Themoonisacheese I am not sure. Often they don't use the absolutely fastest libraries
@Themoonisacheese there are many challenges that have builtins. obviously they are discouraged. I believe the actual code needed can simply be a state machine on the byte string.
@noodleperson Not really. Don't take it too seriously.
@qwr i mean yes, realistically you just have to test if each byte is or isn't correct according to some parameters but actually encoding these parameters in a way that is golfy is the very hard part
@Adám love the puns
@Themoonisacheese it should not be too difficult. I am only checking if the codepoint encoding is valid, not if it is mapped to anything.
ah well in that case yeah
to me valid utf-8 must be mapped to an actual code point
technically all the code points are "valid", just some are unused currently
@RubenVerg Hmm, what part of it is a pun?
in a few years some codepoints may be filled with babylonian scripts or something
The Cypro-Minoan syllabary (CM), more commonly called the Cypro-Minoan Script, is an undeciphered syllabary used on the island of Cyprus and at its trading partners during the late Bronze Age and early Iron Age (c. 1550–1050 BC). The term "Cypro-Minoan" was coined by Arthur Evans in 1909 based on its visual similarity to Linear A on Minoan Crete, from which CM is thought to be derived. Approximately 250 objects—such as clay balls, cylinders, and tablets which bear Cypro-Minoan inscriptions, have been found. Discoveries have been made at various sites around Cyprus, as well as in the ancient city...
i mean yeah i guess
3 hours later…
Gotta love JavaScript. An event handler I'm writing stopped working; part of the function would run, and part of it wouldn't. The culprit: referring to a variable that wasn't in scope. You would think that that would cause some kind of error message in the console, but nope. Just fails silently.
Almost as bad as Prolog saying no. to everything.
@Adám this ones easy (unless theres a catch). true if any boolean in the vector is true, aka any
(also im back yall)
@Seggan yup
1 hour later…
@lyxal A Big Bird and a Frog? Surprised no-one's made a Muppets joke yet
I think that if we call bigbird bigbird we should use Frog's proper name and call him Kermit! (Apologies in advance if Frog is female.) Can we hire Snuffleupagus next? — Sinc Feb 13 at 14:11
@noodleperson do you have any idea
I think there's always puns, though some land better than others
this one is kinda good
okay not always
last pun was 4 weeks ago
> This one might have you cornered
for checking if a numeric matrix is triangular
> Just another mediocre train
found the average of a vector
> Try your hand on this unique train
checked whether an array had all unique cells
(and, it uses Nub Sieve!)
actually it seems all the old ones have puns and it's only the last few that didnt
the one from Nov 11 is weird, "collection of boolean vectors (as rows in a matrix)" is a weird way to say "boolean matrix"
@RubenVerg Ah

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